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Verze z 17. 9. 2024, 22:00, kterou vytvořil Greenemyrick6046 (diskuse | příspěvky) (Založena nová stránka s textem „Intra- and inter-specific gene flow are natural evolutionary processes. However, human-induced hybridization is a global conservation concern across taxa,…“)
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Intra- and inter-specific gene flow are natural evolutionary processes. However, human-induced hybridization is a global conservation concern across taxa, and the development of discriminant genetic markers to differentiate among gene flow processes is essential. Wolves (Canis lupus) are affected by hybridization, particularly in southern Europe, where ongoing recolonization of historic ranges is augmenting gene flow among divergent populations. Our aim was to provide diagnostic canid markers focused on the long-divergent Iberian, Italian and Dinaric wolf populations, based on existing genomic resources. We used 158 canid samples to select a panel of highly informative single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) to (i) distinguish wolves in the three regions from domestic dogs (C. l. familiaris) and golden jackals (C. aureus), and (ii) identify their first two hybrid generations. The resulting 192 SNPs correctly identified the five canid groups, all simulated first-generation (F1) hybrids (0.482 ≤ Qi ≤ 0.512 between their respective parental groups) and all first backcross (BC1) individuals (0.723 ≤ Qi ≤ 0.827 to parental groups). An assay design and test with invasive and non-invasive canid samples performed successfully for 178 SNPs. By separating natural population admixture from inter-specific hybridization, our reduced panel can help advance evolutionary research, monitoring, and timely conservation management.Streptococcus agalactiae, also known as Lancefield Group B Streptococcus (GBS), is typically regarded as a neonatal pathogen; however, several studies have shown that the bacteria are capable of causing invasive diseases in non-pregnant adults as well. The majority of documented cases were from Southeast Asian countries, and the most common genotype found was ST283, which is also known to be able to infect fish. This study sequenced 12 GBS ST283 samples collected from adult patients in Thailand. Together with publicly available sequences, we performed temporo-spatial analysis and estimated population dynamics of the bacteria. Putative drug resistance genes were also identified and characterized, and the drug resistance phenotypes were validated experimentally. The results, together with historical records, draw a detailed picture of the past transmission history of GBS ST283 in Southeast Asia.The huntsman spiders' genus Eusparassus are apex arthropod predators in desert ecosystems of the Afrotropical and Palearctic ecoregions. The Eusparassus dufouri and E. walckenaeri clades are two distinct taxonomic, phylogenetic, and geographic units concerning morphology, molecular phylogeny, and spatial data; but little is known about their ecological niche. We applied the maximum-entropy approach and modelled ecologic niches of these two phylogenetically closely related clades. Ecological niches of the two clades were compared using identity and background tests and two different metrics, the Schooner's D and Warren's I. We also predicted the impacts of climate change on the distribution of the two clades. The results of the identity test showed that the ecological niches of the two clades were different in geographic space but were similar in environmental space. While results of the background test revealed that the ecological niches of the two clades were similar in geographic and environmental space. This indicated that "niche conservatism" had an important role over the evolutionary time of allopatric diversification. However, the normalized difference vegetation index vs. topographic heterogeneity had influenced the niches of the dufouri and walckenaeri clades, respectively. The analyses recovered that the two clades' climatically suitable habitats will increase under future climate (the year 2070). However, since the two clades are characterized by the narrow range of environmental optimum and the accordingly high limits of tolerance, they are vulnerable to climate change.Bacterial persister cells are temporarily tolerant to bactericidal antibiotics but are not necessarily dormant and may exhibit physiological activities leading to cell damage. Based on the link between fluoroquinolone-mediated SOS responses and persister cell recovery, we screened chemicals that target fluoroquinolone persisters. Metabolic inhibitors (e.g., phenothiazines) combined with ofloxacin (OFX) perturbed persister levels in metabolically active cell populations. When metabolically stimulated, intrinsically tolerant stationary phase cells also became OFX-sensitive in the presence of phenothiazines. The effects of phenothiazines on cell metabolism and physiology are highly pleiotropic at sublethal concentrations, phenothiazines reduce cellular metabolic, transcriptional, and translational activities; impair cell repair and recovery mechanisms; transiently perturb membrane integrity; and disrupt proton motive force by dissipating the proton concentration gradient across the cell membrane. Screening a subset of mutant strains lacking membrane-bound proteins revealed the pleiotropic effects of phenothiazines potentially rely on their ability to inhibit a wide range of critical metabolic proteins. Altogether, our study further highlights the complex roles of metabolism in persister cell formation, survival and recovery, and suggests metabolic inhibitors such as phenothiazines can be selectively detrimental to persister cells.Neck pain and forward head posture (FHP) are typical in prolonged smartphone users and need to be targeted for treatment. We aimed to compare the effect of a routine therapeutic program with and without respiratory exercises on smartphone users with FHP and non-specific chronic neck pain (NSCNP). Sixty patients (aged 24.7 ± 2.1 years) with FHP and NSCNP were randomly assigned to the routine therapeutic program (n = 20), combined respiratory exercises with