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Heavy metals-based changes in the plants and their alleviation through eco-friendly agents including reduced glutathione (GSH) have been widely studied. In the present experiment, we tested the alleviatory role of reduced glutathione (GSH) in seedlings of upland cotton cultivar, TM-1 under lead (Pb) toxicity. Plants were grown in the Hoagland solution containing Pb (0 μM), Pb (500 μM), GSH (50 μM), and GSH + Pb (50 μM + 500 μM). Lead exposure exacerbated hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and hydroxyl radical (OH•) levels, induced lipid peroxidation (MDA), and decreased the activities of catalase (CAT) and ascorbate peroxidase (APX) in the terminal and median leaves of 28-days old cotton seedlings stressed for 10 days. However, in the primary and secondary roots, CAT activity was increased but APX decreased. Similarly, peroxidase (POD) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activities were enhanced in the median leaves but a declining trend was observed in the terminal leaves, primary roots and secondary roots. Glutathione reductase (GR) activity, ascorbic acid (AsA) contents and GSH concentrations were increased in all parts except AsA in the median leaves. Transmission electron micrographs of Pb-treated plants exhibited deformed cell wall and cell membrane, disfigured chloroplasts and irregularly shaped mitochondria in the terminal and median leaves. Further, cell membrane, mitochondria, nucleus and other cell organelles in root cells were severely affected by the Pb. Thus their identification was little bit difficult through ultramicroscopy. External GSH stabilized leaf and root ultramorphology by stabilizing cell membranes, stimulating formation of multivesicular body vesicles, and by maintaining structural integrity of other organelles. Evidently, GSH played major alleviatory role against Pb toxicity in upland cotton. Copyright © 2020 Khan, Samrana, Zhang, Malik, Khan and Zhu.The genetic basis of hybrid vigor in plants remains largely unsolved but strong evidence suggests that variation in transcriptional regulation can explain many aspects of this phenomenon. Natural variation in transcriptional regulation is highly abundant in virtually all species and thus a potential source of heterotic variability. Allele Specific Expression (ASE), which is tightly linked to parent of origin effects and modulated by complex interactions in cis and in trans, is generally considered to play a key role in explaining the differences between hybrids and parental lines. Here we discuss the recent developments in elucidating the role of transcriptional variation in a number of aspects of hybrid vigor, thereby bridging old paradigms and hypotheses with contemporary research in various species. Copyright © 2020 Botet and Keurentjes.Coupling microfluidics with microscopy has emerged as a powerful approach to study at cellular resolution the dynamics in plant physiology and root-microbe interactions (RMIs). Most devices have been designed to study the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana at higher throughput than conventional methods. However, there is a need for microfluidic devices which enable in vivo studies of root development and RMIs in woody plants. Here, we developed the RMI-chip, a simple microfluidic setup in which Populus tremuloides (aspen tree) seedlings can grow for over a month, allowing continuous microscopic observation of interactions between live roots and rhizobacteria. We find that the colonization of growing aspen roots by Pseudomonas fluorescens in the RMI-chip involves dynamic biofilm formation and dispersal, in keeping with previous observations in a different experimental set-up. Also, we find that whole-cell biosensors based on the rhizobacterium Bacillus subtilis can be used to monitor compositional changes in the rhizosphere but that the application of these biosensors is limited by their efficiency at colonizing aspen roots and persisting. These results indicate that functional imaging of dynamic root-bacteria interactions in the RMI-chip requires careful matching between the host plant and the bacterial root colonizer. Copyright © 2020 Noirot-Gros, Shinde, Akins, Johnson, Zerbs, Wilton, Kemner, Noirot and Babnigg.Lysophosphatidylcholine acyltransferase (LPCAT, EC is an evolutionarily conserved key enzyme in the Lands cycle that catalyzes acylation of lysophosphatidylcholine (LPC) to produce phosphatidylcholine (PC), the main phospholipid in cellular membranes. In this study, three LPCAT genes from sunflower were identified and the corresponding proteins characterized. These HaLPCAT genes encoded functionally active enzymes that were able to complement a deficient yeast mutant. Moreover, enzymatic assays were carried out using microsomal preparations of the yeast cells. When acyl specificities were measured in the forward reaction, these enzymes exhibited a substrate preference for unsaturated acyl-CoAs, especially for linolenoyl-CoA, while in the reverse reaction, linoleoyl or linolenoyl acyl groups were transferred from PC to acyl-CoA to a similar extent. Expression levels of LPCAT genes were studied revealing distinct tissue-specific expression patterns. In summary, this study suggests that the combined forward and reverse reactions catalyzed by sunflower LPCATs facilitate acyl-exchange between the sn-2 position of PC and the acyl-CoA pool. Sunflower LPCATs displayed different characteristics, which could point to different functionalities, favoring the enrichment of seed triacylglycerols (TAGs) with polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA). Copyright © 2020 Mapelli-Brahm, Sánchez, Pan, Moreno-Pérez, Garcés, Martínez-Force, Weselake, Salas and Venegas-Calerón.Achieving the non-contact and non-destructive observation of broccoli head is the key step to realize the acquisition of high-throughput phenotyping information of broccoli. However, the rapid segmentation and grading