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Verze z 15. 9. 2024, 15:47, kterou vytvořil Dalbyellegaard4501 (diskuse | příspěvky) (Založena nová stránka s textem „At the concentration of 800 μg·mL-1, the methanol extracts of seeds showed stronger antimicrobial activities with a wide antimicrobial spectrum, inhibiti…“)
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At the concentration of 800 μg·mL-1, the methanol extracts of seeds showed stronger antimicrobial activities with a wide antimicrobial spectrum, inhibiting Escherichia coli (ATCC 24433), Xanthomonas oryzae (ACCC 11602), and Xanthomonas axonopodis with inhibitory rates of more than 90%. Furthermore, harmine and harmaline showed better antibacterial activities against all the bacteria. These findings indicated that alkaloids from P. harmala could account for antimicrobial activity, which could be used as lead molecules in the development of new antimicrobial drugs.Gene regulation is a key process for all microorganisms, as it allows them to adapt to different environmental stimuli. However, despite the relevance of gene expression control, for only a handful of organisms is there related information about genome regulation. In this work, we inferred the gene regulatory networks (GRNs) of bacterial and archaeal genomes by comparisons with six organisms with well-known regulatory interactions. The references we used are Escherichia coli K-12 MG1655, Bacillus subtilis 168, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1, Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar typhimurium LT2, and Staphylococcus aureus N315. To this end, the inferences were achieved in two steps. First, the six model organisms were contrasted in an all-vs-all comparison of known interactions based on Transcription Factor (TF)-Target Gene (TG) orthology relationships and Transcription Unit (TU) assignments. In the second step, we used a guilt-by-association approach to infer the GRNs for 12,230 bacterial and 649 archaeal genomes based on TF-TG orthology relationships of the six bacterial models determined in the first step. Finally, we discuss examples to show the most relevant results obtained from these inferences. A web server with all the predicted GRNs is available at https//regulatorynetworks.unam.mx/ or http// study aims to obtain anaerobic fungi from the rumen and fecal samples and investigates their potential for lignocellulosic bioconversion. Multiple anaerobic strains were isolated from rumen contents (CR1-CR21) and fecal samples (CF1-CF10) of Bactrian camel using the Hungate roll tube technique. After screening for fiber degradability, strains from rumen contents (Oontomyces sp. CR2) and feces (Piromyces sp. CF9) were compared with Pecoramyces sp. F1 (earlier isolated from goat rumen, having high CAZymes of GHs) for various fermentation and digestion parameters. The cultures were fermented with different substrates (reed, alfalfa stalk, Broussonetia papyrifera leaves, and Melilotus officinalis) at 39°C for 96 h. The Oontomyces sp. CR2 had the highest total gas and hydrogen production from most substrates in the in vitro rumen fermentation system and also had the highest digestion of dry matter, neutral detergent fiber, acid detergent fiber, and cellulose present in most substrates used. The isolated strains provided higher amounts of metabolites such as lactate, formate, acetate, and ethanol in the in vitro rumen fermentation system for use in various industrial applications. The results illustrated that anaerobic fungi isolated from Bactrian camel rumen contents (Oontomyces sp. CR2) have the highest lignocellulosic bioconversion potential, suggesting that the Bactrian camel rumen could be a good source for the isolation of anaerobic fungi for industrial applications.Nitrification inhibitor (NI) is often claimed to be efficient in mitigating nitrogen (N) losses from agricultural production systems by slowing down nitrification. Increasing evidence suggests that ammonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA) and ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) have the genetic potential to produce nitrous oxide (N2O) and perform the first step of nitrification, but their contribution to N2O and nitrification remains unclear. Furthermore, both AOA and AOB are probably targets for NIs, but a quantitative synthesis is lacking to identify the "indicator microbe" as the best predictor of NI efficiency under different environmental conditions. In this present study, a meta-analysis to assess the response characteristics of AOB and AOA to NI application was conducted and the relationship between NI efficiency and the AOA and AOB amoA genes response under different conditions was evaluated. The dataset consisted of 48 papers (214 observations). This study showed that NIs on average reduced 58.1% of N2O emissions and increased 71.4% of soil NH 4 + concentrations, respectively. When 3, 4-dimethylpyrazole phosphate (DMPP) was applied with both organic and inorganic fertilizers in alkaline medium soils, it had higher efficacy of decreasing N2O emissions than in acidic soils. The abundance of AOB amoA genes was dramatically reduced by about 50% with NI application in most soil types. Decrease in N2O emissions with NI addition was significantly correlated with AOB changes (R 2 = 0.135, n = 110, P less then 0.01) rather than changes in AOA, and there was an obvious correlation between the changes in NH 4 + concentration and AOB amoA gene abundance after NI application (R 2 = 0.037, n = 136, P = 0.014). The results indicated the principal role of AOB in nitrification, furthermore, AOB would be the best predictor of NI efficiency.Monitoring the growth of bacterial cultures is one of the most common techniques in microbiology. This is usually achieved by using expensive and bulky spectrophotometric plate readers which periodically measure the optical density of bacterial cultures during the incubation period. In this study, we present a completely novel way of obtaining bacterial growth curves based on the classification of