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India has a long history of research on freshwater and marine Gastrotricha. In more than 110 years of study on Order Chaetonotida, two families consisting of 11 genera and 39 species have been described. Thirty of these species are taxa originally described from other continents, while only nine species (7 freshwater, 2 marine) are only known from India. The large percentage (77%) of so-called cosmopolitan species in India has contributed to the phenomenon known as the meiofauna paradox. However, a careful review of the pertaining literature provides a different biogeographical picture of the chaetonotidan fauna of India. Herein we show that the high incidence of European and North American species reported from India is mainly due to a mixture of misidentification and species lumping. In fact, for only 12 species there are enough data that would make the Indian specimens morphological similar to taxa previously reported from Europe and/or North America. However, without the appropriate molecular sequence data for comparison, there is no way to rule out the possibility of cryptic speciation.We conclude that further sampling throughout India and the use of more powerful microscopical techniques (e.g., DIC optics) and molecular sequencing will reveal more species and improve the quality of re-descriptions of those (9 spp.) that so far appear to be endemic to the subcontinent. Here we recommend six species to be excluded from the fauna of India while another 11 species (non endemic to India) should be considered dubitatively present in the Indian fauna.We provide a preliminary nomenclatural proposal and a digital map of the Nearctic region, based on published regionalizations, especially Dice (1943), and applying the International Code of Area Nomenclature. The Nearctic region is comprised of three subregions (one of them with two dominions), one transition zone and 29 provinces. The Arctic subregion, in northern North America and Greenland, includes the Eskimoan, Hudsonian, Aleutian and Sitkan provinces. The Western subregion, in western North America, includes the Californian dominion, with the Californian and Oregonian provinces; and the Rocky Mountain dominion, including the Montanian, Saskatchewan, Palusian, Artemisian, Coloradan, Kansan, Mohavian, Navahonian, Sonoran, Chihuahuan, Comanche, and Baja California provinces. The Alleghany subregion, in eastern North America, includes the Illinoian, Canadian, Carolinian, Texan, Austroriparian, and Tamaulipan provinces. The Mexican Transition Zone, situated in the area of overlap with the Neotropical region, includes the Sierra Madre Occidental, Sierra Madre Oriental, Transmexican Volcanic Belt, Sierra Madre del Sur and Chiapas Highlands provinces.The genus Punctulata Wang, 2006 is transferred from Oecophoridae to Autostichidae based on morphological characters and molecular data. Punctulata guangxiensis sp. nov. and P. novipalliptera sp. nov. are described as new based on the specimens collected in China. The females of P. palliptera Wang, 2006 and P. trunciformis Wang, 2006 are described for the first time. Images of male adults and male and female genitalia are provided for all the six Punctulata species along with a key to separate its species and a map showing their distribution.The Hydrophilus (Dibolocelus) Bedel species from Mexico and adjacent areas are treated on the basis of the study of 142 adult specimens and published data. Two new species are herein recognized and described H. (D.) nucleoensis Arce-Prez Arriaga-Varela sp. nov. from Mexico, Guatemala and Nicaragua, H. (D.) pseudovatus Arce-Prez Arriaga-Varela sp. nov. from Mexico. Three already known species are re-described and their geographical distribution is updated, H. (D.) ovatus Gemminger Harold and H. (D.) pollens Sharp and H. (D.) violaceonitens Jacquelin du Val, a species resurrected as distinct to H. (D.) smaragdinus. Hydrophylus (D.) cf. purpurascens (Rgimbart) is also redescribed but their identity is questionable. The lectotype of H. (D.) pollens Sharp is designated. Within Mexico, the state with the highest known diversity is Veracruz with five species. A key to the species of Hydrophilus (Dibolocelus) from Mexico and Central America is provided.Type series of three nominal taxa of the hydrobiid gastropods inhabiting the Caspian Sea were traced recently in the uncatalogued part of the malacological collection of the Zoological Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, Saint-Petersburg. Images of the holotypes and some paratypes of Pyrgula isseli Logvinenko Starobogatov, 1969, P. sowinskyi Logvinenko Starobogatov, 1969 and P. derzhavini Logvinenko Starobogatov, 1969 are presented. The first two species belong to the genus Clathrocaspia (subfamily Caspiinae) and P. sowinskyi is considered a junior synonym of C. pallasii (Clessin W. Dybowski in W. selleck compound Dybowski, 1887). The attribution of the third species, P. derzhavini, to Laevicaspia (Pyrgulinae) is confirmed based on the newly discovered type material. Based on the additional information we update ecological data and distribution ranges of the species, provide comments on their nomenclature, systematic position and taxonomic rank.A new species of Myxia Bahder Bartlett (Cixiidae Cixiinae Oecleini) is established as Myxia hernandezi sp. n. collected from native palms in cloud forest habitat in Costa Rica. Placement in the genus Myxia is supported by molecular analysis of the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) and 18S loci as well as morphological characters.A new species of the genus Lemaireia Nssig Holloway, 1988 (Lepidoptera Saturniidae Saturniinae Saturniini), L. daparo sp. n., is described from evergreen broad-leaf forests in Panzhihua (Sichuan), Qujing (Yunnan) and Dali (Yunnan) of China. The