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Verze z 15. 9. 2024, 18:26, kterou vytvořil Braggflanagan9722 (diskuse | příspěvky) (Založena nová stránka s textem „Crayfish myofibril protein (CMP) gel deterioration induced by autoclaving was investigated. A series of CMP gels were obtained through treating CMP solutio…“)
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Crayfish myofibril protein (CMP) gel deterioration induced by autoclaving was investigated. A series of CMP gels were obtained through treating CMP solutions at different autoclaving conditions from 100 °C/0.1 MPa to 121 °C/0.21 MPa, and then characteristics and the mechanism of gel texture deterioration along with the intensification of autoclaving were explored through determining appearance, texture, protein composition, cross-linking forces, degree of hydrolysis, water state, microstructure of the gels, and average particle size of aggregates. When autoclaving was at above 105 °C/0.103 MPa, texture of CMP gel showed a tendency to severely weaken with the intensification of autoclaving (p < 0.05), hydrophobic interaction and aggregation between proteins weakened gradually (p < 0.05), and moderately bound water in the gel decreased and T22 relaxation time significantly increased (p < 0.05). After heating for 30 min at above 105 °C/0.103 MPa, pores in the microstructure of CMP gel enlarged obviously, and myosin heavy chain (MHC) degraded. It can be concluded that CMP gel deterioration induced by autoclaving was associated with the degradation of MHC and 105 °C might be the critical temperature to ensure good texture of crayfish products.Honey is a widely used natural product and the price of honey from Apis cerana (ACH) and A. dorsata (ADH) is several times more expensive than the one from A. mellifera (AMH), thus there are increasing fraud issues reported in the market by mislabeling or mixing honeys with different entomological origins. In this study, three species-specific primers, targeting the NADH dehydrogenase 2 (ND2) region of honeybee mitochondrial DNA, were designed and tested to distinguish the entomological origin of ACH, ADH, and AMH. Molecular analysis showed that each primer set can specifically detect the ND2 region from the targeted honeybee DNA, but not from the others. The amplicon size for A. cerana, A. dorsata and A. mellifera were 224, 302, and 377 bp, respectively. Importantly, each primer set also specifically produced amplicons with expected size from the DNA prepared from honey samples with different entomological origins. The PCR adulteration test allowed detection of 1% of AMH in the mixture with either ACH or ADH. Furthermore, real-time PCR and melting curve analysis indicated the possible discrimination of origin of honey samples. Therefore, we provide the newly developed PCR-based method that can be used to determine the entomological origin of the three kinds of honey.We isolated and characterized tilapia-head chondroitin sulfate (TH-CS) and explored its biological activity and mechanisms of action as an oral supplement for nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) induced by a high-fat diet (HFD) in mice. The results showed that treatment with TH-CS for 8 weeks alleviated the development of NAFLD, as evidenced by the notable improvement in liver damage, blood lipid accumulation and insulin resistance (IR). Meanwhile, TH-CS treatment reduced the expression of proinflammatory cytokines and normalized oxidative stress. Additionally, the analysis of 16S rDNA sequencing revealed that TH-CS could restore gut microbiota balance and increase the relative abundance of short-chain fatty acid (SCFA)-producing bacteria. Furthermore, SCFAs produced by related bacteria can further improve lipid metabolism and IR by regulating lipid synthesis signals. In conclusion, TH-CS is an effective dietary supplement for the prevention of NAFLD, and may serve as a potential supplementary treatment for lipid-related metabolic syndrome.Antiradical potential (ARP) is an important measure of food safety. In addition, it directly or indirectly affects the rate of occurrence of a number of human pathologies. Using a photocolorimetric analysis of DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) solutions, we estimated the antiradical potential of food raw materials, food concentrates, biologically active substances, and wild plants. We conducted approximately 1500 analyses of almost 100 food products selected from 11 food groups vegetables, milk, meat, fish, cereals and bread, drinks (including tea and coffee), etc. With a confidence interval (CI) of 95%, the average values for animal products range from 15.87 to 18.70 ascorbic acid equivalents per gram of dry matter. For plant materials, the range is 474.54-501.50 equivalents when wild herbs are included and 385.02-408.83 equivalents without taking herbs into account. The antiradical potential of the biologically active substances we studied ranged from 706.84 to 847.77 equivalents per gram of dry matter, which makes it possible to use some of the components to repair products with low ARP values, for example, bread and baked goods, confectionery, milk and dairy products, carbonated drinks, and juice. In this study, a low ARP value is associated with a reduction in the shelf life of products and a deterioration in their organoleptic properties; therefore, we propose using ARP as an important reference for describing the quality of food products and raw food materials.Cow's milk-based infant formulas are the most common substitute to mother's milk in infancy when breastfeeding is impossible or insufficient, as cow's milk is a globally available source of mammalian proteins with high nutritional value. However, cow's milk allergy (CMA) is the most prevalent type of food allergy among infants, affecting up to 3.8% of small children. Hypoallergenic infant formulas based on hydrolysed cow's milk proteins are commercially available for the management of CMA. Yet, there is a growing demand for more options for infant feeding, both in general but especially for the prevention and management of CMA. Milk from other mammalian sources than the cow, such as goat, sheep, camel, donkey, and horse, has received some attention in the last decade due to the different