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Verze z 10. 9. 2024, 13:48, kterou vytvořil Ramoshaas8055 (diskuse | příspěvky) (Založena nová stránka s textem „expanding realm of endovascular approaches.<br /><br /> Spontaneous migration of retained intracranial bullet fragments is an increasingly recognized pheno…“)
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expanding realm of endovascular approaches.

Spontaneous migration of retained intracranial bullet fragments is an increasingly recognized phenomenon. However, such migration is usually limited in extent, since it occurs along the bullet tract or cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) spaces. Transhemispheric migration through an intact cerebral hemisphere has not been previously reported.

A 20-year old man sustained a gunshot wound (GSW) to the head with a left parieto-occipital entry point, resulting in retained bullet fragments within the anterior right frontal lobe. The patient developed medically refractory intracranial hypertension, necessitating a left decompressive hemicraniectomy. He exhibited a favorable postoperative course, with gradual neurologic recovery, and was ultimately discharged to a rehabilitation facility. Notwithstanding, serial head CT scans during the first 2 weeks revealed gradual transhemispheric migration of bullet fragments from the right frontal pole to the right occipital pole, traveling through largely intact, uninjured brain tissue.

Transhemispheric migration of bullet fragments via intact brain tissue may rarely occur. While the exact mechanisms underlying this phenomenon remain unclear, potential factors may include bullet weight, CSF pulsations, dissection through white matter tracts, and biomechanical effects of large skull defects. Bullet migration does not necessarily delay or prevent neurologic recovery.

Transhemispheric migration of bullet fragments via intact brain tissue may rarely occur. While the exact mechanisms underlying this phenomenon remain unclear, potential factors may include bullet weight, CSF pulsations, dissection through white matter tracts, and biomechanical effects of large skull defects. Bullet migration does not necessarily delay or prevent neurologic recovery.EEG findings in advanced Gerstmann-Sträussler-Scheinker syndrome (GSS) are shown. A 56-year-old woman developed GSS symptoms and was diagnosed as having GSS with the P102L mutation at age 58. During the early stage, there were no significant EEG findings. Her clinical condition worsened and she developed akinetic mutism at age 62. The patient died of pneumonia at age 65. EEGs were recorded annually from age 61 to 65. Bilateral independent periodic discharges (BIPDs) in both temporal areas appeared at age 64. No clinical seizures were noticed. MEG showed the sharp waves of BIPDs originated independently in each temporal lobe. Other causes of BIPDs were absent.Juvenile crabs of Carcinus maenas thrive in coastal waters reputed to be the receptacle of continental pollution. Amongst the many pollutants encountered, antidepressants, such as fluoxetine (FLX) and venlafaxine (VEN), often detected at the ng•L-1 range, are particularly worrying because of their action on the levels of monoamines, such as serotonin, noradrenaline and dopamine. In crustaceans, those monoamines are involved in colour change through their action on neuropeptide hormones. In addition, they are known to have a role in different behaviours, such as locomotion. Both colour change and locomotion are strategies used by juvenile crabs to hide and escape from predators. To investigate if the presence of antidepressants may alter behaviours of ecological importance, juvenile crabs were exposed to environmentally realistic concentrations of either 5 ng•L-1 of FLX alone or in combination with VEN at 5 ng•L-1. The ability to change colour depending on the environment and the locomotor activity of juvenile crabs were monitored weekly over 25 days. Animals exposed to antidepressants displayed a different pattern of colour change than the controls, especially those exposed to the combination of FLX and VEN at 5 ng•L-1 each, and were less efficient to adapt to their environment, i.e., they were not as pale and not as dark as controls or crabs exposed to FLX at 5 ng•L-1. see more Moreover, juvenile crabs exposed to the combination of antidepressants exhibited an enhanced locomotor activity throughout the exposure period with a higher velocity and distance moved as well as more time spend moving. The alteration of cryptic behaviours, such as colour change and locomotion by antidepressants persistently present in marine environment at low concentrations may have an impact on the survival of juvenile of C. maenas on the long term.The present study asks how behavioral (dual-action) demands in dual tasks are mentally represented and whether changes in representation might govern practice-related dual-task performance improvements. Three different representation accounts were empirically tested based on the idea that dual-action demands required in a dual-task trial might be represented in different ways. According to a compositional (Structuralist) account, component tasks remain structurally intact when combined with another task. In contrast, a holistic (Gestalt) account posits that dual-action requirements in dual tasks are represented holistically and entirely distinct from its component action requirements. Finally, a contextual change account assumes that a change in context (e.g., from single- to dual-action requirement) generally impedes response retrieval, similar to repeating a response while the task context switches. To address this issue, we analyzed trial-by-trial effects in a single/dual switch paradigm (SDS paradigm, involving a randomized mix of single- and dual-task trials within blocks). Specifically, we analyzed performance in an extensive dual-task training setting (involving training sessions across several days) combining an auditory-vocal task and a visual-manual task. The results indicated that, throughout practice, nearly all relevant comparisons of performance between complete switch trials (e.g., between the two single tasks) and partial repetition trials (e.g., from dual to single task) revealed partial repetition benefits, that is, for both the auditory-vocal and the visual-manual task, and for both single- and dual-task performance analyses. Therefore, dual-action requirements in the present dual-task setting are mentally represented in a compositional, Structuralist fashion, probably due to low between-task dimensional overlap.The Participatory One-Health Disease Detection project (PODD) (www.cmonehealth.org) developed a health-based surveillance system with the local government of Chiang Mai community ownership that has been created a mobile application on smartphone for reporting an abnormal event, especially animal health. Previously, the PODD project has obtained a significant number of pig abnormal events. Therefore, there are likely to be some diseases that are currently circulating among backyard pigs. A cross-sectional serological study was undertaken to determine the risk factors for virus infection and prevalence of antibodies against the classical swine fever virus (CSFV), porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV), porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) and influenza A virus (IAV) among backyard pigs in Chiang Mai, Thailand. Antibodies against the CSFV, PRRSV and PCV2 in backyard pigs were shown in swine level to be 14 % (95 % CI 9-20), 14 % (95 % CI 10-19), and 15 % (95 % CI 8-23), respectively. For the houstrict regulation of pig imports as a free source of the viruses along with effective animal quarantine, policies, and appropriate vaccination programs.

Squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue (SCCT) is preferably treated by surgery. Free resection margins (≥5 mm) provide local control and disease-free survival. However, close (1-5mm) and positive margins (<1 mm) are frequently encountered. We present our first experience of in-vivo ultrasound (US) guided SCCT resections followed by ex-vivo US control on the resection specimen to obtain free margins. We compare the results with those from a hisorical cohort of 91 conventionally treated SCCT patients.

Ten patients with SCCT were included in a consecutive US-cohort. We aimed for a 5-10mm margin during surgery, while we visualized the resection plane on US. Ex-vivo US measurements on the resection specimen determined whether there was any need for an immediate re-resection. US measurements were then compared with histopathology. Histopathological margins were compared with a consecutive cohort of 91 patients who had undergone conventional surgery for a SCCT.

In the US cohort, 70% of the margins were free. In the conventional cohort, this figure was 17% (P=0.005). US predicted minimal histopathological margin distance with a mean±SD error of 1.9±1.8mm. The mean±SD of the histopathological overall submucosal/deep margin distance was 7.9±2.1mm in the US cohort and 7.0±2.2mm in the conventional cohort (P=0.188). Ex-vivo examination through use of US indicated an immediate re-resection, which prevented local adjuvant treatment.

Use of US-guided SCCT resection is feasible and improves margin control.

Use of US-guided SCCT resection is feasible and improves margin control.Abnormally alternative splicing events are common hallmark of diverse types of cancers. Splicing variants with aberrant functions play an important role in cancer development. Most importantly, a growing body of evidence has supported that alternative splicing might play a significant role in the therapeutic resistance of tumors. Targeted therapy and immunotherapy are the future directions of tumor therapy; however, the loss of antigen targets on the tumor cells surface and alterations in drug efficacy have resulted in the failure of targeted therapy and immunotherapy. Interestingly, abnormal alternative splicing, as a strategy to regulate gene expression, is reportedly involved in the reprogramming of cell signaling pathways and epitopes on the tumor cell surface by changing splicing patterns of genes, thus rendering tumors resisted to targeted therapy and immunotherapy. Accordingly, increased knowledge regarding abnormal alternative splicing in tumors may help predict therapeutic resistance during targeted therapy and immunotherapy and lead to novel therapeutic approaches in cancer. Herein, we provide a brief synopsis of abnormal alternative splicing events in cancer progression and therapeutic resistance.

The aim of the present study was to evaluate the safety and efficacy of the add-on treatment of stiripentol (STP) in adult patients with severely pharmacoresistant focal or multifocal epilepsy.

Data on adult patients treated with STP from March 2007 to July 2020 and with at least one clinical follow-up (FU) were retrospectively reviewed. Data on tolerability, efficacy and concomitant medication were evaluated at baseline, 6 months (5.5 ± 1.6 months (mean ± SD)) and 12 months (13.1 ± 3.9 months (mean ± SD)).

Data of 22 patients (54.5% male, mean age 34.4 ± 17.79 years (mean ± SD), including mean duration of epilepsy 17.6 ± 25.5 years (mean ± SD), median seizure frequency 30 ± 20 (median ± MAD) per month, and 63.6% being severely intellectually disabled, with 3 to 18 previous anti-seizure-drugs (ASD), were collected. After 6 months, 72.7% of the patients were still taking STP, and 31% of the patients were responders, including 13% who were seizure-free. The 12-month retention rate was 54.4 %, the response rate was 36.

Autoři článku: Ramoshaas8055 (Donovan Andersen)