of broccoli head remains difficult in many parts of the world due to low equipment development level. In this paper, we combined an advanced computer vision technique with a deep learning architecture to allow the acquisition of real-time and accurate information about broccoli head. By constructing a private image dataset with 100s of broccoli-head images (acquired using a self-developed imaging system) under controlled conditions, a deep convolutional neural network named "Improved ResNet" was trained to extract the broccoli pixels from the background. Then, a yield estimation model was built based on the number of extracted pixels and the corresponding pixel weight value. Additionally, the Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm (PSOA) and the Otsu method were applied to grade the quality of each broccoli head according to our new standard. The trained model achieved an Accuracy of 0.896 on the test set for broccoli head segmentation, demonstrating the feasibility of this approach. When testing the model on a set of images with different light intensities or with some noise, the model still achieved satisfactory results. Overall, our approach of training a deep learning model using low-cost imaging devices represents a means to improve broccoli breeding and vegetable trade. Copyright © 2020 Zhou, Hu, Xu, Yue, Ye and Yang.Ovules are female reproductive organs of angiosperms, containing sporophytic integuments and gametophytic embryo sacs. After fertilization, embryo sacs develop into embryos and endosperm whereas integuments into seed coat. Ovule development is regulated by transcription factors (TF) whose expression is often controlled by microRNAs. Mutations of Arabidopsis DICER-LIKE 1 (DCL1), a microRNA processing protein, caused defective ovule development and reduced female fertility. However, it was not clear whether other microRNA processing proteins participate in this process and how defective ovule development influenced female fertility. We report that mutations of HUA ENHANCER1 (HEN1) and HYPONASTIC LEAVES 1 (HYL1) interfered with integument growth. The sporophytic defect caused abnormal embryo sac development and inability of mutant ovules to attract pollen tubes, leading to reduced female fertility. We show that the role of HEN1 in integument growth is cell-autonomous. Although AUXIN RESPONSE FACTOR 6 (ARF6) and ARF8 were ectopically expressed in mutant ovules, consistent with the reduction of microRNA167 in hen1, introducing arf6;arf8 did not suppress ovule defects of hen1, suggesting the involvement of more microRNAs in this process. Results presented indicate that the microRNA processing machinery is critical for ovule development and seed production through multiple microRNAs and their targets. Copyright © 2020 Wei, Chai, Zhu, Duan, Zhang and Li.The effects of ionising radiation (IR) on plants are important for environmental protection but also in agriculture, horticulture, space science, and plant stress biology. Much current understanding of the effects of IR on plants derives from acute high-dose studies but exposure to IR in the environment frequently occurs at chronic low dose rates. Chronic low dose-rate studies have primarily been field based and examined genetic or cytogenetic endpoints. Here we report research that investigated developmental, morphological and physiological effects of IR on Arabidopsis thaliana grown over 7 generations and exposed for five generations to chronic low doses of either 137Cs (at a dose rate of c. Zn-C3 order 40 μGy/h from β/γ emissions) or 10 μM CdCl2. In some generations there were significant differences between treatments in the timing of key developmental phases and in leaf area or symmetry but there were, on the basis of the chosen endpoints, no long-term effects of the different treatments. Occasional measurements als plants to IR is not well understood and further investigation of it would likely improve the use of DCRLs for radiological protection. Copyright © 2020 Caplin, Halliday and Willey.Septoria tritici blotch (STB) is caused by the ascomycete Zymoseptoria tritici and one of the predominating diseases in wheat (Triticum aestivum) in Europe. The control of STB is highly reliant on frequent fungicide applications. The primary objective of this study was to assess sensitivity levels of Z. tritici to different fungicide groups. The fungicides included in this study were epoxiconazole, prothioconazole-desthio, tebuconazole, and fluxapyroxad. A panel of 63 isolates from Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania, and 10 isolates from Finland were tested. Fungicide sensitivity testing was carried out as a bioassay analyzing single pycnidium isolates on different fungicide concentrations. The average EC50 value in Baltic countries and Finland to epoxiconazole was high ranging from 1.04 to 2.19 ppm. For prothioconazole-desthio and tebuconazole, EC50 varied from 0.01 to 0.24 ppm, and 1.25 to 18.23 ppm, respectively. The average EC50 value for fluxapyroxad varied from 0.07 to 0.33 ppm. To explain the range of sensitivity, the samples were analyzed for CYP51 and Sdh mutations, as well as cytb G143A, CYP51 overexpression, and multidrug resistance (MDR). Frequencies of ZtCYP51 mutations D134G, V136A/C, A379G, I381V, and S524T in the Finnish-Baltic region were lower than in other European countries, but have increased compared to previous years. The frequency of cytb G143A conferring strobilurin resistance also augmented to 50-70% in the Z. tritici populations from Estonia, Finland, Latvia, and Lithuania. No Sdh mutations were found in this study, and neither strains of MDR phenotypes. However, we found a strain harboring a previously unknown transposon insertion in the promoter of the MFS1 gene, involved in drug efflux and multi-drug resistance. This new insert, however, does not confer an MDR phenotype to the strain. Copyright © 2020 Mäe, Fillinger, Sooväli and Heick.

Autoři článku: Villadsengorman2964 (Stokes Hede)