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Kenneth Gillingham is an Associate Professor of Economics at Yale University, with a primary appointment in the School of Forestry & Environmental Studies. In 2015 to 2016, he served as the Senior Economist for Energy and the Environment at the White House Council of Economic Advisers. His research interests cover energy and environmental economics, industrial organization, technological change, and energy modeling. He held a Fulbright to New Zealand and has worked for Resources for the Future and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. He received a PhD and two MS degrees from Stanford University and an AB from Dartmouth College. Christopher Knittel is the George P. Shultz Professor of Applied Economics in the Sloan School of Management at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Tuvusertib purchase He is also the Director of MIT's Center for Energy and Environmental Policy Research, which serves as the hub for social science research on energy and the environmental since the late 1970s. Professor Knittel is also the Co-sity. His research interests lie in energy and environmental economics, with a focus on electricity markets, carbon pricing, and renewable energy. Marten holds a MSc in Economics, a MSc in Energy Engineering, and a PhD in Economics from KU Leuven. Mar Reguant is an Associate Professor in Economics at Northwestern University. She received her PhD from MIT in 2011. Her research uses high-frequency data to study the impact of auction design and environmental regulation on electricity markets and energy-intensive industries. She has numerous awards, including a Sloan Research Fellowship in 2016, the Sabadell Prize for Economic Research in 2017, a Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers award in 2019, and the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists Award for Researchers in Environmental Economics under the Age of Forty in 2019.The year 2020 will be punctuated by coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in the history of human civilization. Within four months, COVID-19 has become a public healthcare crisis in all nations around the world. Until a suitable vaccine is found and made widely available, the immediate solutions to protect individuals and to control the spread of the pandemic include wearing a face mask, maintaining personal hygiene, and social distancing. Certified face masks have become national essentials, and countries have imposed restrictions on exports, which has increased the worldwide shortages of masks and raw materials. This situation has also led to confusion and misinformation about face masks. This paper aims to provide quality information on face masks to alleviate the shortages. Disinfecting used masks and making homemade masks are discussed as emergency solutions. The development and manufacture of innovative masks (such as reusable masks, antivirus masks, and degradable masks) have become essential needs of society and involve both opportunities and challenges during this unprecedented time. In this prospective study, we provide the definitions, basic requirements, materials, possible preparation methods, and challenges of these innovative masks and highlight their important role in preventing epidemics similar to COVID-19.The Tri-Service Microbiome Consortium (TSMC) was founded to enhance collaboration, coordination, and communication of microbiome research among U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) organizations and to facilitate resource, material and information sharing among consortium members. The 2019 annual symposium was held 22-24 October 2019 at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, OH. Presentations and discussions centered on microbiome-related topics within five broad thematic areas 1) human microbiomes; 2) transitioning products into Warfighter solutions; 3) environmental microbiomes; 4) engineering microbiomes; and 5) microbiome simulation and characterization. Collectively, the symposium provided an update on the scope of current DoD microbiome research efforts, highlighted innovative research being done in academia and industry that can be leveraged by the DoD, and fostered collaborative opportunities. This report summarizes the presentations and outcomes of the 3rd annual TSMC symposium.

Many ecologically important plants are pollinated or have their seeds dispersed by fruit bats, including the widely distributed African straw-colored fruit bats (

). Their ability to fly long distances makes them essential for connecting plant populations across fragmented landscapes. While bats have been implicated as a reservoir of infectious diseases, their role in disease transmission to humans is not well understood. In this pilot study, we tracked

to shed light on their movement patterns in Tanzania and possible contact with other species.

Tracking devices were deployed on 25 bats captured in the Morogoro Municipal and Kilombero District area near the Udzungwa Mountains of Tanzania. Nightly flight patterns, areas corresponding to foraging bouts and feeding roosts, and new day roosts were determined from bat movement data and characterized according to their proximity to urban built-up and protected areas. Sites for additional environmental surveillance using camera traps were identified via tracants across both protected and urban built-up areas in Tanzania may be even more important, especially by helping connect increasingly fragmented landscapes during this Anthropocene epoch.

