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We posit that synaptic dysfunction and oscillatory abnormalities in neural circuits involving projections from and within the thalamus, with a focus on the thalamocortical circuits, may underlie the psychotic (and possibly other) symptoms of schizophrenia.Peripheral nerve injuries (PNIs) are frequent traumatic injuries across the globe. Severe PNIs result in irreversible loss of axons and myelin sheaths and disability of motor and sensory function. Schwann cells can secrete neurotrophic factors and myelinate the injured axons to repair PNIs. However, Schwann cells are hard to harvest and expand in vitro, which limit their clinical use. Adipose-derived stem cells (ADSCs) are easily accessible and have the potential to acquire neurotrophic phenotype under the induction of an established protocol. It has been noticed that Tacrolimus/FK506 promotes peripheral nerve regeneration, despite the mechanism of its pro-neurogenic capacity remains undefined. Herein, we investigated the neurotrophic capacity of ADSCs under the stimulation of tacrolimus. ADSCs were cultured in the induction medium for 18 days to differentiate along the glial lineage and were subjected to FK506 stimulation for the last 3 days. We discovered that FK506 greatly enhanced the neurotrophic phenotype of ADSCs which potentiated the nerve regeneration in a crush injury model. This work explored the novel application of FK506 synergized with ADSCs and thus shed promising light on the treatment of severe PNIs.Pluripotent stem cell-derived organoid technologies have opened avenues to preclinical basic science research, drug discovery, and transplantation therapy in organ systems. Stem cell-derived organoids follow a time course similar to species-specific organ gestation in vivo. However, heterogeneous tissue yields, and subjective tissue selection reduce the repeatability of organoid-based scientific experiments and clinical studies. To improve the quality control of organoids, we introduced a live imaging technique based on two-photon microscopy to non-invasively monitor and characterize retinal organoids' (RtOgs') long-term development. Fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM) was used to monitor the metabolic trajectory, and hyperspectral imaging was applied to characterize structural and molecular changes. We further validated the live imaging experimental results with endpoint biological tests, including quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR), single-cell RNA sequencing, and immunohistochemistry1 LW) indicated the maturation of photoreceptors in the fourth month of differentiation, which was consistent with the stabilized level of f/b NADH ratio starting from 4 months. Zn-C3 concentration Endpoint single-cell RNA and immunohistology data showed that the cellular compositions and lamination of RtOgs at different developmental stages followed those in vivo.The hippocampal formation consists of the Ammon's horn (cornu Ammonis with its regions CA1-4), dentate gyrus, subiculum, and the entorhinal cortex. The rough extension of the regions CA1-3 is typically defined based on the density and size of the pyramidal neurons without clear-cut boundaries. Here, we propose the vesicular glutamate transporter 1 (VGLUT1) as a molecular marker for the CA3 region. This is based on its strong labeling of the stratum lucidum (SL) in fluorescently stained human hippocampus sections. VGLUT1 puncta of the intense SL band co-localize with synaptoporin (SPO), a protein enriched in mossy fibers (MFs). Owing to its specific intensity profile throughout all hippocampal layers, VGLUT1 could be implemented as a pendant to Nissl-staining in fluorescent approaches with the additional demarcation of the SL. Furthermore, by high-resolution confocal microscopy, we detected VGLUT2 in the human hippocampus, thus reconciling two previous studies. Finally, by VGLUT1/SPO co-staining, we provide evidence for the existence of infrapyramidal MFs in the human hippocampus and we show that SPO expression is not restricted to MF synapses as demonstrated for rodent tissue.There is evidence of ghrelinergic-cannabinoidergic interactions in the central nervous system (CNS) that may impact on the plasticity of reward circuits. The aim of this article was to look for molecular and/or functional interactions between cannabinoid CB1 and ghrelin GHS-R1a receptors. In a heterologous system and using the bioluminescence resonance energy transfer technique we show that human versions of cannabinoid CB1 and ghrelin GHS-R1a receptors may form macromolecular complexes. Such receptor heteromers have particular properties in terms of CB1/Gi-mediated signaling and in terms of GHS-R1a-Gq-mediated signaling. On the one hand, just co-expression of CB1R and GHS-R1a led to impairment of cannabinoid signaling. On the other hand, cannabinoids led to an increase in ghrelin-derived calcium mobilization that was stronger at low concentrations of the CB1 receptor agonist, arachidonyl-2'-chloroethylamide (ACEA). The expression of CB1-GHS-R1a receptor complexes in striatal neurons was confirmed by in situ proximity ligation imaging assays. Upregulation of CB1-GHS-R1a- receptor complexes was found in striatal neurons from siblings of pregnant female mice on a high-fat diet. Surprisingly, the expression was upregulated after treatment of neurons with ghrelin (200 nM) or with ACEA (100 nM). These results help to better understand the complexities underlying the functional interactions of neuromodulators in the reward areas of the brain.Inherited metabolic disorders (IMDs) are rare genetic conditions that affect multiple organs, predominantly the central nervous system. Since treatment for a large number of IMDs is limited, there is an urgent need to find novel therapeutical targets. Nuclear factor erythroid-2-related factor 2 (Nrf2) is a transcription factor that has a key role in controlling the intracellular redox environment by regulating the expression of antioxidant enzymes and several important genes related to redox homeostasis. Considering that oxidative stress along with antioxidant system alterations is a mechanism involved in the neuropathophysiology of many IMDs, this review focuses on the current knowledge