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Verze z 6. 8. 2024, 13:16, kterou vytvořil Nymandismail4450 (diskuse | příspěvky) (Založena nová stránka s textem „Based on the photochemical and PK data, 2-acetonaphthalene was predicted to have potent phototoxic risk. The predicted phototoxic risk of the test chemical…“)
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Based on the photochemical and PK data, 2-acetonaphthalene was predicted to have potent phototoxic risk. The predicted phototoxic risk of the test chemicals by integration of obtained data was mostly consistent with their in vivo phototoxicity observed in rat skin. The screening strategy employing photochemical and PK data would have high prediction capacity and wide applicability for photosafety evaluation of chemicals. In the current study, to support the safety assessment of ethanamizuril as a new potent anticoccidial agent of triazine compounds, a reproductive toxicity and teratogenic potential assay of ethanamizuril was investigated. Groups of 30 males and 30 females were administered 0, 0.02, 0.1 or 0.2 mg/ml ethanamizuril by gastric incubation through a 10-week prebreed period as well as during mating, gestation, parturition and lactation in any generation. Compared to the control group, no test compound-related changes in copulation index, fertility index, gestation length, litter size, pup weight, pup sex ratio, pup viability, epididymal sperm counts or motility or other functional reproductive measures were noted in any generation, except few significant changes in high dose group in the number of sperm motility at III level in F0 males and the body weights of GD14 and GD21 in F1 rats. There were no compound-related necropsy findings or effects on organ weight. Histopathologic examinations revealed no evidence of compound-related changes in any organs including the reproductive organs of both sexes. In conclusion, long-term administrated 0.2, 1.0 and 2.0 mg/kg of ethanamizuril by means of oral gavage did not affect the reproduction of Sprague-Dawley rats and the development ability of their offspring under the experimental conditions. INTRODUCTION Serious caustic burns of the stomach that present with no clinico-biological severity criteria (CBSC) can be treated conservatively. However, even if there are no CBSC at admission, 20% of patients still require delayed emergency surgery for peritonitis due to gastric perforation thus showing the limitations of this strategy in the diagnosis of irreversible gastric necrosis lesions. The aim of this study was to identify reliable computed tomography (CT) signs of irreversible gastric necrosis in patients with stage 3 endoscopic lesions. PATIENTS AND METHODS In a prospective study from March 2014 to January 2017, thoraco-abdomino-pelvic CT scan was performed in 30 consecutive patients with stage 3 endoscopic gastric lesions. The CT results were concealed from the clinicians and compared to CBSC results. RESULTS Twenty patients were treated conservatively and ten patients were operated on. Seventy percent of the patients underwent urgent delayed surgery for symptoms that developed late but before alterations in the CBSC. The CT scan showed a perfusion defect (PD) of gastric mucosal enhancement in all patients operated on for gastrointestinal distress, and could have provided an early diagnosis of irreversible gastric necrosis. CONCLUSION CT was a more effective diagnostic tool for the diagnosis of irreversible gastric necrosis following caustic ingestion than a strategy based on digestive endoscopy and the use of CBSC. CT could eventually replace gastrointestinal endoscopy in the emergency evaluation of gastroesophageal caustic burns. Imipramine has been widely used as an antidepressant in the clinic over the years. Unfortunately, it produces a detrimental effect on memory. At the same time, COX-2 inhibitors engagement in the mechanisms of memory formation, and synapse plastic changes has been well documented. Our previous studies have demonstrated the contribution of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) inhibition to the parameters of the mGluR5 pathway in memory formation. Because chronic administration of imipramine has been shown to affect mGluR5, the purpose of this study was to verify the hypothesis of COX-2 pathway engagement in disrupting effects of imipramine. Imipramine is currently used as a reference compound, and therefore it seems important to decipher and understand mood-related pathways, as well as cognitive changes activated during its use. This study covers the examination of spatial, and motor parameters. To this end, C57Bl/6J mice received imipramine, and NS398 (a COX-2 inhibitor) alone, or in combination for 7 or 14 days. We performed the modified Barnes maze (MBM), modified rotarod (MR) tests, and electrophysiological studies. The harmful effect of imipramine on MBM learning was improved by NS398 use. The same modulatory role of the COX-2 inhibitor in procedural learning in the MR test was found. In conclusion, our data show the involvement of the COX-2 pathway in changes in the long-term memory, and procedural memory of C57Bl/6J mice after chronic imipramine treatment. BACKGROUND Adjunctive strategies are an important part of the management of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). However, their application in clinical practice remains inconsistent. RESEARCH QUESTION We wished to determine the frequency and patterns of use of adjunctive strategies in patients with moderate-severe ARDS (P/F ratio less then 150) enrolled into the Large observational study to UNderstand the Global impact of Severe Acute respiratory FailurE (LUNG SAFE) study. STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS The LUNG SAFE study was an international, multicenter, prospective cohort study of patients with severe respiratory failure, conducted in 2014 in 459 ICUs from 50 countries. The primary objective of this substudy was to determine the frequency of use of widely available (neuromuscular blockade, prone position) adjuncts versus adjuncts requiring specialized equipment (ECMO, Inhaled vasodilators, HFOV) in patients in the first 48 hours of moderate-severe ARDS (P/F ratio less then 150). RESULTS Of 1,151 invasively ventilated patients with moderate-severe ARDS, 818 pts (71%) received no adjunct within 48h of ARDS onset. Of 335 (29%) that