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Verze z 22. 9. 2024, 17:39, kterou vytvořil Savagemcdonald2901 (diskuse | příspěvky) (Založena nová stránka s textem „This article addresses the distributed consensus problem for identical continuous-time positive linear systems with state-feedback control. Existing works…“)
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This article addresses the distributed consensus problem for identical continuous-time positive linear systems with state-feedback control. Existing works of such a problem mainly focus on the case where the networked communication topologies are of either undirected and incomplete graphs or strongly connected directed graphs. On the other hand, in this work, the communication topologies of the networked system are described by directed graphs each containing a spanning tree, which is a more general and new scenario due to the interplay between the eigenvalues of the Laplacian matrix and the controller gains. Specifically, the problem involves complex eigenvalues, the Hurwitzness of complex matrices, and positivity constraints, which make analysis difficult in the Laplacian matrix. First, a necessary and sufficient condition for the consensus analysis of directed networked systems with positivity constraints is given, by using positive systems theory and graph theory. Unlike the general Riccati design methods that involve solving an algebraic Riccati equation (ARE), a condition represented by an algebraic Riccati inequality (ARI) is obtained for the existence of a solution. Pirfenidone mw Subsequently, an equivalent condition, which corresponds to the consensus design condition, is derived, and a semidefinite programming algorithm is developed. It is shown that, when a protocol is solved by the algorithm for the networked system on a specific communication graph, there exists a set of graphs such that the positive consensus problem can be solved as well.Feature selection aims to select strongly relevant features and discard the rest. Recently, embedded feature selection methods, which incorporate feature weights learning into the training process of a classifier, have attracted much attention. However, traditional embedded methods merely focus on the combinatorial optimality of all selected features. They sometimes select the weakly relevant features with satisfactory combination abilities and leave out some strongly relevant features, thereby degrading the generalization performance. link2 To address this issue, we propose a novel embedded framework for feature selection, termed feature selection boosted by unselected features (FSBUF). Specifically, we introduce an extra classifier for unselected features into the traditional embedded model and jointly learn the feature weights to maximize the classification loss of unselected features. As a result, the extra classifier recycles the unselected strongly relevant features to replace the weakly relevant features in the selected feature subset. Our final objective can be formulated as a minimax optimization problem, and we design an effective gradient-based algorithm to solve it. Furthermore, we theoretically prove that the proposed FSBUF is able to improve the generalization ability of traditional embedded feature selection methods. Extensive experiments on synthetic and real-world data sets exhibit the comprehensibility and superior performance of FSBUF.MixUp is an effective data augmentation method to regularize deep neural networks via random linear interpolations between pairs of samples and their labels. It plays an important role in model regularization, semisupervised learning (SSL), and domain adaption. However, despite its empirical success, its deficiency of randomly mixing samples has poorly been studied. Since deep networks are capable of memorizing the entire data set, the corrupted samples generated by vanilla MixUp with a badly chosen interpolation policy will degrade the performance of networks. To overcome overfitting to corrupted samples, inspired by metalearning (learning to learn), we propose a novel technique of learning to a mixup in this work, namely, MetaMixUp. Unlike the vanilla MixUp that samples interpolation policy from a predefined distribution, this article introduces a metalearning-based online optimization approach to dynamically learn the interpolation policy in a data-adaptive way (learning to learn better). The validation set performance via metalearning captures the noisy degree, which provides optimal directions for interpolation policy learning. Furthermore, we adapt our method for pseudolabel-based SSL along with a refined pseudolabeling strategy. In our experiments, our method achieves better performance than vanilla MixUp and its variants under SL configuration. In particular, extensive experiments show that our MetaMixUp adapted SSL greatly outperforms MixUp and many state-of-the-art methods on CIFAR-10 and SVHN benchmarks under the SSL configuration.The recording of biopotential signals using techniques such as electroencephalography (EEG) and electrocardiography (ECG) poses important challenges to the design of the front-end readout circuits in terms of noise, electrode DC offset cancellation and motion artifact tolerance. In this paper, we present a 2nd-order hybrid-CTDT Δ∑-∑ modulator front-end architecture that tackles these challenges by taking advantage of the over-sampling and noise-shaping characteristics of a traditional Δ∑ modulator, while employing an extra ∑-stage in the feedback loop to remove electrode DC offsets and accommodate motion artifacts. To meet the stringent noise requirements of this application, a capacitively-coupled chopper-stabilized amplifier located in the forward path of the modulator loop serves simultaneously as an input stage and an active adder. A prototype of this direct-to-digital front-end chip is fabricated in a standard 0.18-μm CMOS process and achieves a peak SNR of 105.6 dB and a dynamic range of 108.3 dB, for a maximum input range of 720 mVpp. The measured input-referred noise is 0.98 μVrms over a bandwidth of 0.5-100 