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Verze z 22. 9. 2024, 13:56, kterou vytvořil Brandtbowles2626 (diskuse | příspěvky) (Založena nová stránka s textem „BN patients reported more severe COVID-19-related post-traumatic symptomatology than AN and HCs, and these symptoms were predicted by childhood trauma and…“)
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BN patients reported more severe COVID-19-related post-traumatic symptomatology than AN and HCs, and these symptoms were predicted by childhood trauma and insecure attachment.

COVID-19 epidemic significantly impacted on EDs, both in terms of post-traumatic symptomatology and interference with the recovery process. Individuals with early trauma or insecure attachment were particularly vulnerable.

COVID-19 epidemic significantly impacted on EDs, both in terms of post-traumatic symptomatology and interference with the recovery process. Individuals with early trauma or insecure attachment were particularly vulnerable.In this article I argue for the need to situate deceased organ donation in and as a hospital practice. This study puts the spotlight on the practical conditions that enable and emplace organ donation in the hospital setting. The analytical move serves the political purpose to inform and interrogate dominant policy framings intended to address the problem of organ shortage. I present an ethnographic investigation that draws upon a Science and Technology Studies (STS) approach to make visible the sociomaterial arrangements that bring together people, things and politics in the assembling of organ donation at a Catalan hospital. A progressive and indeterminate process which might fall through and become disassembled at any given time. This, as I explain, challenges current opt-out policy that unnecessarily reduces donation to an individual choice to be decided upon in life. Instead, and drawing on ethnographic materials, I propose a situated and relational understanding of organ donation an embedded health care and procurement practice enacted as a collective accomplishment. I conclude that (more) responsible donation policies need to be informed by, and attuned to, the situated practicalities and enduring tensions that condition and constrain the assembling of organ donation at the hospital setting.Much research addresses the proposition that identifying with a group shapes individuals' behaviour. Typically, such research employs experimental or survey methods, measuring or manipulating social identification and relating this to various outcome variables. Although shedding much light on the processes involved in the identity-behaviour relationship, such research tends to overlook the various constraints that limit individuals' abilities to act in accordance with their identities. Using interview data gathered in north India, we explore the factors affecting the enactment of a religious identity. selleck products More specifically, using data gathered at a religious mass gathering, we compare and contrast participants' reports of identity enactment when they are at the event and when they are in their home villages. These two contexts differ in terms of their social organization, especially the degree to which they are marked by the presence of a shared identity. link2 Exploring participants' accounts of such differences in social organization, we consider the social processes that constrain or facilitate identity enactment. In so doing, our analysis contributes to a richer analysis of the identity-behaviour relationship.Atypical Aeromonas salmonicida causes furunculosis infections of non-salmonid fish, which requires antibiotic therapy. However, antibiotics may induce biofilm in some bacteria, which protects them against hostile conditions while allowing them to persist on surfaces, thus forming a reservoir for infection. The aim of this study was to determine whether atypical isolates of A. salmonicida increased biofilm in the presence of two antibiotics, florfenicol and oxytetracycline. A microtitre plate assay was used to quantify biofilm in the presence and absence of each antibiotic. Fifteen of 28 isolates formed biofilms under control conditions, while 23 of 28 isolates increased biofilm formation in the presence of at least one concentration of at least one antibiotic. For oxytetracycline, the most effective concentration causing biofilm to increase was one-quarter of that preventing visible bacterial growth, whereas for florfenicol it was one-half of this value. This is the first study to demonstrate that a bacterial pathogen of fish increases biofilm in response to antibiotics. Biofilm formation may increase the risk of re-infection in culture systems and this lifestyle favours the transmission of genetic material, which has implications for the dissemination of antibiotic-resistance genes and demonstrates the need for enhanced disease prevention measures against atypical A. salmonicida.

This systematic review and meta-analysis examine the contribution of duration to treatment outcome for eating disorders.

Studies (n = 31) were identified that examined associations (r) between duration and 45 different outcomes. We were unable to extract r for seven studies (9 outcomes) and extracted r for 36 outcomes across 24 studies (2,349 participants). Indicators of treatment outcome were heterogeneous and thus a series of different meta-analyses, aimed at increasing homogeneity, were conducted.

First, we examined the average effect size for one primary eating disorder related outcome from each of the 24 studies. There was no association between duration and treatment outcome (r = .05, 95% CI -.03.13), with high heterogeneity. Second, we conducted three sub-group analyses to explore possible sources of heterogeneity (diagnosis anorexia nervosa versus bulimia nervosa; nature of the outcome binary versus continuous; or type of outcome binary indicator of recovery, eating disorder psychopathology, weisa) and improvements in eating disorder psychopathology.A previously healthy 49-year-old male patient presented with COVID-19 infection and required mechanical ventilation and extracorporeal membrane oxygenation due to severe hypoxemia. Echocardiography showed cardiac dysfunction with an apical sparing strain pattern, which rapidly normalized within a week. Apical sparing myocardial strain in patients with COVID-19 infection may suggest reverse-type stress cardiomyopathy.

The aim of our study was to compare long-term morbidity after elective and emergency cesarean delivery (CD).

