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ing algorithm that calculated bacteria concentrations. The detection limit was at a single-cell level with a total assay time ranging from 90 to less than 60 s depending on the target.Salmonella enterica is an invasive, facultative intracellular pathogen with a highly sophisticated intracellular lifestyle. Invasion and intracellular proliferation are dependent on the translocation of effector proteins by two distinct type III secretion systems (T3SS) into the host cell. To unravel host-pathogen interactions, dedicated imaging techniques visualizing Salmonella effector proteins during the infection are essential. Here we describe a new approach utilizing self-labeling enzyme (SLE) tags as a universal labeling tool for tracing effector proteins. This method is able to resolve the temporal and spatial dynamics of effector proteins in living cells. The method is applicable to conventional confocal fluorescence microscopy, but also to tracking and localization microscopy (TALM), and super-resolution microscopy (SRM) of single molecules, allowing the visualization of effector proteins beyond the optical diffraction limit.One of the main drawbacks in current methods for bacterium detection is their quantification at very low concentration level in complex specimens. Novel developments that are needed involve solid-phase preconcentration procedures which can be easily integrated with emerging technologies. Here, we describe the immunomagnetic separation (IMS) of Salmonella using magnetic carriers. Nano (300 nm) and micro (2.8 μm) sized magnetic particles are modified with anti-Salmonella antibody to preconcentrate the bacteria from the samples throughout an immunological reaction. The immunomagnetic separation can be easily coupled with downstream characterization and quantification methods, including classical culturing, molecular biology techniques such as PCR, immunoassays, confocal and scanning electron microscopy, and emerging technologies and rapid detection methods including biosensors, lateral flow, and microfluidic devices.CRISPR typing is a newly developed method used to reveal the genetic relationship of bacterial isolates from different resources. For Salmonella, CRISPR typing can not only reveal the phylogenic difference among isolates belonging to the identical serotype, but also show good correspondence with Salmonella serotypes. Here we describe the protocol of CRISPR typing method used in Salmonella, and the approaches to analyze the genetic relationship among different strains.Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and sequencing-based subtyping tools are useful for rapid analyses of Salmonella isolates. Here we describe the process of clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeat-multiple virulence locus sequence typing (CRISPR-MVLST) for Salmonella subtyping.Developed by 3M Company, 3M ™ Molecular Detection Assays-3M MDS-enable detection of Salmonella from advanced isothermal DNA amplification and bioluminescence detection technology. It can be used for a wide variety of products, including poultry, eggs, pet foods, and environmental samples, and results are obtained within about 24 h. In this chapter, all steps of the 3M MDS™ method for detection of Salmonella are described and detailed.An outbreak is defined as the occurrence of disease cases in excess of normal expectancy within a particular area and a given time. Foodborne outbreaks caused by gastrointestinal bacteria such as Salmonella Typhimurium are among the most commonly reported and most extensively investigated. The classic outbreak investigation follows a series of well-defined steps which lead to a faster confirmation of the source and hopefully preventing of further cases. These steps are ideally undertaken using a One Health cross-sectorial collaboration approach involving partners from public health, food safety, and the veterinary and environmental sectors. In order to firmly identify the source of the outbreak, descriptive epidemiology is often combined with more robust evidence from analytical epidemiology such as a case-control study. A case-control study assesses whether a specific exposure is associated with illness, firstly by identifying cases (persons known to have been ill) and controls (persons who have not been ill, used as a reference group), and then retrospectively through interviews determining specific exposures for all persons. This information ultimately leads to the calculation of an odds ratio (see Note 3) which indicates the strength of the association between specific exposures and the outcome (illness or no illness). A well-conducted case-control study may substantiate or form core evidence as to the vehicle of a foodborne outbreak and is often a very important investigation tool, particularly in situations where microbiological proof cannot be obtained.The isolation of Salmonella from feed is challenging and adjustments need to be made in order to accurately isolate the pathogen from feed. This is due to the complex nature of the feed matrix, which is both porous and fibrous. The outlined method below contains the essential components of a successful Salmonella methodology for the analysis of feed that overcomes the limitations of currently available methods.Molecular techniques such as real-time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) have become a very effective alternative in food microbiology diagnostic for rapid and specific detection of foodborne pathogens such as Salmonella in foods and food-related environments. qPCR is a simple, sensitive, specific, and reproducible assay. Here, we describe the application of real-time PCR-based methods