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Verze z 22. 8. 2024, 14:38, kterou vytvořil Josephschroeder2388 (diskuse | příspěvky) (Založena nová stránka s textem „However, post ageing the 0 g ash sample recovers and both samples reduce NO at 310 °C. In comparison, the 20 g ash GPF sample maintains a higher NO reduct…“)
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However, post ageing the 0 g ash sample recovers and both samples reduce NO at 310 °C. In comparison, the 20 g ash GPF sample maintains a higher NO reduction temperature of 410 °C post ageing, implying that the combination of high temperature ageing and presence of ash has an irreversible negative effect on catalyst performance.Obesity represents a well-known risk factor for renal cell carcinoma development. Several studies evaluated the relationship between obesity and outcome in patients with non-metastatic and metastatic renal cell carcinoma using different parameters such as BMI, visceral fat area and s.c. fat area. These studies suggest that obesity is associated with a better prognosis in renal cell carcinoma patients. This phenomenon is called obesity paradox and it was found in other diseases in which obesity represents an established risk factor such as heart failure, diabetes, atrial fibrillation, hypertension and coronary heart disease. The purpose of this review is to analyze the mechanisms by which obesity increases the risk of renal cell carcinoma development, to describe the evidence available to date about the link obesity-outcome and to evaluate the mechanisms to explain this apparently paradoxical relationship.Background The influence of the mechanics of the middle ear on the function of the inner ear has been studied for many years. Among surgeries performed in the middle-ear area, those restoring full functionality of the system transmitting sound inside the middle ear may be pointed out as those fully restoring the mechanical influence of the middle ear on the function of the inner ear. Aim The aim of the performed analysis is to find the prognostic importance of measured pre-surgery values of bone conduction on the improvement of hearing in patients operated as a result of middle-ear disorders. Methods The analysis included 271 patients hospitalised and operated on due to otosclerosis or perforation of the tympanic membrane between 2016 and 2019. Only patients who had not had a surgical operation within the middle ear prior to the study were included. An audiological assessment was performed with the use of pure tone thresholds audiometry. Results A beneficial influence of the performed surgery on the improvement of bone conduction was observed in patients, in which the average threshold value of bone conduction measured before the surgery did not exceed 40 dB. In cases of the perceptive component of hearing impairment being higher than 40 dB, no statistically significant, beneficial influence of a performed stapedotomy or myringoplasty on the change of bone conduction thresholds was observed. Conclusion The perception component of hearing impairment up to 40 dB indicates bone conduction improvement after surgical restoration of the influence of middle-ear mechanics on the inner ear in patients treated as a result of otosclerosis, as well as of eardrum perforation.Introduction Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) may cause extra-esophageal complications, including laryngopharyngeal reflux disease (LPR). It is caused by morphological changes in the laryngeal mucosa due to the regurgitation of gastric contents. Laryngopharyngeal reflux has a wide symptomatology. There is no pathognomonic image of the larynx for LPR. In the diagnosis of LPR, the subjective RSI scale is commonly used, which assesses symptoms in conjunction with the laryngoscopic assessment of the larynx on the RFS scale. The aim of the study was to diagnose the clinical form of dysphonia in patients with laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR) using the HS camera and HSDI technique. Material and methods The study included a group of 72 patients of both genders, age 20 to 65, who obtained more than 13 points in the RSI scale and more than 7 points in the RFS scale. Results Application of HSDI technique with camera in the high speed (HS) and high resolution (HR) mode allowed precise objective diagnosis of organic and functional disorders of a hyperfunctional dysphonia.

To develop a comprehensive operative report schema based on the accuracy of primary operative reports (OpR) assessed on a department's experience with parotid gland tumor re-operations.

Retrospective cross-sectional study.

A tertiary referral center, the Department of Otolaryngology and Laryngological Surgery, Poznan University of Medical Sciences, Poland from 2008 to 2017.

Out of 1154 surgeries, 71 patients underwent reoperation. Their OpR were categorized into accurate and non-accurate, and re-operation field and re-operation course were categorized as anticipated or unanticipated, according to defined criteria.

None Main outcome measures The impact of accuracy of the first OpR on re-operation course.

In this series, OpR were 39% (14/36) accurate, 61% (22/36) non-accurate. Re-operation fields were 16% (11/71) anticipated, 37% (26/71) unanticipated. Re-operation courses were 37% (26/71) anticipated, 63% (45/71) unanticipated. An anticipated re-operation course followed 20% (5/26) of accurate and 20% (5/26) of non-accurate primary OpR. An unanticipated re-operation course followed 20% (9/45) of accurate and 40% (18/45) of non-accurate OpR. There is no significant relationship between the re-operation course and accuracy of the first OpR (Chi2(1)=0.69; p=0.40466). The most common variable that affected non-accuracy of the OpR was facial nerve function after surgery (6/12).

The operative report should be based on clear criteria, robust classification and comprehensive protocol. This will improve follow-up and facilitate the planning of re-operation.

