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Verze z 20. 9. 2024, 18:16, kterou vytvořil Travisskinner0006 (diskuse | příspěvky) (Založena nová stránka s textem „Dengue virus (DENV)-mediated hair loss is one of the post-dengue fatigue syndromes and its pathophysiology remains unknown. Whether long-term or persistent…“)
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Dengue virus (DENV)-mediated hair loss is one of the post-dengue fatigue syndromes and its pathophysiology remains unknown. Whether long-term or persistent infection with DENV in the scalp results in hair loss is unclear. In this study, we cultured human dermal fibroblasts (WS1 cells) and primary human hair-follicle dermal papilla cells (HFDPCs) in the long term with DENV-2 infection. The production of virion, the expression of inflammatory and anti-virus genes, and their signaling transduction activity in the infected cells were analyzed. DENV-2 NS3 protein and DENV-2 5' UTR RNA were detected in fibroblasts and HFDPCs that were subjected to long-term infection with DENV-2 for 33 days. A significant amount of DENV-2 virion was produced by both WS1 cells and HFDPCs in the first two days of acute infection. The virion was also detected in WS1 cells that were infected in the long term, but HFDPCs failed to produce DENV-2 after long-term culture. Type I and type III interferons, and inflammatory cytokines were highly expressed in the acute phase of DENV infection in HFPDC and WS1 cells. find more However, in the long-term cultured cells, modest levels of anti-viral protein genes were expressed and we observed reduced signaling activity, which was correlated with the level of virus production changes. Long-term infection of DENV-2 downregulated the expression of hair growth regulatory factors, such as Rip1, Wnt1, and Wnt4. This in vitro study shows that the long-term infection with DENV-2 in dermal fibroblasts and dermal papilla cells may be involved with the prolonged-DENV-infection-mediated hair loss of post-dengue fatigue syndrome. However, direct evidence for viral replication in the human hair of a dengue victim or animal infection model is required.The vertebrate inner ear is responsible for detecting sound, gravity, and head motion. These mechanical forces are detected by mechanosensitive hair cells, arranged in a series of sensory patches in the vestibular and cochlear regions of the ear. Hair cells form synapses with neurons of the VIIIth cranial ganglion, which convey sound and balance information to the brain. They are surrounded by supporting cells, which nourish and protect the hair cells, and which can serve as a source of stem cells to regenerate hair cells after damage in non-mammalian vertebrates. The Notch signaling pathway plays many roles in the development of the inner ear, from the earliest formation of future inner ear ectoderm on the side of the embryonic head, to regulating the production of supporting cells, hair cells, and the neurons that innervate them. Notch signaling is re-deployed in non-mammalian vertebrates during hair cell regeneration, and attempts have been made to manipulate the Notch pathway to promote hair cell regeneration in mammals. In this review, we summarize the different modes of Notch signaling in inner ear development and regeneration, and describe how they interact with other signaling pathways to orchestrate the fine-grained cellular patterns of the ear.Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) is recognized as the first example of genomic imprinting, generally due to a de novo paternal 15q11-q13 deletion. PWS is considered the most common genetic cause of marked obesity in humans. Scoliosis, kyphosis, and kyphoscoliosis are commonly seen in children and adolescents with PWS with a prevalence of spinal deformities cited between 15% to 86%. Childhood risk is 70% or higher, until skeletal maturity, with a bimodal age distribution with one peak before 4 years of age and the other nearing adolescence. As few reports are available on treating scoliosis in PWS, we described clinical observations, risk factors, therapeutic approaches and opinions regarding orthopedic care based on 20 years of clinical experience. Treatments include diligent radiographic screening, starting once a child can sit independently, ongoing physical therapy, and options for spine casting, bracing and surgery, depending on the size of the curve, and the child's age. Similarly, there are different surgical choices including a spinal fusion at or near skeletal maturity, versus a construct that allows continued growth while controlling the curve for younger patients. A clear understanding of the risks involved in surgically treating children with PWS is important and will be discussed.What if consumers are getting obese because eating less calories is more difficult for persons that have a higher pleasure and desire towards food (Ikeda et al., 2005) and food companies do not help given only a two extreme option choice to satisfy their needs (i.e., low calories vs. high calories or healthy vs. unhealthy)? Reward systems are being described with a new conceptual approach where liking-the pleasure derived from eating a given food-and wanting-motivational value, desire, or craving-can be seen as the significant forces guiding eating behavior. Our work shows that pleasure (liking), desire (wanting), and the interaction between them influence and are good predictors of food choice and food intake. Reward responses to food are closely linked to food choice, inducing to caloric overconsumption. Based on the responses given to a self-administered questionnaire measuring liking and wanting attitudes, we found three different segments named 'Reward lovers,' 'Half epicurious,' and 'Non indulgents'. Their behavior when choosing food is quite different. Results show differential effects on caloric consumption depending on segments. The introduction of more food choices that try to balance their content is a win-win strategy for consumers, companies, and society.In the last fifty years, there has been a great improvement in social and health conditions. This have led to a significant increase in human lifespan as never seen before. In Italy, older persons are the fastest growing sector of society, mainly due to scientific progress but also to a decrease in the natality rate. According to the latest WHO data published in 2018, life expectancy in Italy is 80.5 for males and 84.9 for females, with a total life expectancy of 82.9 [...].Many clinically relevant therapeutic agents are formed from the conjugation of small molecules to biomolecules through conjugating linkers. In this study, two novel conjugating linkers were prepared, comprising a central coumarin core, functionalized with a dimaleimide moiety at one end and a terminal alkyne at the other. In our first design, we developed a protein labelling method that site-specifically introduces an alkyne functional group to a dicysteine target peptide tag that was genetically fused to a protein of interest. This method allows for the subsequent attachment of azide-functionalized cargo in the facile synthesis of novel protein-cargo conjugates. However, the fluorogenic aspect of the reaction between the linker and the target peptide was less than we desired. To address this shortcoming, a second linker reagent was prepared. This new design also allowed for the site-specific introduction of an alkyne functional group onto the target peptide, but in a highly fluorogenic and rapid manner. The site-specific addition of an alkyne group to a protein of interest was thus monitored in situ by fluorescence increase, prior to the attachment of azide-functionalized cargo.

Autoři článku: Travisskinner0006 (Hewitt Curran)