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Verze z 22. 9. 2024, 16:09, kterou vytvořil Midtgaardholcomb9029 (diskuse | příspěvky) (Založena nová stránka s textem „Most of the polymers used as biomaterials for scaffolds are naturally occurring, synthetic biodegradable, and synthetic non-biodegradable polymers. Since s…“)
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Most of the polymers used as biomaterials for scaffolds are naturally occurring, synthetic biodegradable, and synthetic non-biodegradable polymers. Since synthetic polymers can be adapted for obtaining singular desired characteristics by applying various fabrication techniques, their use has increased in the biomedical field, in dentistry in particular. The manufacturing methods of these new structures include many processes, such as electrospinning, 3D printing, or the use of computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM). Synthetic polymers show several drawbacks that can limit their use in clinical applications, such as the lack of cellular recognition, biodegradability, and biocompatibility. Moreover, concerning biodegradable polymers, the time for matrix resorption is not predictable, and non-resorbable matrices are preferred for soft tissue augmentation in the oral cavity. This review aimed to determine a new biomaterial to offset the present shortcomings in the oral environment. Researchers have recently proposed a novel non-resorbable composite membrane manufactured via electrospinning that has allowed obtaining remarkable in vivo outcomes concerning angiogenesis and immunomodulation throughout the polarization of macrophages. A prototype of the protocol for in vitro and in vivo experimentation with hydrogels is explained in order to encourage innovation into the development of promising biomaterials for soft tissue augmentation in the near future.Bioprinting offers the opportunity to fabricate precise 3D tumor models to study tumor pathophysiology and progression. However, the choice of the bioink used is important. In this study, cell behavior was studied in three mechanically and biologically different hydrogels (alginate, alginate dialdehyde crosslinked with gelatin (ADA-GEL), and thiol-modified hyaluronan (HA-SH crosslinked with PEGDA)) with cells from breast cancer (MDA-MB-231 and MCF-7) and melanoma (Mel Im and MV3), by analyzing survival, growth, and the amount of metabolically active, living cells via WST-8 labeling. Material characteristics were analyzed by dynamic mechanical analysis. Cell lines revealed significantly increased cell numbers in low-percentage alginate and HA-SH from day 1 to 14, while only Mel Im also revealed an increase in ADA-GEL. MCF-7 showed a preference for 1% alginate. Melanoma cells tended to proliferate better in ADA-GEL and HA-SH than mammary carcinoma cells. In 1% alginate, breast cancer cells showed equally good proliferation compared to melanoma cell lines. A smaller area was colonized in high-percentage alginate-based hydrogels. Moreover, 3% alginate was the stiffest material, and 2.5% ADA-GEL was the softest material. The other hydrogels were in the same range in between. Therefore, cellular responses were not only stiffness-dependent. With 1% alginate and HA-SH, we identified matrices that enable proliferation of all tested tumor cell lines while maintaining expected tumor heterogeneity. By adapting hydrogels, differences could be accentuated. This opens up the possibility of understanding and analyzing tumor heterogeneity by biofabrication.Rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis can be treated through specific drug injection into the intra-articular space. Several failures during drug injection attempts with conventional fluoroscopy and ultrasonography in a small area of the intra-articular space have been reported. In this work we present an innovative impedance measurement-based method/algorithm for needle tip positioning to enhance image-guided intra-articular vaccination treatment. A novel algorithm for detecting the intra-articular space in the elbow and knee joints of a live porcine model is reported. An impedance measurement system was developed for biological tissue measurement. The electrical impedance in the intra-articular space was monitored and the needle tip was examined by ultrasonography. The contrast dye was vaccinated and checked using fluoroscopy to confirm that the dye was properly inoculated in the cavity. The electrical impedance was estimated for various needle inclusion profundity levels in saline solution, which were broadly used to evaluate the proposed device for in vivo examinations. Good efficiency was observed in the impedance-based measurements using a monopolar injection needle for intra-articular therapy. To enhance the needle tip positioning for intra-articular therapy, the intended impedance measurement device with a monopolar injection needle can be used as a complement to existing modalities.The behavior of nanogels in suspension can be dramatically affected by the grafting of a canopy of end-tethered polymer chains. The architecture of the interfacial layer, defined by the grafting density and length of the polymer chains, is a crucial parameter in defining the conformation and influencing the dynamics of the grafted chains. However, the influence of this architecture when the core substrate is itself soft and mobile is complex; the dynamics of the core influences the dynamics of the tethered chains, and, conversely, the dynamics of the tethered chains can influence the dynamics of the core. Here, poly(styrene) (PS) particles were functionalized with poly(methyl acrylate) (PMA) chains and swollen in a common solvent. NMR relaxation reveals that the confinement influences the mobility of the grafted chain more prominently for densely grafted short chains. The correlation time associated with the relaxation of the PMA increased by more than 20% when the grafting density increased