scanned images of cultures rather than using spectrophotometric measurements. We trained a deep learning model with images of bacterial broths contained in microplates, and we integrated it into a custom-made software application that triggers a flatbed scanner to timely capture images, automatically processes the images, and represents all growth curves. The developed tool, ScanGrow, is presented as a low-cost and high-throughput alternative to plate readers, and it only requires a computer connected to a flatbed scanner and equipped with our open-source ScanGrow application. In addition, this application also assists in the pre-processing of data to create and evaluate new models, having the potential to facilitate many routine microbiological techniques.Paleobiological reconstructions based on molecular fossils may be limited by degradation processes causing differential preservation of biomolecules, the distinct taxonomic specificity of each biomolecule type, and analytical biases. Here, we combined the analysis of DNA, proteins and lipid biomarkers using 16S and 18S rRNA gene metabarcoding, metaproteomics and lipid analysis to reconstruct the taxonomic composition and metabolisms of a desiccated microbial mat from the McMurdo Ice Shelf (MIS) (Antarctica) dated ~1,000 years BP. The different lability, taxonomic resolution and analytical bias of each biomolecule type led to a distinct microbial community profile. A-966492 research buy DNA analysis showed selective preservation of DNA remnants from the most resistant taxa (e.g., spore-formers). In contrast, the proteins profile revealed microorganisms missed by DNA sequencing, such as Cyanobacteria, and showed a microbial composition similar to fresh microbial mats in the MIS. Lipid hydrocarbons also confirmed Cyanobacteria and suggested the presence of mosses or vascular plant remnants from a period in Antarctica when the climate was warmer (e.g., Mid-Miocene or Eocene). The combined analysis of the three biomolecule types also revealed diverse metabolisms that operated in the microbial mat before desiccation oxygenic and anoxygenic photosynthesis, nitrogen fixation, nitrification, denitrification, sulfur reduction and oxidation, and methanogenesis. Therefore, the joint analysis of DNA, proteins and lipids resulted in a powerful approach that improved taxonomic and metabolic reconstructions overcoming information gaps derived from using individual biomolecules types.Cyanobacteria have attracted the attention of researchers because of their promising role as primary and secondary metabolites in functional food and drug design. Due to an ever-increasing awareness of health and the use of natural products to avoid the onset of many chronic and lifestyle metabolic diseases, the global demand for the use of natural drugs and food additives has increased in the last few decades. There are several reports about the highly valuable cyanobacterial products such as carotenoids, vitamins, minerals, polysaccharides, and phycobiliproteins showing antioxidant, anti-cancerous, anti-inflammatory, hypoglycemic, and antimicrobial properties. Recently, it has been shown that allophycocyanin increases longevity and reduces the paralysis effect at least in Caenorhabditis elegans. Additionally, other pigments such as phycoerythrin and phycocyanin show antioxidative properties. Because of their high solubility in water and zero side effects, some of the cyanobacterial tetrapyrrole derivatives, i.e., pigments, facilitate an innovative and alternative way for the beverage and food industries in place of synthetic coloring agents at the commercial level. Thus, not only are the tetrapyrrole derivatives essential constituents for the synthesis of most of the basic physiological biomolecules, such as hemoglobin, chlorophyll, and cobalamin, but also have the potential to be used for the synthesis of synthetic compounds used in the pharmaceutical and nutraceutical industries. In the present review, we focused on the different aspects of tetrapyrrole rings in the drug design and food industries and addressed its remaining limitations to be used as natural nutrient supplements and therapeutic agents.Human microbiome research is moving from characterization and association studies to translational applications in medical research, clinical diagnostics, and others. One of these applications is the prediction of human traits, where machine learning (ML) methods are often employed, but face practical challenges. Class imbalance in available microbiome data is one of the major problems, which, if unaccounted for, leads to spurious prediction accuracies and limits the classifier's generalization. Here, we investigated the predictability of smoking habits from class-imbalanced saliva microbiome data by combining data augmentation techniques to account for class imbalance with ML methods for prediction. We collected publicly available saliva 16S rRNA gene sequencing data and smoking habit metadata demonstrating a serious class imbalance problem, i.e., 175 current vs. 1,070 non-current smokers. Three data augmentation techniques (synthetic minority over-sampling technique, adaptive synthetic, and tree-based associative data augmentation) were applied together with seven ML methods logistic regression, k-nearest neighbors, support vector machine with linear and radial kernels, decision trees, random forest, and extreme gradient boosting. K-fold nested cross-validation was used with the different augmented data types and baseline non-augmented data to validate the prediction outcome. Combining data augmentation with ML generally outperformed baseline methods in our dataset. The final prediction model combined tree-based associative data augmentation and support vector machine with linear kernel, and achieved a classification performance expressed as Matthews correlation coefficient of 0.36 and AUC of 0.81. Our method successfully addresses the problem of class imbalance in microbiome data for reliable prediction of smoking habits.

Autoři článku: Dalbyellegaard4501 (Sellers Valentine)