about Nrf2 signaling dysregulation observed in this group of disorders characterized by neurological dysfunction. We review here Nrf2 signaling alterations observed in X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy, glutaric acidemia type I, hyperhomocysteinemia, and Friedreich's ataxia. Additionally, beneficial effects of different Nrf2 activators are shown, identifying a promising target for treatment of patients with these disorders. We expect that this article stimulates research into the investigation of Nrf2 pathway involvement in IMDs and the use of potential pharmacological modulators of this transcription factor to counteract oxidative stress and exert neuroprotection.Homeostatic synaptic plasticity (HSP) regulates synaptic strength both pre- and postsynaptically to ensure stability and efficient information transfer in neural networks. A number of neurological diseases have been associated with deficits in HSP, particularly diseases characterised by episodic network instability such as migraine and epilepsy. Recently, it has become apparent that HSP also plays a role in many neurodegenerative diseases. In this mini review, we present an overview of the evidence linking HSP to each of the major neurodegenerative diseases, finding that HSP changes in each disease appear to belong to one of three broad functional categories (1) deficits in HSP at degenerating synapses that contribute to pathogenesis or progression; (2) HSP induced in a heterosynaptic or cell non-autonomous manner to support the function of networks of which the degenerating synapses or cells are part; and (3) induction of HSP within the degenerating population of synapses to preserve function and to resist the impact of synapse loss. Understanding the varied manifestations of HSP in neurodegeneration will not only aid understanding mechanisms of disease but could also inspire much-needed novel approaches to therapy.Eye-trackers are widely used to study nervous system dynamics and neuropathology. Despite this broad utility, eye-tracking remains expensive, hardware-intensive, and proprietary, limiting its use to high-resource facilities. It also does not easily allow for real-time analysis and closed-loop design to link eye movements to neural activity. To address these issues, we developed an open-source eye-tracker - EyeLoop - that uses a highly efficient vectorized pupil detection method to provide uninterrupted tracking and fast online analysis with high accuracy on par with popular eye tracking modules, such as DeepLabCut. This Python-based software easily integrates custom functions using code modules, tracks a multitude of eyes, including in rodents, humans, and non-human primates, and operates at more than 1,000 frames per second on consumer-grade hardware. In this paper, we demonstrate EyeLoop's utility in an open-loop experiment and in biomedical disease identification, two common applications of eye-tracking. With a remarkably low cost and minimum setup steps, EyeLoop makes high-speed eye-tracking widely accessible.The present study explores the impact of metabotropic glutamate receptor (mGluR) activation on activity-dependent synaptic plasticity (ADSP) and the intrinsic membrane properties of lumbar motoneurons (MNs) using a combination of biochemical, pharmacological, electrophysiological and behavioral techniques. Using spinal cord slices from C57BL/6JRJ mice at two developmental stages, 1-3 and 8-12 postnatal days (P1-P3; P8-P12, respectively), we found that ADSP expressed at glutamatergic synapses between axons conveyed in the ventrolateral funiculus (VLF) and MNs, involved mGluR activation. Using specific agonists of the three groups of mGluRs, we observed that mGluR stimulation causes subtype-specific and developmentally regulated modulation of the ADSP and synaptic transmission at VLF-MN synapses as well as the intrinsic membrane properties of MNs. RT-qPCR analysis revealed a downregulation of mGluR gene expression with age in the ventral part of the lumbar spinal cord. Interestingly, the selective harvest by laser microdissection of MNs innervating the Gastrocnemius and Tibialis anterior muscles unraveled that the level of Grm2 expression is higher in Tibialis MNs compared to Gastrocnemius MNs suggesting a specific mGluR gene expression profile in these two MN pools. Finally, we assessed the functional impact of mGluR modulation on electrically induced bouts of fictive locomotion in the isolated spinal cord preparation of P1-P3 mice, and in vivo during spontaneous episodes of swimming activity in both P1-P3 and P8-P12 mouse pups. We observed that the mGluR agonists induced distinct and specific effects on the motor burst amplitudes and period of the locomotor rhythms tested and that their actions are function of the developmental stage of the animals. Altogether our data show that the metabotropic glutamatergic system exerts a complex neuromodulation in the developing spinal lumbar motor networks and provide new insights into the expression and modulation of ADSP in MNs.The astroglial scar is a defining hallmark of secondary pathology following central nervous system (CNS) injury that, despite its role in limiting tissue damage, presents a significant barrier to neuroregeneration. Neural progenitor cell (NPC) therapies for tissue repair and regeneration have demonstrated favorable outcomes, the effects of which are ascribed not only to direct cell replacement but trophic support. Cytokines and growth factors secreted by NPCs aid in modifying the inhibitory and cytotoxic post-injury microenvironment. In an effort to harness and enhance the reparative potential of NPC secretome, we utilized the multifunctional and pro-regenerative cytokine, hepatocyte growth factor (HGF), as a cellular preconditioning agent. We first demonstrated the capacity of HGF to promote NPC survival in the presence of oxidative stress. We then assessed the capacity of this modified conditioned media (CM) to attenuate astrocyte reactivity and promote neurite outgrowth in vitro. HGF pre-conditioned NPCs demonstrated significantly increased levels of tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases-1 and reduced vascular endothelial growth factor compared to untreated NPCs.

Autoři článku: Bladtdehn5056 (Have Aguirre)