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Study selection, data extraction and quality appraisal will be conducted independently by two reviewers. Data synthesis will consist of a qualitative analysis of the data. Funding of the review was confirmed in August 2013 by the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport of the Netherlands.

This review will contribute to the knowledge on effects of physician substitution in healthcare for older people and factors that influence the outcomes. This knowledge will guide professionals and policy administrators in their decisions to optimize healthcare for older people.

This review will contribute to the knowledge on effects of physician substitution in healthcare for older people and factors that influence the outcomes. JNJ-42226314 purchase This knowledge will guide professionals and policy administrators in their decisions to optimize healthcare for older people.The effect of ultrasound and chemical penetration enhancers on transcutaneous flux of penbutolol sulfate across split-thickness porcine skin was investigated. Penbutolol sulfate is a potent, noncardioselective beta-blocker, which is used for the management of hypertension. The drug is one of the most lipid soluble of the β-adrenoceptor antagonists used clinically. It has an n-octanol/pH 7.4 buffer partition coefficient of 179 compared to a value of 22 for propranolol. The amount of penbutolol sulfate transported across the skin is low. In this project, we studied the effect of sonophoresis and chemical penetration enhancers on transdermal delivery of penbutolol sulfate. Low-frequency sonophoresis at a frequency of 20 kHz increased transcutaneous flux of penbutolol sulfate by 3.5-fold (27.37 ± μg cm-2 h-1) compared to passive delivery (7.82 ± 1.72 μg cm-2 h-1). We also investigated the effect of 50% ethanol, 1% limonene and 2% isopropyl myristate (IPM) on transcutaneous permeation of penbutolol sulfate. IPM, ethanol and limonene at the concentration of 1%, 50% and 2%, respectively, increased the steady-state flux values of penbutolol sulfate 2.2- (17.07 ± 3.24 μg cm-2 h-1), 2.6 - (19.40 ± 6.40 μg cm-2 h-1) and 3.4-times (26.38 ± 5.01 μg cm-2 h-1) compared to passive delivery (7.76 ± 2.9 μg cm-2 h-1). The results demonstrate that although there were slight increases in flux values, ultrasound, ethanol, limonene and IPM did not significantly enhance the transdermal delivery of penbutolol sulfate. Future studies will examine ways of optimizing sonophoretic and chemical enhancer parameters to achieve flux enhancement.Eutrophication and harmful algal blooms have become a worldwide environmental problem. Understanding the mechanisms and processes that control algal blooms is of great concern. The phytoplankton community of Karaoun Reservoir, the largest water body in Lebanon, is poorly studied, as in many freshwater bodies around the Mediterranean Sea. Sampling campaigns were conducted semi-monthly between May 2012 and August 2013 to assess the dynamics of its phytoplankton community in response to changes in physical-chemical and hydrological conditions. Karaoun Reservoir is a monomictic waterbody and strongly stratifies between May and August. Changes in its phytoplankton community were found to be a result of the interplay between water temperature, stratification, irradiance, nutrient availability and water level. Thermal stratification established in spring reduced the growth of diatoms and resulted in their replacement by green algae species when nutrient availability was high and water temperatures lower than 22 °C. At water temperature higher than 25 °C and low nutrient concentrations in summer, blooms of the cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa occurred. Despite different growth conditions in other lakes and reservoir, cyanobacterium Aphanizomenon ovalisporum dominated at temperatures lower than 23 °C in weakly stratified conditions in early autumn and dinoflagellate Ceratium hirundinella dominated in mixed conditions, at low light intensity and a water temperature of 19 °C in late autumn. We believe that the information presented in this paper will increase the knowledge about phytoplankton dynamics in the Mediterranean region and contribute to a safer usage of reservoir waters.A combination of imidacloprid and spirotetramat effectively controls sucking pests on grapevines. Residues of these insecticides on grapes were evaluated after treatment with spirotetramat 12% + imidacloprid 12% (240 SC) three times at 90 and 180 g a.i. ha(-1). The samples were extracted and purified by QuEChERS method and analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography with a photodiode array detector (imidacloprid) and gas chromatography mass spectrometry (spirotetramat and its metabolite spirotetramat-enol). Satisfactory results were obtained with ranges of 80.6-98.6% for the recovery, 3.1-10% for the relative standard deviation range, and 9.8-15.6% for the uncertainty. The limits of detection and quantification were 0.015 μg mL(-1) and 0.05 mg kg(-1), respectively. Initial residue concentrations of imidacloprid after the 90 and 180 g a.i. ha(-1) treatments were 0.912 (half-life 11 days) and 1.681 mg kg(-1) (half-life 12.4 days), respectively. For spirotetramat + spirotetramat-enol, the residue concentrations were 1.337 (half-life 5.6 days) and 2.0 mg kg(-1) (half-life 7.6 days) for the 90 and 180 g a.i. ha(-1) treatments, respectively. Spirotetramat degraded faster than spirotetramat-enol. After treatment at 90 g a.i. ha(-1), the initial residues of both insecticides were within European Union maximum residue limits and a 1-day pre-harvest interval (PHI) was adequate for safe consumption of grapes. After treatment at 180 g a.i. ha(-1), the required PHI was 7 day. Therefore, a PHI of 7 day should