Making Your Home Safer For Seniors

Z Iurium Wiki

Verze z 30. 8. 2024, 00:55, kterou vytvořil Openairbus3 (diskuse | příspěvky)
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If you have an elderly loved one, you'll want to make sure that they're as safe as possible. There are plenty of resources out there that can help you do just that. These include adaptive equipment, as well as general modifications to the home that make it easier for them to maintain independence.

One of the most common safety issues for older adults is falls. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that one in three adults will fall each year. And a fall is the number one cause of injury to seniors. A simple fall could end their lives, or worse.

Another common hazard is fire. personal alarms nz Many kitchen fires occur when cooking food is left unattended. In addition, flammables like potholders can easily ignite near a hot stove.

The best way to protect a senior from a fire is to make sure that all electrical outlets are properly wired and that there are automatic shut-offs in place.

Another great way to make your home safer for your loved ones is to install a fire alarm. If a fire is triggered, the alarm will notify your senior and other family members.

Also, consider installing automatic fire extinguishers in the home. personal alarm for elderly nz Older adults have weaker bodies and can be victims of fires even when they're at home.

For example, a fire can be started by the simple act of dropping a pan of hot food on the floor. You can avoid these accidents by keeping the food out of reach and storing the heaviest items at waist level.

Autoři článku: Weedcook3 (McCracken Conner), Eightboard77 (Wichmann Krarup), Openairbus3 (Petty Kaufman)