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nificant stimulation actions of NS on performance, immunity, carcass and meat quality, intestinal and muscles' bacterial load as well as short withdrawal period and nearly normal cellular architecture compared to inorganic Se.

spp. are one of the most important food-borne pathogens in the world, emerging as a major public health concern. Moreover, multidrug-resistant (MDR) strains have been isolated from salmonellosis outbreaks, which compromise its treatment success. This study was conducted to characterize the phenotypic and genotypic antibiotic resistance profile of

strains isolated from broilers and humans from the regions of Tolima and Santander (Colombia).

spp. strains (n=49) were confirmed through molecular detection by amplification of the

gene. Phenotypic antibiotic resistance was determined by the automated method and the agar diffusion method, and the presence of resistance genes was evaluated by PCR. Genotypic characterization was conducted using the enterobacterial repetitive intergenic consensus (ERIC)-PCR method, from which a dendrogram was generated and the possible phylogenetic relationships were established.

isolates were classified as MDR strains exhibiting resistance to four antibiotic classes, penicillins, aminoglycosides, sulfonamides, and cephalosporins, and the human strains were resistant to gentamicin. At the genotypic level, the isolates contained the genes








, and

. The genotyping results obtained by ERIC-PCR allowed the grouping of strains according to the source of isolation.


spp. strains exhibited resistance to multiple antibiotics, as well as multiple genes associated with them, and the ERIC-PCR method was a technique that was helpful in generating clusters with biological significance.

The Salmonella spp. strains exhibited resistance to multiple antibiotics, as well as multiple genes associated with them, and the ERIC-PCR method was a technique that was helpful in generating clusters with biological significance.

Wildlife animals are reservoirs of a large number of microorganisms pathogenic to humans, and ticks could be responsible for the transmission of these pathogens.

spp. are the most prevalent pathogens found in ticks. This study was conducted to detect

spp. in ticks collected from free-living and illegally trafficked reptiles from the Department of Córdoba, Colombia.

During the period from October 2011 to July 2014, ticks belonging to the family Ixodidae were collected, preserved in 96% ethanol, identified using taxonomic keys, and pooled (between 1 and 14 ticks) according to sex, stage, host, and collected place for subsequent DNA extraction.

detection was performed using real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), followed by conventional PCR to amplify a larger fragment of the


genes. The amplicons were sequenced using the Sanger method, and the nucleotide sequences were subjected to BLAST analysis to identify homologous sequences in GenBank, after which phylogenetic analysis was performed using the MEGA X software.

In total, 21 specimens of nine species of reptiles were sampled, from which 805

ticks were collected, but only 180 ticks were selected to create 34 groups. The DNA of

spp. was detected in 30/34 (88%) groups. The sequences of the gene


revealed a 100% identity with

Rickettsia colombianensi (GenBank KF905456 and GenBank KF691750).

was the only tick found in all the sampled reptiles. The presence of

Rickettsia colombianensi in reptile ticks could represent a public health problem due to the risk of transmission to humans and the introduction of microorganisms to other geographical areas.

A. dissimile was the only tick found in all the sampled reptiles. The presence of Candidatus Rickettsia colombianensi in reptile ticks could represent a public health problem due to the risk of transmission to humans and the introduction of microorganisms to other geographical areas.

Rabbits often experience skin diseases. The beneficial effects of plant extracts and essential oils are well known in other species, but the properties of these natural ingredients have not been evaluated in rabbits

. The objective of the current study was to evaluate the effect of a topical, commercial solution made of essential oils, plant-extracted polyunsaturated fatty acids, and Vitamin E on rabbits suffering from skin problems.

Thirty New Zealand rabbits (no sex distinction) were included in this study, with an average weight of 2-3 kg. The rabbits were divided into two groups The first group was treated with a topical solution made from natural ingredients, and the second was a control group. The rabbits' hair and skin conditions were evaluated on days 1, 14, 28, and 35 after treatment. Data were analyzed using a Kruskal-Wallis range test.

Significant differences were determined in terms of glossy hair variability on days 28 and 35 (p≤0.0001). On days 14-35, hair loss was determined to have reduced (p=0.001), and flaking and odor improved in the treatment group, showing increased scores and significant differences (p=0.0001). By contrast, the control group showed stable overall skin and hair score and an increase in the dryness score.

The topical application of essential oils and polyunsaturated fatty acids with Vitamin E was able to improve hair shine and skin hydration and reduce flaking, bad odor, and hair loss, improving the general, and cutaneous aspect of rabbits.

The topical application of essential oils and polyunsaturated fatty acids with Vitamin E was able to improve hair shine and skin hydration and reduce flaking, bad odor, and hair loss, improving the general, and cutaneous aspect of rabbits.

This study aimed to evaluate and quantify the different factors affecting the costs of mastitis in cattle, to quantify the annual and monthly financial losses attributed to mastitis, and to estimate production losses using average linear scores found on The Dairy Herd Improvement Association somatic cell count (SCC) sheets and bulk tank SCC per lactation number.