protein composition profile and protein amino acid sequences, resulting in a potentially low cross-reactivity with cow's milk proteins. Recently, proteins from plant sources, such as potato, lentil, chickpeas, quinoa, in addition to soy and rice, have gained increased interest due to their climate friendly and vegan status as well as potential lower allergenicity. In this review, we provide an overview of current and potential future infant formulas and their relevance in CMA prevention and management.Tetrodotoxin (TTX) was simultaneously detected in the fresh and heat-processed aquatic products by high-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry method. The detection conditions were investigated, including the chromatography column and mobile phase. Based on the optimized parameters, a sensitive determination method of TTX was established. The proposed method featured the merits of a good linear relationship between signal and TTX concentration (R2 = 0.9998), a wide detection matrix-based range of 0.2-100 ng/g, and a low detection limit of 0.2 ng/g, etc. The spiked assays evidenced its accuracy and reliability with recoveries of 90.5-107.2%. Finally, the developed method was simultaneously successfully applied in the determination of TTX in various fresh and heat-processed aquatic products.Developing countries will be home to 85% of the world's population by 2030. Hence, it is important to ensure food security for them. This effort is not easy, as the number of undernourished people (NUP) in the world has increased. We investigated the impact of food and non-production factors on the NUP in developing countries. This study employed secondary data from 57 developing countries between 2002 and 2018. These countries come from three regions, namely Africa, Asia, and Latin America and the Caribbean. One-step and two-step generalized method of moments (sys-GMM) models were used to analyze the data. VBIT-12 research buy The findings showed that the food production index, cereal import dependency ratio, economic globalization index, and human capital index had different effects on the NUP in each region. The excellent news is that corruption control can help developing countries minimize their NUP. Based on the findings, we propose efforts to improve physical and economical food access and control corruption, and developing country governments and the international community must demonstrate a strong commitment to reducing the prevalence of undernourishment.There is growing interest in using healthy ingredients for the formulation of meat-based products. Among them, the replacement of pork fat with vegetable oils has attracted much attention. On the other hand, the use of vegetable proteins to replace meat provides multiple possibilities which have not been sufficiently studied. The aim of this study was to produce low-fat frankfurters in which all the pork fat had been replaced with olive oil and then to progressively replace (25%, 50%, 75% and 100%) the pork with textured pea protein. Texture, color, technological properties such as emulsion stability and cooking loss, proximate composition, and the fatty acid profile were analyzed. The results show that frankfurters made only with olive oil were slightly pale; however, they showed better emulsion stability and a healthier lipid profile than the 100%-meat-based frankfurters. Regarding the replacement of meat with texturized pea protein in the frankfurters made with olive oil, it was possible to replace up to 50% of the meat, and although significant differences were observed in terms of moisture, color, and texture, the product obtained showed similar values to other low-fat frankfurters.An increasing number of people are concerned about eating meat, despite enjoying doing so. In the present research, we examined whether the desire to resolve this ambivalence about eating meat leads to a reduction in meat consumption. Our model of ambivalence-motivated meat reduction proposes that the pervasive nature of evaluative conflict motivates meat avoidance, and we highlight two potential mechanisms involved the anticipation of ambivalence reduction through behavioral change, and information seeking for contents that facilitate meat reduction. Study 1 drew on a cross-sectional 6-day food diary with 7485 observations in a quota sample to investigate why meat-related ambivalence arises and to demonstrate the correlation of ambivalence with meat reduction. Two experiments investigated the causal direction of this association by showing that ambivalence-induced discomfort motivated participants to eat less meat when they introspected on their preexisting incongruent evaluations (Study 2 and 3), which was mediated by the aforementioned mechanisms involved (Study 3; preregistered). The studies utilized diverse samples from Germany, England, and the US (total N = 1192) and support the proposed model by indicating that behavioral change is an important coping strategy to resolve ambivalent discomfort in the context of meat consumption. Our model of ambivalence-motivated meat reduction contributes to theorizing on the consequences of ambivalence and the psychology of (not) eating meat.The main purpose of this work is the development of a value-added product (candied chestnuts) from Portuguese chestnut (Castanea sativa) cultivars (Martainha, Longal and Judia), as a way to minimize product loss and wastes. To accomplish this goal, the effects of rehydration, cooking, and syrup conditions on composition, textural properties, and colour parameters of candied chestnuts were investigated. The obtained results revealed that the optimal conditions to prepare candied chestnuts with a sweet taste, dark brown colour, with a crispy texture on the outside and smooth texture in the inner flesh were rehydration at 45 °C for a period of 5 h, cooking in a pressure pan for 15 min, and an immersion process with sucrose syrup for two days (syrup with 25% of sucrose on the first day and syrup of 50% of sucrose on the second day). During the process, the drying loss, hydration ratio, and cooking gain of the different cultivars were about 90%, 79%, and 130%, respectively. The total colour difference of candied chestnuts ranged from 24.

Autoři článku: Braggflanagan9722 (Austin Skovbjerg)