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rategy to rationalize blood transfusion in TKR and overall successful care in TKR.

Buffy coat pooled platelet concentrate (BCPP) is a new blood component mainly used in Europe, which has good attributes of both random donor platelets and apheresis platelets in terms of high platelet count, leukoreduced and available in emergency. We planned this study to compare quality parameters and biochemical activation markers among buffy coat pooled platelets and apheresis platelet concentrate (AP-PC) to establish the quality and safety of this new blood component during storage.

Three different preparations of BCPP were prepared Nonleukoreduced (BCPP Part A), leukoreduced (BCPP Part B), and leukoreduced with platelet additive solution (PAS) (BCPP Part C) using a pool of 15 ABO-matched, nonreactive buffy-coats in each experiment to avoid any donor-related variations. Ten such experiments were done. Each BCPP was equivalent to 5 buffy coat units. ML351 cell line Ten apheresis platelets were taken as control. Serial samplings were done on day 0, 3, and 5 of collection and were assessed for volume, platelet count, wesource-constraint setting.

Buffy coat pooled platelet has comparable and even better-quality control parameters (especially leukofiltered with PAS) than conventional platelet preparation and is a good alternative for meeting platelet transfusion requirements of critical patients during emergency hours in resource-constraint setting.

Although coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) pandemic does not result in increased blood needs, blood supply can be considerably compromised due to the unavailability of blood donors. The objective was to share our experience about blood donation patterns and concerns on blood safety during COVID-19 pandemic in India.

This was a retrospective study of approximately 4.5 months of data including both lockdown period (LD) and LD phases. LD phase was further subdivided into four phases of varying durations. Data of blood collected and various reasons for deferral of prospective donors were analyzed. The effectiveness of mitigation strategies adopted to maintain adequate blood inventory was also assessed. Events in transfusion services during the LD were compared with the pre-LD (P-LD) phase.

The mean collection per day for WB and SDP was reduced by 70% and 50%, respectively, compared to pre-LD. Approximately 23% of WB and 27% of SDPs were collected on an appointment basis during LD. The proportion of indoor voluntary blood donation was increased by 7-8 times during LD compared to P-LD. Approximately 2% of total prospective donors screened were deferred after thermal scanning and due to risk of being infected with COVID-19. Donor deferrals due to high-risk behavior increased significantly in the LD phase compared to P-LD period.

COVID-19 pandemic has a significant impact on the pattern of blood donation and blood safety. Transfusion services must develop appropriate plans to respond efficiently to various challenges posed by such pandemics.

