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Verze z 19. 9. 2024, 21:23, kterou vytvořil Jensbymccleary8028 (diskuse | příspěvky) (Založena nová stránka s textem „Yessotoxins (YTXs) are polycyclic toxic ether compounds produced by phytoplanktonic dinoflagellates which accumulate in filter-feeding organisms. We know t…“)
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Yessotoxins (YTXs) are polycyclic toxic ether compounds produced by phytoplanktonic dinoflagellates which accumulate in filter-feeding organisms. We know that the water temperature in our areas Northwestern Adriatic Sea is optimal for the growth of potentially toxic algae (around 20 °C). In recent years, these temperatures have remained at these levels for longer and longer periods, probably due to global warming, which has led to an excessive increase in toxin levels. The interruption of mussel harvesting caused by algae negatively affects farmers' revenues and the availability of local fish, causing a major economic loss in Italy's main shellfish sector.

In the nine years considered, 3359 samples were examined 1715 marine waters, 73 common clams; 732 mussels; 66 oysters; and 773 veracious clams. Bivalve molluscs were examined for the presence of marine biotoxins, including YTXs, while potentially toxic algae, including those producing YTXs, were searched for and counted in marine waters. The method adopted for the quantification of lipophilic toxins involves the use of an LC-MS/MS system. The enumeration of phytoplankton cells was performed according to the Utermhöl method.

Between 2012 and 2020, 706 molluscs were tested for YTXs. In total, 246 samples tested positive, i.e., 34.84%. Of the positive samples, 30 exceeded the legal limit.

In this regard, it is essential to develop and activate, as soon as possible, an "early warning" system that allows a better control of the production areas of live bivalve molluscs, thus allowing an optimal management of the plants in these critical situations.