The operative report should be based on clear criteria, robust classification and comprehensive protocol. This will improve follow-up and facilitate the planning of re-operation.Objectives Chronic purulent cholesteatoma of the middle ear, as well as to a lesser extent chronic granulomatous otitis media, lead to destruction of bone structures within the middle ear space. Above process is controlled by the OPG/RANKL/RANK system. Material and methods An analysis of 140 patients operated on due to chronic otitis media was performed. For the detailed analysis in the scanning electron microscope, 40 patients were selected who had been diagnosed with chronic cholesteatoma of the middle ear and chronic granulomatous otitis media. Finally the study in SEM included 20 patients. Results The regular structure of cholesteatoma depicted in the Scanning Electron Microscope concerned 5 patients with diagnosed. In the remaining 7 patients, the system was irregular and even chaotic. Lack of regularity can also be observed in the case of granulation tissue, which in the SEM image presented itself as an irregular tissue mass without detectable regularities. Conclusions 1. Regular pattern of the cholesteatoma matrix cells observed in some patients with chronic cholesteatoma of the middle ear reduces the molecular permeability of inflammatory cytokines, concurrently limiting the destructive activity on bone structures. 2. The presence of inflammatory granulation tissue in the middle ear is accompanied by an influx of leukocytes neutrophils and lymphocytes, which are the source of pro-inflammatory cytokines, the growth of which activates the processes leading to the damage of bone tissue and the development of inflammation. 3. No specimen of acquired cholesteatoma revealed presence of commensalism like organism on the surface of exfoliated human epithelium of Demodex species.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, novel digital health technologies have the potential to improve our understanding of SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19, improve care delivery, and produce better health outcomes. The National Institutes of Health called on digital health leaders to contribute to a high-quality data repository that will support researchers to make discoveries that are otherwise not possible with small, limited data sets.

To this end, we seek to develop a COVID-19 digital biomarker for early detection of physiological exacerbation or decompensation. We propose the development and validation of a COVID-19 decompensation Index (CDI) in a 2-phase study that builds on existing wearable biosensor-derived analytics generated by physIQ's end-to-end cloud platform for continuous physiological monitoring with wearable biosensors. This effort serves to achieve two primary objectives (1) to collect adequate data to help develop the CDI and (2) to collect rich deidentified clinical data correlating with outcomes andformance criterion of ≥0.75 (α=.05; power [1-β]=0.80). Furthermore, we will determine the sex or gender and race or ethnicity of the participants, which would account for differences in the CDI performance, as well as the lead time-time to predict decompensation-and its relationship with the ultimate disease severity based on the World Health Organization COVID-19 ordinal scale.

Using machine learning techniques on a large data set of patients with COVID-19 could provide valuable insights into the pathophysiology of COVID-19 and a digital biomarker for COVID-19 decompensation. Through this study, we intend to develop a tool that can uniquely reflect physiological data of a diverse population and contribute to high-quality data that will help researchers better understand COVID-19. NCT04575532; https//



Many previous studies have explored socialization-oriented social media (SM), but their reach has been limited to the context of information exchange for common personal interests. find more This study focuses on work-oriented SM, which can enhance organizational networking and productivity levels in the context of public hospitals.

This study aims to provide a theoretical framework to explain how the use of SM can enhance the skills of health professionals and levels of organizational productivity in uncertain environments.

A total of 2 distinct forms of data collection techniques were combined focus groups and semistructured interviews. Both were conducted with doctors and nurses in Saudi public sector hospitals.

The findings reveal that the use of SM can create professional socialization at the level of the institution, and this can enhance skills, knowledge, decision making, and the overall level of organizational productivity. The increasing use of SM creates collaboration between health experts (particulacurrent global pandemic.Heart failure (HF) is a major clinical, social, and economic problem. In view of the important role of fluid overload in the pathogenesis of HF exacerbation, early detection of fluid retention is of key importance in preventing emergency admissions for this reason. However, tools for monitoring volume status that could be widely used in the home setting are still missing. The physical properties of human tissues allow for the use of impedance-based noninvasive methods, whose different modifications are studied in patients with HF for the assessment of body hydration. The aim of this paper is to present the current state of knowledge on the possible applications of these methods for remote (home-based) monitoring of patients with HF.

Late diagnoses of HIV, hepatitis B, and hepatitis C are important public health problems that affect the population at large and migrants in particular. Missed opportunities of HIV and hepatitis screening are numerous, with language differences being a significant barrier to testing. Several studies have shown that migrants who do not speak the language of the health provider are less likely to get tested, due to health providers' reluctance to offer a test and to migrants' reluctance to accept testing.

The aim of our study is to develop a multilingual electronic tool (app) that assists health providers in offering and explaining HIV and hepatitis screenings to migrants with a language barrier and to evaluate its acceptability and impact in terms of public health.

The study will go through 3 stages (1) concept development, (2) app development, and (3) app evaluation. A qualitative study has been undertaken to explore language barriers during health care encounters and their effect on communication, specifically when a screening test is offered.

Autoři článku: Josephschroeder2388 (Osborn Broussard)