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Verze z 22. 9. 2024, 15:36, kterou vytvořil Michaelsenmalone0915 (diskuse | příspěvky) (Založena nová stránka s textem „However, in iron oxide coated sand, the influence of Cd2+ on the transport of SDZ was dependent on the concentration of Cd2+. At lower concentration of Cd2…“)
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However, in iron oxide coated sand, the influence of Cd2+ on the transport of SDZ was dependent on the concentration of Cd2+. At lower concentration of Cd2+ and by competition, the transport is favored. At high concentration, the transport is inhibited mainly due to the formation of ternary surface complexes. A convective-dispersive transport model was applied to simulate and interpret experimental data. Breakthrough curves fitted well with a one-site model (OSM), indicating that SDZ adsorption on the sand experiences reversible kinetic. A low level of KF values with nearly linear sorption isotherm shows high mobility of SDZ and a high potential risk of surface and groundwater contamination. However, such high mobility can be reduced by increasing the content of iron oxides in porous media.The present study evaluates the removal capacity of microalgae photobioreactors of environmental pollutants present in wastewater from the dry riverbed El Albujón, as a way to minimize the eutrophication process of the Mar Menor. Particularly, the capacity of four autochthonous microalgae consortia collected from different locations of the salty lagoon to remove emerging contaminants (simazine, atrazine, terbuthylazine, adenosine and ibuprofen), nitrates, and phosphates, was evaluated. Among the four microalgae consortia, consortium 1 was the best in terms of biomass productivity (0.11 g L-1 d-1) and specific growth rate (0.14 d-1), providing 100% removal of emerging contaminants (simazine, atrazine, terbuthylazine, adenosine and ibuprofen), and a maximal reduction and consumption of macronutrients, especially nitrates and phosphates, reaching levels below 28 mg L-1, that is, a decrease of 89.90 and 99.70% of nitrates and phosphates, respectively. this website Therefore, this consortium (Monoraphidium sp., Desmodesmus subspicatus, Nannochloris sp.) could be selected as a green filter for successful large-scale applications. This study is the first one that combines the successful removal of herbicides, ibuprofen and adenosine as emerging contaminants, and nitrate removal.Iron ore tailings (IOT) represent a major problem in the mining industry worldwide due to large volumes of waste disposed in mine sites. IOT are exposed to the environment and subjected to wind and water dispersion, even under non-catastrophic scenarios as dam collapses, and the effects of these particles to the biota are still mostly unknown. This work aimed to prepare and to characterize a suspension containing the finest (micro/nano range) particles of IOT and to evaluate its effects on development and behavior of zebrafish (Danio rerio), at both embryonic and larval stages. IOT suspension comprised 37 mg L-1 of a multi-mineral material mainly composed by hematite and quartz, in a size-range of 33-1400 nm. Regarding in vivo toxicological assays, no robust alterations were recorded in functional, morphological and behavioral end-points analyzed, although a significant adhesion of IOT particles on zebrafish chorion was observed, without a prejudice of embryo hatching. Under applied conditions, iron ore particles did not present harmful effects to the initial stages of zebrafish development, and the particle size range and potential interactions with SiO2 content might be behind such effect.A bespoke groundwater monitoring programme was designed to generate a database of pinoxaden and metabolite concentrations in shallow groundwater at agricultural locations across Europe. The data generated from this programme represent a higher tier refinement of modelled exposure estimates and provide realistic information on groundwater quality at vulnerable locations which will aid plant protection product (PPP) assessment in Europe in relation to Regulation (EC) No. 1107/2009. The Regulatory GeoPEARL_3.3.3 model developed by RIVM was used to estimate the vulnerability of cereal growing regions to leaching of two pinoxaden metabolites across the entire EU at a 1 km2 level using 20 years of daily weather data (MARS, EU JRC). Seventy sites located within the upper 50th percentile of leaching vulnerability from this modelling exercise, crop density and shallow groundwater were selected for monitoring groundwater. Retrospective and prospective pinoxaden product applications at candidate sites were recorded and these data used to place sites in the distribution for Europe. The 70 sites all fulfil the site assessment criteria and have no confining layers which may prevent or delay leaching. All sites equipped with groundwater wells had a minimum of two pinoxaden applications in the preceding four years to cereal crops. A total of 1326 samples were analysed from up to 90 down hydraulic gradient wells at 70 locations between June 2015 and July 2018. Results indicate that pinoxaden and pinoxaden metabolites are very unlikely to reach shallow groundwater at concentrations greater than 0.1 μg/L for relevant metabolites, or 10 μg/L for non-relevant metabolites, respectively (Sanco/221/2000-rev.10). Over 38 months of groundwater monitoring the annual average and 90th percentile for pinoxaden or its metabolites never exceeded 0.1 μg/L and it is proposed that these data infer that exposure to these metabolites is minimal.Consumption of rice (Oryza sativa) grain is a major pathway by which humans are exposed to Cd, especially in non-smoking Asian populations. Although the stable isotope signatures of Cd offer a potential tool for tracing its sources, little is known about the isotopic fractionation of Cd across the entire soil-rice-human continuum. Cadmium isotope ratios were determined in field soils, rice grain, and human urine collected from two Cd-contaminated regions in southern China. Additionally, Cd isotopic fractionation in rice plants was investigated using two transgenic plants differing in Cd uptake and accumulation. Analysis of isotope ratios revealed a preferential