Hz, and the measured CMRR is >100 dB. ECG and EEG measurements in human subjects demonstrate the capability of this architecture to acquire biopotential signals in the presence of large motion artifacts.This paper proposes to use deep reinforcement learning for the simulation of physics-based musculoskeletal models of both healthy subjects and transfemoral prostheses' users during normal level-ground walking. The deep reinforcement learning algorithm is based on the proximal policy optimization approach in combination with imitation learning to guarantee a natural walking gait while reducing the computational time of the training. Firstly, the optimization algorithm is implemented for the OpenSim model of a healthy subject and validated with experimental data from a public data-set. Afterwards, the optimization algorithm is implemented for the OpenSim model of a generic transfemoral prosthesis' user, which has been obtained by reducing the number of muscles around the knee and ankle joints and, specifically, by keeping only the uniarticular ones. The model of the transfemoral prosthesis' user shows a stable gait, with a forward dynamic comparable to the healthy subject's, yet using higher muscles' forces. Even though the computed muscles' forces could not be directly used as control inputs for muscle-like linear actuators due to their pattern, this study paves the way for using deep reinforcement learning for the design of the control architecture of transfemoral prostheses.To maintain incompressibility in SPH fluid simulations is important for visual plausibility. However, it remains an outstanding challenge to enforce incompressibility in such recent multiple-fluid simulators as the mixture-model SPH framework. To tackle this problem, we propose a novel incompressible SPH solver, where the compressibility of fluid is directly measured by the deformation gradient. By disconnecting the incompressibility of fluid from the conditions of constant density and divergence-free velocity, the new incompressible SPH solver is applicable to both single- and multiple-fluid simulations. The proposed algorithm can be readily integrated into existing incompressible SPH frameworks developed for single-fluid, and is fully parallelizable on GPU. Applied to multiple-fluid simulations, the new incompressible SPH scheme significantly improves the visual effects of the mixture-model simulation, and it also allows exploitation for artistic controlling.Image-to-image translation is to transfer images from a source domain to a target domain. Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) have enabled a variety of applications. Initial GANs typically conclude one single generator for generating a target image. Recently, using multiple generators has shown promising results in various tasks. However, generators in these works are typically of homogeneous architectures. In this paper, we argue that heterogeneous generators are complementary to each other and will benefit the generation of images. By heterogeneous, we mean that generators are of different architectures, focus on diverse positions, and perform over multiple scales. To this end, we build two generators by using a deep U-Net and a shallow residual network, respectively. The former concludes a series of down-sampling and up-sampling layers, which typically have large perception field and great spatial locality. In contrast, the residual network has small perceptual fields and works well in characterizing details, especially textures and local patterns. Afterwards, we use a gated fusion network to combine these two generators for producing a final output. link3 The gated fusion unit automatically induces heterogeneous generators to focus on different positions and complement each other. Finally, we propose a novel approach to integrate multi-level and multi-scale features in the discriminator. This multi-layer integration discriminator encourages generators to produce realistic details from coarse to fine scales. We quantitatively and qualitatively evaluate our model on various benchmark datasets. Experimental results demonstrate that our method significantly improves the quality of transferred images, across a variety of image-to-image translation tasks. We have made our code and results publicly available http// distortion has widely existed in the images captured by popular wide-angle cameras and fisheye cameras. Despite the long history of distortion rectification, accurately estimating the distortion parameters from a single distorted image is still challenging. The main reason is that these parameters are implicit to image features, influencing the networks to learn the distortion information fully. In this work, we propose a novel distortion rectification approach that can obtain more accurate parameters with higher efficiency. Our key insight is that distortion rectification can be cast as a problem of learning an ordinal distortion from a single distorted image. To solve this problem, we design a local-global associated estimation network that learns the ordinal distortion to approximate the realistic distortion distribution. In contrast to the implicit distortion parameters, the proposed ordinal distortion has a more explicit relationship with image features, and significantly boosts the distortion perception of neural networks. Considering the redundancy of distortion information, our approach only uses a patch of the distorted image for the ordinal distortion estimation, showing promising applications in efficient distortion rectification. In the distortion rectification field, we are the first to unify the heterogeneous distortion parameters into a learning-friendly intermediate representation through ordinal distortion, bridging the gap between image feature and distortion rectification. The experimental results demonstrate that our approach outperforms the state-of-the-art methods by a significant margin, with approximately 23% improvement on the quantitative evaluation while displaying the best performance on visual appearance.

Autoři článku: Savagemcdonald2901 (Worm Kelley)