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Verze z 19. 9. 2024, 14:02, kterou vytvořil Raungoodwin8037 (diskuse | příspěvky) (Založena nová stránka s textem „Due to differential exploitation pressure, ecosystems along the urban to rural gradients often exhibit different status in ecological structure and functio…“)
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Due to differential exploitation pressure, ecosystems along the urban to rural gradients often exhibit different status in ecological structure and function. This can be challenging for lake restoration, given the relative strengths, magnitudes and speed of the exploitation. In this paper, we reconstructed the ecological changes over the past century and identified the regime shifts based on subfossil aquatic biota (chironomid records) in three shallow lakes (Shahu, Yanxi and Futou Lake) along an urban-rural gradient in the Yangtze floodplain, China. Our results illustrated the differences among lakes in trajectories, timing of critical transition and current ecological status. Eutrophic chironomid taxa increased markedly and replaced macrophyte-related taxa in urban Shahu Lake and suburban Yanxi Lake, indicated by the shift from a stable, vegetation-dominated state to an alternative, algal-dominated state in 1963 CE and 1975 CE respectively. The ecological regime in rural Futou Lake transited around 1980 CE but it is still in a relatively clear water state with abundant macrophytes due to anthropogenic hydrological controls. The greatest variance of chironomid compositional changes in both Shahu and Yanxi Lake was captured by anthropogenic pollutants, and analyses show that when these pressures are high they may be further amplified by climate warming. Responses along the urban-rural gradient are exemplified by urban Shahu Lake having shifted to a fragile regime with weak resistance and resilience, while rural Futou Lake has stabilized in a new regime with improved ecological resilience. Suburban Yanxi Lake is still moving toward a new state, and as such is unstable, because the types and magnitudes of external stressors are changing with urbanization in the city. see more It is suggested that active and precise management strategies for lakes should be established along the urban-rural gradient given their distinct development trajectories, drivers and current status.Emergence of high-level tigecycline resistance tet(X) variants in animal and human Enterobacterales is posing a public health concern. Recently, novel tet(X) variants including tet(X3), tet(X4), tet(X5) and tet(X6) were detected in Enterobacterales and Acinetobacter baumannii. Here, we comprehensively investigated the prevalence of tet(X) variants among different bacterial species in swine farm environment with nanopore sequencing. The tet(X6) gene was found located on both plasmids and ICEs in Proteus, but tet(X4) was in plasmids in E. coli. To our knowledge, this is the first report of the emergence of IncA/C2-type plasmid-mediated tet(X6). The bacterial host adaptation of different tet(X) variants implies they evolved in microbiota separately, but ISCR2 should be the key element facilitating horizontal transfer of various tet(X) variants through circular intermediates. Our findings further expand the knowledge about reservoirs of mobile tigecycline resistance genes and the epidemic characteristics of tet(X) variants in animals and related environments.Accurate biogenic volatile organic compound (BVOC) emission estimations are essential for developing effective air pollution control measures. Chinese BVOC emissions were calculated at a spatial resolution of 36 km × 36 km for 2008-2018 using the Model of Emissions of Gases and Aerosols from Nature. A statistical method was developed to obtain more accurate emission rates based on large numbers of observations from China and other countries. The most detailed and accurate vegetation investigations at high resolutions were used to determine the distributions of leaf biomass and coverage for 82 vegetation species and types. The results show that the national BVOCs emissions in China in 2018 were large, 58.89 Tg, with isoprene, monoterpene, sesquiterpene, and other VOCs accounting for 63.60%, 11.35%, 2.18%, and 22.87% of the emissions, respectively. Broadleaf trees exhibited the largest isoprene and total BVOC emissions. The biogenic emissions and compositions displayed strong seasonal variations, and isoprene was significantly more sensitive to seasonality. The emissions were concentrated in the Greater Khingan Mountain, Changbai Mountain, Qinling Mountain, southeast and southwest forest areas, and Hainan Province because of their larger distributions of broadleaf trees with higher emission potentials. During 2008-2018, BVOC emissions increased by 20.18% at an annual rate of 2.03%, and isoprene exhibited the greatest enhancement of 32.67%, which was primarily due to the increase in leaf biomass. The regions with the largest growth were distributed in the Greater Khingan and Changbai Mountains, and the Sichuan, Hunan, and Hubei Provinces, which was primarily the result of the substantial increase in volumes of trees with higher emission rates. The uncertainty of our estimates was evaluated by comparing the applied basal emission factors, vegetation coverages, meteorological data, and emission algorithms from previous studies, and it was estimated to be approximately -36.5-4.6%.Air pollution in the urban environment is a major concern. The ambient concentrations depend on the levels of transboundary imported pollution, the intensity of local sources and the prevailing atmospheric conditions. This work studies the relative impact of two atmospheric variables-atmospheric stability and regional scale turbulence-in determining the air pollution concentrations. We considered a setting (downtown Haifa, Israel) impacted by a large variety of sources, emitting pollutants with different chemical attributes and atmospheric life times. We found that traffic accounts for most of the locally produced pollution in the study location. However, the meteorological factors can overwhelm its impact and dictate the concentrations. The switch from stable to convective conditions and the more vigorous daytime wind are