for short chains, but for less than 10% for long chains. This phenomenon is likely due to the steric hindrance created by the close proximity to the rigid core and of the neighboring chains. More interestingly, a thick layer of a densely grafted PMA canopy efficiently increases the local mobility of the PS cores, with a reduction of the correlation time of more than 30%. These results suggest an interplay between the dynamics of the core and the dynamics of the canopy.The COVID-19 pandemic has spread very fast around the world. A few days after the first detected case in South Africa, an infection started in a large hospital outbreak in Durban, KwaZulu-Natal (KZN). Phylogenetic analysis of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) genomes can be used to trace the path of transmission within a hospital. It can also identify the source of the outbreak and provide lessons to improve infection prevention and control strategies. This manuscript outlines the obstacles encountered in order to genotype SARS-CoV-2 in near-real time during an urgent outbreak investigation. This included problems with the length of the original genotyping protocol, unavailability of reagents, and sample degradation and storage. Despite this, three different library preparation methods for Illumina sequencing were set up, and the hands-on library preparation time was decreased from twelve to three hours, which enabled the outbreak investigation to be completed in just a few weeks. Furthermore, the new protocols increased the success rate of sequencing whole viral genomes. A simple bioinformatics workflow for the assembly of high-quality genomes in near-real time was also fine-tuned. In order to allow other laboratories to learn from our experience, all of the library preparation and bioinformatics protocols are publicly available at protocols.io and distributed to other laboratories of the Network for Genomics Surveillance in South Africa (NGS-SA) consortium.Myopia is an ophthalmic condition affecting more than 1/5th of the world population, especially children. Low-dose atropine eyedrops have been shown to limit myopia evolution during treatment. However, there are currently no commercial industrial forms available and there is little data published concerning the stability of medications prepared by compounding pharmacies. The objective of this study was to evaluate the stability of two 0.1 mg/mL atropine formulations (with and without antimicrobiobial preservatives) for 6 months in two different low-density polyethylene (LDPE) multidose eyedroppers. Analyses used were the following visual inspection, turbidity, chromaticity measurements, osmolality and pH measurements, atropine quantification by a stability-indicating liquid chromatography method, breakdown product research, and sterility assay. In an in-use study, atropine quantification was also performed on the drops emitted from the multidose eyedroppers. All tested parameters remained stable during the 6 months period, with atropine concentrations above 94.7% of initial concentration. A breakdown product (tropic acid) did increase slowly over time but remained well below usually admitted concentrations. Atropine concentrations remained stable during the in-use study. Both formulations of 0.1 mg/mL of atropine (with and without antimicrobial preservative) were proved to be physicochemically stable for 6 months at 25 °C when stored in LDPE bottles, with an identical microbial shelf-life.Pathogens can manipulate the phenotypic traits of their hosts and vectors, maximizing their own fitness. Among the phenotypic traits that can be modified, manipulating vector behavior represents one of the most fascinating facets. How pathogens infection affects behavioral traits of key insect vectors has been extensively investigated. Major examples include Plasmodium, Leishmania and Trypanosoma spp. manipulating the behavior of mosquitoes, sand flies and kissing bugs, respectively. However, research on how pathogens can modify tick behavior is patchy. This review focuses on current knowledge about the behavioral changes triggered by Anaplasma, Borrelia, Babesia, Bartonella, Rickettsia and tick-borne encephalitis virus (TBEV) infection in tick vectors, analyzing their potential adaptive significance. As a general trend, being infected by Borrelia and TBEV boosts tick mobility (both questing and walking activity). Borrelia and Anaplasma infection magnifies Ixodes desiccation resistance, triggering physiological changes (Borrelia higher fat reserves; Anaplasma synthesis of heat shock proteins). Anaplasma infection also improves cold resistance in infected ticks through synthesis of an antifreeze glycoprotein. Being infected by Anaplasma, Borrelia and Babesia leads to increased tick survival. Borrelia, Babesia and Bartonella infection facilitates blood engorgement. In the last section, current challenges for future studies are outlined.The structural properties of GeSn thin films with different Sn concentrations and thicknesses grown on Ge (001) by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) and on Ge-buffered Si (001) wafers by chemical vapor deposition (CVD) were analyzed through high resolution X-ray diffraction and cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy. learn more Two-dimensional reciprocal space maps around the asymmetric (224) reflection were collected by X-ray diffraction for both the whole structures and the GeSn epilayers. The broadenings of the features of the GeSn epilayers with different relaxations in the ω direction, along the ω-2θ direction and parallel to the surface were investigated. The dislocations were identified by transmission electron microscopy. Threading dislocations were found in MBE grown GeSn layers, but not in the CVD grown ones. The point defects and dislocations were two possible reasons for the poor optical properties in the GeSn alloys grown by MBE.

Autoři článku: Midtgaardholcomb9029 (Vind Bauer)