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More research and practical experience are warranted on how companies can mobilize and facilitate a health literate workforce. [HLRP Health Literacy Research and Practice. 2021;5(3)e218-e225.] Plain Language Summary This literature study explored the role of advancing health literacy in companies. Five aspects were identified as important, including the understanding of the concept, its measurement, and its integration into strategies, interventions, and training. The involvement of management and the staff was crucial for success.

The St. Vincent Charity Medical Center's Patient and Family Education Policy directs staff to provide patients with easy-to-understand written and verbal communication. This includes using plain language and Teach-Back. Teach-Back-or asking patients to explain in their own words what they have learned-is a best practice that health care professionals use to ensure patient understanding. The effective use of plain language is key to using Teach-Back successfully. From random audits, we could assess whether staff were documenting their use of Teach-Back. We had not, however, ascertained whether that documentation was a true account of the use of Teach-Back. Brief description of activity We created a three-part project to (1) assess staff knowledge and use of Teach-Back, (2) assess and address barriers to use of Teach-Back, and 3) assess patients' recall of their providers using Teach-Back.

Internal medicine resident physicians (hereafter termed "residents") and nurses completed an anonymous, online survey rnceptions about Teach-Back. [HLRP Health Literacy Research and Practice. 2021;5(3)e226-e232.] Plain Language Summary Our Health Literacy Institute was created in 2007 after receiving a grant to institutionalize health literacy across the continuum of patient care. Health literacy refers to a person's ability to obtain, understand, and process basic information, which empowers them to make appropriate health decisions.Character strengths have become a popular topic in personality research. A set of questionnaires has recently been developed as measures of character strengths the VIA Inventory of Strengths-Revised, two 96-item short forms of that instrument, and two new measures called the Global Assessment of Character Strengths and Signature Strengths Survey. Collectively, these are referred to as the VIA Assessment Suite for Adults. Prior research has supported the reliability and validity of these measures. The current study extended those findings through a demographically stratified sample of 1,765 U.S. resident adults. Results indicated the scores were interchangeable across all three versions of the VIA-IS, irrespective of whether the items are all positively keyed or a mix of positive and negative items. In addition, the VIA-IS-R factor structure is also consistent with a previously identified three-factor model for the strengths. By freeing residual covariances, a model was developed for which adequate fit was replicable. This provided the foundation for demonstrating measurement invariance. The present study also explored differences in strengths across demographic categories and evaluated various approaches to identifying key (signature) strengths for the respondents. Recommendations on the use of the different instruments are provided.This study aimed to explore the effect of infertility on self-esteem and depression, and to identify the sociodemographic and infertility characteristics associated with self-esteem and depression among infertile women in Ekiti State, Nigeria. check details Self-esteem and depression were assessed in 100 infertile women and 100 women seeking family planning (controls) using the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES) and Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9), respectively. Infertile women had significantly lower RSES score (19.4 ± 4.5 vs. 20.7 ± 4.4, p=.038) and higher PHQ-9 score (5.1 ± 4.1 vs. 3.8 ± 3.5, p=.023) compared to controls. Among infertile women, marital status, being remarried, duration of infertility, and RSES score were associated with PHQ-9 score on simple linear regression. On multiple linear regression analysis, the RSES score had a negative association with the PHQ-9 score (β= -0.32, p less then .001). In conclusion, infertile women have lower self-esteem and higher depression scores. Mental health screening and management should be an integral part of care administered to infertile women.Impact StatementWhat is already known on this subject? Infertility is a global health problem with negative effects on the mental health and quality of life of couples, especially women.What the results of this study add? Infertile women have lower self-esteem and higher depression scores. The prevalence of major depressive disorder (MDD) is higher among infertile women. Longer duration of infertility, older age, ≤6 years of formal education, and low self-esteem are significant associations of MDD among infertile women.What the implications are of these findings for clinical practice and/or further research? Mental health screening and management should be included in the care given to women undergoing evaluation and treatment for infertility. Larger community-based studies evaluating other aspects of mental health among infertile couples are encouraged.

The objective was to understand how the use or nonuse of the Lower Anchors and Tethers for Children (LATCH) system affects the performance of booster seats during frontal impacts.

