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Verze z 20. 9. 2024, 16:26, kterou vytvořil Martinezadams2413 (diskuse | příspěvky) (Založena nová stránka s textem „ease the risk of developing polyphasia, mainly in patients and relatives.There are a pressing and unmet need for effective therapies for freezing of gait (…“)
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ease the risk of developing polyphasia, mainly in patients and relatives.There are a pressing and unmet need for effective therapies for freezing of gait (FOG) and other neurological gait disorders. Deep brain stimulation (DBS) of a midbrain target known as the pedunculopontine nucleus (PPN) was proposed as a potential treatment based on its postulated involvement in locomotor control as part of the mesencephalic locomotor region (MLR). However, DBS trials fell short of expectations, leading many clinicians to abandon this strategy. Here, we discuss the potential reasons for this failure and review recent clinical data along with preclinical optogenetics evidence to argue that another nearby nucleus, the cuneiform nucleus (CnF), may be a superior target.The high synaptic density in the nervous system results from the ability of neurites to branch. ML141 play central roles during neurite branch formation. The underlying mechanisms of surface molecule activity have often been elucidated using invertebrates with simple nervous systems. Here, we review recent advances in understanding the molecular mechanisms of neurite branching in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. We discuss how cell surface receptor complexes link to and modulate actin dynamics to regulate dendritic and axonal branch formation. The mechanisms of neurite branching are often coupled with other neural circuit developmental processes, such as synapse formation and axon guidance, via the same cell-cell surface molecular interactions. We also cover ectopic and sex-specific neurite branching in C. elegans in an attempt to illustrate the importance of these studies in contributing to our understanding of conserved cell surface molecule regulation of neurite branch formation.Objective To identify the novel projections received by the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)-contacting nucleus from the subcortex and limbic system to understand the biological functions of the nucleus. Methods The cholera toxin subunit B (CB), a retrograde tracer, was injected into the CSF-contacting nucleus in Sprague-Dawley rats. After 7-10 days, the surviving rats were perfused, and the whole brain and spinal cord were sliced for CB immunofluorescence detection. The CB-positive neurons in the subcortex and limbic system were observed under a fluorescence microscope, followed by 3D reconstructed with the imaris software. Results CB-positive neurons were found in the basal forebrain, septum, periventricular organs, preoptic area, and amygdaloid structures. Five functional areas including 46 sub-regions sent projections to the CSF-contacting nucleus. However, the projections had different densities, ranging from sparse to moderate, to dense. Conclusions According to the projections from the subcortex and limbic system, we hypothesize that the CSF-contacting nucleus participates in emotion, cognition, homeostasis regulation, visceral activity, pain, and addiction. In this study, we illustrate the novel projections from the subcortex and limbic system to the CSF-contacting nucleus, which underlies the diverse and complicated circuits of the nucleus in body regulations.The evolution of the brain in apes and man followed a joint pathway stemming from common ancestors 5-10 million years ago. However, although apparently sharing similar organization and neurochemical properties, association areas of the isocortex remain one of the cornerstones of what sets humans aside from other primates. Brodmann's area 44, the area of Broca, is known for its implication in speech, and thus indirectly is a key mark of human uniqueness. This latero-caudal part of the frontal lobe shows a marked functional asymmetry in humans, and takes part in other complex functions, including learning and imitation, tool use, music and contains the mirror neuron system (MNS). Since the main features in the cytoarchitecture of Broca's area remains relatively constant in hominids, including in our closest relative, the chimpanzee Pan troglodytes, investigations on the finer structure, cellular organization, connectivity and eventual asymmetry of area 44 have a direct bearing on the understanding of the neural mechanisms at the base of our language. The semi-automated image analysis technology that we employed in the current study showed that the structure of the cortical layers of the chimpanzee contains elements of asymmetry that are discussed in relation to the corresponding human areas and the putative resulting disparity of function.The first anatomical atlas of diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) of white matter pathways in the canine brain was published in 2013; however, the anatomical orientation of the entire visual pathway in the canine brain, from the retina to the cortex, has not yet been studied using DTI. In the present study, 3T DTI magnetic resonance (MR) images of three dogs euthanized for reasons other than neurological disorders were obtained. The process of obtaining combined fractional anisotropy and directional maps was initiated within 1 h of death. The heads were amputated immediately after MR imaging and stored in 10% formalin until dissection and histological sampling was performed. The trajectory of the visual pathway is dissimilar to the horizontal representation in other literature. To our knowledge, ours is the first study to visualize the entire canine visual pathway in its full antero-posterior extension. Fibers from the retina to the cortex passed through the optic nerve, optic chiasm, optic tracts, lateral geniculate nucleus, Meyer's and