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Verze z 14. 8. 2024, 21:10, kterou vytvořil Ingramgadegaard7025 (diskuse | příspěvky) (Založena nová stránka s textem „Propagation of mode I crack along bi-metal (001) interfaces of Fe/W, Fe/Ni, Fe/Co and Ti/Mg is simulated by molecular dynamics and discussed with the eigen…“)
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Propagation of mode I crack along bi-metal (001) interfaces of Fe/W, Fe/Ni, Fe/Co and Ti/Mg is simulated by molecular dynamics and discussed with the eigenvalue/vector of the atomic elastic stiffness, [Formula see text], and surface energy. The crack does not propagate at the interface but in the adjacent phase of smaller surface energy, except in Fe/Ni. The 1st eigenvalue ηa(1), or the solution of [Formula see text] of each atom, clarifies the difference of 'soft/hard' of both phases at the onset of crack propagation. In the case of Fe/Ni, the ηa(1) of Ni atoms remarkably decreases in the Fe/Ni bi-metal structure, even though Ni has higher ηa(1) than Fe at no-load perfect lattices. Thus the rupture occurs in the Ni side even though the Ni has slightly higher (001) surface energy than Fe. Deformation modes at the crack propagation are also visualized by the eigenvector of ηa(1)  less then  0 unstable atoms. This article is part of the theme issue 'Fracture dynamics of solid materials from particles to the globe'.Paleo-earthquakes along the Cascadia subduction zone inferred from offshore sediments and Japan coastal tsunami deposits approximated to M9+ and ruptured the entire margin. However, due to the lack of modern megathrust earthquake records and general quiescence of subduction fault seismicity, the potential megathrust rupture scenario and influence of downdip limit of the seismogenic zone are still obscure. In this study, we present a numerical simulation of Cascadia subduction zone earthquake sequences in the laboratory-derived rate-and-state friction framework to investigate the potential influence of the geodetic fault locking on the megathrust sequences. We consider the rate-state friction stability parameter constrained by geodetic fault locking models derived from decadal GPS records, tidal gauge and levelling-derived uplift rate data along the Cascadia margin. We incorporate historical coseismic subsidence inferred from coastal marine sediments to validate our coseismic rupture scenarios. Simufilam ic50 Earthquake rupture pattern is strongly controlled by the downdip width of the seismogenic, velocity-weakening zone and by the earthquake nucleation zone size. In our model, along-strike heterogeneous characteristic slip distance is required to generate margin-wide ruptures that result in reasonable agreement between the synthetic and observed coastal subsidence for the AD 1700 Cascadia Mw∼9.0 megathrust rupture. Our results suggest the geodetically inferred fault locking model can provide a useful constraint on earthquake rupture scenarios in subduction zones. This article is part of the theme issue 'Fracture dynamics of solid materials from particles to the globe'.Earthquake fault zones are more complex, both geometrically and rheologically, than an idealized infinitely thin plane embedded in linear elastic material. To incorporate nonlinear material behaviour, natural complexities and multi-physics coupling within and outside of fault zones, here we present a first-order hyperbolic and thermodynamically compatible mathematical model for a continuum in a gravitational field which provides a unified description of nonlinear elasto-plasticity, material damage and of viscous Newtonian flows with phase transition between solid and liquid phases. The fault geometry and secondary cracks are described via a scalar function ξ ∈ [0, 1] that indicates the local level of material damage. The model also permits the representation of arbitrarily complex geometries via a diffuse interface approach based on the solid volume fraction function α ∈ [0, 1]. Neither of the two scalar fields ξ and α needs to be mesh-aligned, allowing thus faults and cracks with complex topology and the use of adaptive Cartesian meshes (AMR). The model shares common features with phase-field approaches, but substantially extends them. We show a wide range of numerical applications that are relevant for dynamic earthquake rupture in fault zones, including the co-seismic generation of secondary off-fault shear cracks, tensile rock fracture in the Brazilian disc test, as well as a natural convection problem in molten rock-like material. This article is part of the theme issue 'Fracture dynamics of solid materials from particles to the globe'.Our models and understanding of the dynamics of earthquake rupture are based largely on estimates of earthquake source parameters, such as stress drop and radiated seismic energy. Unfortunately, the measurements, especially those of small and moderate-sized earthquakes (magnitude less than about 5 or 6), are not well resolved, containing significant random and potentially systematic uncertainties. The aim of this review is to provide a context in which to understand the challenges involved in estimating these measurements, and to assess the quality and reliability of reported measurements of earthquake source parameters. I also discuss some of the ways progress is being made towards more reliable parameter measurements. At present, whether the earthquake source is entirely self-similar, or not, and which factors and processes control the physics of the rupture remains, at least in the author's opinion, largely unconstrained. Detailed analysis of the best recorded earthquakes, using the increasing quantity and quality of data available, and methods less dependent on simplistic source models is one approach that may help provide better constraints. This article is part of the theme issue 'Fracture dynamics of solid materials from particles to the