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est that frailty should be approached as an entity per se', in order to assess real mortality risk, alongside respiratory disease severity and the presence of comorbidities. Health care professionals need knowledge, skills and multidisciplinary collaboration to buffer the impact of frailty on everyday practice.Lung microbiota (LM) is an interesting new way to consider and redesign pathogenesis and possible therapeutic approach to many lung diseases, such as idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF), which is an interstitial pneumonia with bad prognosis. Chronic inflammation is the basis but probably not the only cause of lung fibrosis and although the risk factors are not completely clear, endogenous factors (e.g. gastroesophageal reflux) and environmental factors like cigarette smoking, industrial dusts, and precisely microbial agents could contribute to the IPF development. It is well demonstrated that many bacteria can cause epithelial cell injuries in the airways through induction of a host immune response or by activating flogosis mediators following a chronic, low-level antigenic stimulus. This persistent host response could influence fibroblast responsiveness suggesting that LM may play a role in repetitive alveolar injury in IPF. We reviewed literature regarding not only bacteria but also the role of virome and mycobiome in IPF. In fact, some viruses such as hepatitis C virus or certain fungi could be etiological agents or co-factors in the IPF progress. We aim to illustrate how the cross-talk between different local microbiotas throughout specific axis and immune modulation governed by microorganisms could be at the basis of lung dysfunctions and IPF development. Finally, since the future direction of medicine will be personalized, we suggest that the analysis of LM could be a goal to research new therapies also in IPF.Sertraline-associated interstitial lung disease (ILD) is a rare entity. A search of the English medical literature retrieved only 9 such cases. We report herein on an additional 12 patients who developed ILD during treatment with sertraline. The patients met the criteria for drug-induced pulmonary toxicity such as exposure to drug, correlation of the drug with clinical symptoms, lung imaging, lung biopsy findings, exclusion of other potential causes and improvement after drug removal. We review the available data and discuss various aspects of this entity. The possibility of drug-induced ILD should be considered in an individual who during treatment with sertraline develops dyspnea, cough, and radiographic findings compatible with ILD. Further epidemiological studies should be conducted to explore the association of sertraline treatment with ILD, and to delineate, substantiate, and broaden our knowledge of this rare entity.

To identify the incidence and baseline characteristics of relapse and exacerbation in patients with pulmonary sarcoidosis over a long-term period.

We enrolled 103 patients. The incidence and characteristics of relapse or exacerbation were retrospectively recorded and statistically analysed.

Of 103 patients, 79% were women. Mean age at diagnosis was 50.1 ± 16.4 y. Mean observation period was 9.8 ± 8.6 y. Overall relapse or exacerbation was 22.3% (n = 23) and mean time from diagnosis (including diagnosis of ocular disease at another facility) to relapse or exacerbation was 8.7 ± 8.3 y. We analysed the data of 69 -patients who were observed for > 5 y and identified relapse or exacerbation within 5 y in 9 patients. -Comparison of characteristics at diagnosis between the relapse/exacerbation group and the improved/stable group showed that the relapse/exacerbation group had a significantly higher frequency of bilateral hilar lymphadenopathy, longer disease duration, ocular involvement, cardiac involvement, and oral glucocorticoid use at diagnosis (

= 0.014, 0.027, 0.019, 0.035, and 0.0043, respectively). The number of risk factors was positively and significantly associated with the cumulative rate of relapse/exacerbation (

= 0.048).

Our long-term observational cohort study newly identified the incidence and baseline risk factors for relapse or exacerbation in patients with pulmonary sarcoidosis over a long-term period. Scoring the number of factors at baseline may facilitate the prediction of relapse or exacerbation.

Our long-term observational cohort study newly identified the incidence and baseline risk factors for relapse or exacerbation in patients with pulmonary sarcoidosis over a long-term period. Scoring the number of factors at baseline may facilitate the prediction of relapse or exacerbation.Common variable immunodeficiency (CVID) is one of the most common primary immunodeficiency disorders characterized by hypogammaglobulinemia and inadequate antibody response to immunizations. The impaired antibody response occurs due to the failure of B cells to differentiate into plasma cells resulting in low immunoglobulins levels and increased frequency of infections. Granulomatous and Lymphocytic Interstitial Lung Disease (GLILD) is a non-infectious complication of CVID that is seen in 10-30% of cases. GLILD is a multisystem inflammatory disease involving the lungs, lymph node, liver, spleen and gastrointestinal tract that mimics sarcoidosis. This report describes a series of cases who presented with dyspnea, recurrent respiratory infections or autoimmunity and on further evaluation revealed features suggestive of GLILD. There is very limited understanding of GLILD in terms of clinical presentation, the histo-pathological logical findings, and the diagnostic criteria by itself are limited. A diagnosis of GLILD is established in cases of CVID when there is evidence of lymphoproliferation, cytopenia, autoimmune processes and a lung biopsy demonstrating lymphocytic interstitial pneumonia, follicular bronchiolitis, lymphoid hyperplasia, and/or non-necrotizing granulomas. We review the treatment strategies, including replacement of immunoglobulin and agents targeting B and T lymphocytes. Systematic characterization of GLILD cases and long term follow up studies are sorely needed to understand the natural history of GLILD.

We aimed to evaluate the quantitative CT analysis of patients with CPFE in comparison with IPF and emphysema.

