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Verze z 10. 8. 2024, 18:18, kterou vytvořil Wulffberger0363 (diskuse | příspěvky) (Založena nová stránka s textem „The instrument is expected to detect between 11 and 14 GRBs, at a significance greater than 10σ (and up to 32 at 5σ), during a nominal one-year mission.…“)
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The instrument is expected to detect between 11 and 14 GRBs, at a significance greater than 10σ (and up to 32 at 5σ), during a nominal one-year mission. The shape of the scintillator in GMOD results in omni-directional sensitivity which allows for a nearly all-sky field of view.Recent advances in silicon photomultiplier (SiPM) technology and new scintillator materials allow for the creation of compact high-performance gamma-ray detectors which can be deployed on small low-cost satellites. A small number of such satellites can provide full sky coverage and complement, or in some cases replace the existing gamma-ray missions in detection of transient gamma-ray events. The aim of this study is to test gamma-ray detection using a novel commercially available CeBr3 scintillator combined with SiPM readout in a near-space environment and inform further technology development for a future space mission. A prototype gamma-ray detector was built using a CeBr3 scintillator and an array of 16 J-Series SiPMs by ON Semiconductor. SiPM readout was performed using SIPHRA, a radiation-tolerant low-power integrated circuit developed by IDEAS. The detector was flown as a piggyback payload on the Advanced Scintillator Compton Telescope balloon flight from Columbia Scientific Balloon Facility. The payload included the detector, a Raspberry Pi on-board computer, a custom power supply board, temperature and pressure sensors, a Global Navigation Satellite System receiver and a satellite modem. The balloon delivered the detector to 37 km altitude where its detection capabilities and readout were tested in the radiation-intense near-space environment. The detector demonstrated continuous operation during the 8-hour flight and after the landing. It performed spectral measurements in an energy range of 100 keV to 8 MeV and observed the 511 keV gamma-ray line arising from positron annihilation in the atmosphere with full width half maximum of 6.8%. During ascent and descent, the detector count rate peaked at an altitude of 16 km corresponding to the point of maximum radiation intensity in the atmosphere. Despite several engineering issues discovered after the flight test, the results of this study confirm the feasibility of using CeBr3 scintillator, SiPMs, and SIPHRA in future space missions.Recently, the European Commission supported by many European countries has announced large investments towards the commercialization of quantum technology (QT) to address and mitigate some of the biggest challenges facing today's digital era - e.g. secure communication and computing power. For more than two decades the QT community has been working on the development of QTs, which promise landmark breakthroughs leading to commercialization in various areas. The ambitious goals of the QT community and expectations of EU authorities cannot be met solely by individual initiatives of single countries, and therefore, require a combined European effort of large and unprecedented dimensions comparable only to the Galileo or Copernicus programs. Strong international competition calls for a coordinated European effort towards the development of QT in and for space, including research and development of technology in the areas of communication and sensing. Here, we aim at summarizing the state of the art in the development of quantum technologies which have an impact in the field of space applications. Our goal is to outline a complete framework for the design, development, implementation, and exploitation of quantum technology in space.The far-infrared (FIR) regime is one of the wavelength ranges where no astronomical data with sub-arcsecond spatial resolution exist. None of the medium-term satellite projects like SPICA, Millimetron, or the Origins Space Telescope will resolve this malady. For many research areas, however, information at high spatial and spectral resolution in the FIR, taken from atomic fine-structure lines, from highly excited carbon monoxide (CO), light hydrides, and especially from water lines would open the door for transformative science. A main theme will be to trace the role of water in proto-planetary discs, to observationally advance our understanding of the planet formation process and, intimately related to that, the pathways to habitable planets and the emergence of life. Furthermore, key observations will zoom into the physics and chemistry of the star-formation process in our own Galaxy, as well as in external galaxies. The FIR provides unique tools to investigate in particular the energetics of heating, cooling, and shocks. The velocity-resolved data in these tracers will reveal the detailed dynamics engrained in these processes in a spatially resolved fashion, and will deliver the perfect synergy with ground-based molecular line data for the colder dense gas.The shifting health care landscape in the United States has surfaced challenges related to increased accountability, interprofessional health care teams, and changes in federal policy-all of which compel physicians to adopt roles beyond clinician such as clinical investigator, team leader, and manager. To address these challenges, leadership development programs across the continuum of medical education aim to develop critical leadership skills and competencies, such as emotional intelligence. Such skills and competencies are largely taught through didactic approaches (e.g., classroom). These approaches often neglect the context of learning. From medical residency to a hospital or clinic, the contextual lived experience is habitually overlooked as a vehicle for developing emotional intelligence. This article highlights lived experience, such as medical residency, as an approach to develop emotional intelligence. First, we address the need for developing emotional intelligence as a leadership skill as well as the suitability of medical residency for such development. Next, we discuss the background of lived experience and emotional intelligence. Lastly, we identify future directions for leveraging lived experiences of medical residency to develop emotional intelligence.Metastasis to the gastrointestinal tract is rare. We performed a retrospective analysis to identify patients with metastatic disease to the gastrointestinal tract using two databases containing pathology results from all endoscopic procedures conducted by nearly 200 gastroenterologists in a community setting over a 14-year period. Forty-nine patients were diagnosed with metastasis to the gastrointestinal tract by endoscopy during the study period. Most were women (71%). The most common metastases to the gastrointestinal tract identified by endoscopy were breast cancers (n = 18), followed by melanomas (n = 12), ovarian cancers (n = 7), kidney cancers (n = 5), prostate cancers (n = 2), lung cancer (n = 1), and pancreatic cancer (n = 1). Three patients had unknown primary sites. Among women, the three leading known primary tumor sites were breast, ovary, and melanoma. Among men, the three leading primary tumor sites were melanoma, kidney, and prostate. The stomach was the most common portion of the gastrointestinal tract involved by metastases. Most affected women and were most frequently encountered in the stomach.Agriculture occupies 38% of the planet's terrestrial surface, using 70% of freshwater resources. Its modern practice is dominated by an industrial-productivist discourse, which has contributed to the simplification and degradation of human and ecological systems. As such, agricultural transformation is essential for creating more sustainable food systems. This paper focuses on discursive change. A prominent discursive alternative to industrial-productivist agriculture is regenerative agriculture. Regenerative discourses are emergent, radically evolving and diverse. It is unclear whether they have the potential to generate the changes required to shift industrial-productivist agriculture. This paper presents a literature-based discourse analysis to illustrate key thematic characteristics of regenerative agricultural discourses. The analysis finds that such discourses situate agricultural work within nested, complex living systems; position farms as relational, characterised by co-evolution between humans and other landscape biota; perceive the innate potential of living systems as place-sourced; maintain a transformative openness to alternative thinking and practice; believe that multiple regenerative cultures are necessary for deeply regenerative agriculture; and depart from industrialism to varying degrees. The paper concludes by reviewing three transformative opportunities for regenerative discourses-discourse coalitions, translocal organising and collective learning.