Because we observed multiple interactions of animals with fruits discarded by bats, specifically with vervet monkeys, the possibility of disease spillover risk exists via this indirect pathway. With flight distances of up to 97 km, however, the role of E. helvum in the seed dispersal of plants across both protected and urban built-up areas in Tanzania may be even more important, especially by helping connect increasingly fragmented landscapes during this Anthropocene epoch.The World One Health Congresses are biennial gatherings of approximately 1500 professionals from relevant international organisations, OIE, FAO, WHO, World Bank, leading scientific experts and researchers in the field of One Health, animal production and trade, food safety, animal health, human health and environmentology/ecology, government representatives in public health, human health, food safety, environmental health and global health security. The Congress is organized by the One Health Platform. This white paper summarizes highlights of the 5th International One Health Congress in Saskatoon, Canada, June 2018 and serves as a roadmap for the future, detailing several concrete action points to be carried out in the run-up to the 6th World One Health Congress in Edinburgh, Scotland, June 2020.There is increased recognition that complex health challenges at the human-animal-environmental interface require a transdisciplinary, "whole-of-society" approach. This philosophy is particularly pertinent in Aotearoa-New Zealand because of the country's relatively isolated island ecosystem, economic reliance on agriculture and its intensification, and existing indigenous worldview that emphasises holism and interconnectivity between humans, animals and the environment. In New Zealand, the One Health Aotearoa (OHA) alliance was established in order to better connect researchers and to address a growing number of infectious diseases challenges. The emphasis of OHA is to bring together and facilitate interactions between people from diverse disciplines, link to stakeholders and communities, and engage with policy-makers, government operational agencies, and funders, thus providing a holistic and integrative systems-thinking approach to address priority questions and achieve desired outcomes in One Health. The initial focus of OHA has been on infectious diseases, but there is increasing recognition of the potential benefits of the alliance to address broader complex issues. Greater involvement and overlap of the environmental sciences, human and animal health sciences, social science, and indigenous kaupapa Māori research is particularly critical for ensuring its success within the New Zealand context. Given the economic and cultural importance of New Zealand's "clean, green" image, a One Health approach that draws strongly on the environmental sciences makes particular sense. Furthermore, as the global environment becomes increasingly stressed by anthropogenic pressures our research may hold potential solutions for similar challenges elsewhere.Since January 2020, after Chinese health authorities identified a new type of coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2), the virus has spread throughout China and consecutively throughout the whole world. The most common symptoms include fever and respiratory tract symptoms. Nevertheless, some patients show less common symptoms such as gastrointestinal or neurological manifestations. This article presents the case of a 65-years old man who was presumptively infected with SARS-CoV-2 during his ski vacation in Austria in March 2020 and acutely presented with typical symptoms of Guillain-Barré syndrome.A brief survey among members of the German Neurorehabilitation Society aimed to document the hospital capacities ("beds") for prolonged weaning from a mechanical ventilator for patients with neuro-disabilities that require simultaneous multi-professional neurorehabilitation treatment. Sixty-eight institutions declared to have capacities with a broad distribution across Germany and its federal states. Overall, 1094 "beds" for prolonged weaning (and neurorehabilitation) were reported, 871 together with further information regarding their identification and hence regional location. These units had on average 16.1 beds for prolonged weaning (95% confidence interval 12.6 to 19.6) with a range from 2 to 68 beds per organization. The data indicate substantial capacities for the combined prolonged weaning and neurorehabilitation treatment in Germany. For most "beds" included in this analysis a basic validation was possible. While a reasonable coverage of these specialized service capacities by the survey is likely, the number reported could still be biased by underreporting by non-response. Both the broad variation of number of "beds" for prolonged weaning per unit and their unequal geographical distribution across federal states (per capita rate) warrant a more refined follow-up survey that will provide insights into reasons for the observed pattern of variation for these specialized hospital capacities.Digital Microfluidic Biochips (DMFBs) will require error-free synthesis techniques which can function at much higher speed while implementing on real-time systems and capable of tackling more complex assay operations. Until now various bio-assays are successfully implemented based on different mixing modules present on such lab-on-chips. In present work, the concept of such dedicated virtual modules has been eliminated and a novel module-less-synthesis (MLS) method is proposed for accomplishing high-performance bio-protocols. Various shift-patterns (movements) of the micro-droplets are identified to accomplish entire mixing in lesser time compared to earlier module-based synthesis methods. We have also computed the percentage of mixing accomplishment for each directional-shift of the mixer-droplet. However, path congestion problem and operational errors are inevitable in MLS approach. Hence, the path congestion and washing problem in MLS is addressed by tweaking the earlier MLS approach and a new modified-MLS (MMLS) method is proposed.

Autoři článku: Zhangfrazier1406 (McGregor Grantham)