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Verze z 28. 8. 2024, 22:35, kterou vytvořil Almeidagregory2942 (diskuse | příspěvky) (Založena nová stránka s textem „Plant size influences plant responses to combined environmental factors under climate change. However, their roles in plant ecophysiological responses are…“)
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Plant size influences plant responses to combined environmental factors under climate change. However, their roles in plant ecophysiological responses are not fully understood. Two rapidly growing Leguminosae species (Robinia pseudoacacia and Amorpha fruticosa) were used to examine plant responses to combined drought and defoliation treatments (two levels of both treatments). Both 1.5 month-old seedlings and 3 month-old seedlings were grown in a greenhouse, and seedling growth, leaf gas exchanges, stem hydraulics, and concentrations of non-structural carbohydrates were determined after 60 days of treatment. Our results indicated defoliation had no significant effect on plant height, basal diameter, and total biomass whatever plant sizes and species. Under the low water availability treatment, the defoliated seedlings significantly increased by 24% in stem water potential compared with non-defoliated seedlings in large R. pseudoacacia. Compared with the high water availability in large non-defoliated R. pseudoacacia seedlings, the low water availability significantly reduced by 26% in stem starch concentration to maintain the stem soluble sugar concentration stable, but not in small R. pseudoacacia seedlings. We also found a negative correlation between leaf and root soluble sugar concentration under low water availability in A. fruticosa. The results demonstrate defoliation could relieve the effect of low water availability in large seedlings. Large seedlings had more compensatory mechanisms in response to defoliation and drought treatments than small seedlings, thus species with large carbon reserves are more recommended for vegetation restoration under combined drought and defoliation conditions. Future studies with more species are crucial for obtaining more rigorous conclusions.Diatoms are photoautotrophic unicellular algae and are among the most abundant, adaptable, and diverse marine phytoplankton. They are extremely interesting not only for their ecological role but also as potential feedstocks for sustainable biofuels and high-value commodities such as omega fatty acids, because of their capacity to accumulate lipids. However, the cultivation of microalgae on an industrial scale requires higher cell densities and lipid accumulation than those found in nature to make the process economically viable. One of the known ways to induce lipid accumulation in Phaeodactylum tricornutum is nitrogen deprivation, which comes at the expense of growth inhibition and lower cell density. Thus, alternative ways need to be explored to enhance the lipid production as well as biomass density to make them sustainable at industrial scale. In this study, we have used experimental and metabolic modeling approaches to optimize the media composition, in terms of elemental composition, organic and inorganic carbon sources, and light intensity, that boost both biomass quality and quantity of P. tricornutum. Eventually, the optimized conditions were scaled-up to 2 L photobioreactors, where a better system control (temperature, pH, light, aeration/mixing) allowed a further improvement of the biomass capacity of P. tricornutum to 12 g/L.Wood formation is a complicated process under the control of a large set of transcription factors. NAC transcription factors are considered "master switches" in this process. GDC-0879 in vitro However, few NAC members have been cloned and characterized in Eucalyptus, which is one of the most economically important woody plants. Here, we reported an NAC transcription factor from Eucalyptus grandis, EgNAC141, which has no Arabidopsis orthologs associated with xylogenesis-related processes. EgNAC141 was predominantly expressed in lignin-rich tissues, such as the stem and xylem. Overexpression of EgNAC141 in Arabidopsis resulted in stronger lignification, larger xylem, and higher lignin content. The expression of lignin biosynthetic genes in transgenic plants was significantly higher compared with wild-type plants. The transient expression of EgNAC141 activated the expression of Arabidopsis lignin biosynthetic genes in a dual-luciferase assay. Overall, these results showed that EgNAC141 is a positive regulator of lignin biosynthesis and may help us understand the regulatory mechanism of wood formation.Recently, it was shown that long-term plant breeding does not only shape plant characteristics but also impacts plant-associated microbiota substantially. This requires a microbiome-integrative breeding approach, which was not yet shown. Here we investigate this for the Styrian oil pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo L. subsp. pepo var. styriaca Greb.) by analyzing the microbiome of six genotypes (the complete pedigree of a three-way cross-hybrid, consisting of three inbred lines and one open pollinating cultivar) in the seed and rhizosphere as well as the progeny seeds. Using high-throughput amplicon sequencing targeting the 16S rRNA and the ITS1 genes, the bacterial and fungal microbiomes were accessed. Seeds were found to generally carry a significantly lower microbial diversity compared to the rhizosphere and soil as well as a different microbial composition, with an especially high fraction of Enterobacteriaceae (40-83%). Additionally, potential plant-beneficial bacterial taxa, including Bacillaceae, Burkholderiaceae, and Pseudomonadaceae, were found to be enriched in progeny seeds. Between genotypes, more substantial changes can be observed for seed microbiomes compared to the rhizosphere. Moreover, rhizosphere communities were assembled for the most part from soil. Interestingly, bacterial signatures are mainly linked from seed to seed, while fungal communities are shaped by the soil and rhizosphere. Our findings provide a deep look into the rhizosphere and seed microbiome assembly of pumpkin-associated communities and represent the first steps into microbiome-driven breeding for plant-beneficial microbes.Diacylglycerol acyl-transferase (DGAT) and