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Verze z 10. 8. 2024, 23:59, kterou vytvořil Henryhu7476 (diskuse | příspěvky) (Založena nová stránka s textem „We further investigated these potential correlations using data from reassortant viruses with different internal proteins (from A/England/195/2009 (pandemi…“)
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We further investigated these potential correlations using data from reassortant viruses with different internal proteins (from A/England/195/2009 (pandemic H1N1) and A/Turkey/05/2005 (H5N1)), and the same surface proteins (from A/Puerto Rico/8/34 (lab-adapted H1N1)). Similar correlations between traits were observed for these viruses, confirming our initial findings and suggesting that these patterns were related to the degree of human adaptation of internal genes. Also, the model predicted that strains with a smaller basic reproduction number, shorter generation time and slower growth rate underwent more replication cycles by the time of peak viral load, potentially accumulating mutations more quickly. These results illustrate the utility of mathematical models in inferring traits driving observed differences in in vitro growth of influenza strains.

Many children with cerebral palsy develop muscle contractures. The mechanisms of contracture are not well understood. We investigated the possibility that, because fat is stiffer than passive muscle, elevated intramuscular fat contributes to contracture. In this cross-sectional study, we compared the quantity and distribution of intramuscular fat in muscles from typically developing children and children with cerebral palsy who have contractures.

mDixon magnetic resonance images were obtained from the legs of 20 ambulant children with unilateral spastic cerebral palsy who had ankle contractures (mean age 11 SD 3years, 13 male, mean moderate level contracture) and 20 typically developing children (mean age 11 SD 4years, 13 male). The images were analyzed to quantify the intramuscular fat fraction of the medial gastrocnemius muscles. The amount and distribution of intramuscular fat were compared between muscles of children with cerebral palsy and typically developing children.

In typically developing children, the medial gastrocnemius muscles had a mean intramuscular fat fraction of 4.7% (SD 1.6%). In children with cerebral palsy, the mean intramuscular fat fractions in the more- and less-affected medial gastrocnemius muscle were 11.4% (8.1%) and 6.9% (3.4%) respectively. There were small but statistically significant regional differences in the distribution of intramuscular fat. There was no evidence of a relationship between intramuscular fat fraction and severity of contracture.

Children with cerebral palsy have higher proportions of intramuscular fat than typically developing children. There is no clear relationship between intramuscular fat fraction and dorsiflexion range of motion in children with cerebral palsy.

Children with cerebral palsy have higher proportions of intramuscular fat than typically developing children. There is no clear relationship between intramuscular fat fraction and dorsiflexion range of motion in children with cerebral palsy.Although the use of race and ethnicity for diagnostic purposes remains a controversial practice given the socially contingent meaning of the terms (Bowker and Star, 1999), health researchers continue to report possible relationships between health outcomes and race/ethnicity in the literature. As summaries of these types of studies are incorporated into commercial databases designed to provide medical practitioners with actionable information, there is a risk that the algorithms that drive the databases may unintentionally incorporate racist biases (O'Neil, 2016) in search reports that use race and ethnicity as query terms to identify findings to help in the diagnosis and treatment of particular patients. As a first step to unpacking this risk, we conducted a content analysis of the records and related citation trails in DynaMed's Point of Care (PoC) tool that refer to racial and ethnic research findings. Our analysis demonstrates that DynaMed does not control for how meanings of race and ethnicity are constructed in its entries, does not always accurately represent the nuanced and contingent nature of the findings about race/ethnicity that it cites, and relies on sources that are not always consistent with the 'evidence-based' criterion that the company self-promotes as a feature of its PoC tool. We conclude that, by failing to acknowledge the complex and contradictory ways that race and ethnicity may, or may not, correlate with the risk of a medical ailment, algorithmically-driven tools that use these concepts to establish group risks for medical ailments may unintentionally work to 'resuscitat[e] biological theories of race by modernizing old racial typologies that were based on observations of physical differences with cutting-edge genomic research' (Roberts, 2011 567).Populations in the global south are disproportionately exposed to the stressors of development, disaster and armed conflict, all of which heighten cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk. We consider how war-related stressors exert a lasting influence upon population health, in particular the cardiovascular health of war survivors now entering older adulthood. Data come from the 2018 Vietnam Health and Aging Study conducted among 2447 northern Vietnamese adults age 60 and older. We conduct survey-adjusted logistic regression analyses to examine the associations among respondents' wartime exposure to combat and physical threat, malevolent environment conditions, and four CVD conditions (hypertension, dyslipidemia, heart disease, and stroke). We examine posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) as it mediates the association between wartime stress exposures and late life CVD, and gender as it moderates the relationship between wartime stressors and CVD. We find that exposure to wartime combat and violence, as well as malevolent living conditions, exhibit significant, positive associations with cardiovascular conditions. These associations are mediated by the severity of recent PTSD symptoms. For certain CVD conditions, particularly hypertension, the associations between wartime stressors and late life cardiovascular conditions diverge across gender with women experiencing a greater penalty for their exposure to war-related stressors than their male counterparts. We conclude that the stressors of war and resultant PTSD, widespread in this cohort of Vietnamese older adults who endured myriad forms of war exposure during their young adulthood, exhibit modest, yet significant associations with late-life cardiovascular conditions. Women, especially those exposed to wartime violence and combat, bear this CVD burden alongside men.