In this regard, it is essential to develop and activate, as soon as possible, an "early warning" system that allows a better control of the production areas of live bivalve molluscs, thus allowing an optimal management of the plants in these critical situations.The poultry industry in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) is faced with feed insecurity, associated with high cost of feeds, and feed safety, associated with locally produced feeds often contaminated with mycotoxins. Mycotoxins, including aflatoxins (AFs), fumonisins (FBs), trichothecenes, and zearalenone (ZEN), are common contaminants of poultry feeds and feed ingredients from SSA. These mycotoxins cause deleterious effects on the health and productivity of chickens and can also be present in poultry food products, thereby posing a health hazard to human consumers of these products. This review summarizes studies of major mycotoxins in poultry feeds, feed ingredients, and poultry food products from SSA as well as aflatoxicosis outbreaks. Additionally reviewed are the worldwide regulation of mycotoxins in poultry feeds, the impact of major mycotoxins in the production of chickens, and the postharvest use of mycotoxin detoxifiers. In most studies, AFs are most commonly quantified, and levels above the European Union regulatory limits of 20 μg/kg are reported. Trichothecenes, FBs, ZEN, and OTA are also reported but are less frequently analyzed. Co-occurrences of mycotoxins, especially AFs and FBs, are reported in some studies. The effects of AFs on chickens' health and productivity, carryover to their products, as well as use of mycotoxin binders are reported in few studies conducted in SSA. More research should therefore be conducted in SSA to evaluate occurrences, toxicological effects, and mitigation strategies to prevent the toxic effects of mycotoxins.Whooping cough is a severe, highly contagious disease of the human respiratory tract, caused by Bordetellapertussis. The pathogenicity requires several virulence factors, including pertussis toxin (PTX), a key component of current available vaccines. Current vaccines do not induce mucosal immunity. Tissue-resident memory T cells (Trm) are among the first lines of defense against invading pathogens and are involved in long-term protection. However, the factors involved in Trm establishment remain unknown. Comparing two B.pertussis strains expressing PTX (WT) or not (ΔPTX), we show that the toxin is required to generate both lung CD4+ and CD8+ Trm. Co-administering purified PTX with ΔPTX is sufficient to generate these Trm subsets. Importantly, adoptive transfer of lung CD4+ or CD8+ Trm conferred protection against B. pertussis in naïve mice. Taken together, our data demonstrate for the first time a critical role for PTX in the induction of mucosal long-term protection against B. pertussis.The Songkhla Lake Basin (SLB) located in Southern Thailand, has been increasingly polluted by urban and industrial wastewater, while the lake water has been intensively used. Here, we aimed to investigate cyanobacteria and cyanotoxins in the SLB. Ten cyanobacteria isolates were identified as Microcystis genus based on16S rDNA analysis. All isolates harbored microcystin genes, while five of them carried saxitoxin genes. On day 15 of culturing, the specific growth rate and Chl-a content were 0.2-0.3 per day and 4 µg/mL. The total extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) content was 0.37-0.49 µg/mL. The concentration of soluble EPS (sEPS) was 2 times higher than that of bound EPS (bEPS). The protein proportion in both sEPS and bEPS was higher than the carbohydrate proportion. The average of intracellular microcystins (IMCs) was 0.47 pg/cell on day 15 of culturing, while extracellular microcystins (EMCs) were undetectable. The IMCs were dramatically produced at the exponential phase, followed by EMCs release at the late exponential phase. On day 30, the total microcystins (MCs) production reached 2.67 pg/cell. Based on liquid chromatograph-quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry, three new MCs variants were proposed. This study is the first report of both decarbamoylsaxitoxin (dcSTX) and new MCs congeners synthesized by Microcystis.Ciguatoxins (CTXs) are polyether marine biotoxins that can cause ciguatera poisoning (CP) after the consumption of fish or invertebrates containing sub ppb levels; concentrations that present a challenge for current extraction and analysis methods. Here, a newly developed and (partly) validated single-day extraction protocol is presented. First, the fish sample is broken-down by enzymatic digestion, followed by extraction and extract clean-up by defatting and two solid-phase extractions. Final extracts were investigated using two different CTX-analysis methods; an in vitro cytotoxicity assay (N2a-assay) and by LC-MS/MS. Validation was performed for both fillet and freeze-dried samples of snapper, parrotfish, and grouper spiked with CTX1B, 52-epi-54-deoxyCTX1B, 54-deoxyCTX1B, and CTX3C. Based on recovery rates (35-88%) and matrix effects (66-116%) determined by LC-MS/MS, the enzyme protocol is applicable to various matrices. The protocol was applied to naturally contaminated fish tissue (Lutjanus bohar) obtained during a CP incident in Germany. Several potential CTX congeners were identified by a two-tier LC-MS/MS approach (screening of sodium adducts, high-resolution or low-resolution confirmation via ammonium adducts). Inclusion of >30 known CTX congeners into the LC-MS/MS methods and single-day sample preparation make the method suitable for analysis of ciguatera suspect samples at sub ppb levels also with undisclosed CTX profiles.Impacts of ocean acidification (OA) on noncalcifying organisms and the possibly responsible mechanism have aroused great research interests with the intensification of global warming. The present study focused on a noxious, noncalcifying, bloom-forming dinoflagellate, Karenia mikimotoi (K. mikimotoi), and its variation of growth patterns exposed to different periods of seawater acidification with stressing gradients was discussed. The dinoflagellates under short-time acidifying stress (2d) with different levels of CO2 presented significant growth inhibition (p 0.05). Besides, acidification adjusted by HCl addition and CO2 enrichment resulted in different growth performances, while the latter had a more negative impact. The results of present study indicated that (1) the short-time exposure to acidified seawater led to reduced growth performance via inducing apoptosis, blocking of cell cycle, and the alteration in photosynthetic carbon fixation. (2) K. mikimotoi had undergone adaptive changes under long-term exposure to CO2 induced seawater acidification. This further demonstrated that K. mikimotoi has strong adaptability in the face of seawater acidification, and this may be one of the reasons for the frequent outbreak of red tide. SM04690 (3) Ions that dissociated by the dissolved CO2, instead of H+ itself, were more important for the impacts induced by the acidification. This work thus provides a new perspective and a possible explanation for the dominance of K. mikimotoi during the occurrence of HABs.The bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) pathogen Pseudomonas syringae pv. phaseolicola NPS3121 synthesizes phaseolotoxin in a thermoregulated way, with optimum production at 18 °C. Gene PSPPH_4550 was previously shown to be thermoregulated and required for phaseolotoxin biosynthesis. Here, we established that PSPPH_4550 is part of a cluster of 16 genes, the Pbo cluster, included in a genomic island with a limited distribution in P. syringae and unrelated to the possession of the phaseolotoxin biosynthesis cluster. We identified typical non-ribosomal peptide synthetase, and polyketide synthetase domains in several of the pbo deduced products. RT-PCR and the analysis of polar mutants showed that the Pbo cluster is organized in four transcriptional units, including one monocistronic and three polycistronic. Operons pboA and pboO are both essential for phaseolotoxin biosynthesis, while pboK and pboJ only influence the amount of toxin produced. The three polycistronic units were transcribed at high levels at 18 °C but not at 28 °C, whereas gene pboJ was constitutively expressed. Together, our data suggest that the Pbo cluster synthesizes secondary metabolite(s), which could participate in the regulation of phaseolotoxin biosynthesis.Regulatory limits for shellfish toxins are required to protect human health. Often these limits are set using only acute toxicity data, which is significant, as in some communities, shellfish makes up a large proportion of their daily diet and can be contaminated with paralytic shellfish toxins (PSTs) for several months. In the current study, feeding protocols were developed to mimic human feeding behaviour and diets containing three dose rates of saxitoxin dihydrochloride (STX.2HCl) were fed to mice for 21 days. This yielded STX.2HCl dose rates of up to 730 µg/kg bw/day with no effects on food consumption, growth, blood pressure, heart rate, motor coordination, grip strength, blood chemistry, haematology, organ weights or tissue histology. Using the 100-fold safety factor to extrapolate from animals to humans yields a dose rate of 7.3 µg/kg bw/day, which is well above the current acute reference dose (ARfD) of 0.5 µg STX.2HCl eq/kg bw proposed by the European Food Safety Authority. Furthermore, to reach the dose rate of 7.3 µg/kg bw, a 60 or 70 kg human would have to consume 540 or 630 g of shellfish contaminated with PSTs at the current regulatory limit (800 µg/kg shellfish flesh), respectively. The current regulatory limit for PSTs therefore seems appropriate.

Autoři článku: Jensbymccleary8028 (MacGregor Lauritsen)