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Genetic diversity was weakly correlated between marker types, with SNPs providing a better representation of southern refugia and of gradients of genetic diversity congruent with the demographic history of both species. Our results suggest that the larger number of loci in a SNP dataset can provide more reliable inferences of patterns of genetic structure and diversity than a typical microsatellite dataset, at least at the spatial and temporal scales investigated.This study develops a nearly unbiased estimator of the ratio of the contemporary effective mother size to the census size in a population, as a proxy of the ratio of contemporary effective size (or effective breeding size) to census size (Ne /N or Nb /N). The proposed estimator is based on both known mother-offspring (MO) and maternal-sibling (MS) relationships observed within the same cohort, in which sampled individuals in the cohort probably share MO relationships with sampled mothers. The rationale is that the frequency of MO and MS pairs contains information regarding the contemporary effective mother size and the (mature) census size, respectively. Therefore, the estimator can be obtained only from genetic data. We also evaluate the performance of the estimator by running an individual-based model. The results of this study provide the following (a) parameter range for satisfying the unbiasedness, and (b) guidance for sample sizes to ensure the required accuracy and precision, especially when the order of the ratio is available. Furthermore, the results demonstrate the usefulness of a sibship assignment method for genetic monitoring, providing insights for interpreting environmental and/or anthropological factors fluctuating Ne /N (or Nb /N), especially in the context of conservation biology and wildlife management.A.J. Bateman (1948) hypothesized that a metric of sexual selection is in sex differences of intrasexual variance in number of mates (VNM). AJB predicted that (a) males have greater variance in reproductive success (VRS) than females; (b) males have greater VNM than females; and (c) a positive relationship between VNM and VRS is stronger among males. AJB used phenotypically observable mutations in offspring to identify parents and to count subjects' NM and RS. AJB's conclusions matched his predictions, later called "Bateman's Principles." Empirical challenges to his conclusions guided analyses herein. (a) AJB's analysis pseudo-replicated sample sizes, violating a sexual selection assumption That is, individuals must be in the same population to choose and compete. (b) AJB's methods overestimated subjects with no mates while underestimating subjects with one or more. (c) A replication (Gowaty et al., 2012) showed that offspring inheriting nametags from both parents often died before expressing adult phenotypes, proving some of AJB's methods produced biased data. Science historian Thierry Hoquet located AJB's archived, handwritten laboratory notes, photocopied, and transcribed them. We tested each of the 65 unique populations for expected combinations in offspring of parental mutations 41.5% failed Punnett's tests Offspring carrying nametags simultaneously from both parents were missing showing estimates of parents' NM and VNM were undercounted. 58.5% of populations met Punnett's expectations providing an unparalleled opportunity to re-evaluate AJB's predictions. 34 unbiased populations had no sex differences in VRS; 37 had no sex differences in VNM. No sex differences in slopes of RS and NM occurred in any unbiased population. Regressions showed weak, positive, significant associations between VNM and VRS for females and males, contrary to AJB's prediction that the relationship would be positive in males but not in females. AJB's laboratory data are inconsistent with "Bateman's Principles."Fish stocking programs have been implemented to mitigate the blockage of original riverbeds by the construction of hydropower dams, which affects the natural migration of fish populations. However, this method raises concerns regarding the genetic rescue of the original populations of migratory fish species. We investigated the spatial distribution of genetic properties, such as genetic diversity, population structure, and gene flow (migration), of the Neotropical migratory fish Prochilodus costatus in the Três Marias dam in the São Francisco River basin, Brazil, and examined the possible effects of fish stocking programs on P. Selleck Honokiol costatus populations in this region. In total, 1,017 specimens were sampled from 12 natural sites and a fish stocking program, and genotyped for high-throughput sequencing at 8 microsatellite loci. The populations presented low genetic variability, with evidence of inbreeding and the presence of only four genetic pools; three pools were observed throughout the study region, and the fourth was exclusive to one area in the Paraopeba River. Additionally, we identified high unidirectional gene flow between regions, and a preferred migratory route between the Pará River and the upper portion of the São Francisco River. The fish stocking program succeeded in transposing the genetic pools from downstream to upstream of the Três Marias dam, but, regrettably, promoted genetic homogenization in the upper São Francisco River basin. Moreover, the data show the fragility of this species at the genetic level. This monitoring strategy could be a model for the development of conservation and management measures for migratory fish populations that are consumed by humans.Over thirty species of littoral marine Gammaridea occur along the coasts of the North Atlantic. From one to several species can coexist in a single region. There is an evident, inverse relationship between egg incubation time and temperature (from 14 to >120 days) and consequent trends in the size of the animals on reaching maturity (from 5 mm in warmer waters to 30 mm in the coldest ones) and in lifespan (from 5 years). Littoral gammarids are a good example of the shrinking size effect of increasing temperatures and size-related species diversity. In large species, the annual cohorts of the population (3-5 annual size groups) functionally replace the adults of smaller species. The ongoing warming of the European Arctic seas may extend the distribution limits of boreal species so that more Gammarus species may appear on northern coasts hitherto occupied by just one or at most two species.This paper documents a mass en route mortality event of adult summer chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) returning to the Koyukuk River, Alaska in the Yukon River basin. In response to reports from local communities, a small team of researchers (including the author) surveyed ca. 275 km of river on July 26 and 27, 2019 and counted 1,364 dead salmon. Although the total magnitude of mortality is unknown, counts from the survey certainly represent only a small fraction of the true number of fish that died. We sampled 73 carcasses to confirm death occurred prematurely prior to complete maturation and spawning, and to quantify sex and length. Visual inspection revealed a substantial fraction exhibited patterns of fungal growth consistent with secondary infections of skin lesions caused by the ubiquitous natural bacterial pathogen Flavobacterium columnare. Water temperatures during the survey averaged 17.1°C and the water was approximately 85% saturated with oxygen (ca. 8.5 mg/L), which likely contributed to the stress for upstream migrants. Evidence suggests size-selective en route mortality as female migrants that died were 2% and male migrants 5% shorter than individuals that survived to their spawning grounds on Henshaw Creek. This translates to very strong estimates of natural selection using standardized selection differentials, yet it is unclear whether selection acts on body size directly or indirectly through correlated phenotypic traits such as run timing. The mortality event likely underpins the below average returns of summer chum salmon to the Koyukuk River in 2019, suggesting an impact on spawner abundance. The future consequences of this, or potentially increasingly frequent, en route mortality events for population productivity and the extent to which genetic adaptation or adaptive phenotypic plasticity of migration behavior may facilitate persistence of these populations is unknown.