globe'.Background Alginate is one of the most widely used biopolymer for wound healing. But poor mechanical strength and degradability limits its application especially as a drug-delivery matrix. The aim of this study was to develop stable alginate based scaffold for insulin delivery toward wound care. Materials & methods The xerogel alginate-g-poly (methacrylic acid; AGM2S) was characterized by various analytical techniques. Results AGM2S xerogel showed improved physical stability, low degradation, good swelling and water vapour transmission rate (WVTR). About 70% of insulin was released from loaded xerogel over a period of 48 h and favorably modulated the healing response in in vitro scratch wound assay. Conclusion Grafting improved the strength and stability of alginate xerogel and the results suggest the application of insulin loaded AGM2S xerogels as a potential wound healing material.Actinopterygians (ray-finned fishes) are the most diverse group of living fishes, but have a sparse Devonian fossil record restricted to low palaeolatitudes. Here we report a new actinopterygian from the Paraná Basin of Brazil, which occupied a circumpolar position in the Palaeozoic. Available geological evidence supports a Middle Devonian or older age for this taxon, which shares features of the mandibular symphysis with the latest Devonian Tegeolepis. A phylogenetic analysis resolves these two as sister taxa. This new record expands the palaeogeographic distribution of Devonian ray-fins and suggests that gaps in their fossil record might be filled by exploring poorly sampled high-latitude localities within the Malvinokaffric Realm.An efficacious HIV-1 vaccine has remained an elusive target for almost 40 years. The sheer diversity of the virus is one of the major roadblocks for vaccine development. HIV-1 frequently mutates and various strains predominate in different geographic regions, making the development of a globally applicable vaccine extremely difficult. Multiple approaches have been taken to overcome the issue of viral diversity, including sequence optimization, development of consensus and mosaic sequences and the use of different prime-boost approaches. To develop an efficacious vaccine, these approaches may need to be combined. One way to potentially synergize these approaches is to use a rationally designed protein nanoparticle that allows for the native-like presentation of antigens, such as the self-assembling protein nanoparticle.We analyse the stem cell nucleus shape fluctuation spectrum obtained from optical confocal microscopy on an hour time scale with 10 s resolution. In particular, we investigate the angular and time dependencies of these fluctuations, define appropriate correlation functions that reveal the fundamentally out of equilibrium nature of the observed fluctuations as well as their global anisotropy. Langevin equations respecting the symmetry of the system allow us to model the damped oscillatory behaviour of the time correlations.Swarming has been observed in various biological systems from collective animal movements to immune cells. In the cellular context, swarming is driven by the secretion of chemotactic factors. Despite the critical role of chemotactic swarming, few methods to robustly identify and quantify this phenomenon exist. Here, we present a novel method for the analysis of time series of positional data generated from realizations of agent-based processes. We convert the positional data for each individual time point to a function measuring agent aggregation around a given area of interest, hence generating a functional time series. The functional time series, and a more easily visualized swarming metric of agent aggregation derived from these functions, provide useful information regarding the evolution of the underlying process over time. We extend our method to build upon the modelling of collective motility using drift-diffusion partial differential equations (PDEs). Using a functional linear model, we are able to use the functional time series to estimate the drift and diffusivity terms associated with the underlying PDE. By producing an accurate estimate for the drift coefficient, we can infer the strength and range of attraction or repulsion exerted on agents, as in chemotaxis. Our approach relies solely on using agent positional data. The spatial distribution of diffusing chemokines is not required, nor do individual agents need to be tracked over time. We demonstrate our approach using random walk simulations of chemotaxis and experiments investigating cytotoxic T cells interacting with tumouroids.Unanticipated variations in terrain can destabilize the body. The foot is the primary interface with the ground and we know that cutaneous reflexes provide important sensory feedback. However, little is known about the contribution of stretch reflexes from the muscles within the foot to upright stability. We used intramuscular electromyography measurements of the foot muscles flexor digitorum brevis (FDB) and abductor hallucis (AH) to show for the first time how their short-latency stretch reflex response (SLR) may play an important role in responding to stepping perturbations. The SLR of FDB and AH was highest for downwards steps and lowest for upwards steps, with the response amplitude for level and compliant steps in between. When the type of terrain was unknown or unexpected to the participant, the SLR of AH and the ankle muscle soleus tended to decrease. We found significant relationships between the contact kinematics and forces of the leg and the SLR, but a person's expectation still had significant effects even after accounting for these relationships. Motor control models of short-latency body stabilization should not only include local muscle dynamics, but also predictions of terrain based on higher level information such as from vision or memory.

Autoři článku: Ingramgadegaard7025 (Vasquez McDonough)