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Verze z 25. 8. 2024, 16:26, kterou vytvořil Ladegaardbentsen4941 (diskuse | příspěvky) (Založena nová stránka s textem „In many studies regarding the field of malaria, environmental factors have been acquired in single-time, multi-time or a short-time series using remote sen…“)
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In many studies regarding the field of malaria, environmental factors have been acquired in single-time, multi-time or a short-time series using remote sensing and meteorological data. Selecting the best periods of the year to monitor the habitats of Anopheles larvae can be effective in better and faster control of malaria outbreaks. In this article, high-risk times for three regions in Iran, including Qaleh-Ganj, Sarbaz and Bashagard counties with a history of malaria prevalence were estimated. For this purpose, a series of environmental factors affecting the growth and survival of Anopheles were used over a seven-year period through the Google Earth Engine. The results of this study indicated two high-risk times for Qaleh-Ganj and Bashagard counties and three high-risk times for Sarbaz county over the course of a year observing an increase in the abundance of Anopheles mosquitoes. Further evaluation of the results against the entomological data available in previous studies showed that the high-risk times predicted in this study were consistent with an increase in the abundance of Anopheles mosquitoes in the study areas. The proposed method is extremely useful for temporal prediction of the increase in abundance of Anopheles mosquitoes in addition to the use of optimal data aimed at monitoring the exact location of Anopheles habitats.The detection of muscle contraction and the estimation of muscle force are essential tasks in robot-assisted rehabilitation systems. The most commonly used method to investigate muscle contraction is surface electromyography (EMG), which, however, shows considerable disadvantages in predicting the muscle force, since unpredictable factors may influence the detected force but not necessarily the EMG data. Electrical impedance myography (EIM) investigates the change in electrical impedance during muscle activities and is another promising technique to investigate muscle functions. This paper introduces the design, development, and evaluation of a device that performs EMG and EIM simultaneously for more robust measurement of muscle conditions subject to artifacts. The device is light, wearable, and wireless and has a modular design, in which the EMG, EIM, micro-controller, and communication modules are stacked and interconnected through connectors. As a result, the EIM module measures the bioimpedance between 20 and 200 Ω with an error of less than 5% at 140 SPS. The settling time during the calibration phase of this module is less than 1000 ms. The EMG module captures the spectrum of the EMG signal between 20-150 Hz at 1 kSPS with an SNR of 67 dB. The micro-controller and communication module builds an ARM-Cortex M3 micro-controller which reads and transfers the captured data every 1 ms over RF (868 Mhz) with a baud rate of 500 kbps to a receptor connected to a PC. Preliminary measurements on a volunteer during leg extension, walking, and sit-to-stand showed the potential of the system to investigate muscle function by combining simultaneous EMG and EIM.In view of the poor performance of traditional feature point detection methods in low-texture situations, we design a new self-supervised feature extraction network that can be applied to the visual odometer (VO) front-end feature extraction module based on the deep learning method. First, the network uses the feature pyramid structure to perform multi-scale feature fusion to obtain a feature map containing multi-scale information. Then, the feature map is passed through the position attention module and the channel attention module to obtain the feature dependency relationship of the spatial dimension and the channel dimension, respectively, and the weighted spatial feature map and the channel feature map are added element by element to enhance the feature representation. Finally, the weighted feature maps are trained for detectors and descriptors respectively. In addition, in order to improve the prediction accuracy of feature point locations and speed up the network convergence, we add a confidence loss term and a tolerance loss term to the loss functions of the detector and descriptor, respectively. The experiments show that our network achieves satisfactory performance under the Hpatches dataset and KITTI dataset, indicating the reliability of the network.Working towards the development of robust motion recognition systems for assistive technology control, the widespread approach has been to use a plethora of, often times, multi-modal sensors. In this paper, we develop single-sensor motion recognition systems. Utilising the peripheral nature of surface electromyography (sEMG) data acquisition, we optimise the information extracted from sEMG sensors. This allows the reduction in sEMG sensors or provision of contingencies in a system with redundancies. In particular, we process the sEMG readings captured at the trapezius descendens and platysma muscles. We demonstrate that sEMG readings captured at one muscle contain distinct information on movements or contractions of other agonists. We used the trapezius and platysma muscle sEMG data captured in able-bodied participants and participants with tetraplegia to classify shoulder movements and platysma contractions using white-box supervised learning algorithms. Using the trapezius sensor, shoulder raise is classified with an accuracy of 99%. Implementing subject-specific multi-class classification, shoulder raise, shoulder forward and shoulder backward are classified