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Verze z 24. 8. 2024, 14:37, kterou vytvořil Boesenmcfarland3337 (diskuse | příspěvky) (Založena nová stránka s textem „All of these results showed the possible mechanisms about the toxicity of 3-MCPD esters in rats' testes and play a vital role in understanding the toxic ef…“)
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All of these results showed the possible mechanisms about the toxicity of 3-MCPD esters in rats' testes and play a vital role in understanding the toxic effects of 3-MCPD esters both in vivo and in vitro.Spirombandakamine A3 (7) is only the third known naphthylisoquinoline dimer with a spiro-fused novel molecular framework and the first such representative to possess a relative trans-configuration at the two chiral centers in both tetrahydroisoquinoline subunits. It was found in the leaves of a botanically as yet unidentified Congolese Ancistrocladus plant, which is morphologically closely related to the Central African taxon Ancistrocladus ealaensis. Likewise isolated were the new cyclombandakamines A8 (8) and A9 (9), which belong to another most recently discovered type of unusual oxygen-bridged naphthylisoquinoline dimers and two previously described "open-chain" analogues, mbandakamines C (10) and D (11). The full absolute stereostructures of these compounds were assigned by combining spectroscopic, chemical, and chiroptical methods. Preliminary biomimetic investigations indicated that both spirombandakamine- and cyclombandakamine-type dimers result from the oxidation of their open-chain mbandakamine-type congeners. The new dimeric alkaloids 7-9 displayed potent growth-inhibitory activity against Plasmodium falciparum, the protozoal pathogen causing malaria, and moderate effects on Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense, the parasite responsible for African sleeping sickness.Zwitterionic polysaccharides isolated from commensal bacteria are endowed with unique immunological properties and are emerging as immunotherapeutic agents as well as vaccine carriers. Reported herein is a total synthesis of the repeating unit of Bacteroides fragilis zwitterionic polysaccharide A1 (PS A1). The structurally complex tetrasaccharide unit contains a rare sugar 2-acetamido-4-amino-2,4,6-trideoxy-d-galactose (AAT) and two consecutive 1,2-cis glycosidic linkages. The repeating unit was efficiently assembled by rapid synthesis of d-galactosamine and AAT building blocks from cheap and abundant d-mannose via a one-pot SN2 displacement of 2,4-bistriflates and installation of all of the glycosidic bonds in a highly stereoselective manner. The total synthesis involves a longest linear sequence of 17 steps with 3.47% overall yield.A new Gd-based borate crystal, Li3K9Gd3(BO3)7, has been successfully obtained via the high-temperature solution method using Li2O-K2O-B2O3 self-flux. It crystallizes in monoclinic space group P2/n (no. 10) with lattice parameters a = 11.3454(6) Å, b = 9.9881(4) Å, c = 11.4467(7) Å, α = γ = 90 o, β = 114.782(7) o, and Z = 2. Li3K9Gd3(BO3)7 exhibits an intriguing sandwich-like three-dimensional (3D) framework constructed from [Gd-B-O]∞ layers, KOn (n = 6 and 8) polyhedra, and LiO4 tetrahedra, in which [Gd-B-O]∞ layers are built from two types of GdO8 polyhedra and triangular BO3 units. Magnetic measurements showed that Li3K9Gd3(BO3)7 exhibits a large magnetocaloric effect with -ΔSm = 39.3 J kg-1 K-1 at 2.0 K for ΔH = 7 T, which is slightly higher than that of the commercial gadolinium gallium garnet under the same conditions. The powder X-ray diffraction, infrared spectrum, and UV-vis-NIR diffuse reflectance spectrum were also performed to characterize Li3K9Gd3(BO3)7. The electronic band structures, partial density of states, and refractive indices of Li3K9Gd3(BO3)7 were investigated via the first-principle calculations.Singlet fission (SF), the conversion of one high-energy singlet to two low-energy triplets, provides the potential to increase the efficiency of photovoltaic devices. In the SF chromophores with C2h symmetry, exemplified by polyenes, singlet-to-triplet conversion generally involves a low-lying 21Ag dark state, which serves as either a multiexciton (ME) intermediate to promote the SF process or a parasitic trap state to shunt excited-state populations via internal conversion. This controversial behavior calls for a deep understanding of dark-state-related photophysics involving the higher-lying singlet state. However, the optical "dark" and "transient" nature of these dark states and strong correlation feature of double exciton species make their characterization and interpretation challenging from both experimental and computational perspectives. In the present work combining transient spectroscopy and multireference electronic structure calculations (XDW-CASPT2), we addressed a new photophysical model, i.e., a high-lying 31Ag dark-state-mediated ultrafast SF process in the benzodipyrrolidone (BDPP) skeleton. Such a 31Ag dark state with distinctive double excitation character, described as the ME state, could be populated from the initial 11Bu bright state on an ultrafast time scale given the quasi-degeneracy and intersection of the two electronic states. Furthermore, the suitable optical band gap and triplet energy, high triplet yield, and excellent photostability render BDPP a promising SF candidate for photovoltaic devices. These results not only enrich the arsenal of SF materials but also shed new insights into the understanding of dark-state-related photophysics, which could promote the development of new SF-active materials.Allosteric drugs have been attracting increasing interest over the past few years. In this context, it is common practice to use high-throughput screening for the discovery of non-natural allosteric drugs. While the discovery stage is supported by a growing amount of biological information and increasing computing power, major challenges still remain in selecting allosteric ligands and predicting their effect on the target protein's function. Indeed, allosteric compounds can act both as inhibitors and activators of biological