TR4, an orphan nuclear receptor plays a key role in glucose and lipid metabolism by regulating the expression of genes involved in energy metabolism. We previously reported that overexpression of TR4 in 3T3-L1 adipocytes promotes lipid accumulation in part by facilitating fatty acid uptake and synthesis, indicating that TR4 tightly regulates lipid homeostasis during adipogenesis. Here, we report that β-catenin suppresses TR4 transcriptional activity and that this inhibition is achieved through induction of Slug gene, a well-known transcription repressor in a variety of cells.

To generate the stable cell line, 3T3-L1 cells were transfected with plasmids then cultured in presence of geneticin and/or blasticidin for 2weeks. The lipid accumulation was measured by Oil Red O. The TR4-Slug and TR4-β-catenin interactions were checked by GST pull-down and mammalian two-hybrid assay. The TR4 transcriptional activities on various promoters were measured by luciferase activity. To check the binding affinity of TR4, we performed the gel shift and chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) assay. Gene expression was detected by RT-qPCR at the mRNA level and western blotting at the protein level.

Stable overexpression of Slug gene in 3T3-L1 preadipocytes strongly inhibited differentiation of 3T3-L1 preadipocytes. Using GST pull-down, gel shift and ChIP assays, we found that Slug abolished the formation of TR4 homodimers through direct interaction with TR4 and reduced the binding affinity of TR4 for its response elements located in TR4 target gene promoters such as fatty acid transport protein 1 and pyruvate carboxylase. Consistently, Slug inhibited TR4 target gene expression and was accompanied by repression of TR4-induced lipid accumulation in 3T3-L1 adipocytes.

Our results demonstrated that Slug inhibits 3T3-L1 adipogenesis through suppression of TR4 transcriptional activity.

Our results demonstrated that Slug inhibits 3T3-L1 adipogenesis through suppression of TR4 transcriptional activity.We present the case of a patient with severe symptoms of proximal forearm median nerve neuropathy. Over the course of 5 years his condition progressed to encompass rare features of combined pronator teres syndrome (PTS) and anterior interosseous nerve syndrome (AINS). The aetiology was found to be pronator teres compression and was managed successfully by surgical decompression. Proximal forearm median nerve compression should be considered as a continuum with two classic endpoints. At one end of the spectrum pure PTS presents with solely or mainly sensory symptoms, whereas at the other end AINS presents with pure motor symptoms. Hence, all possible anatomical sites of compression must be surgically explored in all cases of PTS or AINS, regardless of symptomatology. Timely referral to an experienced specialist is encouraged to ensure good outcomes, whenever a primary care practitioner encounters an atypical carpal tunnel syndrome-like presentation.

Autoři článku: Clancyfrank0861 (Dam Waters)