with a 94% accuracy amongst object raise and shoulder raise-and-hold data in able bodied adults. A three-way classification of the platysma sensor data captured with participants with tetraplegia achieves a 95% accuracy on platysma contraction and shoulder raise detection.To evaluate the safety of passenger ships' stability, ten stability parameters should be calculated. However, since the process for calculating all stability parameters is complex without a ship loading program, a convenient methodology to simply calculate them and evaluate the safety condition of a passenger ship is required to alert the hazard to a captain, officer, and crew. The Index for Passenger Ship Intact Stability Appraisal Module (IPSAM) is proposed herein. According to the value of a passenger ship's metacentric height (GM) which could be calculated by the ship's roll period measured by sensors in real-time, IPSAM simply calculates nine intact stability parameters except for AnglemaxGZ and proposes the present stability status as a Single Intact Stability Index (SISI). It helps crews easily recognize the safety of passenger ships' stability as a decision support system in real-time. Based on the intact stability parameters of 331 loading conditions of 11 passenger ships, empirical formulas for IPSAM were derived. To verify the empirical formulas of IPSAM, the stability parameters of a passenger ship in 20 loading conditions were calculated using proposed empirical formulas and the principal calculation methods respectively, then compared. Additionally, the result of the SISI of 20 loading conditions successfully indicates the danger as the value of the SISI under 1.0 of the three loading conditions that do not satisfy the IMO intact stability requirements.During its operation, a rotor system can be exposed to multiple faults, such as rub-impact, misalignment, cracks and unbalancing. When a crack fault occurs on the rotor shaft, the vibration response signals contain some nonlinear components that are considerably tougher to be extracted through some linear diagnosis methods. By combining the Nonlinear Output Frequency Response Functions weighted contribution rate (WNOFRFs) and Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence, a novel fault diagnosis method of improved WNOFRFs is proposed. In this method, an index, improved optimal WNOFRFs (IOW), is defined to represent the nonlinearity of the faulty rotor system. This method has been tested through the finite element model of a cracked rotor system and then verified experimentally at the shaft crack detection test bench. The results from the simulation and experiment verified that the proposed method is applicable and effective for cracked rotor systems. The IOW indicator shows high sensitivity to crack faults and can comprehensively represent the nonlinear properties of the system. It can also quantitatively detect the crack fault, and the relationship between the values of IOW and the relative depth of the crack is approximately positively proportional. The proposed method can precisely and quantitatively diagnose crack faults in a rotor system.The emotional speech recognition method presented in this article was applied to recognize the emotions of students during online exams in distance learning due to COVID-19. The purpose of this method is to recognize emotions in spoken speech through the knowledge base of emotionally charged words, which are stored as a code book. The method analyzes human speech for the presence of emotions. To assess the quality of the method, an experiment was conducted for 420 audio recordings. The accuracy of the proposed method is 79.7% for the Kazakh language. The method can be used for different languages and consists of the following tasks capturing a signal, detecting speech in it, recognizing speech words in a simplified transcription, determining word boundaries, comparing a simplified transcription with a code book, and constructing a hypothesis about the degree of speech emotionality. In case of the presence of emotions, there occurs complete recognition of words and definitions of emotions in speech. The advantage of this method is the possibility of its widespread use since it is not demanding on computational resources. The described method can be applied when there is a need to recognize positive and negative emotions in a crowd, in public transport, schools, universities, etc. The experiment carried out has shown the effectiveness of this method. The results obtained will make it possible in the future to develop devices that begin to record and recognize a speech signal, for example, in the case of detecting negative emotions in sounding speech and, if necessary, transmitting a message about potential threats or riots.Precise stochastic approaches to quantitatively calculate the source uncertainties offers the opportunity to eliminate the influence of anisotropy on moment tensor inversion. selleck inhibitor The effects of ignoring anisotropy were tested by using homogeneous Green's functions. Results indicate the influence of anisotropy and noise on fault plane rotation is very small for a pure shear source whether it is restricted to double couple solution or full moment tensor solution. Green's functions with different prior rough anisotropy information were tested, indicating that the complex source is more sensitive to velocity models than the pure shear source and the fault plane rotation caused by full moment tensor solution is larger than the pure double couple solution. Collaborative P-wave velocity inversion with active measurements and passive acoustic emission data using the fast-marching method were conducted, and new Green's functions established based on the tomography results. The resolved fault plane solution rotated only 3.

Autoři článku: Ladegaardbentsen4941 (Holmes Barker)