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Verze z 23. 8. 2024, 17:44, kterou vytvořil Ulrichfaircloth3417 (diskuse | příspěvky) (Založena nová stránka s textem „One antibody selectively immunoprecipitated cleaved forms of known and unknown inflammatory caspase substrates, allowing the identification of over 300 put…“)
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One antibody selectively immunoprecipitated cleaved forms of known and unknown inflammatory caspase substrates, allowing the identification of over 300 putative substrates of the caspase-4 noncanonical inflammasome, including caspase-7. This dataset will provide a path toward developing blood-based biomarkers of inflammasome activation. Overall, our study establishes tools to discover and detect inflammatory caspase substrates and functions, provides a workflow for designing antibody reagents to study cell signaling, and extends the growing evidence of biological cross talk between the apoptotic and inflammatory caspases.The randomization and screening of combinatorial DNA libraries is a powerful technique for understanding sequence-function relationships and optimizing biosynthetic pathways. Although it can be difficult to predict a priori which sequence combinations encode functional units, it is often possible to omit undesired combinations that inflate library size and screening effort. However, defined library generation is difficult when a complex scan through sequence space is needed. To overcome this challenge, we designed a hybrid valve- and droplet-based microfluidic system that deterministically assembles DNA parts in picoliter droplets, reducing reagent consumption and bias. Using this system, we built a combinatorial library encoding an engineered histidine kinase (HK) based on bacterial CpxA. Our library encodes designed transmembrane (TM) domains that modulate the activity of the cytoplasmic domain of CpxA and variants of the structurally distant "S helix" located near the catalytic domain. We find that the S helix sets a basal activity further modulated by the TM domain. Surprisingly, we also find that a given TM motif can elicit opposing effects on the catalytic activity of different S-helix variants. We conclude that the intervening HAMP domain passively transmits signals and shapes the signaling response depending on subtle changes in neighboring domains. This flexibility engenders a richness in functional outputs as HKs vary in response to changing evolutionary pressures.Candida albicans is the most common cause of systemic fungal infections in humans and is considerably more virulent than its closest known relative, Candida dubliniensis. To investigate this difference, we constructed interspecies hybrids and quantified mRNA levels produced from each genome in the hybrid. This approach systematically identified expression differences in orthologous genes arising from cis-regulatory sequence changes that accumulated since the two species last shared a common ancestor, some 10 million y ago. We documented many orthologous gene-expression differences between the two species, and we pursued one striking observation All 15 genes coding for the enzymes of glycolysis showed higher expression from the C. albicans genome than the C. dubliniensis genome in the interspecies hybrid. This pattern requires evolutionary changes to have occurred at each gene; the fact that they all act in the same direction strongly indicates lineage-specific natural selection as the underlying cause. To test whether these expression differences contribute to virulence, we created a C. dubliniensis strain in which all 15 glycolysis genes were produced at modestly elevated levels and found that this strain had significantly increased virulence in the standard mouse model of systemic infection. These results indicate that small expression differences across a deeply conserved set of metabolism enzymes can play a significant role in the evolution of virulence in fungal pathogens.Maximal growth rate is a basic parameter of microbial lifestyle that varies over several orders of magnitude, with doubling times ranging from a matter of minutes to multiple days. Growth rates are typically measured using laboratory culture experiments. Yet, we lack sufficient understanding of the physiology of most microbes to design appropriate culture conditions for them, severely limiting our ability to assess the global diversity of microbial growth rates. Genomic estimators of maximal growth rate provide a practical solution to survey the distribution of microbial growth potential, regardless of cultivation status. We developed an improved maximal growth rate estimator and predicted maximal growth rates from over 200,000 genomes, metagenome-assembled genomes, and single-cell amplified genomes to survey growth potential across the range of prokaryotic diversity; extensions allow estimates from 16S rRNA sequences alone as well as weighted community estimates from metagenomes. We compared the growth rates of cultivated and uncultivated organisms to illustrate how culture collections are strongly biased toward organisms capable of rapid growth. Finally, we found that organisms naturally group into two growth classes and observed a bias in growth predictions for extremely slow-growing organisms. These observations ultimately led us to suggest evolutionary definitions of oligotrophy and copiotrophy based on the selective regime an organism occupies. We found that these growth classes are associated with distinct selective regimes and genomic functional potentials.Ykt6 is a soluble N-ethylmaleimide sensitive factor activating protein receptor (SNARE) critically involved in diverse vesicular fusion pathways. While most SNAREs rely on transmembrane domains for their activity, Ykt6 dynamically cycles between the cytosol and membrane-bound compartments where it is active. The mechanism that regulates these transitions and allows Ykt6 to achieve specificity toward vesicular pathways is unknown. Using a Parkinson's disease (PD) model, we found that Ykt6 is phosphorylated at an evolutionarily conserved site which is regulated by Ca2+ signaling. Through a multidisciplinary approach, we show that phosphorylation