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Verze z 22. 9. 2024, 05:35, kterou vytvořil Locklearkamper6084 (diskuse | příspěvky) (Založena nová stránka s textem „Pixel-level 2D object semantic understanding is an important topic in computer vision and could help machine deeply understand objects (e.g. functionality…“)
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Pixel-level 2D object semantic understanding is an important topic in computer vision and could help machine deeply understand objects (e.g. functionality and affordance) in our daily life. However, most previous methods directly train on correspondences in 2D images, which is end-to-end but loses plenty of information in 3D spaces. In this paper, we propose a new method on predicting image corresponding semantics in 3D domain and then projecting them back onto 2D images to achieve pixel-level understanding. In order to obtain reliable 3D semantic labels that are absent in current image datasets, we build a large scale keypoint knowledge engine called KeypointNet, which contains 103,450 keypoints and 8,234 3D models from 16 object categories. Our method leverages the advantages in 3D vision and can explicitly reason about objects self-occlusion and visibility. We show that our method gives comparative and even superior results on standard semantic benchmarks.We introduce a method of recovering the shape of a smooth dielectric object using diffuse polarization images taken with different directional light sources. We present two constraints on shading and polarization and use both in a single optimization scheme. This integration is motivated by photometric stereo and polarization-based methods having complementary abilities. Polarization gives strong cues for the surface orientation and refractive index, which are independent of the light direction. However, employing polarization leads to ambiguities in selecting between two ambiguous choices of the surface orientation, in the relationship between the refractive index and zenith angle (observing angle). Moreover, polarization-based methods for surface points with small zenith angles perform poorly owing to the weak polarization. In contrast, the photometric stereo method with multiple light sources disambiguates the surface normals and gives a strong relationship between surface normals and light directions. However, the method has limited performance for large zenith angles and refractive index estimation and faces strong ambiguity when light directions are unknown. Taking the advantages of these methods, our proposed method recovers surface normals for small and large zenith angles, light directions, and refractive indexes of the object. The proposed method is positively evaluated in simulations and real-world experiments.Ultrasound insonation of lungs that are dense with extravascular lung water (EVLW) produces characteristic reverberation artifacts termed B-lines. The number of B-lines present demonstrates reasonable correlation to the amount of EVLW. However, analysis of B-line artifacts generated by this modality is semi-quantitative relying on visual interpretation, and as a result, can be subject to inter-observer variability. The purpose of this study was to translate the use of a novel, quantitative lung ultrasound surface wave elastography technique (LUSWE) into the bedside assessment of pulmonary edema in patients admitted with acute congestive heart failure. B-mode lung ultrasound and LUSWE assessment of the lungs were performed using anterior and lateral intercostal spaces in the supine patient. 14 patients were evaluated at admission with reassessment performed 1-2 days after initiation of diuretic therapy. Each exam recorded the total lung B-lines, lung surface wave speeds (at 100, 150, and 200 Hz) and net fluid balance. The patient cohort experienced effective diuresis (average net fluid balance of negative 2.1 liters) with corresponding decrease in pulmonary edema visualized by B-mode ultrasound (average decrease of 13 B-Lines). In addition, LUSWE demonstrated a statistically significant reduction in the magnitude of wave speed from admission to follow-up. The reduction in lung surface wave speed suggests a decrease in lung stiffness (decreased elasticity) mediated by successful reduction of pulmonary edema. In summary, LUSWE is a noninvasive technique for quantifying elastic properties of superficial lung tissue that may prove useful as a diagnostic test, performed at the bedside, for the quantitative assessment of pulmonary edema.Somatic cells age and die, but the germ-cell lineage is immortal. In Caenorhabditis elegans, germline immortality involves proteostasis renewal at the beginning of each new generation, when oocyte maturation signals from sperm trigger the clearance of carbonylated proteins and protein aggregates. Here, we explore the cell biology of this proteostasis renewal in the context of a whole-genome RNAi screen. Oocyte maturation signals are known to trigger protein-aggregate removal via lysosome acidification. Our findings suggest that lysosomes are acidified as a consequence of changes in endoplasmic reticulum activity that permit assembly of the lysosomal V-ATPase, which in turn allows lysosomes to clear the aggregates via microautophagy. We define two functions for mitochondria, both of which appear to be independent of ATP generation. Many genes from the screen also regulate lysosome acidification and age-dependent protein aggregation in the soma, suggesting a fundamental mechanistic link between proteostasis renewal in the germline and somatic longevity.Nonulosonic acids (NulOs) are a group of nine-carbon monosaccharides with different functions in nature. N-acetylneuraminic acid (Neu5Ac) is the most common NulO. It covers the membrane surface of all human cells and is a central molecule in the process of self-recognition via SIGLECS receptors. Some pathogenic bacteria escape the immune system by copying the sialylation of the host cell membrane. Neu5Ac production in these bacteria is catalysed by the enzyme NeuB. Some bacteria can also produce other NulOs named