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Verze z 22. 9. 2024, 14:57, kterou vytvořil Randrupjohannessen3199 (diskuse | příspěvky) (Založena nová stránka s textem „Sport participation and physical activity promotion have been intensively studied, especially regarding large cities. However, in many cases, rural municip…“)
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Sport participation and physical activity promotion have been intensively studied, especially regarding large cities. However, in many cases, rural municipalities have comparatively reduced services, including health care, due to the low profitability that these have for companies and entities. In this sense, the purpose of this article was to describe a case study of the promotion of physical activity in rural areas based on the results of a European project. Carried out in a rural municipality of around 8500 inhabitants with a population density of less than 25 inhabitants/km2, the project's purpose was the promotion of autonomous physical activity among its inhabitants. For this, a diagnostic analysis of the sports areas of the environment and a survey of physical activity habits among the population were carried out. A series of routes were designed, marked, and signposted, and canopies with explanatory posters about the possibilities of healthy physical activity and recommendations were added. Free-use facilities were installed, and opening events were carried out in such a way as to stimulate sports practice among the population. This article presents the results obtained from the analysis, as well as the possibilities of replication in other municipalities with similar needs.Knowledge and awareness of how to use non-verbal language is essential for the educational field. For this reason, the aim of this study was to develop a validation that validly and reliably measures the analysis of non-verbal language in university teachers. Content validation was carried out by applying the Delphi technique and through an exploratory and confirmatory analysis. The validity of understanding is given by the application of the scale to 1316 university teachers between 24 and 67 years of age. (Z)-4-Hydroxytamoxifen The initial data collected through the Delphi technique provided some modifications. The final scale, called Non-verbal immediacy, was composed of a total of 26 items that presented satisfactory adjustments in both comprehension and outcome validity. Confirmatory factor analysis determined three dimensions (kinesics, paralanguage, and proxemics). These factors will be a new element for future lines of research related to the teaching-learning process, as high relationships have been demonstrated between non-verbal language and psychosocial aspects implicit in teaching practice, as well as comprehension and student learning.The high risk of coronavirus (COVID-19) infection can increase the physical and psychological strain on nurses in professional practice, which can lead to mental health problems. The purpose of this systematic review and meta-analysis is to establish and estimate the combined incidence of depression and anxiety among nurses during the COVID-19 pandemic using standard measurement tools. A systematic search of the electronic databases PubMed, Web of Science, and SCOPUS was carried out to identify cross-sectional studies in the period from 3 March 2020 to 18 February 2021. Two reviewers independently and critically evaluated the studies which have been included, using the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality checklist. We have identified twenty-three studies (n = 44,165) from nine countries. The combined incidence of depression among nurses was 22% (95% CI 0.15-0.30, I2 = 99.71%), and anxiety symptoms 29% (95%CI 0.18-0.40, I2 = 99.92%). No significant difference was observed in the percentage of depression and anxiety between the study subjects working on the frontlines vs. those in a mixed group (those working on the frontlines and behind the lines). This meta-analysis shows that over one-fifth of nurses in professional practice during the COVID-19 epidemic suffer from depression disorders, and almost one-third experience anxiety symptoms. This underscores the importance of providing comprehensive psychological support strategies for nurses working in pandemic conditions. Further longitudinal research is necessary to assess the severity of mental health symptoms related to the COVID-19 epidemic factor.The main objective of this systematic review of the current literature is to analyze the changes that blood flow restriction (BFR) causes in subjects with neuro-musculoskeletal and/or systemic pathologies focusing on the following variables strength, physiological changes, structural changes and cardiocirculatory variables. The search was carried out in seven databases, including randomized clinical trials in which therapeutic exercise was combined with the blood flow restriction tool in populations with musculoskeletal pathologies. Outcome variables are strength, structural changes, physiological changes and cardiocirculatory variables. Twenty studies were included in the present study. Although there is a lot of heterogeneity between the interventions and evaluation instruments, we observed how the restriction of blood flow presents significant differences in the vast majority of the variables analyzed. In addition, we observed how BFR can become a supplement that provides benefits when performed with low intensity, similar to those obtained through high-intensity muscular efforts. The application of the BFR technique can provide benefits in the short and medium term to increase strength, muscle thickness and cardiovascular endurance, even improving the physiological level of the cardiovascular system. In addition, BFR combined with low-load exercises also achieves benefits comparable to high-intensity exercises without the application of BFR, benefiting patients who are unable to lift high loads.

Little is known about the use of electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS) among low-income adult cigarette smokers, who experience severe tobacco-related health disparities.

This study conducted interviews to examine experiences and perceptions associated with ENDS use among predominantly low-income adult smokers (

= 30; mean age 30.2 ± 12.9; 60% male, 46.7% African American, 30% white, 10% more than one race; 76.7% annual household income ≤USD 24,000). Interviews were transcribed verbatim and coded in NVivo 11.