be used after treatment with imidacloprid and spirotetramat.A novel and environmentally friendly ionic-liquid-based hollow-fiber liquid-phase microextraction method combined with a hybrid artificial neural network (ANN)-genetic algorithm (GA) strategy was developed for ferro and ferric ions speciation as model analytes. Different parameters such as type and volume of extraction solvent, amounts of chelating agent, volume and pH of sample, ionic strength, stirring rate, and extraction time were investigated. Much more effective parameters were firstly examined based on one-variable-at-a-time design, and obtained results were used to construct an independent model for each parameter. The models were then applied to achieve the best and minimum numbers of candidate points as inputs for the ANN process. The maximum extraction efficiencies were achieved after 9 min using 22.0 μL of 1-hexyl-3-methylimidazolium hexafluorophosphate ([C6MIM][PF6]) as the acceptor phase and 10 mL of sample at pH = 7.0 containing 64.0 μg L(-1) of benzohydroxamic acid (BHA) as the complexing agent, after the GA process. Once optimized, analytical performance of the method was studied in terms of linearity (1.3-316 μg L(-1), R (2) = 0.999), accuracy (recovery = 90.1-92.3%), and precision (relative standard deviation (RSD) less then 3.1). Finally, the method was successfully applied to speciate the iron species in the environmental and wastewater samples.Abnormalities in mitochondrial metabolism and regulation of energy balance contribute to human diseases. The consequences of high fat and other nutrient intake, and the resulting acquired mitochondrial dysfunction, are essential to fully understand common disorders, including obesity, cancer, and atherosclerosis. To simultaneously and noninvasively measure and quantify indirect markers of mitochondrial function, we have developed a method based on gas chromatography coupled to quadrupole-time of flight mass spectrometry and an electron ionization interface, and validated the system using plasma from patients with peripheral artery disease, human cancer cells, and mouse tissues. This approach was used to increase sensibility in the measurement of a wide dynamic range and chemical diversity of multiple intermediate metabolites used in energy metabolism. We demonstrate that our targeted metabolomics method allows for quick and accurate identification and quantification of molecules, including the measurement of small yet significant biological changes in experimental samples. The apparently low process variability required for its performance in plasma, cell lysates, and tissues allowed a rapid identification of correlations between interconnected pathways. Our results suggest that delineating the process of energy generation by targeted metabolomics can be a valid surrogate for predicting mitochondrial dysfunction in biological samples. Importantly, when used in plasma, targeted metabolomics should be viewed as a robust and noninvasive source of biomarkers in specific pathophysiological scenarios.The fragmentation of halogen-substituted protonated amines and quaternary ammonium ions (R(1)R(2)R(3)N(+)CH2(CH2)nX, where X = F, Cl, Br, I, n = 1, 2, 3, 4) was studied by electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry. A characteristic fragment ion (R(1)R(2)R(3)N(+)X) resulting from halogen transfer was observed in collision-induced dissociation. A new mechanism for the intramolecular halogen transfer was proposed that involves a reactive intermediate, [amine/halonium ion]. A potential energy surface scan using DFT calculation for CH2-N bond cleavage process of protonated 2-bromo-N,N-dimethylethanamine supports the formation of this intermediate. The bromonium ion intermediate-involved halogen transfer mechanism is supported by an examination of the ion/molecule reaction between isolated ethylenebromonium ion and triethylamine, which generates the N-bromo-N,N,N-triethylammonium cation. For other halogens, Cl and I also can be involved in similar intramolecular halogen transfer, but F cannot be involved. With the elongation of the carbon chain between the halogen (bromine as a representative example) and amine, the migration ability of halogen decreases. When the carbon chain contains two or three CH2 units (n = 1, 2), formal bromine cation transfer can take place, and the transfer is easier when n = 1. When the carbon chain contains four or five CH2 units (n = 3, 4), formal bromine cation transfer does not occur, probably because the five- and six-membered cyclic bromonium ions are very stable and do not donate the bromine to the amine.Chronic oral anticoagulation frequently requires interruption for various reasons and durations. Whether or not to bridge with heparin or other anticoagulants is a common clinical dilemma. The evidence to inform decision making is limited, making current guidelines equivocal and imprecise. Moreover, indications for anticoagulation interruption may be unclear. New observational studies and a recent large randomized trial have noted significant perioperative or periprocedural bleeding rates without reduction in thromboembolism when bridging is employed. Such bleeding may also increase morbidity and mortality. In light of these findings, physician preferences for routine bridging anticoagulation during chronic anticoagulation interruptions may be too aggressive. More randomized trials, such as PERIOP2 (A Double Blind Randomized Control Trial of Post-Operative Low Molecular Weight Heparin Bridging Therapy Versus Placebo Bridging Therapy for Patients Who Are at High Risk for Arterial Thromboembolism), will help guide periprocedural management of anticoagulation for indications such as venous thromboembolism and mechanical heart valves.

Autoři článku: Pachecohoffmann3736 (Melgaard Trolle)