Patients with CPFE(n36), IPF(n38) and emphysema(n32) were retrospectively included in the study with the approval of the ethics committee.

There was a positive correlation between total lung volume and FVC%, TLCO% and 6 MWT, and negative correlation between mMRC and mortality. Sodium oxamate Negative correlation was found between right, left lung density and FVC%, TLCO% and 6 MWT, and positive correlation between mortality. Also, total lung volume, right and left lung densities were significant in predicting mortality and cut-off values are ≤3831,> -778 and> -775, respectively (p = 0.040, 0.020, 0.013).

Quantitative CT are guiding in predicting mortality of the disease.

Quantitative CT are guiding in predicting mortality of the disease.

Etiopathogenesis of cardiac sarcoidosis is poorly understood. The objective of this study is to examine a possible role of previous dental procedures on the development of cardiac sarcoidosis (CS).

Clinical details of 73 patients with CS from the Granulomatous Myocarditis Registry were extracted. Data regarding clinical presentation, comorbidities, baseline electrocardiogram, echocardiogram, and

fluorodeoxyglucose(FDG) PET-CT was extracted from the registry database. A comprehensive history of dental procedures for all patients was recorded. The two control groups comprised of 79 patients with idiopathic ventricular tachycardia and/or complete heart block (with similar clinical presentation) and 145 healthy age and sex matched patients, respectively.

Dental evaluation revealed that patients with CS had undergone a previous prosthetic dental implant(PI) (OR 12.4, 95% CI 4.0-38.1, p<0.001) or root canal treatment (RCT) (OR 2.43, 95% CI 1.12-5.26, p=0.025) more often than the healthy controls. The pat of patients also appear to have a more severe form of the disease.Leukocytoclastic vasculitis (LCV) is a common form of small-vessel vasculitis, which commonly presents as palpable purpura or petechiae, caused by deposition of circulating immune complexes on vessels walls that attracts granulocytes which damage the vascular endothelium and leading to erythrocytes extravasation. The skin is the most commonly involved organ, but also renal, gastrointestinal, pulmonary, cardiovascular and neurological systems may be affected. Skin lesions may be the initial signs of systemic vasculitis. Systemic symptoms may be present, such us fever, myalgia, abdominal pain and arthralgia. The presence of neuropathy/mononeuritis multiplex is expression of severe vasculitic involvement. Herein, we describe the case of a patient with leucocytoclastic vasculitis associated to sensitive neuropathy, responsive to intravenous immunoglobulins (IVIg) therapy, after the failure of classic systemic treatments.

Granulomatous interstitial nephritis in sarcoidosis (sGIN) is generally clinically silent, but in <1% causes acute kidney injury (AKI).

This Italian multicentric retrospective study included 39 sarcoidosis-patients with renal involvement at renal biopsy 31 sGIN-AKI, 5 with other patterns (No-sGIN-AKI), 3 with nephrotic proteinuria. We investigate the predictive value of clinical features, laboratory, radiological parameters and histological patterns regarding steroid response. Primary endpoint incident chronic kidney disease (CKD) beyond the 1°follow-up (FU) year; secondary endpoint response at 1°line steroid therapy; combined endpoint the association of initial steroid response and outcome at the end of FU.

Complete recovery in all 5 No-sGIN-AKI-patients, only in 45% (13/29) sGIN-AKI-patients (p=0.046) (one lost in follow-up, for another not available renal function after steroids). Nobody had not response. Primary endpoint of 22 sGIN-AKI subjects 65% (13/20) starting with normal renal function developed CKD (2/22 had basal CKD; median FU 77 months, 15-300). Combined endpoint 29% (6/21) had complete recovery and final normal renal function (one with renal relapse), 48% (10/21) had partial recovery and final CKD (3 with renal relapse, of whom one with basal CKD) (p=0.024). Acute onset and hypercalcaemia were associated to milder AKI and better recovery than subacute onset and patients without hypercalcaemia, women had better endpoints than men. Giant cells, severe interstitial infiltrate and interstitial fibrosis seemed negative predictors in terms of endpoints.

sGIN-AKI-patients with no complete recovery at 1°line steroid should be treated with other immunosuppressive to avoid CKD, in particular if males with subacute onset and III stage-not hypercalcaemic AKI.

sGIN-AKI-patients with no complete recovery at 1°line steroid should be treated with other immunosuppressive to avoid CKD, in particular if males with subacute onset and III stage-not hypercalcaemic AKI.

Since the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic and the significant changes that impacted because of it, people around the world have been left dealing with its consequences-fear of becoming ill and dying, fear of losing loved ones, uncertainty about the future, and imposed social isolation-several elements which could lead to psychological consequences. Moreover, as suggested by recent evidence, the virus acts as a factor in causing psychological symptoms, including depression, anxiety, fatigue, and post-traumatic stress disorder.

Here, we report a case of a patient with new-onset OCD after his recovery from the coronavirus disease, which presented in the form of recurrent and persistent intrusive thoughts and doubts which responded to medication.

This case shows the potential of COVID-19-associated inflammatory triggers to precipitate or induce obsessive-compulsive symptoms. Although this case cannot support causation, it does stress the bidirectional effects that physical and mental illness share.

This case shows the potential of COVID-19-associated inflammatory triggers to precipitate or induce obsessive-compulsive symptoms.

Autoři článku: Beringkofod3970 (Leach Daniel)