Sixteen frontal impact sled tests were conducted at 24.8 ± 0.3 g and 50.1 ± 0.2 kph. A production vehicle seat buck was attached to the sled. Four high-back boosters or combination seats in high-back booster mode and two backless booster models were tested. Each booster model was installed two different ways using the LATCH system ("LATCH" installation) and without using the LATCH system ("non-LATCH" installation). All installations used a 3-point seat belt with retractor in emergency locking mode (ELR) to restrain a Hybrid III 6-year-old anthropomorphic test device (ATD). The retractor, belt webbing, buckle, vehicle seat cushion, and booster were replaced after each test. Some conditions were tested twice to establish repeatability. ATD and booster responses were compared between LATCH and non-LATCH tests.

Using LATCH reducederved in these tests.

Overall, the differences in kinematics and injury metrics were small between boosters installed using LATCH vs. non-LATCH.

Overall, the differences in kinematics and injury metrics were small between boosters installed using LATCH vs. non-LATCH.Atopic dermatitis is a common, chronic and recurrent inflammatory skin disease, which often appears in childhood but can last into adulthood. It negatively impacts patients, their families and society in general. There is a therapeutic unmet need, with patients requiring new drugs that are safe and effective. The increasing knowledge of the pathophysiology of AD and the role of the Janus kinase (JAK) and signal transducer and activator of transcription (STAT) pathway in the development and maintenance of AD, has led to the development of agents blocking this intracellular signaling pathway, the JAK inhibitors. Baricitinib shows high selectivity for JAK1 and JAK2, making it appealing for the treatment of this condition. Phase II and phase III trials evaluated the efficacy and safety of baricitinib in the treatment of AD, and the results have been encouraging, showing a good efficacy and a favorable safety and tolerability profile. At the end of 2020, EMA approved baricitinib for the treatment of adult patients with moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis who are candidates for systemic therapy, increasing the therapeutic option for this debilitating disease.Supraspinal signals play a significant role in compensatory responses to postural perturbations. While the cortex is not necessary for basic postural tasks in intact animals, its role in responding to unexpected postural perturbations after spinal cord injury (SCI) has not been studied. To better understand how SCI impacts cortical encoding of postural perturbations, the activity of single neurons in the hindlimb sensorimotor cortex (HLSMC) was recorded in the rat during unexpected tilts before and after a complete midthoracic spinal transection. In a subset of animals, limb ground reaction forces were also collected. HLSMC activity was strongly modulated in response to different tilt profiles. As the velocity of the tilt increased, more information was conveyed by the HLSMC neurons about the perturbation due to increases in both the number of recruited neurons and the magnitude of their responses. SCI led to attenuated and delayed hindlimb ground reaction forces. However, HLSMC neurons remained responsive to tilts after injury but with increased latencies and decreased tuning to slower tilts. Information conveyed by cortical neurons about the tilts was therefore reduced after SCI, requiring more cells to convey the same amount of information as before the transection. Given that reorganization of the hindlimb sensorimotor cortex in response to therapy after complete mid-thoracic SCI is necessary for behavioral recovery, this sustained encoding of information after SCI could be a substrate for the reorganization that uses sensory information from above the lesion to control trunk muscles that permit weight-supported stepping and postural control.We aimed to investigate the efficacy of chewing gum on bowel movements after minimally invasive gynaecologic surgery, total laparoscopic hysterectomy (TLH). The study was designed as a prospective randomised controlled study. We divided the patients into two groups regarding postoperative chewing gum after elective TLH operation. The demographic status and characteristics of the patients as well as, anaesthesia and operation records were obtained. The study group was asked to chew gum for 15 min in an hour starting from post-operative 4th hour until the patient passed flatus. In each patient, first auscultation of bowel sounds, first flatus and first defaecation time, as well as first mobilisation time and discharge time, were recorded. We compared the difference in abdominal distension, nausea and vomiting and post-operative ileus (POI) rates. Eight patients were excluded from the study due to matching with exclusion criteria. The remaining 126 patients were divided into two groups. First bowel sounds, firstr minimally invasive surgery, especially in gynaecology practice.What do the results of this study add? Chewing gum after surgery is a well-tolerated, effective, safe, easy and convenient method and is easily accepted by patients. Its use by gynaecologists after TLH is still not clear. Our aim is to show the relationship between chewing gum and TLH with this study; We believe that early mobilisation after laparoscopic hysterectomy will not be of significant benefit after minimally invasive gynaecological surgeries as it is not significantly effective in early nutrition and early patient discharge.What are the implications of these findings for clinical practice and/or further research? Our statistically not significant results obtained in this study may change after conducting randomised prospective studies involving more patients. However, we believe that giving chewing-gum after laparoscopic hysterectomy will not have a significant benefit.

Autoři článku: Mathiassenkrarup6128 (Swanson Christian)