pseudaminic and legionaminic acids, through the NeuB homologues PseI and LegI, respectively. In Opisthokonta eukaryotes, the biosynthesis of Neu5Ac is catalysed by the enzyme NanS. In this study, we used publicly available data of sequences of NulOs synthases to investigate its distribution within the three domains of life and its relationship with pathogenic bacteria. We mined the KEGG database and found 425 NeuB sequences. Most NeuB sequences (58.74 %) from the KEGG orthology database were classifikaryotic branch. The analysis of conserved residues showed that the synthases of Archaea and Eukarya present a mutation in one of the three catalytic residues, an E134D change, related to a Neisseria meningitidis reference sequence. We also found that the conservation profile is higher between NeuB of pathogenic bacteria and NanS of eukaryotes than between NeuB of environmental bacteria and NanS of eukaryotes. Our large-scale analysis brings new perspectives on the evolution of NulOs synthases, suggesting their presence in the last common universal ancestor.The warming-induced thawing of permafrost promotes microbial activity, often resulting in enhanced greenhouse gas emissions. The ability of permafrost microorganisms to survive the in situ sub-zero temperatures, their energetic strategies and their metabolic versatility in using soil organic materials determine their growth and functionality upon thawing. Hence, functional characterization of the permafrost microbiome, particularly in the underexplored mid-latitudinal alpine regions, is a crucial first step in predicting its responses to the changing climate, and the consequences for soil-climate feedbacks. In this study, for the first time, the functional potential and metabolic capabilities of a temperate mountain permafrost microbiome from central Europe has been analysed using shotgun metagenomics. Permafrost and active layers from the summit of Muot da Barba Peider (MBP) [Swiss Alps, 2979 m above sea level (a.s.l.)] revealed a strikingly high functional diversity in the permafrost (north-facing soils at l profiles of permafrost microbial communities at different latitudes.Advances in perinatology have permitted the survival of fragile neonates. Quality of life (QoL) has been considered a key element in medical decision-making. In this review we analyse the role of QoL regarding the decision of withholding or withdrawing of life-sustaining treatment (LST). The role of QoL is debated because of the conceptual difficulties it raises. The lack of consensus on its definition and the difficulties in measuring it objectively, mean that basing clinical decisions solely on QoL has some risks. To avoid a purely subjective assessment, the principle of totality, and the principle of therapeutic adequacy should be considered. In case of uncertain prognosis, some therapeutic persistence seems reasonable. If this does not benefit the clinical condition of the child, then it may be no longer appropriate to continue the LST in case of severe disabilities. QoL is essential in medical decision-making, but is insufficient as the only criterion.Both affective lability and eating expectancies have been found to predict binge eating. There is the additional possibility that the joint effect of affective lability and eating expectancies incurs further risk perhaps expectancies for affective relief from eating operate more strongly in those experiencing frequent, rapid shifts in emotion. In the current study, we tested whether such a joint effect predicts binge eating prospectively in college students. We assessed affective lability, eating expectancies, and binge eating in 358 college students at two time points during the first year of college (e.g., December and April). The interaction of affective lability and eating expectancies in December predicted binge eating 4 months later in April. The influence of eating expectancies on binge eating was stronger at higher levels of affective lability. Findings offer support to the hypothesis that risk factors may transact to further elevate risk for eating disorder behaviors.Clinical implicationsThe interaction of affective lability and eating expectancies predicts binge eatingRisk factors may interact to further increase binge eatingIdentification of co-occurring risk factors may have vital treatment implications.The switch from using only trivalent oral polio vaccine (tOPV) to sequential schedules combining inactivated poliovirus vaccine (IPV) and bivalent oral polio vaccine (bOPV) for polio vaccination will cause changes to mucosal immunity against polio in infants, which plays an important role in preventing the poliovirus spread. Here, we analyzed mucosal immunity against poliovirus in the intestine during different sequential vaccination schedules. We conducted clinical trials in Guangxi Province, China on 1,200 2-month-old infants who were randomly assigned to one of three vaccination schedule groups IPV-bOPV-bOPV, IPV-IPV-tOPV, and IPV-IPV-bOPV, with vaccine doses administered at 8, 12, and 16 weeks of age. Belvarafenib inhibitor Stool samples were collected from 10% of participants in each group before administration of the second vaccine doses and at 1, 2, and 4 weeks after the administrations of the second and third vaccine doses. Immunoglobulin A (IgA) in the stool samples was measured to analyze the mucosal immune response in the intestine. Because of the absence of poliovirus type 2 in bOPV, the vaccination schedule of IPV-IPV-bOPV did not sufficiently raise intestinal mucosal immunity against poliovirus type 2, although some cross-immunity was seen. The level of intestinal mucosal immunity was related to shedding status; shedders could produce intestinal mucosa IgA more quickly. The intestinal mucosal immunity level was not related to serum neutralizing antibody level. In the combined sequential vaccination schedule of IPV and bOPV, the risk of circulating vaccine-derived poliovirus type 2 (cVDPV2) may be increased owing to insufficient intestinal mucosal immunity against poliovirus type 2.

Autoři článku: Locklearkamper6084 (Carroll Moran)