new species resembles L. luteopeplus aureopeplus Nssig Holloway, 1988 and L. hainana Nssig Wang, 2006 from China, but can be easily separated from them by the male genitalia. In addition, the genus Lemaireia is reported here for the first time from Sichuan Province, and now its distribution range reached the northeastern extreme point. The habitus, diagnostic characters and distribution map of the three species of the genus Lemaireia from China are provided. A list of all Lemaireia species presently known worldwide is also given.The genus Anufrievia Dworakowska is reviewed with two new species from China A. anchoroides sp. nov., and A. drepanoides sp. nov.. Detailed morphological descriptions and illustrations of these two new species and a key to all known species (males) from China are provided.Relationships are discussed among the five genera related to Liothrips in which species have antennal segment VIII long and slender. Litotetothrips is the oldest of these generic names and is used here for three species newly recorded from Australia L. caledonensis (Bournier) comb.n., L. gallicola sp.n. and L. tareei sp.n.A tiny new species of narrow-mouthed frog of the genus Microhyla is described from the island of Belitung and southeastern Sumatra, Indonesia. The most distinctive feature of the new frog is its diminutive adult size, snout-vent length ranging only from 12.3 to 15.8 mm in adult males. Phylogenetic analyses based a fragment of the mitochondrial 16S rRNA gene, along with detailed morphological and acoustic comparison differentiate the new taxon from all known congeners. The new species, formally described as Microhyla sriwijaya sp. nov., is a member of the M. achatina species group and the sister taxon to M. orientalis. It is diagnosable from other congeners by a combination of characters (1) smaller male snout-vent size 16 mm; (2) snout obtusely rounded in dorsal view; (3) absence of mid-dorsal line and skin fold; (4) first finger reduced (finger I length less than half of finger II length); (5) dorsum with a prominent dark median mark extending posteriorly, narrow anteriorly near the level of the shoulder andg in southeastern Sumatra. It is not known from any protected area and appears to be threatened due to tin mining activity, intensive logging, oil palm, and other commonly practiced agriculture activities.During the first amphibian and reptile survey of Timor-Leste, we discovered a population of groundsnakes, genus Stegonotus, in the last remnant of lowland coastal forest along the countrys southern coast, which represents a new species. This sexually dimorphic species can be differentiated from all other Wallacean Stegonotus by a combination of 17-17-15 dorsals, ventrals (female 206; males 197207), paired subcaudals (female 61; males 7175), the gull wing + condition of the rostral, large squared prefrontals that each are 2.5 times the area of the internasals and two-thirds the size of the frontal, a snout-scale ratio of near 0.4 and a frontal-parietal suture ratio of ≤ 1.0, a labial scale formula of 73+4 | 94, five gulars separating the posterior genial and the anteriormost ventral, and an overall brown body coloration that lightens progressively from the vertebral scale row in a dorsallateral direction and features color gradients of dark brown posterior edges to lighter brown anterior edges on individual scales. The species is most similar in overall morphology to S. modestus from the central Moluccas and to S. lividus, a species known only from tiny Semau Island that lies off the western end of Timor Island, in close proximity to Kupang, the capital of the Indonesian province of East Nusa Tenggara.An updated checklist of the mosquitoes (Diptera Culicidae) of Algeria based on records published from 1903 to 2021 is presented. Fifty-three species belonging to seven genera are known with reasonable confidence to occur in the country, including Aedes (15 species), Anopheles (15), Coquillettidia (2), Culex (14), Culiseta (5), Orthopodomyia (1) and Uranotaenia (1). Two additional species, Culex simpsoni Theobald, 1905 and Uranotaenia balfouri Theobald, 1904, are provisionally regarded as present in Algeria. Published records are listed for each species, with indication of synonymous usage and variant spelling of names where applicable. The type locality of Aedes biskraensis Brunhes, 1999 is restricted to Seriana in Sidi Okba District in Biskra Province. Problematic species and doubtful occurrence records based on apparently misidentified specimens and confused taxonomy are discussed. Notes on taxonomy and medical importance are provided for the more important species.In this contribution to the subfamily Pseudophyllinae in the Neotropics, we focus on reviewing the status of the genus Brachyauchenus and its four included species. After this revision, the genus remains monotypic, including only B. castaneus (type species), so it is necessary to provide a new diagnosis, since the current has characteristics of species that in the past was moved to Triencentrus, in addition to the characteristics of the species that are being excluded here. B. castaneus is redescribed to complement the characteristics of the genus, the unknown female is described, and new distribution data are provided, refuting the presence of this species in Bogot, Colombia, its type locality. Brachyauchenus festae and B. minutus are grouped into the new genus Mikrischyrum n. gen. (Platyphyllini) which is similar to Baliophyllum and Drepanoxiphus, and a key is provided to differentiate these species. Brachyauchenus varicosus is being moved to the genus Stenoschema (Pleminiini), restricting the distribution of Brachyauchenus to the center and north of the eastern slope of the Colombian Andes and the new genus in Panama and the Peruvian Amazon.

Autoři článku: Bagercannon9332 (Mcclure Eskesen)