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As the SARS-CoV-2 (COVID19) pandemic spreads and the number of Bruton's tyrosine kinase inhibitor (BTKi)-treated COVID19 affected patients grows, we must consider the pros and cons of BTKi discontinuation for our patients. In favor of BTKi continuation, BTK plays an active role in macrophage polarization. selleck chemicals By modulating key transcription factors, BTK may regulate macrophage polarization downstream of classic M1 and M2 polarizing stimuli and mitigate the hyperinflammatory state associated with COVID19. link2 In favor of BTKi discontinuation, we note a potentially increased risk of secondary infections or impaired humoral immunity. We hypothesize that the potential benefit of blunting a hyper-inflammatory response to SARS-CoV-2 through attenuation of M1 polarization outweighs the potential risk of impaired humoral immunity, not to mention the risk of rapid progression of B-cell malignancy following BTKi interruption. Based on this, we suggest continuing BTKi in patients with COVID19. Copyright ©2020, American Association for Cancer Research.Urinary tract infections (UTI) affect half of all women at least once during their lifetime. The rise in the numbers of extended-spectrum beta-lactamase-producing strains and the potential for carbapenem resistance within uropathogenic Escherichia coli (UPEC), the most common causative agent of UTI, create an urgent need for vaccine development. Intranasal immunization of mice with UPEC outer membrane iron receptors FyuA, Hma, IreA, and IutA, conjugated to cholera toxin, provides protection in the bladder or kidneys under conditions of challenge with UPEC strain CFT073 or strain 536. link3 On the basis of these data, we sought to optimize the vaccination route (intramuscular, intranasal, or subcutaneous) in combination with adjuvants suitable for human use, including aluminum hydroxide gel (alum), monophosphoryl lipid A (MPLA), unmethylated CpG synthetic oligodeoxynucleotides (CpG), polyinosinicpolycytidylic acid (polyIC), and mutated heat-labile E. coli enterotoxin (dmLT). Mice intranasally vaccinated with dmLT-Iuat least once during their lifetimes. The rise in antibiotic resistance and health care costs emphasizes the need to develop a vaccine against the most common UTI pathogen, Escherichia coli Vaccinating mice intranasally with a detoxified heat-labile enterotoxin and two surface-exposed receptors, Hma or IutA, significantly reduced bacterial burden in the bladder. This work highlights progress in the development of a UTI vaccine formulated with adjuvants suitable for human use and antigens that encode outer membrane iron receptors required for infection in the iron-limited urinary tract. Copyright © 2020 Forsyth et al.Ever since the discovery of the first rare earth element (REE)-dependent enzyme, the physiological role of lanthanides has become an emerging field of research due to the environmental implications and biotechnological opportunities. In Pseudomonas putida KT2440, the two pyrroloquinoline quinone-dependent alcohol dehydrogenases (PQQ-ADHs) PedE and PedH are inversely regulated in response to REE availability. This transcriptional switch is orchestrated by a complex regulatory network that includes the PedR2/PedS2 two-component system and is important for efficient growth on several alcoholic volatiles. To study whether cellular responses beyond the REE switch exist, the differential proteomic responses that occur during growth on various model carbon sources were analyzed. Apart from the Ca2+-dependent enzyme PedE, the differential abundances of most identified proteins were conditional. During growth on glycerol-and concomitant with the proteomic changes-lanthanum (La3+) availability affected different growthific effects on physiological traits in nonmethylotrophic bacteria is still scarce. This study demonstrates that the cellular response of P. putida to lanthanum (La3+) is mostly substrate specific and that La3+ availability highly affects the growth of cells on glycerol. Further, a novel route for glycerol metabolism is identified, which is initiated by PedE and/or PedH activity and provides a growth advantage to this biotechnologically relevant organism by allowing a faster onset of growth. Overall, these findings demonstrate that lanthanides can affect physiological traits in nonmethylotrophic bacteria and might influence their competitiveness in various environmental niches. Copyright © 2020 Wehrmann et al.DNA phosphorothioate (PT) modification, in which the nonbridging oxygen in the sugar-phosphate backbone is substituted by sulfur, is catalyzed by DndABCDE or SspABCD in a double-stranded or single-stranded manner, respectively. In Dnd and Ssp systems, mobilization of sulfur in PT formation starts with the activation of the sulfur atom of cysteine catalyzed by the DndA and SspA cysteine desulfurases, respectively. Despite playing the same biochemical role, SspA cannot be functionally replaced by DndA, indicating its unique physiological properties. In this study, we solved the crystal structure of Vibrio cyclitrophicus SspA in complex with its natural substrate, cysteine, and cofactor, pyridoxal phosphate (PLP), at a resolution of 1.80 Å. Our solved structure revealed the molecular mechanism that SspA employs to recognize its cysteine substrate and PLP cofactor, suggesting a common binding mode shared by cysteine desulfurases. In addition, although the distance between the catalytic Cys314 and the substrate cySspA, the study presents the molecular mechanism that SspA employs to recognize its cysteine substrate and PLP cofactor. To overcome the long distance (8.9 Å) between the catalytic Cys314 and the cysteine substrate, a conformational change occurs