for a rapid (less than 24 h) detection of Salmonella in different types of foods fully compatible with the international standard for detection of Salmonella in food (ISO 6579-12017).Antibiotic resistance is a global epidemic, becoming increasingly pressing due to its rapid spread. There is thus a critical need to develop new therapeutic approaches. In addition to searching for new antibiotics, looking into existing mechanisms of natural host defense may enable researchers to improve existing defense mechanisms, and to develop effective, synthetic drugs guided by natural principles. Histones, primarily known for their role in condensing mammalian DNA, are antimicrobial and share biochemical similarities with antimicrobial peptides (AMPs); however, the mechanism by which histones kill bacteria is largely unknown. Both AMPs and histones are similar in size, cationic, contain a high proportion of hydrophobic amino acids, and possess the ability to form alpha helices. AMPs, which mostly kill bacteria through permeabilization or disruption of the biological membrane, have recently garnered significant attention for playing a key role in host defenses. This chapter outlines the structure and function of histone proteins as they compare to AMPs and provides an overview of their role in innate immune responses, especially regarding the action of specific histones against microorganisms and their potential mechanism of action against microbial pathogens.Pathogenic bacteria colonize or disseminate into cells and tissues by inducing large-scale remodeling of host membranes. The physical phenomena underpinning these massive membrane extension and deformation are poorly understood. Invasive strategies of pathogens have been recently enriched by the description of a spectacular mode of opening of large transendothelial cell macroaperture (TEM) tunnels correlated to the dissemination of EDIN-producing strains of Staphylococcus aureus via a hematogenous route or to the induction of gelatinous edema triggered by the edema toxin from Bacillus anthracis. Remarkably, these highly dynamic tunnels close rapidly after they reach a maximal size. Opening and closure of TEMs in cells lasts for hours without inducing endothelial cell death. Multidisciplinary studies have started to provide a broader perspective of both the molecular determinants controlling cytoskeleton organization at newly curved membranes generated by the opening of TEMs and the physical processes controlling the dynamics of these tunnels. Here we discuss the analogy between the opening of TEM tunnels and the physical principles of dewetting, stemming from a parallel between membrane tension and surface tension. This analogy provides a broad framework to investigate biophysical constraints in cell membrane dynamics and their diversion by certain invasive microbial agents.Many bacteria are able to actively propel themselves through their complex environment, in search of resources and suitable niches. The source of this propulsion is the Bacterial Flagellar Motor (BFM), a molecular complex embedded in the bacterial membrane which rotates a flagellum. In this chapter we review the known physical mechanisms at work in the motor. The BFM shows a highly dynamic behavior in its power output, its structure, and in the stoichiometry of its components. Changes in speed, rotation direction, constituent protein conformations, and the number of constituent subunits are dynamically controlled in accordance to external chemical and mechanical cues. The mechano-sensitivity of the motor is likely related to the surface-sensing ability of bacteria, relevant in the initial stage of biofilm formation.The internal spatial organization of prokaryotic organisms, including Escherichia coli, is essential for the proper functioning of processes such as cell division. One source of this organization in E. coli is the nucleoid, which causes the exclusion of macromolecules - e.g. protein aggregates and the chemotaxis network - from midcell. Lenalidomide manufacturer Similarly, following DNA replication, the nucleoid(s) assist in placing the Z-ring at midcell. These processes need to be efficient in optimal conditions and robust to suboptimal conditions. After reviewing recent findings on these topics, we make use of past data to study the efficiency of the spatial constraining of Z-rings, chemotaxis networks, and protein aggregates, as a function of the nucleoid(s) morphology. Also, we compare the robustness of these processes to nonoptimal temperatures. We show that Z-rings, Tsr clusters, and protein aggregates have temperature-dependent spatial distributions along the major cell axis that are consistent with the nucleoid(s) morphology and the volume-exclusion phenomenon. Surprisingly, the consequences of the changes in nucleoid size with temperature are most visible in the kurtosis of these spatial distributions, in that it has a statistically significant linear correlation with the mean nucleoid length and, in the case of Z-rings, with the distance between nucleoids prior to cell division. Interestingly, we also find a negative, statistically significant linear correlation between the efficiency of these processes at the optimal condition and their robustness to suboptimal conditions, suggesting a trade-off between these traits.In this chapter, we will focus on ParABS an apparently simple, three-component system, required for the segregation of bacterial chromosomes and plasmids. We will specifically describe how biophysical measurements combined with physical modeling advanced our understanding of the mechanism of ParABS-mediated complex assembly, segregation and positioning.

Autoři článku: Travisadams7101 (Breen Bilde)