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5 Types of Fire Surrounds For Electric Stoves

Electric fires create a cozy ambience without the hassle of smoke and wood burning. They are an excellent choice for renters who are worried about the maintenance and starting of a traditional fire.

They are also easy to move, which means should you decide to redecorate or move your home, you can bring the fire surround with you. This will give you more design and material options.


Wooden fireplace surrounds bring an element of traditional to any house. Fireplace surrounds can be customized to your taste and style. Wood is also a lightweight material, which makes it simple to install. A fireplace surround made of wood can be put in place the same day that your electric stove is fitted and requires little maintenance to keep it looking beautiful.

Wooden fire surrounds are very affordable. Although stone is a stunning and sturdy material, it can be quite expensive to purchase and install, so wooden fire surrounds are an ideal choice for those with a small budget. Wood is a natural product that gives your space an inviting and warm atmosphere. This timeless material can withstand the test of time, meaning your fireplace will look as good in years to be.

Metal fireplace surrounds offer a sleek, modern look. They are available in a variety of finishes from polished to brushed and are a great choice for any style of interior. They are heat-resistant and highly customizable. You can match your surround to the rest of your interior.

Brick fireplace surrounds provide a timeless, cost-effective style. They are easy to clean and can be painted in a wide range of colours to complement any interior design. It is important to remember that bricks can be porous. You should protect your brick fireplace frequently to keep soot and dirt from building up.


As a durable and luxurious material, stone has been used to construct for long periods of time, and it's no wonder that it is one of the most popular materials for fireplace surrounds. It not only offers the flexibility of design and a timeless style however, it also has outstanding durability, with a great temperature tolerance. It is durable and can withstand the daily demands of daily use.

A natural stone fireplace can be a beautiful and eye-catching feature for your home. You can choose between a variety of stones, such as limestone, granite, and travertine. Each has a distinct look and colour, but they are all versatile. Stone can be used in traditional, period or contemporary designs and complements both cool and warm colours.

Natural stone is a pricey material. It is more expensive than other materials such as brick or wood. However it's an investment that will last for a long time and can add value to your property, as it lasts far longer than less expensive alternatives.

Concrete is another popular option due to its minimalist design and its flexibility. Concrete can be tinted in a range of colours and textures to complement any style. Concrete is durable and hard, so it can withstand a lot of wear and tear and is also fireproof.

If you're looking for a contemporary alternative to the traditional stone fire place, consider our Jura stone fireplace for a finish that is compatible with any style of decor. Or, the Tasmin Micro Marble fireplace for timeless elegance. If you're looking to add some sophistication to your home The Rydal Black Granite Fireplace is sure to impress.


Fireplace surrounds aren't just decorative, but they also protect the firebox and increase heating efficiency. The homeowners can also switch off the fire and preserve the atmosphere with a simple flip of a switch.

Brick fireplace surrounds come in a variety of sizes and colors that range from slim red bricks inspired by the mid-century to large rustic-looking bricks. Both craftsman and traditional homes benefit from them. Consider the possibility of a brick fireplace surround painted when you don't have the time to maintain your fireplace. It will be easier to clean.

Many people choose wood for their fireplaces However, it is important to remember that any combustible material used in the fireplace surround must be 16 to 18 inches away from the opening of the firebox. This will stop the spread of fire and embers that could damage your home. Brick, on the other hand is a non-combustible substance that adheres to National Fire Code standards and will not burn once the flames are turned off.

The brick's dark hue makes a room look intimate and warm and it's no wonder that this is the preferred style for a lot of homeowners. If you prefer a more light and airy look, however you can create an open and spacious living space with an elegant white brick fireplace surround such as this one from Flipping Nuts.

The addition of a mantel or decorative decor can make a fireplace surround made of brick more elegant. The white wooden mantel featured here accentuates the natural beauty of brick and brings the whole design together. Metal fireplace surrounds are another option that can complement modern or contemporary designs. They are also abrasive and heat-resistant and can be coated with a variety of coatings to suit your personal style preferences.


A fireplace surround made of metal can add modern appeal to any room. They are available in a variety of finishes that can be matched to any style. They also have a high resistance to heat and conduct heat very efficiently making them an excellent option for homes that have electric stoves.

Stone fireplace surrounds are an elegant choice that can make any home feel more luxurious. electric stove heaters Fireplaces And Stove , marble, and slate all come with a range of textures and colors that can enhance any design aesthetic. Marble is a stunning stone with elegant veining that can be utilized for a contemporary or traditional appearance. Limestone and slate are less striking choices that are suitable for country or cottage style. Stone is a popular choice for homeowners because it looks stunning, is resistant to extreme temperatures, and provides excellent water resistance.

Another option for a fire surround is concrete. It is becoming more popular due to its ability to give homeowners a sleek, modern style. Concrete can be tinted in any color or texture. It is durable, but heavy and requires a professional installation.

A freestanding electric heater is a great alternative to add heat without the visual mess of a wood burner or fireplace. These units are easy-to-install and can be moved around to accommodate various heating requirements. Many come with a hearth included in the price, while others require one to be installed separately.

If you are seeking a different option to burning logs, consider a gas stove with ceramic logs. You can incorporate them into your existing fireplace for an appearance that is more wood-burning or purchase them separately.


If you're looking for an electric fireplace that matches your contemporary design or want traditional style an acoustic surround made of concrete can provide the perfect accent. Concrete is a popular choice because of its minimalist design and versatility, and can be tinted with a variety of shades to resemble the look of stone or other materials. It is strong and perfect for modern homes. However, it can be heavy to install so employ an expert.

A concrete surround can be poured as a layer on the wall, or moulded into intricate molds to create mantel or a hearth bench. It can be covered with other materials like wood to give it texture and visual warmth. Some manufacturers offer complete mantel and surround packages which allows you to create a custom look with less effort.

Non-combustible products like tile or concrete can be used to cover the hearth and surround to create an elegant design. They are available in a wide range of patterns and colors and can be used as flooring throughout the entire room, if you want. If you're planning to install a stone or brick surround, make sure it is fire-rated and will conform to the local building codes for safety.

Electric stoves don't require a hearth. However the addition of a surround can make the appearance of the fireplace more appealing and guard it from heat damage. It can also help retain heat longer, which saves on energy bills and increases the unit's lifespan. With a myriad of options for fireplace surrounds, Peak Fireplace can help you select the perfect one to complement your home's design and style as well as the interior. Contact us today to discuss your options!

Autoři článku: Haugaardbock3813 (Gotfredsen Cramer)