to bring Cys314 to the vicinity of the substrate, allowing for nucleophilic attack. Copyright © 2020 Liu et al.Cell division requires proper spatial coordination with the chromosome, which undergoes dynamic changes during chromosome replication and segregation. FtsZ is a bacterial cytoskeletal protein that assembles into the Z-ring, providing a platform to build the cell division apparatus. In the model bacterium Caulobacter crescentus, the cellular localization of the Z-ring is controlled during the cell cycle in a chromosome replication-coupled manner. Although dynamic localization of the Z-ring at midcell is driven primarily by the replication origin-associated FtsZ inhibitor MipZ, the mechanism ensuring accurate positioning of the Z-ring remains unclear. In this study, we showed that the Z-ring colocalizes with the replication terminus region, located opposite the origin, throughout most of the C. crescentus cell cycle. Spatial organization of the two is mediated by ZapT, a previously uncharacterized protein that interacts with the terminus region and associates with ZapA and ZauP, both of which are part of the inction with ZapB-MatP-DNA complexes. However, because ZapB and MatP are found only in enteric bacteria, it remains unclear how the Z-ring and the terminus are coordinated in the vast majority of bacteria. Here, we provide evidence that a novel conserved protein, termed ZapT, mediates colocalization of the Z-ring with the terminus in Caulobacter crescentus, a model organism that is phylogenetically distant from enteric bacteria. Given that ZapT facilitates cell division processes in C. crescentus, this study highlights the universal importance of the physical linkage between the Z-ring and the terminus in maintaining cell integrity. Copyright © 2020 Ozaki et al.Theory, simulation, and experimental evolution demonstrate that diversified CRISPR-Cas immunity to lytic viruses can lead to stochastic virus extinction due to a limited number of susceptible hosts available to each potential new protospacer escape mutation. Under such conditions, theory predicts that to evade extinction, viruses evolve toward decreased virulence and promote vertical transmission and persistence in infected hosts. To better understand the evolution of host-virus interactions in microbial populations with active CRISPR-Cas immunity, we studied the interaction between CRISPR-immune Sulfolobus islandicus cells and immune-deficient strains that are infected by the chronic virus SSV9. We demonstrate that Sulfolobus islandicus cells infected with SSV9, and with other related SSVs, kill uninfected, immune strains through an antagonistic mechanism that is a protein and is independent of infectious virus. Cells that are infected with SSV9 are protected from killing and persist in the population. We hylations. We explore the implications of this phenotype in population dynamics and host ecology, as well as the implications of mutualism between this virus-host pair. Copyright © 2020 DeWerff et al.All enterococci produce a complex polysaccharide called the enterococcal polysaccharide antigen (EPA). This polymer is required for normal cell growth and division and for resistance to cephalosporins and plays a critical role in host-pathogen interaction. The EPA contributes to host colonization and is essential for virulence, conferring resistance to phagocytosis during the infection. Recent studies revealed that the "decorations" of the EPA polymer, encoded by genetic loci that are variable between isolates, underpin the biological activity of this surface polysaccharide. In this work, we investigated the structure of the EPA polymer produced by the high-risk enterococcal clonal complex Enterococcus faecalis V583. We analyzed purified EPA from the wild-type strain and a mutant lacking decorations and elucidated the structure of the EPA backbone and decorations. We showed that the rhamnan backbone of EPA is composed of a hexasaccharide repeat unit of C2- and C3-linked rhamnan chains, partially substituted i of a rhamnan hexasaccharide substituted by Glc and GlcNAc residues, and show that teichoic acids are covalently bound to this rhamnan chain, forming the so-called "EPA decorations" essential for host colonization and pathogenesis. This report represents a key step in efforts to identify the structural properties of EPA that are essential for its biological activity and to identify novel targets to develop preventive and therapeutic approaches against enterococci. Copyright © 2020 Guerardel et al.Recent advances in the analysis of microbial communities colonizing the human body have identified a resident microbial community in the human urinary tract (UT). Compared to many other microbial niches, the human UT harbors a relatively low biomass. Studies have identified many genera and species that may constitute a core urinary microbiome. However, the contribution of the UT microbiome to urinary tract infection (UTI) and recurrent UTI (rUTI) pathobiology is not yet clearly understood. Evidence suggests that commensal species within the UT and urogenital tract (UGT) microbiomes, such as Lactobacillus crispatus, may act to protect against colonization with uropathogens. However, the mechanisms and fundamental biology of the urinary microbiome-host relationship are not understood. The ability to measure and characterize the urinary microbiome has been enabled through the development of next-generation sequencing and bioinformatic platforms that allow for the unbiased detection of resident microbial DNA. Translating technological advances into clinical insight will require further study of the microbial and genomic ecology of the urinary microbiome in both health and disease.

Autoři článku: Oakleysoto3352 (Mclaughlin Rich)