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Verze z 22. 9. 2024, 21:19, kterou vytvořil Locklearstilling6313 (diskuse | příspěvky) (Založena nová stránka s textem „One of the most discussed topics in the urology provider's office is that of the male penile erection. Moreover, this is also a frequent basis for consulta…“)
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One of the most discussed topics in the urology provider's office is that of the male penile erection. Moreover, this is also a frequent basis for consultation by primary care practitioners. As such, it is essential that urologists are familiar with the various means by which the male erection may be evaluated.

This article describes several techniques presently available that may serve to objectively quantify the rigidity and hardness of the male erection. These techniques are meant to bolster information gathered from the patient interview and physical examination to better guide patient management.

An extensive literature review was performed examining publications in PubMed on this subject, including corresponding contextual literature.

While validated patient questionnaires have been routinely employed, the urologist has many additional means available to uncover the extent of the patient's pathology. Many of these tools are noninvasive techniques that involve virtually no risk to the patient andHardness. Sex Med Rev 2022;10648-659.

The term "paedophilia erotica" was first coined in 1886 by the psychiatrist Krafft-Ebing and it was considered a "psycho-sexual perversion." It was at the beginning of the twentieth century that the term "pedophilia" was adopted and it started to appear in medical dictionaries. Sexual abuse is legally defined as the engagement in sexual contact with a person below a specified age or who is incapable of giving consent. Both, pedophilia and child sexual abuse (CSA) are worldwide phenomena requiring deep scientific knowledge in order to improve prevention strategies. Individuals' misconceptions of pedophilia and CSA may legitimize sexual violence, which can influence prevention strategies and policies.

This review aimed to summarize existing research to help answer the question "What are laypeople´s myths regarding pedophilia and CSA?"

This systematic review followed the guidelines of Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses to identify as many relevant articles as possible. A lit´s Myths Regarding Pedophilia and Child Sexual Abuse A Systematic Review. Sex Med Rev 2022;10596-619.

Findings suggested that laypeople's perceptions should be taken into account when devising prevention policies. selleckchem Additionally, perceptions should also be a target of prevention since there is evidence of social stigma and prejudice involving individuals with pedophilia. Such phenomena can contribute to social, emotional, and cognitive problems, among said individuals as well as causing these individuals to exhibit a higher risk for abusive behavior and less help-seeking. Glina F, Barroso R, Cardoso D, et al. Lay People´s Myths Regarding Pedophilia and Child Sexual Abuse A Systematic Review. Sex Med Rev 2022;10596-619.

Sexual violence (SV) has been a prevalent issue on college campuses for decades. Researchers, universities, and legislators have tried to understand and prevent it. Despite these efforts, 25% of female and 6% of male undergraduate students will experience a nonconsensual sexual experience (NSE) as a student. An immense amount of research has been conducted on the prevalence, effects, resources for, and outcomes of SV over the last few decades.

The current paper aims to compile and summarize the extant literature on undergraduate student disclosures of sexual violence. The objective is to provide a comprehensive review of the research.

A literature search was performed using the terms sexual violence, NSE, undergraduate students, informal and formal reporting, and disclosure.

Disclosure patterns and outcomes for survivors vary widely based on individual factors including type of disclosure source (ie, informal or formal reporting), disclosure recipient response, previous history of NSEs, and personal ilence. Sex Med Rev 2022;10543-553.

The individualized response and decision to report SV has made prevention and the creation of effective resources difficult. As there are so many individual factors to consider when evaluating how or whether a NSE will be disclosed, future research should consider these individual differences and use them to create more effective reporting sources and resources. Sears-Greer MA, Friehart BK, Meston CM. A Review of Undergraduate Student Disclosures of Sexual Violence. Sex Med Rev 2022;10543-553.

The COVID-19 pandemic impacted profoundly on the wellbeing and social interactions of the world population, and all dimensions of sexual health were potentially affected by globally implemented preventive measures.

The scoping review aimed to compile existing research investigating possible effects of COVID-19 lockdowns on adult sexual health, that is, sexual behavior, functioning, and satisfaction. Further, studies on the interplay between mental health and sexual well-being during the pandemic were reviewed.

The review was conducted in accordance with guidelines established by the Joanna Briggs Institute and the Extension for Scoping Reviews (PRISMA-ScR) Checklist. On October 11-12, 2021, PubMed, Embase, PsycInfo, Cinahl, Cochrane, Sociological Abstracts and Scopus were systematically searched for relevant peer-reviewed papers employing quantitative methodology. Additionally, unpublished ("grey") research studies on the subject were retrieved. The screening, data extraction, and analysis of evidence wDuring COVID-19 A Scoping Review. Sex Med Rev 2022;10714-753.

The scoping review revealed a broad range of COVID-19-related effects on sexual health, including an overall decline in partnered sex and a concurrent increase in solo sex activities. It also emphasized a need for future research to shed light on possible long-term consequences of the pandemic in various population groups and on all aspects of sexual health. Toldam NE, Graugaard C, Meyer R, et al. Sexual Health During COVID-19 A Scoping Review. Sex Med Rev 2022;10714-753.