COVID-19 pandemic has a significant impact on the pattern of blood donation and blood safety. Transfusion services must develop appropriate plans to respond efficiently to various challenges posed by such pandemics.A lot of comorbidities exist in patients with dependence on alcohol, psychoactive, or other substances. Many times, their comorbidities go undiagnosed or neglected due to the stigma prevalent with dependence. A 22-year-old person with alcohol dependence who was detected to have a parietal lobe space-occupying lesion which proved to be a tuberculoma is reported.A 25-year-old female was hospitalized subsequent to an attempt to hang herself. She was unconscious for a few minutes but responded to initial resuscitative measures. Relevant investigations, including X-ray neck, computed tomography scan brain, and electroencephalogram were normal. Physical examination was consistent with attempted hanging. On mental status examination, speech was relevant. Mood was euthymic. Attention was arousable, but concentration was impaired. Orientation to time and recent memory were impaired. Remote memory, insight, and judgment were unimpaired. Serial Mental Status Examination (MSE) revealed improvement in concentration and orientation. Due to sudden onset memory loss of less then 24 h in duration without other signs of cognitive impairment or concomitant focal neurological symptoms, she was diagnosed as a case of transient global amnesia. The pathophysiology of the condition is briefly reviewed.Wilson's disease (WD) or hepatolenticular degeneration is a rare inherited disorder of copper metabolism affecting both the liver and the central nervous system. Psychiatric manifestations may precede neurological signs in the early stages of WD, but catatonia is a rare presentation. Here, we report a case of an 18-year-old girl who presented to the psychiatry outpatient department with catatonia. She was subsequently diagnosed to have WD. Her symptoms improved on treatment with trientine, trihexyphenidyl, zinc acetate, and benzodiazepine.Clinical features of schizophrenia and cannabis-induced psychosis (CIP) share many overlapping characteristics. We present a case of Cannabis Dependence Syndrome, whose first presentation was with first-rank symptoms of schizophrenia in the form of thought insertion, withdrawal and delusion of control.Magnetic seizure therapy is a novel form of focal convulsive treatment wherein magnetic field passes through the scalp and skull without impedance. In many ways, it has the potential to be superior to electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) as the anesthesia-associated side effects and cognitive impairments are less. It also may be an alternative for those who do not opt for ECT because of the stigma associated with it.Fifty million people are affected with dementia worldwide with Alzheimer's disease (AD) accounting for 70%-80% of these cases. In India alone, 4.1 million people suffered from dementia in 2015. To date, there are no definitive treatment options for AD and the overall treatment gap in India stands at 90%. Attempts have been made to define AD biologically. This has been made possible due to advances in the identification of biomarkers that indicate the neuropathological changes responsible for AD. Identification of these biomarkers has implications for disease staging, prognostication, and identifying drug targets. Here, we summarize the advances in the field of biomarkers in AD.Memory is the process of retaining of knowledge over a period for the function of affecting future actions. It can be divided into declarative and procedural types. The process of memory consolidation is done in the hippocampus. link2 The long-term memories are spread among various areas of the cerebrum depending on the different perceptual properties. The process of long-term potentiation and molecular changes occurring during memory formation are discussed in detail below. The steps involved in memory formation include encoding, storage, and recall (retrieval) in that order. Amnesia is a phenomenon in which there is the problem in memory formation which can be due to trauma to the brain, certain diseases, or stressors. While the assessment of memory has greatly improved, we are only beginning to understand the underlying mechanisms.Emotion is a stirred-up state caused by physiological changes occurring as a response to some event and which tends to maintain or abolish the causative event. Understanding the neuroanatomical basis of the genesis and control of emotions is quintessential in understanding how biology affects the mind and in turn, helps in understanding our own nature. We present a short communication explaining the neurological basis of emotions.Complex psychological trauma is more complicated and pervasive than the isolated traumatic event, occurring mainly in vulnerable periods resulting in severe compromise of childhood development. It causes increased activation of the survival-focused brain leading to alterations in brain structure and function. It has an impact on behavioral, biological, and cognitive domains resulting in sequelae of complex trauma exposure. The assessment of complex trauma is demanding as the clinician is required to be patient, transparent, noncoercive, and corroborative in approach. link3 The management depends on a good therapist-client alliance, appropriate evidence-based treatment models and emerging pharmacotherapy for treatment as well as prevention.The mental health of the worker population has been given special focus in the last few decades, mostly due to workplace stress and its related consequences on productivity and management. The impact of poor mental health of industrial workers on their families remains largely unexplored. Families have been found to get affected due to issues related to work-family and family-work conflict. Balancing between work and family has been found to be the major source of stress in industrial workers leading to a multitude of mental health issues and substance addiction. Families play a significant role in identifying the mental health problems in their working members and also can act as a bridge between the worker and the organization/industry in facilitating mental health care. The family members play key roles in providing significant support and care to persons suffering from serious mental illness/psychological distress. The focus of holistic management of mental health issues in industrial workers should include proper psycho-education of family members and taking into consideration their mental health needs. In this brief communication, we had tried to highlight the key issues pertaining to the impact, role, and contribution of family in the mental health of industrial workers.Since decades, there is a change in concept of the gut-brain axis. There is differential increase in evidences focusing on the bidirectional communication between the gut microbiome and the brain. It supports existence of far-reaching model of "gut-brain axis." This axis is attaining more adherence to fields investigating biological and physiological footing of psychiatric, neuro-developmental, age-related, and neurodegenerative disorders. Many factors can change microbiota composition in early life as well as with the increasing age. Stress can affect the microbiota-gut-brain axis at every stages of life. Recent advances have involved the gut microbiota in many conditions including severe mental illness, autism, anxiety, obesity, Parkinson's disease, and Alzheimer's disease. The current studies target on elaborating the underlying mechanisms of microbiota-gut-brain axis and attempt to exemplify intervention and therapeutic strategies for neuropsychiatric disorders.Despite the dubious results of the nationwide lockdown in India state after state continue to clamp lockdowns indiscriminately and claim that it is a panacea for all their ills. Unverified claims abound and myths are perpetuated without any basis. It is time to take a close look at the hard data and come to logical conclusions regarding the utility of prolonged open-ended lockdowns. Unfortunately, the evidence does not support the use of prolonged lockdowns as a useful strategy to combat the COVID-19 pandemic.

Autoři článku: Svanedunlap7439 (Bork Nieves)