a routine therapeutic program (n = 20), or control (n = 20) groups. At baseline, there was no difference among groups at all variables. Each programme was implemented three times a week for eight weeks. Primary Outcome was pain measured by visual analogue scale (VAS), and secondary ones were forward head angle, the activity of specific muscles, and respiratory patterns, measured by photogrammetry, electromyography and manual, respectively. All outcomes were measured at baseline and eight weeks post-treatment. We used the repeated measures analysis of varianc0.Cells communicate with their environment via surface receptors, but nanoscopic receptor organization with respect to complex cell surface morphology remains unclear. This is mainly due to a lack of accessible, robust and high-resolution methods. Here, we present an approach for mapping the topography of receptors at the cell surface with nanometer precision. The method involves coating glass coverslips with glycine, which preserves the fine membrane morphology while allowing immobilized cells to be positioned close to the optical surface. We developed an advanced and simplified algorithm for the analysis of single-molecule localization data acquired in a biplane detection scheme. These advancements enable direct and quantitative mapping of protein distribution on ruffled plasma membranes with near isotropic 3D nanometer resolution. As demonstrated successfully for CD4 and CD45 receptors, the described workflow is a straightforward quantitative technique to study molecules and their interactions at the complex surface nanomorphology of differentiated metazoan cells.Behavioural studies provide insights into normal and disrupted biological mechanisms. In many research areas, a growing spectrum of animal models-particularly small organisms-is used for high-throughput studies with infrared-based activity monitors, generating counts per time data. The freely available software to analyse such data, however, are primarily optimized for drosophila and circadian analysis. Researchers investigating other species or non-circadian behaviour would thus benefit from a more versatile software. Here we report the development of a free and open-source software-Rtivity-allowing customisation of species-specific parameters, and offering a versatile analysis of behavioural patterns, biological rhythms, stimulus responses, and survival. Rtivity is based on the R language and uses Shiny and the recently developed Rethomics package for a user-friendly graphical interface without requiring coding skills. Rtivity automatically assesses survival, computes various activity, sleep, and rhythmicity parameters, and performs fractal analysis of activity fluctuations. Rtivity generates multiple informative graphs, and exports structured data for efficient interoperability with common statistical software. In summary, Rtivity facilitates and enhances the versatility of the behavioural analysis of diverse animal species (e.g. drosophila, zebrafish, daphnia, ants). It is thus suitable for a broad range of researchers from multidisciplinary fields such as ecology, neurobiology, toxicology, and pharmacology.Parkinson's disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative condition featured by motor dysfunction, death of midbrain dopaminergic neurons and accumulation of α-synuclein (αSyn) aggregates. Growing evidence suggests that PD diagnosis happens late in the disease progression and that the pathology may originate much earlier in the enteric nervous system (ENS) before advancing to the brain, via autonomic fibers. It was recently described that a specific cell type from the gut epithelium named enteroendocrine cells (EECs) possess many neuron-like properties including αSyn expression. By facing the gut lumen and being directly connected with αSyn-containing enteric neurons in a synaptic manner, EECs form a neural circuit between the gastrointestinal tract and the ENS, thereby being a possible key player in the outcome of PD in the gut. We have characterized the progression and the cellular mechanisms involved in αSyn pre-formed fibrils (PFFs) transfer from EECs to neuronal cells. We show that brain organoids efficiently internalize αSyn PFF seeds which triggers the formation of larger intracellular inclusions. In addition, in the enteroendocrine cell line STC-1 and in the neuronal cell line SH-SY5Y, αSyn PFFs induced intracellular calcium (Ca2+) oscillations on an extracellular Ca2+ source-dependent manner and triggered αSyn fibrils internalization by endocytosis. We characterized the spread of αSyn PFFs from enteroendocrine to neuronal cells and showed that this process is dependent on physical cell-to-cell contact and on Rab35 GTPase. Lastly, inhibition of Rab35 increases the clearance of αSyn fibrils by redirecting them to the lysosomal compartment. Therefore, our results reveal mechanisms that contribute to the understanding of how seeded αSyn fibrils promote the progression of αSyn pathology from EECs to neuronal cells shifting the focus of PD etiology to the ENS.Infection with Brucella is characterized by the inhibition of host immune responses. MicroRNA-155 (miR-155) has been implicated in the immune response to many diseases. In this study, its expression during Brucella 16M infection of macrophages and mice was analyzed. AZD9291 Expression of miR-155 was significantly induced in macrophages at 24 h post infection. Further, an analysis of infected mice showed that miR-155 was inhibited at 7 and 14 days but induced at 28 days. Interestingly, this trend in induction or inhibition was reversed at 7 and 14 days in 16M△virB-infected mice. This suggested that decreased expression of miR-155 at an early stage of infection was dependent on intracellular replication. In humans with brucellosis, serum levels of miR-155 were significantly decreased compared to those in individuals without brucellosis and healthy volunteers. Significant correlations were observed between serum level of miR-155 and serum anti-Brucella antibody titers and the sweating symptom. This effect suggests that Brucella interferes with miR-155-regulated immune responses via a unique mechanism.

Autoři článku: Greenemyrick6046 (Hill McLeod)