Recognize the avoidable costs incurred due to overpacking of rhinoplasty instrument trays. Reduce rhinoplasty instrument trays by including only instruments used frequently. Establish methods to reduce trays prepared for other otolaryngologic procedures.

This is a prospective study. The study evaluates the specific use of instruments opened for rhinoplasty procedures at the New York Eye & Ear Infirmary of Mount Sinai. Instruments were counted in 10 rhinoplasty cases. Usage rate was calculated for each instrument. Additionally, all instruments used in at least 20% of cases were noted. This "20%" threshold was used to create new rhinoplasty tray inventories more reflective of actual instrument usage. Some instruments above the 20% threshold were included in multiples (i.e. two Adson Brown forceps vs. one curved iris scissor).

189 instruments were opened, and 32 instruments were used on average in each rhinoplasty. 55 instruments were used in at least 20% of cases. The 55 "high usage" instruments were used to create new, reduced rhinoplasty tray inventory lists. Based on our analysis, a new rhinoplasty tray inventory was created comprised of 68 instruments, a 64% reduction from 189.

Instruments are sterilized and packed in gross excess for rhinoplasty procedures. Previously published figures estimate re-sterilization costs of $0.51 to $0.77 per instrument. Reduction in instruments opened from 189 to 68 is expected to lead to cost savings ranging from $62 to $93 per case, yielding a savings between $6200 and $9300 per 100 cases performed.



Extensive evidence showed that gastric cancer (GC) is heterogeneous, and many studies have been focused on identifying GC subtypes based on genomic profiles. However, few studies have specifically explored the GC classification and predicted the classification accuracy that may help facilitate the optimal stratification of GC patients responsive to immunotherapy.

Using two publicly available GC genomics datasets, we classified GC on the basis of 797 immune related genes. Unsupervised and supervised machine learning methods were used to predict the classification.

We identified two GC subtypes that we named as Immunity-High (IM-H) and Immunity- Low (IM-L), and demonstrated that this classification was duplicable and predictable by analyzing other datasets. IM-H subtype was characterized by greater immune cell infiltration, stronger immune activities, lower tumor purity, as well as worse survival prognosis compared to IM-L subtype. Besides the immune signatures, some cancer-associated pathways were hyperactivated in IM-H, including TGF-beta signaling pathway, Focal adhesion, Cell adhesion molecules (CAMs), Calcium signaling pathway, mTOR signaling pathway, MAPK signaling pathway and Wnt signaling pathway. In contrast, IM-L presented depressed immune signatures and increased activation of base excision repair, DNA replication, homologous recombination, non-homologous end-joining and nucleotide excision repair pathways. Furthermore, we identified subtype-specific genomic or clinical features, and subtype-specific gene ontology and networks in IM-H and IM-L subtype.

We proposed and validated two reproducible immune molecular subtypes of GC, which has potential clinical implications for GC patient selection of immunotherapy.

We proposed and validated two reproducible immune molecular subtypes of GC, which has potential clinical implications for GC patient selection of immunotherapy.The study of DNA damage repair response (DDR) in prostate cancer is restricted by the limited number of prostate cancer cell lines and lack of surrogates for heterogeneity in clinical samples. Here, we sought to leverage our experience with patient derived explants (PDEs) cultured ex vivo to study dynamics of DDR in primary tumors following application of clinically relevant doses of ionizing radiation (IR) to tumor cells in their native 3-dimensional microenvironment. We compared DDR dynamics between prostate cancer cell lines, PDEs and xenograft derived explants (XDEs) following treatment with IR (2Gy) either alone or in combination with pharmacological modulators of DDR. We have shown that following treatment with 2Gy, DDR can be consistently detected in PDEs from multiple solid tumors, including prostate, kidney, testes, lung and breast, as evidenced by γ-H2AX, 53BP1, phospho-ATM and phospho-DNA-PKcs foci. By examining kinetics of resolution of IR-induced foci, we have shown that DDR in prostate PDEs (complete resolution in 8 h) is much faster than in prostate cancer cell lines ( less then 50% resolution in 8 h). The transcriptional profile of DDR genes following 2Gy IR appears to be distinct between PDEs and cell lines. Pre-treatment with drugs targeting DDR pathways differentially alter the kinetics of DDR in the PDEs and cell lines, as evidenced by altered kinetics of foci resolution. This study highlights the utility of PDEs as a robust model system for short-term evaluation of DDR in primary solid tumors in clinically relevant microenvironment.

Autoři článku: Henryhu7476 (Munoz Macias)