All data (bovine mastitis-associated costs and expenditures in Egyptian dairy herds) were analyzed using SPSS/PCT, 2001. A partial budget technique using spreadsheet software and the general linear model procedure was used to analyze the productive and financial measures.

Mastitis was present in 57.1% of cows (240/420), while clinical mastitis (CM) was present in 19% of them (80/420). The geometric mean of SCC/ml in bulk tank milk samples of 150 cattle dairy farms was 556.3×10

. The annual subclinical mastitis (SCM)-related economic loss was 21,933,258.6 LE, and the two most important cost components were the subsequent decrease in milk product subclinical mastitis in cattle in Egypt. Assessing the economic losses from mastitis to determine the economic costs and losses occurring in Egyptian dairy farms is critical for encouraging farmers to acknowledge the scale of the problem and implement effective management practices aimed at improving mastitis control and reducing the associated costs.

Listeriosis in food animals bears a significant threat to human health. Detailed investigations into the cause facilitate proper management of the disease. EGFR tumor This study reports the cultural, pathological, and molecular characterization of

isolated from encephalitic goats from peri-urban Guwahati, Assam.

Out of nine suspected samples, five positive isolates of

were subjected to bacteriological, biochemical, and molecular tests. The genus and species-specific


genes were amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to yield 1200 and 370 bp sized products, respectively. The encephalitic form of the disease was characterized by circling movement, high fever, and terminal recumbence.

All the five isolates were confirmed to be

based on PCR amplification of genus and species-specific


gene products. The isolates were sensitive to ciprofloxacin, oxytetracycline (OTC), and norfloxacin, but resistant to doxycycline and erythromycin. A high dose of OTC was used in a goat at the early stage of clinical symptom and the animal recovered clinically.

Listeriosis in goats could pose a significant public health threat as the meat (occasionally milk) or meat products from goats are widely consumed by the people of Assam. Understanding the molecular epidemiological aspects of

infections of food animal species should, therefore, be the priority in this part of the country.

Listeriosis in goats could pose a significant public health threat as the meat (occasionally milk) or meat products from goats are widely consumed by the people of Assam. Understanding the molecular epidemiological aspects of L. monocytogenes infections of food animal species should, therefore, be the priority in this part of the country.

The aim of the study was to identify the distribution pattern and frequency of endocrine cell types in the digestive tract of


The presence of endocrine cells (glucagon, somatostatin, and serotonin) in the digestive tract (esophagus, stomach, and intestine) was detected using the avidin-biotin complex (ABC) method.

Three types of endocrine cells immunoreactive to antisera glucagon, serotonin, and somatostatin were found in the caudal portion of the small and large intestines but were not observed in the esophagus, stomach, and caput and medial sections of the small intestine. Endocrine cells distributed in the digestive tract of

vary in color intensity, from weak to sharp, in response to the primer antibody.

Endocrine cells in the digestive tract that is immunoreactive to glucagon, somatostatin, and serotonin are those found in the caudal portion of the small and large intestines. They are varied in distribution pattern, frequency, and color intensity.

Endocrine cells in the digestive tract that is immunoreactive to glucagon, somatostatin, and serotonin are those found in the caudal portion of the small and large intestines. They are varied in distribution pattern, frequency, and color intensity.

Staphylococcal infections are common cause of morbidity and mortality in pediatric intensive care unit (PICU). The objective of this study was to describe the clinical and microbial features, and outcome of patients with invasive staphylococcal infection.

We conducted a retrospective chart review of the children admitted to PICU with invasive staphylococcal infections. Invasive staphylococcal infection was defined as clinical infection with isolation of

from a normally sterile body site.

A total of 50 children (1 month to 16 years) were identified with staphylococcal infections during the study period. There was male preponderance (75%) with high prevalence in school going children. Among these children, 36% (18) were coagulase-negative (CONS), which were excluded. Of the remaining, 64% (32) were coagulase-positive

, 54% (27) were methicillin-resistant

(MRSA), and 10% (5) were methicillin-susceptible

(MSSA). Community-acquired staphylococcal infections were present in 24 children (CA-MRSA). Pdren Admitted to Pediatric Intensive Care Unit A Retrospective Study. Indian J Crit Care Med 2020;24(9)890-891.The current rapidly rising pandemic scenario due to the SARS COVID-19 infection is known to cause acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) in severely ill patients. Meanwhile, many patients get to suffer multiple comorbidities like septicemia and acute kidney injury (AKI). Most of the critically ill mechanical ventilated patients are nowadays being given trials of prone ventilation for at least one-third duration of a day. These patients may require central venous catheter for various purposes such as fluid resuscitation, vasopressor administration, hemodialysis owing to the fact that many critically ill COVID-19 patients are going for AKI. Central venous access has a major role in accelerating the impending septicemia due to ARDS, by causing catheter-related bloodstream infection, thereby having a synergistic effect in causing sepsis. By using the unconventional methods which are used to give venous access, apart from the regularly used traditional methods of Internal Jugular, subclavian as well as femoral sites, this impending septicemia can be prevented or at least be hampered.

Autoři článku: Ankersenhovmand7401 (Sigmon Boje)