The online version supplementary material available at 10.1007/s10460-021-10276-0.

The online version supplementary material available at 10.1007/s10460-021-10276-0.In this 2021 AFHVS Presidential Address, Kim Niewolny provides a brief foray into the onto-epistemic framing of critical praxis for sustainable food systems transformation. Niewolny proposes we engage in the creative entanglement of critical praxis and the social imaginary to "unthink" the orthodoxies that govern our ideas of the possible. She offers several possibilities as pathways toward a food system that embodies health equity, ecological justice, land sovereignty, and human rights, including (1) agroecological research and movement building; (2) food, farm, and health policy; (3) food and farm system worker protections as public health and human rights concerns; (4) intersectional food justice scholarship and curriculum; (5) narrative-led, community-based, and action-oriented methodologies as multi-dimensional inquiry; (6) and multi-sector and multi-racial coalitions as dynamic networks that challenge linear, neoliberal, and technical-rational practices. Niewolny concludes with a call for radical hope as a principle for critical food systems praxis.During public health emergencies, as one of the most effective rumor management strategies, rumor rebuttals depend on users' cognition, decision-making and interactive behaviors. Taking the dissemination of rumor rebuttals related to COVID-19 epidemic in the early stage in China as an example, we firstly adapted network analysis to construct representative networks of information and communication flow networks of users based on users' retweeting and commenting behaviors. Then quantitative indicators and exponential random graph models were used to evaluate the level of homophily based on topic and veracity in information networks, identity and standpoint in user networks. Meanwhile, chi square tests were added to compare the degree of echo chamber effect in retweeting and commenting. Findings showed that, users did show significant echo chamber effect when retweeting or commenting on rumor rebuttal information with different veracity. They showed diversification when retweeting but a certain tendency and pertinence when commenting in topic selection. Weibo's direct and open platform for retweeting and commenting broke the boundaries between stakeholders from different professional fields. However, the retweeting mechanism promoted self-isolation of users' standpoints, while the commenting mechanism provided an understanding and integrating channel for groups with opposing standpoints.

Autoři článku: Wulffberger0363 (Holgersen Moesgaard)