associated with a premature end of the morning peak concentrations that result from rush hour emissions of NOx, Black Carbon (BC) and ultra-fine particles. It results in daytime concentration which are lower than (winter) or equal to (summer) those at night, in spite of the much lower night-time traffic volumes. Similar, albeit weaker, impact was detected in the benzene and toluene concentrations. Sources outside the study area are responsible for most of the CO, PM1 and PM2.5 concentrations but during winter nights, characterised by strong atmospheric stability and low turbulence, their concentrations are elevated due to the local emissions. We developed a diagnostic statistical nonlinear model for the pollutant concentrations, which points to a stronger association of the atmospheric stability with the concentrations during stable conditions but turbulence dominating during convective conditions. Our findings explain the relatively low overall concentrations of locally emitted pollutants in the study area but warn of the potential for high concentrations during night-time in locations with comparable meteorological conditions.Climate change is a worldwide reality with significant effects on hydrological processes. It has already produce alterations in streamflow regime and is expected to continue in the future. To counteract the climate change impact, a better understanding of its effects is necessary. Hydrological models in combination with Indicators of Hydrologic Alteration (IHA) suppose an up-to-date approach to analyze in detail the impacts of climate change on rivers. In this study, the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model and Indicators of Hydrologic Alteration in Rivers (IAHRIS) software were successfully applied in Aracthos River basin, an agricultural watershed located in the north-western area of Greece. Statistical indices showed an acceptable performance of the SWAT model in both calibration (R2 = 0.74, NSE = 0.54, PBIAS = 17.06%) and validation (R2 = 0.64, NSE = 0.36, PBIAS = 12.31%) periods on a daily basis. To assess the future hydrologic alteration due to climate change in Aracthos River basin, five Global Climate Models (GFDL-ESM2, HadGEM2-ES, IPSL-CM5A-LR, MIROC-ESM-CHEM and NorESM1-M) were selected and analyzed under two different emission scenarios (RCP 4.5 and RCP 8.5) for a long-term period (2070-2099). Results indicate that precipitation and flow is expected to be reduced and maximum and minimum temperature to be increased, compared to the historical period (1970-1999). IHA, obtained from IAHRIS software, revealed that flow regime can undergo a severe alteration, mainly on droughts that are expected to be more significant and longer. All these future hydrologic alterations could have negative consequences on the Aracthos River and its surroundings. The increase of droughts duration in combination with the reduction of flows and the alteration of seasonality can affect the resilience of riverine species and it can produce the loss of hydraulic and environmental diversity. Therefore, this study provides a useful tool for decision makers to develop strategies against the impact of climate change.Soil respiration is the largest carbon (C) flux from terrestrial ecosystems into the atmosphere. Accurate estimates of the magnitude and distribution of soil respiration are critically important to models of global C cycling and predictions of future climate change. One of the greatest challenges to accurate large-scale estimation of soil respiration is its great spatial heterogeneity at the site level. Our study explored how soil respiration varies in space and the drivers that lead to this variance in a natural subtropical evergreen broadleaf forest in Southern China. We conducted a two-year soil respiration measurement for 168 randomly selected sampling points in a 4 ha plot. We measured the spatial variance of soil respiration and tested its correlation to a variety of abiotic and biotic factors including topography, aboveground plant community structure, soil environmental factors, soil organic matter, and microbial community structure. We found that soil respiration was highly varied across the study plot, with a spatial variation coefficient (CV) of 32.75%. The structural equation modeling (SEM) analysis showed that elevation influenced tree species diversity, productivity, and soil water content, which in turn affected soil respiration via soil C content, clay content, fungalbacterial ratio, annual litterfall, and fine root biomass. 31% of the total spatial variation of soil respiration was accounted for in the SEM, mostly by elevation, soil C content, annual litterfall biomass, tree species diversity as estimated by the Simpson's index, and soil water content, with standardized total effects of 0.31, -0.31, 0.29, 0.19, and -0.18, respectively. Our data demonstrated that soil respiration was highly spatially varied at the fine scale, and was primarily regulated by factors of topography and plant community structure. More studies investigating the spatial variation of soil respiration are therefore needed to better understand and assess terrestrial ecosystem C cycling.The release of contaminants of emerging concern (CECs) into water bodies has aroused wide concern in recent years. Little information on the characteristics of CECs to pose potential risks even at low concentrations in urban water systems of Shanghai is available. This study investigated the occurrence and spatial distribution in source water, as well as the fates by drinking water treatment processes for organic compounds including 35 pesticides, 17 antibiotics, 7 microcystins (MCs), and 10 disinfection by-products (DBPs). The similar trends across seasons for COD and TOC, the indicators for organic pollutants, indicated that the water qualities in three targeted reservoirs were relatively stable. COD in the R3 reservoir inlet was 1.3-2.4 times greater than that in the R1 and R2 reservoirs, possibly resulting from the inflow of the Taipu River as a tributary. Pesticides, particularly methamidophos and metabolites, macrolide and sulfonamide antibiotics, particularly roxithromycin, were frequently detected in Shanghai source water inlets.

Autoři článku: Raungoodwin8037 (Kehoe Cherry)