responses. Computational approaches to the problem have focused on variations on the theme of molecular docking coupled to molecular dynamics with the aim of recovering information on the (long-range) modulation typical of allosteric proteins.Remediation of toxic chlorinated ethenes via microbial reductive dechlorination can lead to ethene formation; however, the process stalls in acidic groundwater, leading to the accumulation of carcinogenic vinyl chloride (VC). This study explored the feasibility of cometabolic VC degradation by moderately acidophilic methanotrophs. Two novel isolates, Methylomonas sp. strain JS1 and Methylocystis sp. strain MJC1, were obtained from distinct alpine peat bogs located in South Korea. Both isolates cometabolized VC with CH4 as the primary substrate under oxic conditions at pH at or below 5.5. VC cometabolism in axenic cultures occurred in the presence (10 μM) or absence ( less then 0.01 μM) of copper, suggesting that VC removal had little dependence on copper availability, which regulates expression and activity of soluble and particulate methane monooxygenases in methanotrophs. The model neutrophilic methanotroph Methylosinus trichosporium strain OB3b also grew and cometabolized VC at pH 5.0 regardless of copper availability. Bioaugmentation of acidic peat soil slurries with methanotroph isolates demonstrated enhanced VC degradation and VC consumption below the maximum concentration level of 2 μg L-1. Community profiling of the microcosms suggested species-specific differences, indicating that robust bioaugmentation with methanotroph cultures requires further research.Abnormal expression of Tau protein can cause the development of Alzheimer's disease (AD). So far, much evidence has demonstrated that Tau has multiple isoforms. These isoforms are suggested to have distinct physiological roles and contribute unequally to the progress of AD. Thus, detection of individual Tau isoforms may be helpful to better understand the link between clinical outcome and Tau status and to further improve AD diagnosis and treatment. However, few studies have been conducted on absolute quantification of Tau isoforms, probably due to high sequence homology and also low abundance of these isoforms in biofluids such as cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). Therefore, mass spectrometry-based targeted proteomics was attempted here. This targeted proteomics approach can principally measure a protein of interest at the surrogate peptide level, yet little has been done to detect protein isoforms, probably due to lack of isoform-specific surrogate peptides in mass spectrometry. CC885 In this study, separations in more dimensions were added, including immunoprecipitation (IP) and sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) for sample pretreatment and systems of linear equations for post-lab data extraction. Moreover, the reliability of the approach including IP enrichment, gel separation, and linear algebra algorithms was discussed. As a result, each isoform of Tau protein can be individually detected and quantified. Using IP enrichment, ∼250-fold enhancement of sensitivity was achieved. The ultimate LOQ was 0.50 nM. Finally, this multidimensional mass spectrometry-based targeted proteomics assay was validated and applied to simultaneous quantitative analysis of six Tau isoforms in CSF of AD patients.The dynamics of excited heteroaromatic molecules is a key to understanding the photoprotective properties of many biologically relevant chromophores that dissipate their excitation energy nonreactively and thereby prevent the detrimental effects of ultraviolet radiation. Despite their structural variability, most substituted aromatic compounds share a common feature of a repulsive 1πσ* potential energy surface. This surface can lead to photoproducts, and it can also facilitate the population transfer back to the ground electronic state by means of a 1πσ*/S0 conical intersection. Here, we explore a hidden relaxation route involving the triplet electronic state of aniline, which has recently been discovered by means of time-selected photofragment translational spectroscopy [J. Chem. Phys. 2019, 151, 141101]. By using the recently available analytical gradients for multiconfiguration pair-density functional theory, it is now possible to locate the minimum-energy crossing points between states of different spin and therefore compute the intersystem crossing rates with a multireference method, rather than with the less reliable single-reference methods. Using such calculations, we demonstrate that the population loss of aniline in the T1(3ππ*) state is dominated by C6H5NH2 → C6H5NH· + H· dissociation, and we explain the long nonradiative lifetimes of the T1(3ππ*) state at the excitation wavelengths of 294-264 nm.Substituted 2,6-dicyanoanilines are versatile electron donor-acceptor compounds, which have recently received considerable attention, since they exhibit strong fluorescence and may have utility in the synthesis of fluorescent materials, non-natural photosynthetic systems, and materials with nonlinear optical properties. The majority of known synthetic procedures are, however, "stop-and-go" reaction processes involving time-consuming and waste-producing isolation and purification of product intermediates. Here, we present the synthesis of substituted 2,6-dicyanoanilines via atom-economical and eco-friendly one-pot processes, involving metal-free domino reactions, and their subsequent photochemical and photophysical measurements and theoretical calculations. These studies exhibit the existence of an easily tunable radical ion pair-based charge-transfer (CT) emission in the synthesized 2,6-dicyanoaniline-based electron donor-acceptor systems. The charge-transfer processes were explored by photochemical and radiation chemical measurements, in particular, based on femtosecond laser photolysis transient absorption spectroscopy and time-resolved emission spectroscopy, accompanied by pulse radiolysis and complemented by quantum chemical investigations employing time-dependent density-functional theory.

Autoři článku: Boesenmcfarland3337 (Carlson Hewitt)