enrichment of the heavy Cd isotopes from soil to rice grain (δ114/110Cdgrain-soil = +0.40‰) and from grain to urine (δ114/110Cdurine-grain = +0.40‰) in both regions. The first increase was mainly caused by partitioning between the soil solid phase and the soil solution, with heavier Cd preferentially enriching in the soil solution. Within the rice plant, we identified multiple processes that alter the isotope ratio, but the net effect throughout the plant was comparatively small. Cd fractionation in humans is presumably due to the preferential enrichment of heavier Cd isotopes by metal transporters DMT1 and ZIP8 (responsible for the absorption of Cd into body from the foods). These findings provide important insights into the Cd isotopic fractionation through the soil-rice-human continuum and are helpful for tracing the sources of Cd.In the search for microalgae species with potential for biodiesel production, Choricystis minor var. minor has been seen as a promising source of biomass due to its high lipid content and the satisfactory characteristics of its fatty acid methyl esters (FAMEs). For this reason, the objective of this study was to investigate the synergistic effect of growth conditions and organic carbon sources on cultivation of this microalga. To do so, experimental cultivations were conducted in photoautotrophic, heterotrophic and mixotrophic metabolisms using glucose, fructose, glycerol or sucrose - in growth conditions that use organic carbon. Thus, growth parameters of the cultures were evaluated and at the end of the cultivations, FAMEs yield and profile were determined by gas chromatography, the efficiency of carbon conversion into biomass was evaluated and a microbial analysis was conducted. Regarding growth conditions, the findings have confirmed that, regardless of the organic carbon source used, the heterotrophic and mixotrophic metabolisms can present advantages over the photoautotrophic one. In addition, biomass production was higher with the use of glucose than with other organic carbon sources, regardless of growth condition (heterotrophic or mixotrophic). Moreover, cultivations with the addition of CO2 have converted carbon into biomass less efficiently. On the other hand, photoautotrophic cultures presented the lowest bacterial load. In comparison to photoautotrophic and mixotrophic, heterotrophic cultures have led to lower FAMEs content and higher yields of unsaturated fatty acids. The most satisfactory FAMEs profile for biodiesel production was obtained with mixotrophic growth using fructose.Environmental and management pressures are considered a threat for preserving plant communities worldwide. Identification of long-term impacts of changing management practices on plant community composition must, therefore, be a major priority to ensure improvement in conservation value. Land abandonment/wilding is one topical area where there is little available information on long-term impacts. To address this, here, we describe plant species compositional change over relatively long-time scales in a range of four British upland communities (high-level grasslands, intermediate grasslands, blanket bogs and high-level bogs) and its relationships with a series of life-history and plant trait variables. Our aims were to determine whether the business-as-usual sheep grazing practice was maintaining these communities, and if grazing was to be removed as part of abandonment/wilding strategies, would there be a conservation benefit. We used a series of long-term experimental grazing-exclosure studies at twelve site/wilding approach will not bring about much plant change in the short-term in the plant communities studied here.There is limited evidence on the relationships between plasma levels of multiple metals and risk of incident cancer in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). We examined the associations between plasma levels of 12 metals (iron, copper, zinc, selenium, chromium, manganese, molybdenum, cobalt, nickel, arsenic, cadmium, and lead) and cancer risk in 4573 T2DM patients using Cox proportional hazards models. With a median follow-up of 10.2 years, 541 incident cancers were identified. The multiple-metals model revealed that each 1-SD increase in ln-transformed plasma copper (HR 1.14; 95%CI 1.02, 1.27) and lead (HR1.20; 95%CI1.03, 1.39) were significantly associated with increased cancer incidence while each 1-SD increase in ln-transformed plasma zinc (HR 0.82; 95%CI 0.71, 0.96) and chromium (HR 0.88; 95%CI 0.82, 0.94) were significantly associated with decreased cancer incidence. When all participants were further stratified into four subgroups by the quartile levels (Q1-4) of plasma metals, manganese showed significant positive associations with cancer incidence in the upper two quartiles (P trend = 0.003) while nickel showed significant negative associations with cancer incidence in Q2 and 4 groups (P trend = 0.033) compared with participants in Q1 group. Collectively, monitoring of metal levels in diabetic patients needs to be strengthened, which is of great significance for the prevention of incident cancer.This study investigated simultaneous nitrification-denitrifying phosphorus removal in a sequencing batch reactor (SBR) activated sludge process. The process consisted of an extended anaerobic period (180 min) followed by a low DO (0.3 ± 0.05 mg/L) simultaneous nitrification-denitrifying phosphorus removal. The reactor was operated within a wide range of COD/N ratio (5-10) without any volatile fatty acids (VFA) supplementation. N and P removal efficiencies were as high as 91% and 96%, respectively. The process was efficient even at a very low COD /N ratio of 5, with N and P removal efficiencies of 70% and 90%, respectively. The N and P removal efficiencies improved to more than 90% at a COD/N ratio 8. It was found that the initial filtered flocculated COD (ffCOD)/[total oxidized Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKNoxidized) + NOx-Nintitial] ratio in the reactor played a significant role in the process efficiency. It was observed that N-removal efficiency decreased with a decrease of [ffCODinitial/ (TKNoxidized + NOx-Ninitial)] ratio even at high COD/N ratio of 10.

Autoři článku: Michaelsenmalone0915 (Gaarde Buckley)