triggers a conformational change that allows Ykt6 to switch from a closed cytosolic to an open membrane-bound form. In the phosphorylated open form, the spectrum of protein interactions changes, leading to defects in both the secretory and autophagy pathways, enhancing toxicity in PD models. Our studies reveal a mechanism by which Ykt6 conformation and activity are regulated with potential implications for PD.Single-molecule force spectroscopy is a powerful tool for studying protein folding. Over the last decade, a key question has emerged how are changes in intrinsic biomolecular dynamics altered by attachment to μm-scale force probes via flexible linkers? Here, we studied the folding/unfolding of α3D using atomic force microscopy (AFM)-based force spectroscopy. α3D offers an unusual opportunity as a prior single-molecule fluorescence resonance energy transfer (smFRET) study showed α3D's configurational diffusion constant within the context of Kramers theory varies with pH. The resulting pH dependence provides a test for AFM-based force spectroscopy's ability to track intrinsic changes in protein folding dynamics. Experimentally, however, α3D is challenging. It unfolds at low force ( less then 15 pN) and exhibits fast-folding kinetics. We therefore used focused ion beam-modified cantilevers that combine exceptional force precision, stability, and temporal resolution to detect state occupancies as brief as 1 ms. Notably, equilibrium and nonequilibrium force spectroscopy data recapitulated the pH dependence measured using smFRET, despite differences in destabilization mechanism. We reconstructed a one-dimensional free-energy landscape from dynamic data via an inverse Weierstrass transform. At both neutral and low pH, the resulting constant-force landscapes showed minimal differences (∼0.2 to 0.5 k B T) in transition state height. These landscapes were essentially equal to the predicted entropic barrier and symmetric. In contrast, force-dependent rates showed that the distance to the unfolding transition state increased as pH decreased and thereby contributed to the accelerated kinetics at low pH. More broadly, this precise characterization of a fast-folding, mechanically labile protein enables future AFM-based studies of subtle transitions in mechanoresponsive proteins.Host mitochondrial association (HMA) is a well-known phenomenon during Toxoplasma gondii infection of the host cell. The T. gondii locus mitochondrial association factor 1 (MAF1) is required for HMA and MAF1 encodes distinct paralogs of secreted dense granule effector proteins, some of which mediate the HMA phenotype (MAF1b paralogs drive HMA; MAF1a paralogs do not). To identify host proteins required for MAF1b-mediated HMA, we performed unbiased, label-free quantitative proteomics on host cells infected with type II parasites expressing MAF1b, MAF1a, and an HMA-incompetent MAF1b mutant. Across these samples, we identified ∼1,360 MAF1-interacting proteins, but only 13 that were significantly and uniquely enriched in MAF1b pull-downs. The gene products include multiple mitochondria-associated proteins, including those that traffic to the mitochondrial outer membrane. Based on follow-up endoribonuclease-prepared short interfering RNA (esiRNA) experiments targeting these candidate MAF1b-targeted host factors, we determined that the mitochondrial receptor protein TOM70 and mitochondria-specific chaperone HSPA9 were essential mediators of HMA. Additionally, the enrichment of TOM70 at the parasitophorous vacuole membrane interface suggests parasite-driven sequestration of TOM70 by the parasite. These results show that the interface between the T. gondii vacuole and the host mitochondria is characterized by interactions between a single parasite effector and multiple target host proteins, some of which are critical for the HMA phenotype itself. The elucidation of the functional members of this complex will permit us to explain the link between HMA and changes in the biology of the host cell.The vertebrate eye is derived from the neuroepithelium, surface ectoderm, and extracellular mesenchyme. The neuroepithelium forms an optic cup in which the spatial separation of three domains is established, namely, the region of multipotent retinal progenitor cells (RPCs), the ciliary margin zone (CMZ)-which possesses both a neurogenic and nonneurogenic potential-and the optic disk (OD), the interface between the optic stalk and the neuroretina. Here, we show by genetic ablation in the developing optic cup that Meis1 and Meis2 homeobox genes function redundantly to maintain the retinal progenitor pool while they simultaneously suppress the expression of genes characteristic of CMZ and OD fates. Furthermore, we demonstrate that Meis transcription factors bind regulatory regions of RPC-, CMZ-, and OD-specific genes, thus providing a mechanistic insight into the Meis-dependent gene regulatory network. Our work uncovers the essential role of Meis1 and Meis2 as regulators of cell fate competence, which organize spatial territories in the vertebrate eye.The rise of antibiotic resistance calls for new therapeutics targeting resistance factors such as the New Delhi metallo-β-lactamase 1 (NDM-1), a bacterial enzyme that degrades β-lactam antibiotics. We present structure-guided computational methods for designing peptide macrocycles built from mixtures of l- and d-amino acids that are able to bind to and inhibit targets of therapeutic interest. Our methods explicitly consider the propensity of a peptide to favor a binding-competent conformation, which we found to predict rank order of experimentally observed IC50 values across seven designed NDM-1- inhibiting peptides. Entinostat order We were able to determine X-ray crystal structures of three of the designed inhibitors in complex with NDM-1, and in all three the conformation of the peptide is very close to the computationally designed model. In two of the three structures, the binding mode with NDM-1 is also very similar to the design model, while in the third, we observed an alternative binding mode likely arising from internal symmetry in the shape of the design combined with flexibility of the target.

Autoři článku: Ulrichfaircloth3417 (Jansen Kronborg)