Overall, participants reported complementing rather than substituting their smoking with ENDS use (e.g., using ENDS only when smoking is not allowed). Predominant reasons for vaping were convenience, smoking reduction/cessation, stress management, social acceptability, lower long-term costs than smoking, and appealing flavors. Common reasons for not switching to exclusive vaping were that ENDS did not satisfy cigarette cravings and concerns about ENDS health effects. Participants indicated higher likelihood of switching to exclusive ENDS use if the products were more affordable, perceived as substantially less harmful, tasted and felt more like smoking a cigarette, and more effective for reducing cravings.

Continued research is needed to maximize any harm reduction potential of ENDS and ensure that these products do not contribute to worsening health disparities.

Continued research is needed to maximize any harm reduction potential of ENDS and ensure that these products do not contribute to worsening health disparities.

This study aimed to explore the differences in the distributions of plantar pressure in static and dynamic states and assess the possible pain profiles in the lower limb between elite rugby league athletes and recreational rugby players.

A cross-sectional study of 51 college elite rugby athletes and 57 recreational rugby players was undertaken. The arch index (AI) and plantar pressure distributions (PPDs) with footprint characteristics were evaluated via the JC Mat. Rearfoot alignment was examined to evaluate the static foot posture. The elite group's lower-limb pain profiles were examined for evaluating the common musculoskeletal pain areas.

The recreational group's AI values fell into the normal range, whereas the elite group's arch type fell into the category of the low arch. Results from the elite group were (1) the PPDs mainly exerted on the entire forefoot and lateral midfoot regions in static standing, and transferred to the forefoot region during the midstance phase of walking; (2) the static rebipedal static stance could be the traceable features for the foot diagram of elite rugby league athletes. The limb pain profiles of the elite rugby league athletes within this study echoed the literature on rugby injuries, and reflected the features of metatarsophalangeal joint pains and dropped cuboids. The relationships among the low-arched supinated feet, metatarsophalangeal joint pains and cuboid syndrome are worth further studies.Work-related suicide exposure may significantly contribute to the risk of burnout in first responders. This study assessed the exposure to suicide, burnout, and coping mechanisms in emergency medical services in Poland, including psychosocial determinants, such as age, gender, and access to psychological support. The level of burnout was assessed using the Link Burnout Questionnaire (LBQ), and coping was measured using the Coping Inventory for Stressful Situations (CISS). Data were analysed using a series of variance analyses and a partial least squares structural equation modelling. The study showed that 98% of emergency medical services personnel reported work-related suicide exposure. The LBQ score indicated symptoms of burnout, in particular relational deterioration, and the CISS showed low levels of emotion-oriented coping. Physicians reported higher levels of psycho-physical exhaustion than paramedics and nurses. Access to psychological support in the workplace was related to lower levels of burnout. Emergency medical services personnel are frequently exposed to suicide, which may be related to the risk of occupational burnout, and coping strategies used in this occupational group are often not optimal. Preventive measures, such as training emergency medical services personnel in regard to effective coping strategies, are needed, and personnel should be encouraged to access mental health services and supports.Silver perch (Bidyanus bidyanus) has many nutrition and health benefits, being a rich source of macro and micronutrients, phospholipids, polyunsaturated fatty acids, and a variety of essential minerals while having a high protein content. In addition to direct consumption, it is often made into a soup as an important nutritional supplement for strengthening the body and delaying fatigue. By extracting the essence, its quality can be controlled, and it is convenient to supplement. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of supplementation with Santé premium silver perch essence (SPSPE) on improving exercise performance and anti-fatigue. Fifty male institute of cancer research (ICR) mice were divided into five groups (n = 10/group) (1) vehicle (vehicle control or water only), (2) isocaloric (0.93 g casein/kg/mice/day), (3) SPSPE-1X (0.99 g/kg/mice/day), (4) SPSPE-2X (1.98 g/kg/mice/day), and (5) SPSPE-5X (4.95 g/kg/mice/day). A sample or an equal volume of liquid was fed orally for four consecutive weeks. Grip strength and swimming exhaustion tests were used as exercise performance assessments. After 10 and 90 min of unloaded swimming, biochemical parameters of fatigue were evaluated. We found that supplementation with SPSPE for four consecutive weeks could significantly improve mice's grip strength, exercise endurance performance, and glycogen content (p less then 0.05), and significantly reduced post-exercise fatigue biochemical parameters, such as lactate, blood ammonia (NH3), blood urea nitrogen (BUN) concentration, and muscle damage index creatine kinase (CK) activity (p less then 0.05). In summary, supplementation with SPSPE for 4 weeks could effectively improve exercise performance, reduce sports fatigue, and accelerate fatigue recovery. In addition, it did not cause any physiological or histopathological damage.

Autoři článku: Randrupjohannessen3199 (Dyhr Durham)