Many transgender individuals seeking healthcare have had at least one negative experience related to being transgender. As a result, transgender patients may forego seeking healthcare treatment atall, leading to adverse long-term health outcomes. With barriers to care and oftentimes suboptimal care provided to transgender individuals, TranZap, in collaboration with the PROUD Gender Center of NJ, was commenced.

To provide a review on the current transgender resources to finding healthcare, and the impetus behind creating a transgender health app to streamline this process. The vision of this app, TranZap, is to empower transgender individuals who are seeking healthcare such that they are better educated and knowledgeable regarding available healthcare providers.

With no data available from usual sources, such as Google Scholar, social media, as well as input from the transgender community through social media and word of mouth was utilized to identify the current resources for transgender patients seekin. Chiang T, Bachmann GA. The TranZap A Transgender Resource for Identifying Gender-Affirming Providers. Sex Med Rev 2022;10632-635.

Seeking gender-affirming healthcare providers is a strenuous task filled with uncertainty and few reliable resources. Resources that provide the input of transgender individuals on their experiences with healthcare providers is one step in addressing this issue. Resources, such as TranZap, must be developed to close the gaps in access to healthcare by providing a platform for transgender patients to share experiences about healthcare providers in the hopes that those using the app will be able to find a welcoming gender-affirming provider. Chiang T, Bachmann GA. The TranZap A Transgender Resource for Identifying Gender-Affirming Providers. Sex Med Rev 2022;10632-635.Higher-risk myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) carry a dismal prognosis with rapid disease progression, disease-related complications that impact quality of life, high risk of transformation to acute myeloid leukemia (AML), and poor long-term survival. Higher-risk disease is determined by a number of factors including the depth and type of cytopenias, percentage of myeloblasts occupying the bone marrow, cytogenetic abnormalities, and increasingly also by the presence of higher-risk molecular alterations. In addition to disease characteristics, a patient's performance status and degree of co-morbidity strongly influence treatment decisions and clinical outcomes. A critical first step in the management of patients with higher-risk MDS is evaluating eligibility for allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplant (HCT), which currently remains the only curative therapy, and is available to an ever-increasing number of patients. Outside of stem cell transplant, treatment with hypomethylating agent chemotherapy, azacitidine or decitabine, remains the cornerstone of therapy with improvements in overall survival and reduced transformation to AML; however, these approaches are palliative in nature and outcomes remain very poor overall. With a deepening understanding of disease pathophysiology has come a burgeoning array of novel targeted therapies that are currently in pre-clinical and early phase clinical trials offering hope for new treatment options for this malignancy.

Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OSCC) is conventionally treated by surgical resection, and positive surgical margins strongly increase local recurrence and decrease survival. This study aimed to evaluate whether a Three-Dimensional Segmentation (3DS) image of OSCC confers advantage over Multiplanar Reconstruction (MPR) of OSCC using images of computed tomography scan in surgical planning of tumor resection.

Twenty-six patients with locally advanced OSCC had tumor morphology and dimensions evaluated by MPR images, 3DS images, and Surgical Pathology Specimen (SPS) analyses (gold standard). OSCC resection was performed with curative intent using only MPR images.

OSCC morphology was more accurately assessed by 3DS than by MPR images. Similar OSCC volumes and dimensions were obtained when MPR images, 3DS images and SPS measurements were considered. Nevertheless, there was a strong correlation between the OSCC longest axis measured by 3DS and SPS analyses (ICC = 0.82; 95% CI 0.59‒0.92), whereas only a moderate correlation was observed between the longest axis of OSCC measured by MPR images and SPS analyses (ICC = 0.51; 95% CI 0.09‒0.78). Taking only SPS with positive margins into account, MPR images and 3DS images underestimated the tumor's longest axis in eight out of 11 (72.7%) and 5 out of the 11 (45.5%) cases, respectively.

Our data present preliminary evidence that 3DS model represents a useful tool for surgical planning of OSCC resection, but confirmation in a larger cohort of patients is required.

Laboratory study.

Laboratory study.

Many cancer survivors report cognitive problems following diagnosis and treatment. However, the clinical significance of patient-reported cognitive symptoms early in survivorship can be unclear. We used a machine learning approach to determine the association of persistent self-reported cognitive symptoms two years after diagnosis and neurocognitive test performance in a prospective cohort of older breast cancer survivors.

We enrolled breast cancer survivors with non-metastatic disease (n=435) and age- and education-matched non-cancer controls (n=441) between August 2010 and December 2017 and followed until January 2020; we excluded women with neurological disease and all women passed a cognitive screen at enrollment. Women completed the FACT-Cog Perceived Cognitive Impairment (PCI) scale and neurocognitive tests of attention, processing speed, executive function, learning, memory and visuospatial ability, and timed activities of daily living assessments at enrollment (pre-systemic treatment) and annually to 24months, for a total of 59 individual neurocognitive measures.

Autoři článku: Locklearstilling6313 (Holck Cooke)