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Verze z 2. 9. 2024, 23:29, kterou vytvořil Ottosenstevenson1728 (diskuse | příspěvky) (Založena nová stránka s textem „Rutin concentration was the highest among all other identified flavonoid compounds in the leaf samples from Kyrgyzstan, it ranged from 2.46 to 3.20 mg/g, a…“)
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Rutin concentration was the highest among all other identified flavonoid compounds in the leaf samples from Kyrgyzstan, it ranged from 2.46 to 3.20 mg/g, and in those from Uzbekistan, from 1.50 to 3.01 mg/g. The diversity of flavonoid compounds in E. longistipitata leaves is probably due to external ecological and geographic factors and adaptive mechanisms.Studies on plant growth and trait variation along environmental gradients can provide important information for identifying drivers of plant invasions and for deriving management strategies. We used seeds of the annual plant invader Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. (common ragweed) collected from an agricultural site in Northern Italy (226 m. a.s.l; Mean Annual Air Temperature 12.9 °C; precipitations 930 mm) to determine variation in growth trajectories and plant traits when grown along a 1000-m altitudinal gradient in Northern Italy, and under different temperature conditions in the growth chamber (from 14/18 °C to 26/30 °C, night/day), using a non-liner modeling approach. Under field conditions, traits related to plant height (maximum height, stem height, number of internodes) followed a three-parameter logistic curve. In contrast, leaf traits (lateral spread, number of leaves, leaf length and width) followed non-monotonic double-Richards curves that captured the decline patterns evident in the data. Plants grew European range. Such results may be also relevant for projecting the species management such as the impact by possible biocontrol agents.Bacterial leaf blight (BLB) is caused by Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae and is a major cause of rice yield reductions around the world. When diseased, plants produce a variety of metabolites to resist pathogens. In this study, the various defense metabolites were quantified using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) after Xoo inoculation in a 120 Cheongcheong/Nagdong double haploid (CNDH) population. Quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping was conducted using the concentration of the plant defense metabolites. HPLC analyzes the concentration of substances according to the severity of disease symptoms. Searching for BLB resistance candidate genes by applying this analysis method is very effective when mapping related genes. These resistance genes can be mapped directly to the causative pathogens. A total of 17 metabolites were detected by means of HPLC analysis after Xoo inoculation in the 120 CNDH population. QTL mapping of the metabolite concentrations resulted in the detection of the BLB resistance candidate gene, OsWRKYq6, in RM3343 of chromosome 6. OsWRKYq6 has a very high homology sequence with WRKY transcription factor 39, and when inoculated with Xoo, the relative expression level of the resistant population was higher than that of the susceptible population. Resistance genes have previously been detected using only phenotypic change data. In this study, resistance candidate genes were detected using the concentration of metabolites produced in plants after inoculation with pathogens. This newly developed analysis method can be used to effectively detect and identify genes directly involved in disease resistance for future studies.The animal hormone melatonin (N-acetyl-5-methoxytryptamine) is a pleiotropic molecule with multiple and various functions. Phytomelatonin is the melatonin from plants and was discovered in 1995 in some species. Phytomelatonin is considered an interesting molecule in the physiology of plants, as it seems to be involved in many actions, such as germination, growth, rooting and parthenocarpy, including fruit set and ripening; it also seems to play a role during postharvest. It has been studied in processes such as primary and secondary metabolism, photosynthesis and senescence, as well as in the nitrogen and sulfur cycles. Phytomelatonin up- and down-regulates many relevant genes related to plant hormones and key genes related to the above-mentioned aspects. One of the most decisive aspects of phytomelatonin is its relevant role as a bioprotective and alleviating agent against both biotic and abiotic stressors, which has opened up the possibility of using melatonin as a phytoprotector and biostimulant in agriculture. In this respect, using material of plant origin to obtain extracts rich in phytomelatonin instead of using synthetic melatonin (thus avoiding unwanted by-products) has become a topic of discussion. read more This work characterized the phytomelatonin-rich extracts obtained from selected herbs and determined their contents of phytomelatonin, phenols and flavonoids; the antioxidant activity was also measured. Finally, two melatonin-specific bioassays in plants were applied to demonstrate the excellent biological properties of the natural phytomelatonin-rich extracts obtained. The herb composition and the protocols for obtaining the extracts rich in phytomelatonin are in the process of registration for their legal protection.Litchi possesses unique flower morphology and adaptive reproduction strategies. Although previous attention has been intensively devoted to the mechanisms underlying its floral induction, the molecular basis of flower sex determination remains largely unknown. MADS-box genes are promising candidates for this due to their significant roles in various aspects of inflorescence and flower organogenesis. Here, we present a detailed overview of phylogeny and expression profiles of 101 MADS-box genes that were identified in litchi. These LcMADSs are unevenly located across the 15 chromosomes and