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Verze z 14. 8. 2024, 19:40, kterou vytvořil Storgaardlarson3743 (diskuse | příspěvky) (Založena nová stránka s textem „Thermal exfoliation is an efficient and scalable method for the production of graphene nanosheets or nanoplatelets, which are typically re-assembled or ble…“)
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Thermal exfoliation is an efficient and scalable method for the production of graphene nanosheets or nanoplatelets, which are typically re-assembled or blended to form new macroscopic "graphene-based materials". Thermal exfoliation can be applied to these macroscopic graphene-based materials after casting to create internal porosity, but this process variant has not been widely studied, and can easily lead to destruction of the physical form of the original cast body. Here we explore how the partial thermal exfoliation of graphene oxide (GO) multilayer nanosheet films can be used to control pore structure and electrical conductivity of planar, textured, and confined GO films. The GO films are shown to exfoliate explosively when the instrument-set heating rates are 100 K/min and above leading to complete destruction of the film geometry. Textured films with engineered micro-wrinkling and crumpling show similar thermal behavior to planar films. Here, we also demonstrate a novel method to produce fairly large size intact rGO films of high electrical conductivity and microporosity based on confinement. Sandwiching GO precursor films between inert plates during partial exfoliation at 250°C produces high conductivity and porosity material in the form of a flexible film that preserves the macroscopic structure of the original cast body.Serotonin (5-HT) is an important signaling monoamine and neurotransmitter. We report structure-guided engineering of a green fluorescent, genetically encoded serotonin sensor (G-GESS) from a 5-HT-binding lipocalin in the soft tick Argas monolakensis. G-GESS shows fast response kinetics and high affinity, specificity, brightness and photostability. We used G-GESS to image 5-HT dynamics in cultured cells, brain slices and behaving mice.Illumination of fluorophores can induce a loss of the ability to fluoresce, known as photobleaching. Interestingly, some fluorophores photoconvert to a blue-shifted fluorescent molecule as an intermediate on the photobleaching pathway, which can complicate multicolor fluorescence imaging, especially under the intense laser irradiation used in super-resolution fluorescence imaging. Here, we discuss the mechanisms of photoblueing of fluorophores and its impact on fluorescence imaging, and show how it can be prevented.To identify circulating proteins influencing Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) susceptibility and severity, we undertook a two-sample Mendelian randomization (MR) study, rapidly scanning hundreds of circulating proteins while reducing bias due to reverse causation and confounding. In up to 14,134 cases and 1.2 million controls, we found that an s.d. increase in OAS1 levels was associated with reduced COVID-19 death or ventilation (odds ratio (OR) = 0.54, P = 7 × 10-8), hospitalization (OR = 0.61, P = 8 × 10-8) and susceptibility (OR = 0.78, P = 8 × 10-6). Measuring OAS1 levels in 504 individuals, we found that higher plasma OAS1 levels in a non-infectious state were associated with reduced COVID-19 susceptibility and severity. Further analyses suggested that a Neanderthal isoform of OAS1 in individuals of European ancestry affords this protection. Thus, evidence from MR and a case-control study support a protective role for OAS1 in COVID-19 adverse outcomes. Available pharmacological agents that increase OAS1 levels could be prioritized for drug development.Hypothalamic AgRP and POMC neurons are conventionally viewed as the yin and yang of the body's energy status, since they act in an opposite manner to modulate appetite and systemic energy metabolism. However, although AgRP neurons' functions are comparatively well understood, a unifying theory of how POMC neuronal cells operate has remained elusive, probably due to their high level of heterogeneity, which suggests that their physiological roles might be more complex than initially thought. In this Perspective, we propose a conceptual framework that integrates POMC neuronal heterogeneity with appetite regulation, whole-body metabolic physiology and the development of obesity. We highlight emerging evidence indicating that POMC neurons respond to distinct combinations of interoceptive signals and food-related cues to fine-tune divergent metabolic pathways and behaviours necessary for survival. The new framework we propose reflects the high degree of developmental plasticity of this neuronal population and may enable progress towards understanding of both the aetiology and treatment of metabolic disorders.Solution-processed semiconducting transition metal dichalcogenides are at the centre of an ever-increasing research effort in printed (opto)electronics. However, device performance is limited by structural defects resulting from the exfoliation process and poor inter-flake electronic connectivity. Here, we report a new molecular strategy to boost the electrical performance of transition metal dichalcogenide-based devices via the use of dithiolated conjugated molecules, to simultaneously heal sulfur vacancies in solution-processed transition metal disulfides and covalently bridge adjacent flakes, thereby promoting percolation pathways for the charge transport. We achieve a reproducible increase by one order of magnitude in field-effect mobility (µFE), current ratio (ION/IOFF) and switching time (τS) for liquid-gated transistors, reaching 10-2 cm2 V-1 s-1, 104 and 18 ms, respectively. Our functionalization strategy is a universal route to simultaneously enhance the electronic connectivity in transition metal disulfide networks and tailor on demand their physicochemical properties according to the envisioned