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Verze z 3. 9. 2024, 22:34, kterou vytvořil Godfreydickey9961 (diskuse | příspěvky) (Založena nová stránka s textem „In the mammalian visual system, early stages of visual form perception begin with orientation selective neurons in primary visual cortex (V1). In many spec…“)
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In the mammalian visual system, early stages of visual form perception begin with orientation selective neurons in primary visual cortex (V1). In many species (including humans, monkeys, tree shrews, cats, and ferrets), these neurons are organized in pinwheel-like orientation columns. To study the functional organization within orientation pinwheels, it is important to target pinwheel subdomains precisely. We therefore developed a technique to provide a quantitative determination of the location of pinwheel centers (PCs). Previous studies relied solely on blood vessel images of the cortical surface to guide electrode penetrations to PCs in orientation maps. However, considerable spatial error remained using this method. In the present study, we improved the accuracy of targeting PCs by ensuring perpendicularity of electrodes and by utilizing the orientation tuning of local field potentials (LFP) recorded at or near the optically determined positions.The ureides allantoin and allantoate are the main organic nitrogen compounds transported in several legumes, predominantly from N2 fixation. Moreover, recent studies point out a remarkable role for allantoin during several stress responses of plants other than legumes. The goal of this protocol is to determine ureides concentration in different plant tissues. Ureides are extracted from plant material by boiling it in phosphate buffer. The allantoin and allantoate present in the supernatants are subjected to alkaline-acidic hydrolysis to glyoxylate. Apabetalone purchase The glyoxylate is converted into glycoxylic acid phenylhydrazone, that is then oxidized to red-colored 1,5-diphenylformazan. The absorbance of supernatants is measured using a spectrophotometer at 520 nm. Ureides concentration can be inferred by using a glyoxylate calibration curve. Ureide quantification of different tissues of Arabidopsis thaliana and soybean plants were carried out following this protocol.The study of human neutrophils in vitro is challenging due to their short half-life and propensity for activation. However, with careful handling and manipulation in the laboratory, they can be a powerful tool to investigate immune responses in health and disease. Here we describe a method for the isolation of human neutrophils from peripheral blood samples, followed by a high-throughput screen to assess the efficacy of a library of compounds in inducing neutrophil apoptosis, which may have therapeutic potential in neutrophil-driven diseases. This protocol is based on previously-published neutrophil isolation methods utilizing Dextran sedimentation of red blood cells followed by the separation of granulocytes with plasma/Percoll discontinuous gradient centrifugation. Yields of ~1 x 106 neutrophils per millilitre of blood, and purities of > 95% neutrophils are typical. Neutrophils are treated with a library of kinase inhibitors, followed by flow cytometry to assess the rate of neutrophil apoptosis. This protocol allows for the high-throughput screening of primary human immune cells to identify compounds with a potential to modify neutrophil function, and could be modified to assess other phenotypes if required.RNA binding proteins (RBPs) interact with cellular mRNAs, controlling various steps throughout the lifetime of these transcripts, including transcription, cellular transport, subcellular localization, translation and degradation. In addition to binding mRNA transcripts, a growing number of RBPs are shown to bind long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs), controlling key cellular processes, including gene expression and translation of proteins. Current methodologies aimed at identifying and characterizing protein binding partners of specific RNAs of interest typically rely on tagging of the RNA with affinity aptamers, using in vitro transcribed RNA or immobilized oligonucleotides to capture RNA-protein complexes under native conditions. These assays are coupled with mass spectrometry or Western Blot analysis to identify or/and confirm interacting proteins. Here, we describe an alternative approach to identify protein binding partners of mRNAs and large long noncoding RNAs. This approach relies on biochemical pulldown of specific target RNAs and interacting protein partners from cellular lysates coupled with mass spectrometry to identify novel interacting proteins. By using 24-48 ~20 mer biotinylated DNA probes that hybridize to the target RNA, the method ensures high specificity and minimal off target binding. This approach is reproducible and fast and serves as a base for discovery studies to identify proteins that bind to RNAs of interest.Ex vivo culture assays of biopsy specimens are advantageous for the experimental evaluation of human circadian characteristics. We developed a simple and non-invasive experimental evaluation method for monitoring the expression of circadian clock genes in an ex vivo culture assay using human hair follicles. This method imposes little burden on subjects. This assay is useful for validating correlations between circadian characteristics in hair follicles and intrinsic characteristics observed in physiological and behavioral studies. While they should be further validated, this ex vivo method constitutes a useful tool for estimating in vivo circadian characteristics.Exposure to environmental enrichment has beneficial effects on learning and memory, diverse neurobiological effects, and promotes recovery of function after brain injury. The effect of enrichment is produced by a combination of increased social interaction, physical activity, spatial complexity, and novelty. Procedures in the literature have, however, been idiosyncratic with poor consistency in the manner or extent to which protocols provide consistent enrichment. We provide an environmental enrichment protocol that can be easily replicated with minor details determined locally so that animals across cohorts and cages all experience a comparable level of enrichment. Procedures are outlined to generate and use a daily pool of suitably varied objects using a standardized format, with objects systematically varied up to a 40-day continuous period. Together with using a large group of rats in a suitably-sized cage, and regular shifting of the position of food and water and cage location, these procedures have produced robust effects in different laboratories and rat strain, thereby improving comparisons within and across laboratories.

Autoři článku: Godfreydickey9961 (Eskildsen Burks)