Baum's loops, and pretectal fibers. Their projections to the cortex were similar to those in the human visual pathway. The crossing of fibers at the optic chiasm occurred in 75% of fibers. #link# In addition to advancing our knowledge in this field of study, these results could help plan neurosurgical and radiotherapeutic procedures to avoid unnecessary damage to the visual fiber system.The melanocortin system is a key neuroendocrine network involved in the control of food intake and energy homeostasis in vertebrates. Within the hypothalamus, the system comprises two main distinct neuronal cell populations that express the neuropeptides proopiomelanocortin (POMC; anorexigenic) or agouti-related protein (AGRP; orexigenic). Both bind to the melanocortin-4 receptor (MC4R) in higher order neurons that control both food intake and energy expenditure. This system is relatively well-conserved among vertebrates. However, in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.), the salmonid-specific fourth round whole-genome duplication led to the presence of several paralog genes which might result in divergent functions of the duplicated genes. In the current study, we report the first comprehensive comparative identification and characterization of Mc4r and extend the knowledge of Pomc and Agrp in appetite control in Atlantic salmon. In silico analysis revealed multiple paralogs for mc4r (a1, a2, b1, and b2) in the And fasted states. The identification and wide distribution of multiple paralogs of mc4r, pomc, and agrp in Atlantic salmon brain provide new insights and give rise to new questions of the melanocortin system in the appetite regulation in Atlantic salmon.Background Monochromatic blue light (MBL), with a wavelength between 400-490 nm, can regulate non-image-forming (NIF) functions of light in the central nervous system. The suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) in the brain is involved in the arousal-promoting response to blue light in mice. Animal and human studies showed that the responsiveness of the brain to visual stimuli is partly preserved under general anesthesia. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate whether MBL promotes arousal from sevoflurane anesthesia via activation of the SCN in mice. Methods The induction and emergence time of sevoflurane anesthesia under MBL (460 nm and 800 lux) exposure was measured. Cortical electroencephalograms (EEGs) were recorded and the burst-suppression ratio (BSR) was calculated under MBL during sevoflurane anesthesia. The EEGs and local field potential (LFP) recordings with or without locally electrolytic ablated bilateral SCN were used to further explore the role of SCN in the arousal-promoting effect of MBL under sevoesia via the activation of the SCN and its associated downstream wake-related nuclei. link2 The clinical implications of this study warrant further study.Walking animals such as invertebrates can effectively perform self-organized and robust locomotion. They can also quickly adapt their gait to deal with injury or damage. Such a complex achievement is mainly performed via coordination between the legs, commonly known as interlimb coordination. Several components underlying the interlimb coordination process (like distributed neural control circuits, local sensory feedback, and body-environment interactions during movement) have been recently identified and applied to the control systems of walking robots. However, while the sensory pathways of biological systems are plastic and can be continuously readjusted (referred to as sensory adaptation), those implemented on robots are typically static. They first need to be manually adjusted or optimized offline to obtain stable locomotion. In this study, we introduce a fast learning mechanism for online sensory adaptation. It can continuously adjust the strength of sensory pathways, thereby introducing flexible plasticity into the connections between sensory feedback and neural control circuits. We combine the sensory adaptation mechanism with distributed neural control circuits to acquire the adaptive and robust interlimb coordination of walking robots. This novel approach is also general and flexible. It can automatically adapt to different walking robots and allow them to perform stable self-organized locomotion as well as quickly deal with damage within a few walking steps. The adaptation of plasticity after damage or injury is considered here as lesion-induced plasticity. We validated our adaptive interlimb coordination approach with continuous online sensory adaptation on simulated 4-, 6-, 8-, and 20-legged robots. This study not only proposes an adaptive neural control system for artificial walking systems but also offers a possibility of invertebrate nervous systems with flexible plasticity for locomotion and adaptation to injury.Glia, a non-excitable cell type once considered merely as the connective tissue between neurons, is nowadays acknowledged for its essential contribution to multiple physiological processes including learning, memory formation, excitability, synaptic plasticity, ion homeostasis, and energy metabolism. Moreover, as glia are key players in the brain immune system and provide structural and nutritional support for neurons, they are intimately involved in multiple neurological disorders. link3 Recent advances have demonstrated that glial cells, specifically microglia and astroglia, are involved in several neurodegenerative diseases including Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), Epilepsy, Parkinson's disease (PD), Alzheimer's disease (AD), and frontotemporal dementia (FTD). While there is compelling evidence for glial modulation of synaptic formation and regulation that affect neuronal signal processing and activity, in this manuscript we will review recent findings on neuronal activity that affect glial function, specifically during neurodegenerative disorders.

Autoři článku: Martinezadams2413 (Lowery Stephens)