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Verze z 20. 9. 2024, 14:58, kterou vytvořil Kearneyhansen5505 (diskuse | příspěvky) (Založena nová stránka s textem „environmental exposure to metals is endemic.Perfluorohexanoic acid (PFHxA) has been recognized as an alternative to the wide usage of perfluorooctanoate (P…“)
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environmental exposure to metals is endemic.Perfluorohexanoic acid (PFHxA) has been recognized as an alternative to the wide usage of perfluorooctanoate (PFOA) and perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) in the fluoropolymer industry for years. PFHxA has been frequently detected in the environment due to its wide application. However, the ecological safety of PFHxA, especially its toxicological effects on aquatic organisms, remains obscure. In the present study, PFHxA at different concentrations (0, 0.48, 2.4, and 12 mg/L) was added to the culture medium for zebrafish embryo/larval exposure at 96 h postfertilization (hpf). Zebrafish larvae showed a slow body growth trend and changes in thyroid hormone levels (THs) upon PFHxA exposure, indicating the interference effect of PFHxA on fish larval development. Moreover, the transcription levels of genes related to the hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid (HPT) axis were also analyzed. The gene expression level of thyroid hormone receptor β (trβ) was upregulated in a dose-dependent manner. Exposure to 0.48 mg/L PFHxA increased the expression levels of the thyrotrophic-releasing hormone (trh) and thyroid hormone receptor α (trα). Significant increases in corticotrophin-releasing hormone (crh) and transthyretin (ttr) gene expression were also observed when the zebrafish larvae were treated with 12 mg/L PFHxA, except iodothyronine deiodinases (dio1), which decreased obviously at that point. There were significant declines in the transcription of both thyroid-stimulating hormone β (tshβ) and uridinediphosphate-glucuronosyltransferase (ugt1ab) upon exposure to 2.4 mg/L PFHxA. In addition, PFHxA induced a dose-related inhibitory effect on the transcription of sodium/iodide symporter (nis). Finally, the thyroid status will be destroyed after exposure to PFHxA, thus leading to growth impairment in zebrafish larvae.The standard hierarchical signal transmission along the lemniscal auditory pathway in mice changes in the cortex, where two tonotopically organized auditory regions receive thalamic inputs in parallel the primary auditory cortex (A1) and the anterior auditory field (AAF). These fields show distinct properties of sound-evoked responses, where A1 responds robustly to sound onset and AAF exhibits faster and more transient responses following both sound onset and offset. ONO-AE3-208 Previous reports showed a strong involvement of AAF in temporal processing, revealing its particular role in encoding temporal information. A more regular tonotopy, narrower frequency response areas, and more robust direction selectivity to frequency modulated sweeps led to the speculation that A1 codes better the spectral composition of a sound than AAF. However, potential mechanisms explaining why A1 favors spectral processing have not been previously described. Using in vivo electrophysiological recordings in the mouse auditory cortex, we found that A1 neurons, unlike AAF neurons, respond stronger and faster to spectrally complex tones than to pure tones. Next, we show that both regular and putative fast-spiking neurons in A1, but not in AAF, display larger responses to spectrally complex tones than to pure tones. Finally, we use a laminar analysis to demonstrate that A1 neurons in layer 2/3 respond stronger to spectrally complex tones than neurons in layer 4, indicating an important transformation of the neural representation of spectral complexity between thalamo-recipient and supragranular layers in A1, but not in AAF. Our study reveals circuit features contributing to distinct processing of spectrally simple and complex sounds in the two primary auditory cortices and supports a dual-stream processing in the core auditory cortex.Congenital cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection is a significant cause of neonatal hearing loss. However, at the cochlear level, the anatomical lesions and pathophysiological mechanisms that underlie hearing loss are still not clearly understood. In murine models of CMV infection, we have observed early damage to the capillary networks in stria vascularis, as well as hearing loss manifested in ABR threshold elevations. Our experimental hypothesis is that strial damage causes a reduced endocochlear potential (EP) resulting in impaired haircell activation and consequent hearing loss. We have studied strial damage, EP, and ABR threshold elevations in two mouse models (BALB/c and C57BL6 strains) infected with murine CMV. Neonatal (P3) pups were inoculated with murine CMV (2µl of 200pfu) by intra cerebral injection. Control mice were saline injected. At 6 weeks, ABR thresholds to tonal stimuli at 8, 16 and 32 kHz were determined for each ear. At 8 weeks a sub-group of treated and control animals was prepared for study vent vascular damage, or subsequently promote vascular healing or angiogenesis.Immoral actions can elicit a wide array of responses, ranging from pugnacious confrontation to passive distancing. What leads onlookers to react so differently to various violations? Across four studies (N = 2085), we investigated how responses vary depending on whether moral transgressions are committed by adults or by children. Findings reliably demonstrated that adult participants were more likely to avoid adult transgressors, and more likely to instruct child transgressors about why their actions were wrong. These patterns arose from varying cost-benefit structures, derived in part from asymmetries in interpersonal power between adults and children, rendering adults' direct confrontation of children both less costly and more beneficial. Although adults' transgressions were judged to be relatively more wrong, participants