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Verze z 24. 8. 2024, 21:35, kterou vytvořil Palmball9825 (diskuse | příspěvky) (Založena nová stránka s textem „RAB GTPases constitute the largest family of small GTPases and are found in all eukaryotes. RAB GTPases regulate components of the endomembrane system, the…“)
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RAB GTPases constitute the largest family of small GTPases and are found in all eukaryotes. RAB GTPases regulate components of the endomembrane system, the nucleus and the plasma membrane, and are involved in intracellular actin/tubulin-dependent vesicle movement, membrane fusion and cell growth in mitosis.

RAB GTPases play multiple critical roles during both female and male meiosis. This review summarizes the progress made in our understanding of the role of RAB GTPases in female and male meiosis in different species. We also discuss the potential relationship between RAB GTPases and oocyte/sperm quality, which may help in understanding the mechanisms underlying oogenesis and spermatogenesis and potential genetic causes of infertility.

The PubMed database was searched for articles published between 1991 and 2020 using the following terms 'RAB', 'RAB oocyte', 'RAB sperm' and 'RAB meiosis'.

An analysis of 126 relevant articles indicated that RAB GTPases are present in all eukaryotes, and ten subfamilierstanding of the molecular mechanisms of oogenesis and spermatogenesis and potential genetic causes of infertility.

Bicuspid aortic valve (BAV) is the commonest congenital heart valve malformation, and is associated with life-threatening complications. Given the high heritability index of BAV, many experts recommend echocardiography screening for first-degree relatives (FDRs) of an index case. Here we aim to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of such cascade screening for BAV.

Using a decision-analytic model, we performed a cost-effectiveness analysis of echocardiographic screening for FDRs of BAV index case. Data on BAV probabilities and complications among FDRs were derived from our institution's BAV familial cohort and from the literature on population-based BAV cohorts with long-term follow-up. Health gain was measured as quality-adjusted life years (QALYs). Cost inputs were based on list prices and literature data. One-way and probabilistic sensitivity analyses were performed to account for uncertainty in the model's variables.

Screening of FDRs was found to be the dominant strategy, being more effective and less costly than no screening, with savings of €644 and gains of 0.3 QALYs. Results were sensitive throughout the rang of the model's variables, including the full range of reported BAV rates among FDRs across the literature. A gradual decrease of the incremental effect was found with the increase in screening age.

This economic evaluation model found that echocardiographic screening of FDRs of BAV index case is not only clinically important but also cost-effective and cost-saving. Sensitivity analysis supported the model's robustness, suggesting its generalization.

This economic evaluation model found that echocardiographic screening of FDRs of BAV index case is not only clinically important but also cost-effective and cost-saving. Sensitivity analysis supported the model's robustness, suggesting its generalization.The activity of mitochondrial pyruvate carrier (MPC) can be modulated to regulate intracellular metabolism under different culture conditions. In Ganoderma lucidum, the role of MPC in regulating carbon sources remains unknown. By knocking down MPC genes (MPC1 and MPC2), this research found that the loss of MPC increased the growth rate of G. lucidum by ~30% in a medium with wood chips as a carbon source. Then cellulase and laccase activities were tested. Endoglucanase and laccase activity increased by ~50% and ~35%, respectively, in MPC knockdown mutants compared with that in the wild type strain. Finally, the expression levels of genes related to glycolysis were assayed, and the transcription levels of these enzymes were found to be increased by ~250% compared with the wild type strain. In conclusion, the regulation of intracellular metabolism by MPC provides a new way to improve the use of nondominant carbon sources such as lignocellulose.Bacteria may enter into a viable but nonculturable (VBNC) state as a response to stresses, such as those found in food processing. Cells in the VBNC state lose the ability to grow in a conventional culture medium but man recover culturability. The viability, culturability and intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) of Salmonella Enteritidis and Shigella flexneri were evaluated under stress conditions to induce a VBNC state. Cells were maintained under nutritional, osmotic and cold stresses (long-term induction) in Butterfield's phosphate solution plus 1.2 M of NaCl at 4°C and under nutritional and oxidative stresses (short-term induction) in 10 mM of H2O2. Culture media, recovery agents, sterilization methods of media and incubation temperature, were combined and applied to recover the culturability of the VBNC cells. Salmonella entered in the VBNC state after 135 days under long-term induction, while Shigella maintained culturability after 240 days. Under short-term induction, Salmonella and Shigella lose culturability after 135 and 240 min, respectively. Flow cytometric analysis revealed viable cells and intracellular ROS in both species in VBNC. It was not possible to recover the culturability of VBNC cells using the 42 combinations of different factors.

What are the knowledge and views of UK-based women towards egg donation (ED) and egg sharing (ES)?

