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Verze z 23. 8. 2024, 15:26, kterou vytvořil Moesgaardpitts3010 (diskuse | příspěvky) (Založena nová stránka s textem „Few colonies belonging to lineage M would represent accidental purchase or traces of the introduction into Peru in the 19th century.Recent changes in insec…“)
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Few colonies belonging to lineage M would represent accidental purchase or traces of the introduction into Peru in the 19th century.Recent changes in insect distribution are consistent with the expected interacting effects of climate and habitat change. The orthopteran Ruspolia nitidula has expanded its area of distribution in Western and Central Europe in recent decades. Because males emit a sound that is easily detected at a distance of up to 40 m, it is possible to detect spreading individuals and to therefore document routes and rates of spread. Using occurrence data at the landscape scale and three methods, including least-cost path analysis with habitat suitability, we estimated the R. nitidula expansion rate from 2006 to 2020 in the Czech Republic; this involved estimating distances between two origin occurrences in 2006 and two occurrences on the area margin in 2020. For comparison, we directly monitored expansion based on detection of singing males at the regional scale at the areal margin in the Odra River basin (2016-2020). The estimated maximum expansion rate ranged from 13.8 to 16.2 km/year based on occurrence data at the landscape scale and from 11.1 to 11.7 km/year based on the monitoring of males in the Odra River basin. To our knowledge, this is the first report of the direct monitoring of individual spreading males to detect changes in the distribution of an orthopteran.Hemocytes, the cells present in the hemolymph of insects and other invertebrates, perform several physiological functions, including innate immunity. The current classification of hemocyte types is based mostly on morphological features; however, divergences have emerged among specialists in triatomines, the insect vectors of Chagas' disease (Hemiptera Reduviidae). Here, we have combined technical approaches in order to characterize the hemocytes from fifth instar nymphs of the triatomine Dipetalogaster maxima. Moreover, in this work we describe, for the first time, the ultrastructural features of D. maxima hemocytes. Using phase contrast microscopy of fresh preparations, five hemocyte populations were identified and further characterized by immunofluorescence, flow cytometry and transmission electron microscopy. The plasmatocytes and the granulocytes were the most abundant cell types, although prohemocytes, adipohemocytes and oenocytes were also found. This work sheds light on a controversial aspect of triatomine cell biology and physiology setting the basis for future in-depth studies directed to address hemocyte classification using non-microscopy-based markers.Although most insect species have a beneficial role in the ecosystems, some of them represent major plant pests and disease vectors for livestock and humans. During the last six-seven decades, the sterile insect technique (SIT) has been used as part of area-wide integrated pest management strategies to suppress, contain, locally eradicate or prevent the (re)invasion of insect pest populations and disease vectors worldwide. This Special Issue on "Sterile insect technique (SIT) and its applications", which consists of 27 manuscripts (7 reviews and 20 original research articles), provides an update on the research and development efforts in this area. The manuscripts report on all the different components of the SIT package including mass-rearing, development of genetic sexing strains, irradiation, quality control as well as field trials.Tree of heaven (Ailanthus altissima) is a fast-growing deciduous tree native to China, considered a serious invasive species worldwide, with several socio-economic and ecological impacts attributed to it. Chemical and mechanical methods have limited efficacy in its management, and biological controls may offer a suitable and sustainable option. Aculus mosoniensis (Ripka) is an eriophyid mite that has been recorded to attack tree of heaven in 13 European countries. This study aims to explore the host range of this mite by exposing 13 plant species, selected either for their phylogenetic and ecological similarity to the target weed or their economic importance. Shortly after inoculation with the mite, we recorded a quick decrease in mite number on all nontarget species and no sign of mite reproduction. Whereas, after just one month, the population of mites on tree of heaven numbered in the thousands, irrespective of the starting population, and included both adults and juveniles. Significantly, we observed evidence of damage due to the mite only on target plants. Due to the specificity, strong impact on the target, and the ability to increase its population to high levels in a relatively short amount of time, we find A. mosoniensis to be a very promising candidate for the biological control of tree of heaven.Garments treated with chemical insecticides are commonly used to prevent mosquito bites. Resistance to insecticides, however, is threatening the efficacy of this technology, and people are increasingly concerned about the potential health impacts of wearing insecticide-treated clothing. Here, we report a mathematical model for fabric barriers that resist bites from Aedes aegypti mosquitoes based on textile physical structure and no insecticides. The model was derived from mosquito morphometrics and analysis of mosquito biting behavior. Woven filter fabrics, precision polypropylene plates, and knitted fabrics were used for model validation. Then, based on the model predictions, prototype knitted textiles and garments were developed that prevented