had greater anxiety about the negative consequences of confronting adults, and they viewed adults' personalities as less malleable, thus diminishing the effectiveness of confrontation. In contrast, 4- to 9-year-old children did not differ in their willingness to avoid or instruct adult and child transgressors. Across studies, the content of transgressions (e.g., being harmful or impure) mattered little for determining the nature of responses. Overall, diverse responses to moral transgressions were uniquely tailored to the different costs and benefits associated with confronting adult and child transgressors.Despite the increase in research on older adults' communicative behavior, little work has explored patterns of age-related change in pragmatic inferencing and how these patterns are adapted depending on the situation-specific context. In two eye-tracking experiments, participants followed instructions like "Click on the greenhouse", which were either played over speakers or spoken live by a co-present robot partner. Implicit inferential processes were measured by exploring the extent to which listeners temporarily (mis)understood the unfolding noun to be a modified phrase referring to a competitor object in the display (green hat). This competitor was accompanied by either another member of the same category or an unrelated item (tan hat vs. dice). Experiment 1 (no robot) showed clear evidence of contrastive inferencing in both younger and older adults (more looks to the green hat when the tan hat was also present). Experiment 2 explored the ability to suppress these contrastive inferences when the robot talker was known to lack any color perception, making descriptions like "green hat" implausible. Younger but not older listeners were able to suppress contrastive inferences in this context, suggesting older adults could not keep the relevant limitations in mind and/or were more likely to spontaneously ascribe human attributes to the robot. Together, the findings enhance our understanding of pragmatic inferencing in aging.Human decisions are replete with biases that often reflect the underlying mechanisms of the decision-making process. The current study focused on a bias observed in different modalities and decision domains; the last-sampling bias, whereby people tend to choose the option they sampled last. One common explanation for this bias is that attention causally affects choices The option now being attended to accumulates evidence faster than its unattended alternative. An alternative explanation is that the state of the accumulated evidence influences sampling patterns, but this mechanism remains controversial. To test these explanations, we designed a sequential sampling paradigm based on a simple two-alternative perceptual decision task. In one condition subjects could freely sample the options and in another condition the last-sampled option was predetermined. Significant last-sampling biases were observed in both conditions. We then examined possible causes of the last-sampling bias under the attentional drift-diffusion model (aDDM) framework. By comparing empirical results and model behaviors, we inferred that the influence between attention and evidence accumulation is bi-directional during perceptual decision-making.Abortions in sheep flocks affect animal health and lead to significant losses in productivity, with severe economic consequences. In recent years, the role of protozoan parasites as the cause of ovine abortions has been significant. Here, the diagnosis of infectious causes of abortions in sheep in Israel in the last decade is reviewed, focusing on parasitic pathogens. Analysis of the serological data of sheep sera (including aborted fetuses) submitted for diagnoses between 2010 and 2019 revealed overall seroprevalence of 67.4 % and 46.7 % for Neospora spp. and Toxoplasma gondii respectively, with high rates of co-exposure (32.4 %). The seroprevalence of T. gondii was higher in aborting ewes than in pre-sale examinations (48.2 % and 28.9 %, respectively (P less then 0.001)). The seroprevalence of Neospora spp. was significantly higher than the seroprevalence of Toxoplasma (P less then 0.001), and was similar in samples from aborting ewes and in samples from pre-sale examinations. In addition, the presence of anti-Neospora spp. antibodies was the most prominent finding diagnosed in aborted fetuses (22.9 % of aborted fetuses, significantly higher than any other organism, P less then 0.001). The results of this study demonstrate that in endemic areas the seroprevalence of N. caninum in sheep may be high, and should be considered as an important cause of abortions. However, since the seroprevalence is high even in non-aborting ewes, in order to determine the causative agent of abortion in endemic flocks, a comprehensive epidemiological investigation is warranted.There are no explanations for the diversity in the development of certain immune-related adverse events (irAEs) with immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICI). The goal of this study is to search for possible predisposing factors that contribute to the development of certain autoimmune complications during anti-CTLA4 and anti-PD1/PD-L1 therapy. According to the keywords "checkpoint inhibitors, anti-CTLA4, anti-PD1/PD-L1, immune adverse events, paraneoplastic syndrome" the review and original articles published in the international databases to 2021were selected and studied. According to the analysis of the published papers, we consider that a key role in the difference in the types of irAEs lies in the specificity of the drug. The high prevalence of skin and gastrointestinal autoimmune complications can be explained by the presence of gut dysbacteriosis in patients before treatment and developed during the treatment. For the development of specific types of irAEs, a complex of predisposing factors is required, such as HLA-genotype, paraneoplastic syndromes, and the expression of PD-L1 in the thyroid gland in the case of anti-PD1 therapy.

Autoři článku: Kearneyhansen5505 (Petterson Salling)