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Verze z 10. 8. 2024, 18:22, kterou vytvořil Steensensaleh3056 (diskuse | příspěvky) (Založena nová stránka s textem „A metamaterial is an artificial material designed to control the electric permittivity and magnetic permeability freely beyond naturally existing values. A…“)
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A metamaterial is an artificial material designed to control the electric permittivity and magnetic permeability freely beyond naturally existing values. A promising application is a slow-light device realized using a combination of optical waveguides and metamaterials. This paper proposes a method to dynamically control the slow-light effect in a metamaterial-loaded Si waveguide. In this method, the slow-light effect (i.e., group index) is controlled by changing the phase of the control light incident on the device from a direction opposite to that of the signal light. The group index of the device could be continuously controlled from 63.6 to 4.2 at a wavelength of 1.55 µm.A high-precision wear measurement method with temperature stability achieved by measuring the length variation of a fiber Bragg grating (FBG) is proposed. The adoption of the optical frequency-domain reflectometry (OFDR) technology makes the spatial resolution of this measurement method reach 15.13 µm, and the offline and online measurement accuracies are 30 µm and 100 µm, respectively. The systematic error of the FBG length measuring system is within 30 µm. Because the length measurement is done with a short FBG instead of a much longer fiber, the measurement error induced by the time-varying temperature or strain is significantly reduced in the proposed method. The spatial resolution and accuracy of this method is suitable for wear measurements of various parts in the mechanical field, such as bearings, gears, and pistons.We investigate the impact of the photorefractive effect on lithium niobate integrated quantum photonic circuits dedicated to continuous variable on-chip experiments. The circuit main building blocks, i.e. cavities, directional couplers, and periodically poled nonlinear waveguides, are studied. This work demonstrates that photorefractivity, even when its effect is weaker than spatial mode hopping, might compromise the success of on-chip quantum photonics experiments. We describe in detail the characterization methods leading to the identification of this possible issue. We also study to which extent device heating represents a viable solution to counter this effect. We focus on photorefractive effect induced by light at 775 nm, in the context of the generation of non-classical light at 1550 nm telecom wavelength.Fourier ptychographic microscopy (FPM) is a computational imaging technology used to achieve high-resolution imaging with a wide field-of-view. The existing methods of FPM suffer from the positional misalignment in the system, by which the quality of the recovered high-resolution image is determined. In this paper, a forward neural network method with correction of the positional misalignment (FNN-CP) is proposed based on TensorFlow, which consists of two models. Both the spectrum of the sample and four global position factors, which are introduced to describe the positions of the LED elements, are treated as the learnable weights in layers in the first model. By minimizing the loss function in the training process, the positional error can be corrected based on the trained position factors. In order to fit the wavefront aberrations caused by optical components in the FPM system for better recovery results, the second model is designed, in which the spectrum of the sample and coefficients of different Zernike modes are treated as the learnable weights in layers. After the training process of the second model, the wavefront aberration can be fit according to the coefficients of different Zernike modes and the high-resolution complex image can be obtained based on the trained spectrum of the sample. Both the simulation and experiment have been performed to verify the effectiveness of our proposed method. Compared with the state-of-art FPM methods based on forward neural network, FNN-CP can achieve the best reconstruction results.The Grüneisen relaxation effect has been successfully employed to improve the photoacoustic (PA) imaging contrast. However, complex system design and cost hinder the progress from benchside to bedside, since an additional pre-heating laser source needs to be coupled into the original light path and synchronized with other equipment for conducting the nonlinear effect. To overcome the limitation, we propose a time delay heating PA imaging (TDH-PAI) method based on the time delay effect in a passively Q-switched laser. Experimentally, only one single microchip pulse laser is built and utilized for the nonlinear PA signal enhancement without additional components. The 808 nm pump pulse of the laser diode and the excited 1064 nm pulse are respectively used for pre-heating and acquiring PA signals. The heating effect is optimized by adjusting the input parameters and an enhancement of more than 30% in PA signals is achieved. TDH-PAI reduces the cost and complexity of the nonlinear PA system, which provides an efficient way for achieving a high-contrast PA imaging.Silicon accumulation type modulators offer prospects of high power efficiency, large bandwidth and high voltage phase linearity making them promising candidates for a number of advanced electro-optic applications. A significant challenge in the realisation of such a modulator is the fabrication of the passive waveguide structure which requires a thin dielectric layer to be positioned within the waveguide, i.e. slotted waveguides. Simultaneously, the fabricated slotted waveguide should be integrated with conventional rib waveguides with negligible optical transition losses. Here, successful integration of polysilicon and silicon slot waveguides enabling a low propagation