mosquito biting, and comfort testing showed the garments to possess superior thermophysiological properties. Our fabrics provided a three-times greater bite resistance than the insecticide-treated cloth. Our predictive model can be used to develop additional textiles in the future for garments that are highly bite resistant to mosquitoes.Drosophila suzukii, Spotted Wing Drosophila (SWD), is a serious economic issue for thin-skinned fruit farmers. The invasion of this dipteran is mainly counteracted by chemical control methods; however, it would be desirable to replace them with biological control. All assays were performed with Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt), Xenorhabdus nematophila (Xn), and Xn secretions, administered orally in single or combination, then larval lethality was assessed at different times. Gut damage caused by Bt and the influence on Xn into the hemocoelic cavity was also evaluated. In addition, the hemolymph cell population was analyzed after treatments. The data obtained show that the combined use of Bt plus Xn secretions on larvae, compared to single administration of bacteria, significantly improved the efficacy and reduced the time of treatments. The results confirm the destructive action of Bt on the gut of SWD larvae, and that Bt-induced alteration promotes the passage of Xn to the hemocoel cavity. Furthermore, hemocytes decrease after bioinsecticides treatments. Our study demonstrates that combining bioinsecticides can improve the efficacy of biocontrol and such combinations should be tested in greenhouse and in field in the near future.In this work, the chemical compositions of basils oils, including those of lemon basil, white holy basil, Thai basil, tree basil and red holy basil, were analysed. Methyl eugenol was detected in all types of basils. The essential oils of red and white holy basils possessed a comparable ability (~25%) to attract male Oriental fruit fly to the synthesised fruit fly attractant in the laboratory experiment. To control the release of the active ingredients, the white holly basil oil (WBO) was encapsulated with maltodextrin (MD) and gum arabic (GA) by paste method. The essential oil is retained in the wall complex much longer with the addition of MD. The results also revealed that the combination of the MDGA (2575) had the highest loading efficiency of the oil (9.40%) as observed by the numerous porous structures by scanning electron microscopy. Fourier-transform infrared spectra of the encapsulated polymer confirmed traces of essential oil functional groups. The field test study advised that WBO-encapsulated products improved fruit fly attractive efficiency by maintaining the release rate of basil essential oil.RNA-interference (RNAi) is a standard technique for functional genomics in adult mosquitoes. However, RNAi in immature, aquatic mosquito stages has been challenging. Several studies have shown successful larval RNAi, usually in combination with a carrier molecule. Except for one study in malaria mosquito, Anopheles gambiae, none of the previous studies has explored RNAi in mosquito pupae. Even in the study that used RNAi in pupae, double stranded RNA (dsRNA) was introduced by microinjection. Here, we describe a successful method by soaking pupae in water containing dsRNA without any carrier or osmotic challenge. The knockdown persisted into adulthood. We expect that this simple procedure will be useful in the functional analysis of genes that highly express in pupae or newly emerged adults.Stethorusgilvifrons is an acarophagous coccinellid distributed in the Mediterranean region and could potentially be mass-reared for the augmentative biological control of Tetranychusturkestani and related species on crop plants. The hypothesis that brine shrimp Artemiafranciscana cysts can improve diets for rearing of S. gilvifrons was tested in laboratory experiments. The diet treatments included A. franciscana cysts (D1), A. franciscana cysts plus a vitamin B complex (D2), A. franciscana cysts plus date palm pollen (D3), and A. franciscana cysts plus date palm pollen and Ephestiakuehniella eggs (D4). The results indicated that D1 did not support immature development. D2 supported egg-larval development but not pupal-adult development. Both D3 and D4 supported development to the adult stage and reproduction. However, D4 was the most effective diet, determined by observations of S. gilvifrons oviposition behavior and fecundity. A life table analysis corroborated these results; an intrinsic rate of increase, net and gross reproductive rates, and mean generation time were best for S. gilvifrons fed D4 rather than D3. A mixed diet composed of A. franciscana cysts, date palm pollen, and E. kuehniella eggs can be used to mass rear S. gilvifrons.This study endeavored to sustainably control aphids and anthracnose after spraying endophytic Isaria javanica pf185 under field conditions. Under two different tents; one batch of seedlings was sprayed with a 107 conidia/mL I. javanica pf185 suspension; while another was sprayed with 0.05% Tween 80® in distilled water. Six leaf discs from the top; middle; and bottom part of the plant canopy were weekly collected and placed on moistened filter paper in a Petri dish for insecticidal and antifungal bioassays against Myzus persicae and Colletotrichum acutatum. Differences were noticed from the 18th day after spraying with mortality (86.67 ± 0.57% versus 36.67 ± 0.64%) and leaf damage (13.45 ± 0.03% versus 41.18 ± 0.06%) on fungus-treated and controlled, respectively. The corrected insecticidal efficacy was 20.43, 39.82, 72.32, 66.43 and 70.04%, while the corrected fungicidal efficacy was 26.07, 38.01, 53.35, 29.08 and 41.81% during five successive weeks. A positive correlation was evident between insecticidal efficacy and relative humidity (r2 = 0.

Autoři článku: Moesgaardpitts3010 (Patel Kaspersen)