applications.Interferometers probe the wave-nature and exchange statistics of indistinguishable particles-for example, electrons in the chiral one-dimensional edge channels of the quantum Hall effect (QHE). Quantum point contacts can split and recombine these channels, enabling interference of charged particles. Such quantum Hall interferometers (QHIs) can unveil the exchange statistics of anyonic quasi-particles in the fractional quantum Hall effect (FQHE). Here, we present a fabrication technique for QHIs in van der Waals (vdW) materials and realize a tunable, graphene-based Fabry-Pérot (FP) QHI. The graphite-encapsulated architecture allows observation of FQHE at a magnetic field of 3T and precise partitioning of integer and fractional edge modes. We measure pure Aharonov-Bohm interference in the integer QHE, a major technical challenge in small FP interferometers, and find that edge modes exhibit high-visibility interference due to large velocities. Our results establish vdW heterostructures as a versatile alternative to GaAs-based interferometers for future experiments targeting anyonic quasi-particles.Electron interferometry with quantum Hall (QH) edge channels in semiconductor heterostructures can probe and harness the exchange statistics of anyonic excitations. However, the charging effects present in semiconductors often obscure the Aharonov-Bohm interference in QH interferometers and make advanced charge-screening strategies necessary. Here we show that high-mobility monolayer graphene constitutes an alternative material system, not affected by charging effects, for performing Fabry-Pérot QH interferometry in the integer QH regime. In devices equipped with gate-tunable quantum point contacts acting on the edge channels of the zeroth Landau level, we observe-in agreement with theory-high-visibility Aharonov-Bohm interference widely tunable through electrostatic gating or magnetic fields. A coherence length of 10 μm at a temperature of 0.02 K allows us to further achieve coherently coupled double Fabry-Pérot interferometry. In future, QH interferometry with graphene devices may enable investigations of anyonic excitations in fractional QH states.Neural stem cells (NSCs) generate new neurons throughout life in the mammalian brain. Adult-born neurons shape brain function, and endogenous NSCs could potentially be harnessed for brain repair. In this Review, focused on hippocampal neurogenesis in rodents, we highlight recent advances in the field based on novel technologies (including single-cell RNA sequencing, intravital imaging and functional observation of newborn cells in behaving mice) and characterize the distinct developmental steps from stem cell activation to the integration of newborn neurons into pre-existing circuits. Further, we review current knowledge of how levels of neurogenesis are regulated, discuss findings regarding survival and maturation of adult-born cells and describe how newborn neurons affect brain function. The evidence arguing for (and against) lifelong neurogenesis in the human hippocampus is briefly summarized. Finally, we provide an outlook of what is needed to improve our understanding of the mechanisms and functional consequences of adult neurogenesis and how the field may move towards more translational relevance in the context of acute and chronic neural injury and stem cell-based brain repair.Viruses impact microbial diversity, gene flow and function through virus-host interactions. Although metagenomics surveys are rapidly cataloguing viral diversity, methods are needed to capture specific virus-host interactions in situ. Here, we leveraged metagenomics and repurposed emulsion paired isolation-concatenation PCR (epicPCR) to investigate viral diversity and virus-host interactions in situ over time in an estuarine environment. see more The method fuses a phage marker, the ribonucleotide reductase gene, with the host 16S rRNA gene of infected bacterial cells within emulsion droplets providing single-cell resolution for dozens of samples. EpicPCR captured in situ virus-host interactions for viral clades with no closely related database representatives. Abundant freshwater Actinobacteria lineages, in particular Rhodoluna sp., were the most common hosts for these poorly characterized viruses, with interactions correlated with environmental factors. Multiple methods used to identify virus-host interactions, including epicPCR, identified different and largely non-overlapping interactions within the vast virus-host interaction space. Tracking virus-host interaction dynamics also revealed that multi-host viruses had significantly longer periods with observed virus-host interactions, whereas single-host viruses were observed interacting with hosts at lower minimum abundances, suggesting more efficient interactions. Capturing in situ interactions with epicPCR revealed environmental and ecological factors shaping virus-host interactions, highlighting epicPCR as a valuable technique in viral ecology.Trim-Away is a recently developed technology that exploits off-the-shelf antibodies and the RING E3 ligase and cytosolic antibody receptor TRIM21 to carry out rapid protein depletion. How TRIM21 is catalytically activated upon target engagement, either during its normal immune function or when repurposed for targeted protein degradation, is unknown. Here we show that a mechanism of target-induced clustering triggers intermolecular dimerization of the RING domain to switch on the ubiquitination activity of TRIM21 and induce virus neutralization or drive Trim-Away. We harness this mechanism for selective degradation of disease-causing huntingtin protein containing long polyglutamine tracts and expand the Trim-Away toolbox with highly active TRIM21-nanobody chimeras that can also be controlled optogenetically. This work provides a mechanism for cellular activation of TRIM RING ligases and has implications for targeted protein degradation technologies.

Autoři článku: Storgaardlarson3743 (Reece Humphries)