can be divided into type I and type II genes. Fifty type I MADS-box genes are subdivided into Mα, Mβ and Mγ subgroups, while fifty-one type II LcMADSs consist of 37 MIKCC -type and 14 MIKC *-type genes. Promoters of both types of LcMADS genes contain mainly ABA and MeJA response elements. Tissue-specific and development-related expression analysis reveal that LcMADS51 could be positively involved in litchi carpel formation, while six MADS-box genes, including LcMADS42/46/47/75/93/100, play a possible role in stamen development. GA is positively involved in the sex determination of litchi flowers by regulating the expression of LcMADS51 (LcSTK). However, JA down-regulates the expression of floral organ identity genes, suggesting a negative role in litchi flower development.Water shortage is a major problem limiting the expansion of green areas and landscapes. Using seawater as an alternative source of potable water is not a novel idea, but the issue of salt stress needs to be resolved. Salinity has a negative impact on growth and the aesthetic value of ornamental plants. In order to overcome these challenges, Lathyrus odoratus seeds were hydro-primed and halo-primed with silicon (Si) and silicon nanoparticles (SiNPs), and exposed to seawater levels. Seawater markedly reduced seed germination and growth of Lathyrus seedlings, but halo-priming was shown to significantly alleviate its negative effects. Broadly, SiNPs increased the germination percentage, reduced photosynthetic pigments and carbohydrates decrease, and enhanced water relations, despite having a negative effect on germination speed. Halo-priming significantly increased the proline content and the activities of certain enzymatic (SOD, APX and CAT) and nonenzymatic (phenolic and flavonoids) compounds, that positively influenced oxidative stress (lower MDA and H2O2 accumulation), resulting in seedlings with more salt stress tolerance. Halo-priming with Si or SiNPs enhanced the Si and K+ contents, and K+/Na+ ratio, associated with a reduction in Na+ accumulation. Generally, halo-priming with Si or SiNPs increased Lathyrus seedlings salt stress tolerance, which was confirmed using seawater treatments via improving germination percentage, seedlings growth and activation of the antioxidant machinery, which detoxifies reactive oxygen species (ROS).Phyllanthus niruri (P. niruri) or Dukung Anak is a herbal plant in the Phyllanthaceae family that has been used traditionally to treat various ailments such as diabetes, jaundice, flu and cough. P. niruri contains numerous medicinal benefits such as anti-tumor and anti-carcinogenic properties and a remedy for hepatitis B viral infection. Due to its beneficial properties, P. niruri is overharvested and wild plants become scarce. This study was conducted to develop an appropriate in vitro culture protocol for the mass production of P. niruri. An aseptic culture of P. niruri was established followed by multiplication of explants using different types of basal medium and its strength and plant growth regulators manipulation. This study also established the induction of in vitro rooting utilizing various types and concentrations of auxin. Treatment of Clorox® with 30% concentration showed the lowest percentage (%) of contamination, 4.44% in P. niruri culture. Nodal segments of P. niruri were successfully induced in full-strength of Murashige and Skoog (MS) basal media with 2.33 number of shoots, 3.11 cm length of shoot and 27.91 number of leaves. In addition, explants in full-strength MS media without any additional cytokinin were recorded as the optimum results for all parameters including the number of shoots (5.0 shoots), the length of shoots (3.68 cm) and the number of leaves (27.33 leaves). Treatment of 2.5 µM indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) showed the highest number of roots (17.92 roots) and root length (1.29 cm). Rooted explants were transferred for acclimatization, and the plantlet showed over 80% of survival rate. In conclusion, plantlets of P. niruri were successfully induced and multiplied via in vitro culture, which could be a step closer to its commercialization.Replication cycles from most simple-stranded positive RNA viruses infecting plants involve endomembrane deformations. Recent published data revealed several interactions between viral proteins and plant proteins associated with vesicle formation and movement. These plant proteins belong to the COPI/II, SNARE, clathrin and ESCRT endomembrane trafficking mechanisms. In a few cases, variations of these plant proteins leading to virus resistance have been identified. In this review, we summarize all known interactions between these plant cell mechanisms and viruses and highlight strategies allowing fast identification of variant alleles for membrane-associated proteins.High-salinity stress represses plant growth by inhibiting various metabolic processes. In contrast to the well-studied mechanisms mediating tolerance to high levels of salt, the effects of low levels of salts have not been well studied. In this study, we examined the growth of Arabidopsis thaliana plants under different NaCl concentrations. Interestingly, both shoot and root biomass increased in the presence of 5 mM NaCl, whereas more than 10 mM NaCl decreased plant biomass. To clarify the biological mechanism by which a low level of NaCl stimulated plant growth, we analyzed element accumulation in plants grown under different NaCl concentrations. In addition to the Na and Cl contents, C, S, Zn, and Cu contents were increased under 5 mM NaCl in shoots; this was not observed at higher NaCl concentrations. Adverse effects of high salinity, such as decreased levels of nitrate, phosphate, sulfate, and some cations, did not occur in the presence of 5 mM NaCl. An increase in C was possibly attributed to increased photosynthesis supported by Cl, Zn, and Cu, which also increased in shoots after NaCl application.

Autoři článku: Ottosenstevenson1728 (Morin Newell)