A prospective cohort study was conducted in 200 women delivered by CD. Ultrasound examinations were performed transvaginally at 6 weeks and 18 months after CD. Clinical data were collected at the time of CD and after 18 months.

In the group of 200 women, 29% underwent emergency and 71% elective CD. Then, 6 weeks and 18 months after CD, a severe scar defect was present in 7% and 5%, respectively (P = .4). After 18 months of CD, 17% (34/200) of women had evidence of adhesions of the vesicouterine pouch. Severe CD scar defects were significant predictors for adhesion formation in vesicouterine pouch (OR 3.14, 95% CI, 1.54-4.74), pelvic pain (OR 1.68, 95% CI, 0.22-3.14), dysmenorrhea (OR 2.12, 95% CI, 0.74-3.50), and dyspareunia (OR 1.38, 95% CI, 0.09-2.67). Uterine scar defects detected at 6 weeks after elective CD were detectable at 18 months in only 40% of cases, whereas uterine scar defects after emergency CD were still detectable in 87% of cases.

Uterine scar defects are more frequent at 18 weeks after emergency CD, than after elective CD (40% vs 87%). Women with severe scar defects have higher risk of adhesion formation, dysmenorrhea, dyspareunia, and chronic pelvic pain.

Uterine scar defects are more frequent at 18 weeks after emergency CD, than after elective CD (40% vs 87%). Women with severe scar defects have higher risk of adhesion formation, dysmenorrhea, dyspareunia, and chronic pelvic pain.The effects of two milk protein formulations and κ-carrageenan concentration (0, 0.01, 0.03, and 0.05%) on UHT (145 °C) fouling behavior and physical properties of chocolate flavored high protein beverages were studied. These two beverage formulations were (i) reconstituted milk protein concentrate (RMPC-Choco) and (ii) RMPC and reconstituted whey protein concentrate (CW-Choco). The UHT run times for samples prepared without κ-carrageenan were very short (9.5 ± 0.71 and 26.5 ± 2.12 min for RMPC-Choco-0 and CW-Choco-0, respectively) due to settlement of cocoa powder particles inside the UHT plant leading to severe fouling. The κ-carrageenan requirement for UHT stable (UHT run times > 120 min) RMPC-Choco and CW-Choco was 0.03 and 0.01%, respectively. The presence of higher amounts of whey proteins in CW-Choco lowered its κ-carrageenan requirement to render it UHT stable due to additional gelation of whey proteins. This additional gelation was evident from larger average particle sizes and higher viscosity of UHT treated CW-Choco samples at κ-carrageenan concentrations similar to RMPC-Choco samples. PRACTICAL APPLICATION This research can be helpful to the food industry when formulating chocolate flavored high protein beverages; their protein profiles can be modified to lower the amount of stabilizers required to make them UHT stable.

Obesity is considered a risk factor for the development of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). The hydroalcoholic extract obtained from the açai seed (ASE), rich in proanthocyanidins, has been shown a potential body weight regulator with antioxidant properties. This study aimed to investigate the therapeutic effect of ASE in obesity-associated NAFLD and compare it with Rosuvastatin.

Male C57BL/6 mice received a high-fat diet or standard diet for 12weeks. The treatments with ASE (300mg/kg per day) or rosuvastatin (20mg/kg per day) began in the eighth week until the 12th week.

Our data show that the treatments with ASE and rosuvastatin reduced body weight and hyperglycaemia, improved lipid profile and attenuated hepatic steatosis in HFD mice. ASE and Rosuvastatin reduced HMGCoA-Reductase and SREBP-1C and increased ABGC8 and pAMPK expressions in the liver. Additionally, ASE, but not Rosuvastatin, reduced NPC1L1 and increased ABCG5 and PPAR-α expressions. ASE and rosuvastatin increased SIRT-1 expression and antioxidant defence, although only ASE was able to decrease the oxidative damage in hepatic tissue.

The therapeutic effect of ASE was similar to that of rosuvastatin in reducing dyslipidemia and hepatic steatosis but was better in reducing oxidative damage and hyperglycaemia.

The therapeutic effect of ASE was similar to that of rosuvastatin in reducing dyslipidemia and hepatic steatosis but was better in reducing oxidative damage and hyperglycaemia.Previous research has identified that both low- and high-socio-economic groups tend to be dehumanized. However, groups that have a deprived position are more willing to interiorize the negative perceptions that others have about them compared with affluent groups. In this project, we address the role of meta-(de)humanization (the perceived humanity one thinks is ascribed or denied to one's group) based on socio-economic status differences and its influence in the perceived psychological well-being. link3 We conducted two studies In Study 1 (correlational, N = 990), we analysed the relationship between socio-economic status, meta-dehumanization, and well-being. Results indicated that lower socio-economic status positively predicted more meta-dehumanization and worse well-being. Moreover, meta-dehumanization mediated the relationship between socio-economic status and well-being. In Study 2 (experimental, N = 354), we manipulated socio-economic status (low-, middle-, and high-socio-economic status conditions) to evaluate its influence on meta-dehumanization and well-being.

Autoři článku: Brandtbowles2626 (Conway Franck)