cysteine oleosin (CO) expression confers a novel carbon sink (of encapsulated lipid droplets) in leaves of Lolium perenne and has been shown to increase photosynthesis and biomass. However, the physiological mechanism by which DGAT + CO increases photosynthesis remains unresolved. To evaluate the relationship between sink strength and photosynthesis, we examined fatty acids (FA), water-soluble carbohydrates (WSC), gas exchange parameters and leaf nitrogen for multiple DGAT + CO lines varying in transgene accumulation. To identify the physiological traits which deliver increased photosynthesis, we assessed two important determinants of photosynthetic efficiency, CO2 conductance from atmosphere to chloroplast, and nitrogen partitioning between different photosynthetic and non-photosynthetic pools. We found that DGAT + CO accumulation increased FA at the expense of WSC in leaves of L. perenne and for those lines with a significant reduction in WSC, we also observed an increase in photosynthesis and photosynthetic nitrogen use efficiency. DGAT + CO L. perenne displayed no change in rubisco content or Vcmax but did exhibit a significant increase in specific leaf area (SLA), stomatal and mesophyll conductance, and leaf nitrogen allocated to photosynthetic electron transport. Collectively, we showed that increased carbon demand via DGAT+CO lipid sink accumulation can induce leaf-level changes in L. perenne which deliver increased rates of photosynthesis and growth. Carbon sinks engineered within photosynthetic cells provide a promising new strategy for increasing photosynthesis and crop productivity.Root-knot nematodes are obligate endoparasites that maintain a biotrophic relationship with their hosts over a period of several weeks. They induce the differentiation of root cells into specialized multinucleate hypertrophied feeding cells known as giant cells. Nematode effectors synthesized in the esophageal glands and injected into the plant tissue through the syringe-like stylet play a key role in giant cell ontogenesis. The Meloidogyne incognita MiEFF1 is one of the rare effectors of phytopathogenic nematodes to have been located in vivo in feeding cells. This effector specifically targets the giant cell nuclei. We investigated the Arabidopsis functions modulated by this effector, by using a yeast two-hybrid approach to identify its host targets. We characterized a universal stress protein (USP) and cytosolic glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenases (GAPCs) as the targets of MiEFF1. We validated the interaction of MiEFF1 with these host targets in the plant cell nucleus, by bimolecular fluorescence complementation (BiFC). A functional analysis with Arabidopsis GUS reporter lines and knockout mutant lines showed that GAPCs were induced in giant cells and that their non-metabolic functions were required for root-knot nematode infection. These susceptibility factors are potentially interesting targets for the development of new root-knot nematode control strategies.The product of double fertilization produces seed, which contains three components triploid endosperm, diploid embryo, and maternal seed coat. Amongst them, the endosperm plays a crucial role in coordinating seed growth. Mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) cascades are conserved in eukaryotes and involved in signal transduction of plant development. MPK3, MPK6, and MPK10 form a small group of MPKs family in Arabidopsis thaliana. MPK3 and MPK6 are extensively studied and were found to be involved in diverse processes including plant reproduction. However, less is known about the function of MPK10. Here, we found WRKY10/MINI3, a member of HAIKU (IKU) pathway engaging in endosperm development, and MPK10 is high-specifically expressed in the early developmental endosperm but with opposite gradients. We further proved that MPK10 and WRKY10 cross-inhibit the expression of each other. The inhibition effect of MPK10 on gene expression of WRKY10 and the downstream targets is supported by the fact that MPK10 interacts with WRKY10 and suppresses the transcriptional activity of WRKY10. Constantly, mpk10 mutants produce big seeds while WRKY10/MINI3 positively regulate seed growth. Altogether, our data provides a model of WRKY10 and MPK10 regulating endosperm development with a unique cross inhibitory mechanism.Arginine deimination, also referred to as citrullination of proteins by L-arginine deiminases, is a post-translational modification affecting histone modifications, epigenetic transcriptional regulation, and proteolysis in animals but has not been reported in higher plants. Here we report, firstly, that Arabidopsis thaliana proteome contains proteins with a specific citrullination signature and that many of the citrullinated proteins have nucleotide-binding regulatory functions. Secondly, we show that changes in the citrullinome occur in response to cold stress, and thirdly, we identify an A. thaliana protein with peptidyl arginine deiminase activity that was shown to be calcium-dependent for many peptide substrates. Taken together, these findings establish this post-translational modification as a hitherto neglected component of cellular reprogramming during stress responses.The diversity of plant water use patterns among species and ecosystems is a matter of widespread debate. In this study, Chinese pine (Pinus tabuliformis, CP) and Mongolian Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica, MP), which is co-exist in the shelterbelt plantations in the Horqin Sandyland in northern China, were chosen for comparison of water use traits by monitoring xylem sap flow alongside recordings of the associated environmental factors over four growing seasons. Continuous sap flux density measurements were converted into crown projected area transpiration intensity (Tr) and canopy stomatal conductance (Gs). The results indicated that MP showed a higher canopy transpiration intensity than in CP, with Tr daily means (±standard deviation) of 0.84 ± 0.36 and 0.79 ± 0.43 mm⋅d-1, respectively (p = 0.07). However, the inter-annual variability of daily Tr in MP was not significant, varying only approximately a 1.1-fold (p = 0.29), while inter-annual variation was significant for CP, with 1.24-fold variation (p less then 0.

Autoři článku: Almeidagregory2942 (Monahan Bradford)