received adjunctive strategies, 248 (75%) received a single strategy, and 85 (26%) receiving more than one adjunct. Of ARDS non-survivors, 67% did not receive any adjunctive strategy in the first 48 hours. Most patients (63%) receiving specialized adjuncts did not receive prone positioning or neuromuscular blockade. Patients that received adjuncts were more likely to have their ARDS recognized, be younger and sicker, have pneumonia, and be more difficult to ventilate, and be in a European high income country than those that did not receive adjuncts. INTERPRETATION Three in ten patients with moderate-severe ARDS, and only one third of non-survivors, received adjunctive strategies over the first 48 hours of ARDS. A more consistent and evidence driven approach to adjunct use may reduce costs and improve outcomes in patients with moderate-severe ARDS. Although an inverse relationship between body mass index (BMI) and baroreflex sensitivity (BRS) was found, the effect of waist circumference (WC) on BRS is still inconclusive. The contradictory results of previous studies may be related to the heterogeneity and relatively small sample size of the subjects examined. The aim of this population-based study was to investigate whether the influence of increased WC is more detrimental to BRS than BMI. A total of 760 community dwellers were recruited and they were classified into Q1 (n = 189), Q2 (n = 183), Q3 (n = 192) and Q4 (n = 196) groups, based on WC quartiles. Spontaneous BRS was determined by spectral α coefficient method. Valsalva ratio was the longest RR interval after release of Valsalva maneuver divided by the shortest RR interval during maneuver. Cardiac autonomic function was calculated by power spectrum of heart rate in low and high frequency (LF, 0.04-0.15 Hz; HF, 0.15-0.40 Hz), and LF/HF ratio in supine position for five minutes. There were significant differences in spontaneous BRS and Valsalva ratio among different WC groups. In multivariate analysis, obesity was inversely associated with spontaneous BRS and Valsalva ratio. However, these inverse relationships became insignificant after further adjustment for WC quartiles. In contrast, Q4 vs. Q1, Q3 vs. Q1 and Q2 vs. Q1 of WC were inversely related to spontaneous BRS. Q4 vs. Q1 and Q3 vs. Q1 of WC were negatively associated with the Valsalva ratio. In conclusion, increased and even high-normal WC had a stronger adverse effect on BRS than BMI, independent of cardio-metabolic risk factors. INTRODUCTION The present study aimed to obtain a short form of the Spanish version of the WAIS-IV for patients diagnosed with schizophrenia that requires about half an hour to be administered. The reduced test can be very useful in clinical and research settings when an estimation of the intelligence quotient is required to decide about intervention programmes or to describe the sample. MATERIALS AND METHODS A sample of 143 patients participated in the study, 91 out of them were the test group, and the other 52 were used for a cross-validation analysis. To increase the content validity, the decision was made to create a short form composed of a subtest of each of the four cognitive domains that the scale measures. RESULTS Several analyses showed that the best combination was composed of the Information, Block Design, Arithmetic, and Symbol Search subtests. Nine different criteria were calculated to evaluate the quality of the short form. CONCLUSIONS The data showed very good results for the criteria correlations, difference of means, and cross-validation. The results were satisfactory for category agreement, band of error, clinical accuracy, and reliability. Cisplatin is a widely used chemotherapy drug that is first-line therapy for a variety of tumors. Unfortunately, its adverse effects on various normal tissues and organs, especially nephrotoxicity, threaten the life of patients. Although the mechanism of cisplatin nephrotoxicity has been confirmed to be related to oxidative stress, apoptosis of renal tubular epithelial cells and inflammatory response, there is no effective prevention strategy in the clinic. Here, we found that bisdemethoxycurcumin (BDMC), a natural compound, can significantly attenuates cisplatin-induced apoptosis of renal tubular epithelial cells in vitro at the concentration of 5-20 μM and has a significant protective effect on cisplatin-induced kidney injury in mice at the dose of 50 mg/kg. Mechanistically, BDMC attenuates cisplatin-induced apoptosis of renal tubular epithelial cells by inhibiting cisplatin-induced up-regulation of p53. Meanwhile, BDMC counteracts oxidative stress by inhibiting cisplatin-induced down-regulation of nuclear factor erythroid-2-related factor 2 (Nrf2). BDMC also significantly reduced the expression of intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) and monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1) proteins, as well as the expression and translocation of the p65 subunit of nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB p65) into the nucleus, all of which were increased in the kidney by cisplatin treatment. Collectively, BDMC might be an effective prevention strategy which could against cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity, and our research may shed a new light on treatment of drug toxicity. OBJECTIVE The perspectives and experiences of intrauterine device (IUD) users who consider IUD self-removal are largely unknown. This study describes the reasons for IUD self-removal as documented in internet forums by IUD users discussing self-removal. STUDY DESIGN This qualitative study used an internet search strategy to document IUD users' reasons for self-removal in the United States. We employed a content analysis of online data using inductive and deductive qualitative techniques to examine the reasons why IUD users consider self-removal. RESULTS Search results initially identified 235 websites, of which 28 had online health or parenting forums with content related to IUD self-removal. Individual websites contained between 1 and 637 posts by between 1 and 454 individual users. IUD users described a variety of reasons for IUD discontinuation including undesired symptoms or side effects as well as planning for pregnancy. IUD users discussed difficulties accessing provider-removal because of cost or lack of appointment availability.

Autoři článku: Nymandismail4450 (Ovesen Burris)