Lacking knowledge of the practices of ED and ES could be an influential factor in donor egg shortages, rather than negative perceptions or lack of donor anonymity and financial incentives.

The increasing age of women trying to conceive has led to donor egg shortages, with ED and ES failing to meet demand. Indeed, in recent years in the UK, ES numbers have fallen. This results in long waiting lists, forcing patients abroad for fertility treatment to take up cross border reproductive care. Previous research suggests a lack of knowledge of ED among members of the general public; however, no study has yet assessed knowledge or views of ES in the general public.

Six hundred and thirty-five UK-based women over 18 years were voluntarily recruited from social media community groups by convenience sampling. The recruitment period was from February to April 2020.

Participants completed a previously validated quennaire. The conclusion that lack of knowledge could be contributing to the current donor shortfall in the UK demonstrates that campaigns to inform women of the practices are necessary to alleviate donor oocyte shortages.

No external funds were used for this study. The authors have no conflicts of interest.


NA.Most swimming bacteria are capable of following gradients of nutrients, signaling molecules and other environmental factors that affect bacterial physiology. This tactic behavior became one of the most-studied model systems for signal transduction and quantitative biology, and underlying molecular mechanisms are well characterized in Escherichia coli and several other model systems. In this review, we focus primarily on less understood aspect of bacterial chemotaxis, namely its physiological relevance for individual bacterial cells and for bacterial populations. selleck inhibitor As evident from multiple recent studies, even for the same bacterial species flagellar motility and chemotaxis might serve multiple roles, depending on the physiological and environmental conditions. Among these, finding sources of nutrients and more generally locating niches that are optimal for growth appear to be one of the major functions of bacterial chemotaxis, which could explain many chemoeffector preferences as well as flagellar gene regulation. Chemotaxis might also generally enhance efficiency of environmental colonization by motile bacteria, which involves intricate interplay between individual and collective behaviors and trade-offs between growth and motility. Finally, motility and chemotaxis play multiple roles in collective behaviors of bacteria including swarming, biofilm formation and autoaggregation, as well as in their interactions with animal and plant hosts.The oral cavity hosts over 700 different microbial species that produce a rich reservoir of bioactive metabolites critical to oral health maintenance. Over the last two decades, new insights into the oral microbiome and its importance in health and disease have emerged mainly due to the discovery of new oral microbial species using next-generation sequencing (NGS). This advancement has revolutionized the documentation of unique microbial profiles associated with different niches and health/disease states within the oral cavity and the relation of the oral bacteria to systemic diseases. However, less work has been done to identify and characterize the unique oral microbial metabolites that play critical roles in maintaining equilibrium between the various oral microbial species and their human hosts. This article discusses the most significant microbial metabolites produced by these diverse communities of oral bacteria that can either foster health or contribute to disease. Finally, we shed light on how advances in genomics and genome mining can provide a high throughput platform for discovering novel bioactive metabolites derived from the human oral microbiome to tackle emerging human infections and systemic diseases.To evaluate and compare the absorbed dose and image quality when applying a commercially produced fixation device (group A) and a vaccum mattress fixation device to pediatric patients (group B). We compared the absorbed dose and image noise between the groups at the phantom and clinical study. For phantom study, the measurement absorbed dose for a real time skin dosimeter was 3.0 mGy at the group A and 1.9 mGy at the group B (p less then 0.05). For clinical study, computed tomography dose index product, dose-length and effective radiation dose were significantly lower with the group B compared to the group A, (3.4 mGy, 27.0 mGy-cm, and 2.2 mSv vs 4.4 mGy, and 36.7 mGy-cm, and 3.0 mSv), p less then 0.05 for all comparisons. Compared to the commercially produced fixation device, the vaccum mattress fixation device composed of a less absorptive material enabled a reduction in the absorbed dose while maintaining the image quality during pediatric CT examinations.This article highlights the need for governing some gradual ruptures from the past to achieve a sense of new normalcy in public health. The rebel returnees during the pandemic form a case of a vulnerable group who triply experience disasters from the pandemic and natural disasters to terrorism. Global health governance carries on the management of past problems attaining their maturation and faces new ones for disaster recovery.Beer is one of the most popular beverages in the world and it has an irreplaceable place in culture. Although invented later than ale, lager beers dominate the current market. Many factors relating to the appearance (colour, clarity and foam stability) and sensory characters (flavour, taste and aroma) of beer, and other psychological determinants affect consumers' perception of the product and defines its drinkability. This review takes a wholistic approach to scrutinise flavour generation in the brewing process, focusing particularly on the contribution of the raw ingredients and the yeasts to the final flavour profiles of lager beers. In addition, we examine current developments to improve lager beer flavour profiles for the modern consumers.

Autoři článku: Palmball9825 (McCullough Andersson)