loss 0.4-1.2 dB/mm together with an ultra-small optical mode conversion loss 0.04 dB between rib and slot waveguides is demonstrated. These fabricated slot waveguide with dielectric thermal SiO2 layer thicknesses around 6 nm, 8 nm and 10 nm have been characterized under transmission electron microscopy allowing for strong carrier accumulation effects for MOS-capacitor electro-optic modulators.In this work we demonstrate novel integrated-optics modulators and switches, realized in a glass substrate by femtosecond laser pulses. These devices are based on oscillating microcantilevers, machined by water-assisted laser ablation. Single-mode optical waveguides are laser-inscribed inside the cantilever beam and continue in the substrate beyond the cantilever's tip. By exciting the resonant oscillation of the mechanical structure, coupling between the waveguide segments is varied in time. Operation frequencies are in the range of tens of kilohertz, thus they markedly overcome the response-time limitation of other glass-based modulators, which rely on the thermo-optic effect. These components may be integrated in more complex waveguide circuits or optofluidic lab-on-chips, to provide periodic and high-frequency modulation of the optical signals.We demonstrate the retrieval of deep subwavelength structural information in nano-optical polarizers by scatterometry of quasi-bound states in the continuum (quasi-BICs). To this end, we investigate titanium dioxide wire grid polarizers for application wavelengths in the deep ultraviolet (DUV) spectral range fabricated with a self-aligned double-patterning process. In contrast to the time-consuming and elaborate measurement techniques like scanning electron microscopy, asymmetry induced quasi-BICs occurring in the near ultraviolet and visible spectral range provide an easily accessible and efficient probe mechanism. Thereby, dimensional parameters are retrieved with uncertainties in the sub-nanometer range. Our results show that BICs are a promising tool for process control in optics and semiconductor technology.We present an optically pumped terahertz gas laser, which is based on a mid-infrared quantum-cascade laser as a pump source, a transversely pumped standing wave resonator, and 15NH3 as a gain medium. We observe several laser lines around 4.5 THz, corresponding to rotational transitions in the ν2 band of ammonia. So far, these are the highest frequencies obtained from a QCL-pumped THz gas laser. The involved molecular transitions are unambiguously identified by high-resolution spectroscopy.The method to elaborately design the refractive index profile in the lower Riemann sheet of Zhukovski transformation plays an important role in the performance of this kind of conformal cloaks. However, for most proposed schemes, the mathematical calculations are complex. Here, we propose a more convenient method to design conformal cloaks by manipulating structures directly in the physical space. The designed cloak only needs symmetrical metal boundaries filled with normal dielectrics (refractive index ranges from 1 to 2) in the 'circular branch cut', which would be more feasible for future experimental implementation. Numerical simulations are performed by using the finite element method to validate our theoretical analysis.Colloidal quantum dots (CQDs) have been widely used as absorption or emission materials due to their large-absorption and high-gain properties. However, they are seldom used as low-loss materials in passive nanophotonic devices. Moreover, combinations of two or more properties of CQDs are difficult owing to miscibility of different CQDs. Here, low-loss CQD waveguides are experimentally achieved at wavelengths longer than their fluorescence wavelengths. By using the low-loss and uniform CQD waveguides, various passive nanophotonic devices and a nanophotonic circuit are successfully demonstrated. Furthermore, by employing both of a pattern-assisted stacking and a transfer-printing approach, the miscible problem of different CQDs is addressed, and a low-loss CQD waveguide and a high-gain CQD laser are experimentally integrated on a single chip.The effect of aberrations on the aperture efficiency has not been discussed analytically, though aberrations determine the performance of a wide field-of-view system. Expansion of a wavefront error and a feed pattern into a series of the Zernike polynomials enables us to calculate the aperture efficiency. We explicitly show the aperture efficiency affected by the Seidel aberrations and derive the conditions for reducing the effects of the spherical aberration and coma. In particular, the condition for coma can reduce a pointing error. We performed Physical Optics simulations and found that, if the Strehl ratio is higher than 0.8, the derived expression provides the aperture efficiencies with a precision of less then 2%.For high accuracy X-ray mirror measurement, the analysis and corrections of minute systematic errors of the measuring instrument are required. As an X-ray mirror metrology tool, the nano-accuracy surface profiler (NSP) consists of two autocollimators (AC) serving its reference and sample beams, in which the sample-beam AC maintains a fixed distance from the mirror. In this work, the multi-pitch self-calibration method is applied to an NSP instrument to reconstruct both the mirror slope and the instrument error of the sample-beam AC through a series of x scans and pitch angle scans. It is more technically sound to apply this multi-pitch self-calibration method to a working-distance-fixed slope scanner, such as the NSP. First of all, we introduce the principle of the multi-pitch self-calibration method, discuss its ambiguities, and provide our regularization illustrated with simulations. Second, some real measurements of a spherical mirror with 10-mrad total slope are demonstrated to verify the effectiveness of the multi-pitch self-calibration technique with an NSP.

Autoři článku: Steensensaleh3056 (Newton Cotton)